Book Read Free

Out of Practice

Page 5

by Carsen Taite

  “Try none of the above.”

  “Then spill?”

  Roxanne took a deep breath and blurted out, “I met an incredibly hot woman and we spent the last ten hours having sex.”

  “Holy Hannah! I knew this trip wasn’t all about work. I’m so proud of you I can’t even stand it. What’s her name? Where does she live when she’s not slipping around paradise seducing the likes of you? What does she do for living?”

  “Whoa,” Roxanne said. “Slow down. Her name is Abby.” She paused for a moment and bit into a piece of mango while she stalled to fill in the information Val wanted. “She’s fantastic in bed.”

  “Duh. I think ten hours kind of proves that. But I want to know more.”

  “There isn’t anything more. I mean, we didn’t do a lot of talking.”

  “Right. That’s good. So are you going to see her again? Well, of course you are since you’re both staying at the same small place. I’m thinking a candlelit dinner on the beach. Oh wait, there’s sand. Never mind. How about one of those tandem kayaks? I mean, I’m not picky, but since I’m living vicariously through you, I figured I should have some input.”

  Roxanne stared at the piece of mango in her hand, no longer hungry as Val’s rush to coupledom caused a pit in the center of her stomach. “I don’t know. We’ll see how it goes.”

  “That’s nice and vague.”

  “Look, Val, just because we had sex doesn’t mean we’re going to spend every waking minute together.”


  Val drew out the word, and Roxanne recognized the doubt in her tone. “She doesn’t seem like she’d be into anything more than what just happened.”

  “For two people who didn’t talk much, you sure seemed to nail that down fast.”

  Roxanne told her about Abby’s visceral, negative reaction to the bridal magazines.

  “Not definitive. Besides, you’re not looking to marry her, right?”

  “No, but one-night stands aren’t really my thing either.” She sighed. It was pretty clear she didn’t know what she wanted, which was another unfamiliar place for her to be. “All I know is I’m not interested in pursuing someone who might not be interested. Last night was great, and I’m content to let it stay that way. Pushing things will only end badly.”

  “Then don’t push. Have some fun and see where it goes. People never know how they really feel about something until it smacks them in the face.”

  There was some truth to what Val said, but she wasn’t certain who was getting smacked in this scenario, her or Abby. To stave off further discussion, she promised she wouldn’t write Abby off yet. They exchanged a few more words and she signed off, promising not to call again unless the resort was under attack by zombies and she needed to be airlifted out. She put the rest of the mango in the fridge and took a quick shower. After toweling off and slipping into shorts and a tank top, she considered her options. She could indulge in the breakfast buffet or hide out and order room service and eat solo on the deck. The latter sounded like perfection, but since she was here to work, she needed to experience every aspect of the resort. Decision made. She’d go to breakfast, and then head back here to write up her notes so far. The deadline for the copy was due the day after she returned so she’d need to draft parts of the article each day to stay on top of it, and she only had two more days here to pack everything in before she headed to the next resort on her list. When she’d agreed to the whirlwind schedule it had seemed like a great idea to only spend a few days at each resort. Of course, she hadn’t counted on meeting Abby.

  The pull to spend more time with Abby was strong, and she wondered what Abby was doing right now. Still sleeping? Enjoying a room service breakfast? What would a tall, leggy, woman like Abby eat for breakfast? Yogurt? Fruit? Coffee no cream? Or would she want to carb load in preparation for a day full of activity?

  Roxanne glanced over the activity schedule for the day. Options included kayaking, a hike through a nature preserve, and snorkeling. She’d need to get a move on if she was going to pack all of these in before she was scheduled to leave day after tomorrow. It would definitely be more fun to do these things with Abby. There was no law that said she couldn’t mix business and pleasure…

  Before she could change her mind, she grabbed her room key and headed out the door, retracing her steps back to Abby’s door. She knocked, and then shifted from one foot to the other, waiting for Abby to answer. After counting to five Mississippi, she raised her hand to knock again, but stopped midair. Give it a rest, Daly. You had a great night. Don’t push it. Resigned to the fact her inner voice was right, she turned to walk away when the door swung open.

  “There you are.”

  Abby stood in the doorway wearing a fluffy terry cloth robe with the resort crest, and based on how much skin was showing, probably nothing else. Roxanne focused her attention back to Abby’s face, pleased she hadn’t greeted her with “what are you doing here?” Roxanne smiled tentatively and accepted Abby’s invitation to come in. “I couldn’t bear to wake you earlier. You’re kind of cute when you’re sleeping.”

  “And here I thought you were having second thoughts.”

  “Oh, I might have had second thoughts, but only about having seconds.” Roxanne shook her head. “Did that sound as corny out loud as it did in my head?”

