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Three Of A Kind

Page 7

by Susan Hayes

  “See if you can find a Fortress chessboard for tonight.”

  “With pleasure.” Blade returned to her side, crouched down, and brushed a quick kiss across her cheek. “I’ll see you upstairs. Try not to get any more bumps or bruises today, okay?”

  She turned her head to kiss him properly. “I’ll do my best.”

  Dirk groaned. “And there you go, kissing him again. And what’s this about chess? You’re clearly spending too much time with Blade. I’m changing the duty roster tomorrow. You’re going to be spending the day with me.”

  “I want to keep spending time with all of you.” She hesitated before adding. “I never want to have to choose who to spend time with, and who to exclude.”

  Both men exhaled sharply, but Dirk spoke first. “If this goes the way we hope it will, none of us will ever be excluded.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping for, too.” Her head still wasn’t sure this was the right call, but logic wasn’t in the driver’s seat any longer. From the moment she had kissed Blade, her heart had taken control. Now, all she could do is buckle in, hang on, and hope her heart knew how to navigate the asteroid field of potential heartache she had just flown into.


  After treating Alyson’s injury yesterday, Dirk had a question he needed to ask her, but he didn’t want to do it with his brothers around. He had a better chance of talking about it with her if she didn’t feel like they were all teaming up on her.

  Officially, she had the day off, but that only meant she was working in her upstairs office instead of in the med-center. Alyson worked harder than anyone he’d ever met, and it worried him. She couldn’t keep up this pace much longer, and for some reason, she hadn’t gone with the obvious solution – injecting herself with the medi-bots.

  He knocked on her office door. “You have a minute?”

  “Come on in. I’m expecting a call from my friend, Phaedra, but she lives in her own personal time zone, so I have no idea when she’ll actually get in contact.”

  He had to duck to get through the doorway. Alyson’s home was spacious, but the doors were still designed with normal humans in mind. The office itself was a decent size, but it felt small and cozy because of the clutter of personal items and photos that filled the shelves. There was a hand-knitted shawl hanging off the back of her chair, and the desk looked like it was made of real wood and not imitation. He took a seat and nodded. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” She tipped her head to the side and asked, “What brings you by? If you’re worried about the bump on my head, it’s gone. And while I’m saddened we lost the overdose victim, I’m not in here beating myself up over what happened.”

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better, but that’s not why I’m here. I’ve been wondering why you haven’t used some of Zale’s medi-bots. He’s offered it to everyone now, and it’s obvious you don’t have them. Why not?”

  “You answered your own question. I’m being watched. Right now, all they see is a tired doctor working long hours. What do you think would happen if I suddenly looked refreshed and energetic no matter how hard I was working?”

  “They’d suspect something.”

  “The corporations have already made it clear that they don’t like me treating cyborgs, and they will bury me in lawsuits and even criminal charges if I try to research or recreate any aspect of you and your brethren’s cybernetic components. If they thought I was using it on myself, I’d already be in custody. They don’t know about the medi-bots. Whoever is targeting me wants to stop me before I find a way to reverse what they did to the female cyborgs.” She sat up a little straighter in her chair, and her hands closed into fists. “I will, too. Soon. At least, I will so long as you and your brothers can keep me safe.”

  “You know we will. If you had our accelerated healing, though, I would worry a little less. You’re vulnerable, Alyson. I wish you’d reconsider. You’re sacrificing your health, and possibly your life, to keep this secret.”

  “I have to. At least for a little while longer. The last thing the corporations want is for their medi-bot technology to spread into the non-cyborg population. They’ll do anything to prevent that. They have to suspect that Zura is carrying medi-bots now, but they can’t prove it since I refused to give them any of her medical files or the data I collected on her. I have to finish the cure and get it disseminated before anyone outside our group learns that Zura is pregnant. Once they know, they’ll come for her.”

  She reached into her top drawer and drew out an injector that he assumed was loaded with a dose of the nanotech that Zale had given all the non-cyborgs members of their group. “Until then, this stays here. When it’s safe to use it, I will.”

