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Annihilation: Book 05 - Searcher

Page 29

by Saxon Andrew

  The bridge crew stood and applauded their former captain. Word spread through the ship and soon all of the crew was yelling his name. Matt looked at Melanie and saw that they had made a good decision. Leo was overwhelmed. This was sudden but then he had a thought, “Your Grace, do I have the authority to determine the commanders that serve under me?”

  “Admiral, I expect you to assume total responsibility of the Megaships and make them the outstanding force they once were.”

  Leo smiled and turned to Sen-Gen, “Sen-Gen, you are hereby promoted to the rank of commodore and will make the Rossville your command ship. You may appoint the captain of your choice but I expect you to be responsible for half of the ships in my fleet.” Leo then turned to Matt and said, “It was her idea to get the ship out of this system quickly and she is the one that selected the officers for this vessel. If it is not presumptuous for me to say, she would make a fine commanding officer in the Realm’s Navy.”

  Matt looked at Leo and said, “You have confirmed my choice of you, Admiral. Giving others credit does not diminish your achievement; in fact it makes you stronger. I see that you are not self serving but truly possess the command traits needed by the Realm. I now charge you and your new commodore to go find others like yourselves and build a fleet truly worthy of that name you carry.”

  Leo smiled and bowed to Matt, “It will be my pleasure, Your Grace.”

  Matt pushed his com and said, “Al, please send the recording of this action to Sprig and send a copy of the promotions to Anglo Gardner.”

  “Done and done.”

  Matt turned to Leo and said, “Let’s go win us a war.”

  Leo nodded but his head was already filling up with all the things to be done.

  The Ship’s Male listened to the second transport’s report and ordered, “Recall all ships immediately.” The Sensor Male looked at him and the Ship’s Male said with bared fangs, “I said immediately.”

  The Sensor Male jerked around and began issuing the orders. He knew he had just come close to being killed. He kept at his duties and did not look at the Ship’s Male until the jump to the system was completed and the Ship’s Male addressed him.

  “I want an organized sweep of this system. Do you know what I mean by organized?”

  “Yes First Fang, I will begin immediately.”

  The Ship’s Male stared at the Sensor Male and knew he would not kill him. He was disappointed that he had lost control but glad that now his orders were being carried out with the proper sense of urgency. The ships leaving the mother ship were evenly spaced and fanned out from the line of travel that the transport must have taken into the system. He moved to the communication frame and contacted the Supreme Male. The Supreme Male downloaded what had happened and felt his anger grow. The probe that was in the Ship’s Male’s abdomen suddenly penetrated to its full length and the Ship’s Male shriveled and died.

  The Sensor Male saw the Ship’s Male’s death and then saw the Supreme Male on his console. “You are now the Ship’s Male. I will not tolerate such incompetence. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Supreme Male, I understand.”

  “The Family will arrive shortly. Do not move your main ship inside the jump limit of any system until we arrive. You may send your ships to feed but stay away from those systems that you have been investigating until my arrival.”

  “Yes, Supreme Male.” His communication screen went dark. The new Ship’s Male looked at the dark screen as the second Sensor Male entered the command chamber. “Recall all ships immediately.”

  A transport moving in system detected a small object fly past his ship at amazing speed. He began to report it when the command to return was given. “What if we detect something,” he asked.

  “Return to the ship now!” The transport’s commander raised two legs and turned around and headed back to the main ship.

  “What are they doing, Al?”

  “It looks like they are packing up and leaving.”

  Matt sat and watched for three hours as the mother ship retrieve all of its ships. The Mother ship then jumped away. “Where did they go?”

  “They have jumped to a system with a civilization and are launching their ships from the jump limit, Matt.”

  Matt thought, “Melanie, it looks like they are not going to try and find any more hidden planets. I suspect that their home fleet has issued orders to stay safe until they arrive. I want you to go and help Admiral Kosiev get his fleet organized. Your ability to see things clearly can help him immensely and it will also cut through any resistance he might get from Fleet Command. After seeing his megaship in action I believe we will need them ready quickly.”

  “I do not like leaving you because this is the center of action but you’re right. I’ll see you as soon as possible.”

  “Be safe.”

  “You, too.”

  Matt reflected for a moment and then thought, “Cassandra, are you busy?”

  “Not for you.”

  “Do you mind if I come and see you; I have an interesting recording of our attack on one of their transports?”

  “By all means come immediately; I’d like to see it.”