  “Yes, but it was sweet.” They stood for a moment, staring at first and then each of them looking away. Roxanne decided to take the lead and deflect the potential for discomfort. “So, here’s the deal. Last night was amazing, but I get the impression you’re not looking for anything more and neither am I.”

  Abby nodded slowly, her eyebrows slightly raised like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Fair assessment.”

  “But we’re here in this gorgeous place and there are a ton of cool things to do. Things that I personally think are more fun with someone else than by myself.” She thrust a piece of paper at Abby. “I made a list. Want to see how many things we can check off?” She waited a moment before adding, “Unless you’d rather just sit on the beach or lie by the pool. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

  She watched while Abby skimmed the list. When Abby finally looked up there was a question in her eyes.


  “I don’t see horseback riding on here. Juanita said they have some openings today. Is it too late to offer amendments?”

  “Not at all.” Roxanne snatched the paper back and made a mock note to the list. “Okay?”


  “Oh, and one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We’re here for fun, so let’s keep it light. No talk of work or anything outside of this place.”

  “What happens here stays here, and if it didn’t happen here, it didn’t happen?”


  “I can agree to that.”

  Roxanne figured she would, but now that she’d secured the agreement, she wasn’t sure it was what she wanted. Too late now. She’d look pretty silly if she acted like whatever this was was anything other than a paradise tryst. She pressed on. “I think we should have a huge breakfast to fuel for the day ahead because I have lots of stamina. You’re going to need all the energy you can get to keep up with me.”

  “Like I hadn’t noticed.”

  “You’re hilarious.”

  “And hungry.” Abby pointed to the door. “Lead the way. I’m prepared to eat my way through a breakfast buffet to shore up for all the activities you have planned for the rest of the week.”

  Roxanne started to say she was leaving day after tomorrow, but, taking a page from her sister’s advice, she changed her mind. Live in the moment. Mentioning they only had a short time would put all the focus on what they’d miss out on instead of what they might enjoy. Besides, something in her wanted to see if Abby even stayed interested after a full day of all Roxanne, all the time. For her part, she was excited about sharing this adventure with Abby and couldn’t wai
t to see how it turned out.

  Chapter Four

  Abby dipped her fingers in the jar of lotion and warmed it in her hands before smoothing it over Roxanne’s very tan and very naked back. They were taking a break from the constant stream of activity to have a picnic on the beach. Juanita, with a knowing smile, had arranged for a canopy, luxurious loungers, and a feast of local foods complemented with a bottle of a delicious red wine. “How are you so tan after only two days in the sun?” She pointed at her own face which was two shades short of lobster. “Let me guess, this never happens to you.”

  Roxanne laughed. “True, but I come by it honestly. I may be blond, but my mother’s Mediterranean and natural tint is in my genes. Trust me, by the end of the week, you’ll be as tan as I am.”

  “If you say so.” She reached into her bag, grabbed the SPF50, and handed it to Roxanne. “In the meantime, do you mind?”

  Roxanne frowned, and Abby immediately sensed something was wrong. “Did I say something wrong? Do you have some personal belief system that doesn’t allow you to reciprocate in the lotion department?” She smiled, hoping the levity would wipe the pained look from Roxanne’s face. They’d had a blast the last couple of days. They’d sampled tequila, paddled kayaks, ridden horses. Left to her own devices, she would’ve spent the entire week sitting by her personal pool with a book in one hand and an umbrella drink in the other, but instead she was having a grand adventure. Campbell and Grace would be so proud.

  And the sex had been exciting, without any of the awkwardness repeated encounters usually held for her. Different from her usual fare. She’d felt a connection to Roxanne that made it seem easy and natural to wake up in each other’s rooms and share meals. She attributed the newfound feeling to vacation sex since she’d never felt like this in real life. Which made sense since this wasn’t real life. Her fantasy getaway with Roxanne would only last until the end of this week, and then they would go back to their separate lives—she to her law practice and Roxanne to whatever she did. Abby let her mind wander for a second while she imagined what Roxanne’s life was like outside of the vacation bubble. Did she have family in Austin? Did she live in a house or apartment? What part of town? What was her favorite restaurant, bar, coffee joint? They’d found so many similarities within the confines of Azure, Abby wondered why they’d never run into each other in Austin. Of course, she’d only moved there from Dallas a few months ago. Her thoughts drifted to the possibility of seeing Roxanne back home, and she was surprised that the idea of not seeing her again left her feeling sad. Should she break their rule about not discussing the outside world to tell Roxanne she’d like to see her when they got back to Austin? “I was thinking,” she said. “Maybe we could—”

  “I leave tomorrow,” Roxanne said, her words falling like thick bricks blocking out the feeling behind Abby’s lost declaration. “I’ve been meaning to tell you, but we’ve been having such fun, I didn’t want to ruin it by thinking about it coming to an end.”