  Dirk didn’t like it, but he had to admit that Alyson had a point. It just didn’t sit well with him that she was paying such a high price to protect everyone else.

  “You’re an amazing woman. Too stubborn for your own good, but still amazing. I promise that Lance, Blade, and I will make sure you finish everything you want to accomplish. And the second it’s done, I want you to take the damned injection and make sure you live to see the all changes you’re going to make.”

  “You say that like you won’t be around to make sure I do it.”

  He could have lied to her, but he didn’t. She needed to know that they were willing to make sacrifices, too. “I might not. The work you’re doing is too important, and you’re the only one who can do it. I’m expendable, you’re not.”

  “No one is expendable. No. One.” She rose from her chair and rounded her desk to stand in front of him. She had her hands on her hips, and her gray eyes were as hard as flint as she stared him down.

  “I am. It’s what I was designed to be. They might have deactivated the behavioral programming, but the drive to protect is still there. It’s always been part of me.” He rose to his feet and gathered her into his arms. “It’s just that until now, I’ve never had someone in my life I was willing to die for.”

  “I don’t—”

  He stopped her words with a kiss. If it came to it, he wouldn’t regret dying for her. Not if he could spend the time he had left like this.

  She tasted sweeter than he had imagined, like sun-ripened strawberries. He’d only tasted such bounty once, and he never imagined he would taste it again. He tightened his arms around her, needing to feel her body pressed against his. She moaned into his mouth as she rose up on her toes to meet his kiss and return it with one of her own. He felt like he’d been doused in rocket fuel and tossed into the nearest star. Heat sizzled across his skin, fueled by the flames of need burning inside him.

  Unable to resist, he took it farther, sliding a hand down to her ass and pulling her in tight against the hard shaft of his cock. She gasped, opening her mouth enough for him to sweep his tongue inside. Her tongue tangled with his as she fisted his shirt in her hands, and he knew she was feeling the same wild need that drove him. They had been destined for this moment from the first time they’d met.

  “That was worth the wait,” he muttered, unaware he was speaking aloud until Alyson laughed.

  “Is that your way of saying I should have given in weeks ago?”

  “I admit to nothing.” He lifted his head to smile at her. “Though, it’s possible I’m pissed with myself for moving so slow that Blade got to kiss you before I did.”

  “Please, tell me the three of you aren’t keeping score. Or worse, you’ve got bets on how this is going to unfold.”

  “We’re not betting on anything. Now, I’ve heard rumors that the rest of the group have a pool going, but you’ll have to take it up with them.”

  “They don’t!” She closed her eyes and groaned. “Who am I kidding. Of course they do. I bet Zura’s brother Royan is the ringleader, too.”

  “If it bothers you, I’ll put a stop to it.”

  She shook her head. “It’s a little embarrassing, but I’ll live. I didn’t realize everyone was aware that we were…uh, headed this way.”

you’ve pointed out more than once, we’re not subtle men. Given how close this group is, it isn’t surprising that they figured it out. You have a lot of friends watching out for you, Aly.”

  “They’re your friends, too. You’re just as much a part of this weird, slightly insane family as I am.” She paused, then added. “They’re an amazing group, aren’t they? I’ve never known anyone who watches out for each other the way they do. Like a proper family.”

  She was right. He and his brothers had all been accepted into the group. After years of being outsiders, of never quite fitting in, the easy acceptance and friendship this group offered them was something they were still adjusting to. “Yeah, I know. We even got the threatening speech from your adoptive big brothers about what they’d do to us if we broke your heart. It was…disturbingly graphic.”

  “They threatened you? I’ll kill them. No, I can’t do that, it’s against my oath. I’ve got a better plan. I’ll tell their wives and girlfriends what they did.” Her eyes gleamed with mischief. “Tell me who it was, and I’ll take care of it.”