  “Al, do you know where she is?”

  “We’re leaving now.”

  The First Reg looked at the Third, “It seems they learn quickly.”

  “Does this remove responsibility for our gift?”

  The First pondered the question for a week and said, “No, not yet. They have learned how to kill them on their own but not the big ships. They must survive the main fleet without our help.”

  “They have the means to kill their biggest ship now.”

  “I know, but could you live with the doubt about the main fleet?”

  The Third pondered the question for four weeks and still did not have an answer.

  The Supreme Male contacted the Nest Mother and waited for her to download all that had happened. He waited until she said, “Why have you not notified me about these losses?”

  “I did not have an answer as to how they were happening, Mother.”

  The Nest Mother was furious. Here was evidence of a very high life form and this incompetent male was dragging his legs. “You will absorb your family and report to me as soon as you have finished.”

  The Supreme Male was shocked but then the implanted compulsions took over and his pleasure center took control and he rejoiced at being invited to feed her. “I will come shortly.” He issued the order for every main ship’s commander to absorb their children and to report to him as soon as the task was complete. Every ship in the family had the Ship’s Male feed on every member until they were all dried up husks. They then reported to the Supreme Male who then consumed them all. The millions of ships that had once been heavily populated were left lifeless floating above the green mass. The Nest Mother then communicated to another family and ordered them to the universe that possessed a highly evolved life form. She gave them forty kdgs time to prepare. As she threw away the dead carcass of the Supreme Male she thought about how good that life form would taste.

  Chapter 18

  Matt sat on board the Kosiev and watched the recording of the destruction of the eight Leg transport with Tommy and Cassandra. At the end Tommy leaned back in his chair and said, “That Captain sure did a great job of anticipating what could possibly happen.”

  “I agree. We promoted him to take command of our Megaships. Melanie is with him now helping him get organized.”

  “She’s a fine woman, Matt.”

  “I know, Mother.”

  “Matt, call me Cassandra. No one else deserves the title as much as the woman that gave you birth.”

  Matt cocked his head and said, “I guess great, great, great, great, great, great Grandmother would take too long.”

  Cassandra laughed out loud, “Oh yes.”

  “Cassandra, the reason I’ve come is that I just saw what a Megaship can do which leads me to believe that I have no real idea of the capabilities of your ship
. The Kosiev is the king of all megaships and I wanted to see if you had any thoughts about how to use it.”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. I think we’re wasting time building weapons for the Kosiev.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Cassandra looked at Tommy and then said, “Matt, now that I’ve watched this recording of that transport’s destruction, my ship now knows what it needs to kill them.”

  “I’m still not clear on what you are saying.”

  “We just need to provide the materials and the ship will make the necessary weapons inside its skin. I can see that we would need Glod Iron Trees, material from the Captor’s home structure, and stone trees from Cainth. We just put those materials inside the skin and the ship will make them into what is needed to kill their ships.”

  Matt just stared at Cassandra.

  Tommy said, “She’s not kidding. This ship is a weapon for war. It enjoys its function.”

  “But how would you launch the weapons? You need some kind of platform to fire at their ships.”

  “Matt, I watched this ship eject negative energy matter at close to light speed at Captor ships.” Tommy sat forward and continued, “We don’t understand how this ship ejects things from its hull but it does it with great accuracy. I sincerely believe that the ship could fire a shard into one of their ships and then shoot a Captor energy ball device and the iron ball package through the same hole. I’ve seen that your ship is intelligent but this ship is an idiot savant when it comes to weapons of war.”

  Matt thought for a moment and then looked at them, “We only have another month before the main fleet comes. Tag agrees with my estimate and the Gresh estimate forty four days. I suspect they are probably more accurate because there are more of them. We will be ready to take them on six months after their invasion starts. At that time we are going to have to stand at their door of entry and go toe to toe with them. Can the Kosiev be ready in time?”

  Cassandra closed her eyes and remained still for five minutes. “Barely, Matt, we are going to need to absorb enough raw materials to be effective against the numbers that are coming.”

  “Tell me what that would look like, Cassandra.”

  “Well, we are probably going to strip the southern continent of Cainth of all its stone trees and the same for the western continent on Glod. We will also take a third of the Captor’s structure.”

  Matt’s eyes widened, “Can this ship hold all that?”

  Tommy smiled, “And a lot more if needed.”

  Cassandra looked at Matt and smiled, “We will close the door. Your ships need to eliminate those that have already entered. When are you going to go after that mother ship?”