  “And then they’ll toss me out an airlock for ratting them out. Not a chance. Besides, they were looking out for you. I can’t blame them for that. They’re going to need some time to get used to the fact that watching out for you is my job now, not theirs.”

  “You know, I’m actually pretty good at taking care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a long time now,” Alyson retorted.

  Dirk was about to argue, but he was interrupted by a series of strident chirps and whistles that made them both wince.

  “What in starsfury is that noise?” he asked.

  “That would be Phaedra. She likes to make an entrance, even when she’s not actually here.”


  Alyson untangled herself from Dirk and scrambled to retrieve the comm unit lying on her desk. She activated the vid screen and smiled as her friend’s face appeared. Her smile faded the second she saw Phaedra’s expression. Something had her normally fearless friend rattled.

  “What the fraxxing hell have you got me into, Alyson? I found the info you wanted, and it’s hotter than a supernova.”

  Dirk cursed under his breath, then asked, “More trouble?”

  Phaedra stared past Alyson. “Who is that and why is he listening in?”

  “That’s Dirk. He’s one of my bodyguards.”

  “You have bodyguards now?” Phae tossed the weight of her fuchsia curls back from her face and locked eyes with Alyson. “Why do you need bodyguards?”

  “Someone broke into my office and left me a note warning me to watch my back or I wouldn’t live much longer. Dirk and his brothers are protecting me.”

  Phae grinned for a second. “Do the other two brothers look like him? Can I borrow them when I get there?”

  “We’re identical triplets, and no, you can’t borrow us. We’re Alyson’s.”

  She pouted. “I’m going to need someone to watch my ass when I get to the Drift. You’re in charge of finding me some hot bodyguards of my own.”

  “Why are you coming here, and what did you find? Are you okay? Why do you need bodyguards?” If she’d put Phaedra in danger, she was never going to forgive herself. Phaedra found enough trouble on her own, she didn’t need help from her friends.

  “I’m fine, for now. Someone managed to back trace my last data dive, and I had to take off in a hurry. A bunch of guys in black outfits with some big damned guns showed up at my door less than an hour after I retrieved your data. It was buried behind some serious military-grade security.”

  “Can you tell me anything about it? This might be incredibly important, Phae.”

  She snorted with laughter. “Yeah, I figured that much out when the men in black started kicking down my door. Fortunately, I was already gone by then. Those DNA samples you sent me all have one thing in common. They’re from IAF soldiers. Part of something called the Vault of the Fallen.”

  “You hacked the Interstellar Armed Forces? Phae, I didn’t ask you to do that.”

  Her friend grinned. “I know. That was all me, and it was fun. The running for my life part, that’s been a little less enjoyable. The thing is, I don’t think it’s the IAF that came after me. The ones that showed up at my place weren’t wearing uniforms.”

  “How do you know that?” Dirk asked.

  “I live a wild and interesting life, big guy. Because of that, I’m a believer in extensive security measures. Like perimeter alarms and motion activated vid monitors that sent me everything they recorded right up to when the bad men with guns broke my toys.”

  “You’re safe though, right? And you’re really coming here?” Alyson hadn’t seen Phaedra in years.

  “Whatever you’ve gotten yourself into, it’s dangerous. You’ve never once asked for my help before. You need your friends, so I’m coming to you.”

  Alyson reached out to touch the screen of her comm device, still stunned by the fact that Phaedra was on her way here. “Thanks, Phae.”

  Phaedra snorted. “Like I’d be anywhere else right now. My friend needs me, so I’m on my way. I’ll be there in a week. Cargo freighter isn’t the most comfortable way to travel, or the fastest, but if you pay them enough, it’s easy to be anonymous.” She held up a data stick. “Everything you need to know is on here. I’ll send you the encryption key first, then the data. When I get there, you’re going to tell me what the hell this is all about. Until then, I don’t want to know. It’s safer that way.”

  “You didn’t answer my question, Phae. Are you safe?”

  “Safe enough.” Phaedra glanced over at Dirk. “You better keep my friend safe and sound until I get there, big guy. If anything happens to her, I’ll make you sorry you were ever born.”

  Dirk chuckled. “That would be hard to do, considering I wasn’t born at all.” He raised his hands and pointed to the barcode on his left wrist. “Don’t worry about Aly. We’re not going to let anything happen to her. She’s important to us.”

  Phaedra’s brows rose. “Aly, huh? Sounds like they’re not just your bodyguards. Praise the stars above, are you finally getting some? And cyborgs! I’ve heard some stories about them, you lucky girl. I expect to hear every detail once I’m there. And don’t bother telling me to mind my own business, we both know that isn’t going to happen.”

  Phaedra took secrets as a challenge. She plugged herself into the cyberworld, and dug up every nugget of information she could. “Details when you get here, I promise, but I’m not—I mean, we’re not—forget it. I’ll explain later. Behave yourself until then, would you?”

  “Me? Never. They’re bringing the FLT drive online in a few minutes. Time for me to buckle up.” Phaedra blew a kiss off the tips of her fingers. “See you in four days.”

  She was gone before Alyson could do more than wave goodbye.

  “Your best friend is uh, interesting. Do you realize she never actually told you when she was getting here? She said a week, then four days.”

  “You don’t need to be diplomatic. I know Phae’s a lunatic with no filter and a genius IQ. She’s also incredibly paranoid. However she’s getting here, it’s not by freighter. No freighter could get here in three days. And that’s when she’ll be arriving. Seven days in a week, subtract four days, and that’s when she’s due to arrive. Like I said, paranoid and brilliant. I’m just grateful she usually uses her talents for good. Otherwise, she’d probably be ruling the galaxy by now.”

  “She hacked the IAF.”

  “For me, and for our cause. That means it was for the greater good. Do you know anyone else who could have gotten us that information? If it’s true, then you and all the other cyborgs were created with the help of the IAF. That’s worrisome, considering the military have always claimed they weren’t involved in any part of the Resource Wars or the creation of cyborg soldiers.”

  “I know.” Dirk scrubbed a hand over his face. “This means the list of people who want you stopped just got a lot longer. We need to take a look at the data she’s goi
ng to send over, then call the others and figure out what comes next.”

  “Are you sorry you signed on with us, yet?” She wouldn’t blame him if he did. This was turning out to be more dangerous than any of them had expected. A smart man would walk away now, while he still could.

  “Why would I be sorry? This is important. Fraxx, it might be the most important thing I do in my whole life.” He moved in and drew her into his arms again. “Protecting you and getting a chance to be in your life, that’s worth any risk.”

  “You know you don’t have to risk it all to be in my life, don’t you?” She worried about what might happen. Not only to her, but to all of them. Especially to the three men determined to protect her at any cost. They might be ready to sacrifice themselves for her, but she wasn’t ready to let them do it. They were too important to her.

  * * * *

  Lance wanted to pace, but there were too many people crowded into Alyson’s living room for him to do that. They were all there, listening intently as Alyson explained to their gathered friends what was in the data file she had been sent. By the time she was finished speaking, it was clear to all of them that they had stepped into the path of a comet none of them had seen coming. Every single cyborg DNA sample Alyson had collected could be traced to the IAF’s Vault of the Fallen, whatever that was. It sounded ominous and more than a little creepy. All Phaedra had managed to find out before she went on the run was that it was a repository of some kind, a genetic vault containing the DNA of the best and brightest soldiers to ever grace their ranks. Those men and women were the ancestors of the cyborgs.

  “You’re telling me that when Kit and Luke injected me with their medi-bots, the transfer worked because somewhere in my family tree is a soldier whose DNA is part of this Fallen project?” Zura asked, her silver eyes wide with shock.

  “It appears so. Do you know who that might be?” Alyson asked.

  “The only person I can think of is my great-grandfather, Tanner Watson. He was an IAF pilot. He was a bit of a legend, at least to hear Dad talk about him. I never knew whether to believe him or not.”


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