  “In a week; we’re going to hit them while their ships are going after a planet. Then we are going to attack their ships to learn how to kill them. We might lose some ships but we have to learn how to take them out in massive fleet actions.”

  “Will you provide us a feed to observe; my ship could learn a few things.”

  “I hope you won’t mind if we come to observe also.”

  Tommy smiled and stood up, “Hello, Grandfather. Where have you been hiding?”

  “You know how it is with young Algeans.”

  “And hello to you as well, Diana.”

  “Hi everyone; we’ve been observing from a distance and helping Sprig whenever he needs it. We want to watch the attack if it meets your approval Prince Gardner.”

  “You don’t need my permission. I would welcome your observations.”

  “Well good. Tommy, we’re going to hang around a while. May we come aboard?”

  “Please do; I’ve missed you greatly.”

  “We’ll move to your landing bay.”

  “That would be good, Grandfather.”

  Cassandra went to Matt and gave him a huge hug. I love you, Matt. You’ve made me very proud.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot. I’ll let you know the details of the attack when they’re completed. Al, bring me home.”

  Matt appeared on the bridge of Aladdin and Al asked, “Ok, so what next?”

  “I want to see Sprig about some chemicals.”

  “I wondered if you forgot about that.”

  “You know better.”

  “On our way.”

  The Supreme Male was nervous. He had just downloaded the information from the Nest Mother and was given his instructions to go to a universe to find an advanced life form for consumption. However, it appeared this life form had killed a transport and two attack craft and left no evidence on how to find it. He had lived millions of years and had never lost a ship but this harvest had him worried. His Sensor Male sensed his mood and was also concerned about the harvest. “I understand one of the former family’s main ships is still in the universe.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Contact them and put them on my panel.”

  The new Ship’s Male was watching his display as his ships moved in on a planet. A Supreme Male he had never seen appeared. “I understand that you are in the universe where we have lost some ships.”

  “Yes, Supreme Male.”

  “Your family has been consumed and fed to the Nest Mother. I am now coming with my family to harvest that universe. Give me your information.”

  The Ship’s Male knew that he was dead. If not now then as soon as the new family arrived; he moved toward the bed but then said, “Supreme Male, I have an incident occurring at the planet we are now harvesting. May I look into it and contact you immediately after.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “There are explosions around several of my transports.”

  “Contact me as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, Supreme Male, I will.” The communication panel went dark and the Sensor Male asked, “What are you doing?”

  “Our family is dead Sensor Male. The Nest Mother has consumed it. We are all that remains and we will also be eliminated. I’m trying to decide if I will yield to this certain death.”

  “What choice do you have?”

  “There are many options, Sensor Male; are you ready to die?”

  The Sensor Male thought about the question and replied, “If I had a choice, I would prefer to continue my existence. I just don’t see how we can avoid our fate.”

  “We may not be able to avoid it but we can delay it as long as possible.”


  “I’m thinking about that but while I’m thinking I want you to turn off the communications bank.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise, First Fang?”

  “I’m sure it isn’t the smartest thing we could do but we’re dead either way. I would like some more time to enjoy my existence.” The Sensor Male reached over and turned the power off the communications bank. Now, I want you to go back to the engine room and disable the tracking console.”

  “What is that?”

  “It’s a tracking device that is installed on all of our main ships so they can be seen in other universes. I also want to remain hidden as long as possible.” The Sensor Male left the command chamber and went to carry out his instructions. When he returned the Ship’s Male said, “Recall all ships immediately and return to the system where we lost our transport.”

  The Sensor Male turned his head upside down indicating his confusion but issued the orders. “What are you going to do?”

  “Try to have a conversation.”

  “Matt, the mother ship has recalled its ships and is turning away from the planet they were moving in on.”

  “What do you think they’re doing, Al?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Matt thought a moment and then commed Melanie, “I need you to come here now.” Ten seconds later Fly Girl appeared just off his port side.

  “What’s bothering you,” Melanie asked?

  “The invaders have recalled their ships from a planet they were going to harvest and are moving out of the system. Do you have any idea why they would do that?”

  “No, I don�

  “Well, come aboard and let’s see where they go.”

  Five hours later the mother ship jumped to the Hugon system and stopped two hours inside the jump limit. The mother ship opened all its external doors and left them open. “What are they doing,” Melanie asked?

  Matt thought a few minutes and then said, “Let’s teleport into that system.”


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