  “Wait, what?” Abby said, trying to wrap her head around the revelation. “You’re not staying for the whole week?”

  Roxanne shook her head. “Just the long weekend. I’m on the first shuttle out in the morning.” She reached out a hand and pulled Abby in close. “But we have the rest of today and tonight, right?”

  Abby tried not to tense up, but she couldn’t help it. She’d been about to propose breaking the rules and taking whatever this was to the next level, sharing more personal information, time together outside of paradise. Her desire to be closer seemed awkward now that Roxanne was the one who was pulling away. And here she’d been worried Roxanne was one of those women who was obsessed with finding a mate.

  Don’t be such a dumbass. She could almost hear Campbell and Grace saying the words. Just because she’s going home early doesn’t mean you can’t see each other when you get back to Austin. True. Why should she let temporary disappointment cloud the opportunity to get to know Roxanne better on their home turf? Pushing aside her reluctance to get personal, Abby decided she was ready to take the plunge. “Yes, we have until tomorrow, and I would like to make the most of that.” She cleared her throat and started to say more, but Roxanne beat her to it.

  “Perfect.” Roxanne lifted her hand and brought it to her lips. “We’ll always have this wonderful memory. It’ll be the perfect souvenir when we go our separate ways.”

  Separate ways. This was the time for Abby to interject that she’d prefer that their ways cross again, soon if possible, but the moment had passed and she couldn’t muster the words to ask for what she wanted, so she told herself she mustn’t have wanted it very badly. This was better. They’d spend Roxanne’s last day having fun, and she’d have stories to take home along with memories of her bonus vacation fun. It was all good.

  But if this was supposed to make her feel good, then why did the prospect of spending the rest of her vacation alone make her feel so sad?

  * * *

  Azure’s allure is its ability to anticipate your every need. The staff far outnumbers the guests, but they’ve perfected the art of being attentive without being obtrusive. I ate all the mangoes in my well-stocked bungalow fridge on the first day, and not only did more mangoes appear within twenty-four hours, but fun little mango treats started showing up throughout the rest of my stay illustrating just one of the many ways Azure tailors their luxury experience for each guest. Honeymooners will appreciate the balance of ample intimate space, including private decks and pools, with a host of activities, like horseback riding and parasailing, for when you’re ready to come up for air. Have a special excursion in mind to surprise your new spouse? A few whispered words to Juanita, the concierge, and dreams become realities in this Fantasy Island paradise.

  Roxanne typed the last few words and added in some notes about particular shots the photographer should capture before shutting down her laptop. She should be pleased to have accomplished as much as she had in just a few days at Azure, and from the perspective of a couple no less. She was pretty sure Best Day Ever would be happy with the result, but the whole experience was falling flat now that she faced the reality that she wasn’t really on vacation and she wasn’t free to just enjoy the ride with Abby. Tomorrow morning she’d be headed back to PV for another whirlwind resort experience sans the pretty girl with the great laugh. Not to mention the fantastic sex.

  Speaking of which, it was time to meet Abby for dinner, which she hoped would be a quick bite before retiring to Abby’s bungalow. Early this morning, she would’ve taken it for granted, but Abby’s cooled enthusiasm at her announcement she was leaving tomorrow hadn’t escaped her attention, and now she hoped she could rekindle their spark even if it was only for this final evening.

  She glanced once more at her itinerary for the next day before changing into a red jumpsuit with a plunging neckline she hoped would focus Abby’s attention solely on her. When she arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later for her date with Abby, Nick, the host greeted her enthusiastically.

  “How are you doing, Señorita Roxanne?” He waved an arm the length of her body. “The sun agrees with you.”

  “Thanks, Nick. I’m having a fantastic time.” She peered around his shoulder, looking for signs of Abby.

  “She’s not here.”

  “What?” She hoped she’d misunderstood his answer to her silent question.

  “Señorita Abby is not in the dining room this evening. That is who you are looking for, yes?”

  She didn’t want to admit it, but clearly, her emotions were on full display. “I was, but perhaps you can show me to a table for one.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  Roxanne turned at the sound of the familiar voice to find Juanita standing behind her, wearing a sly smile. “Hi, Juanita, what’s up?”

  “Please follow me.”

  Juanita didn’t wait for her to reply before turning in the opposite direction and walking briskly away. Roxanne shrugged at Nick and rushed to follow. She had no id
ea where they were going, but a tingling sense of anticipation circled around her nerves, tickling a response. They stepped carefully along the trail to the beach and Roxanne gasped when she spotted row after row of lit candles in a semicircle around a canopy. Abby rose from her chair and Roxanne spotted her timid smile in the candlelight.

  “I’ll let you find the rest of the way on your own,” Juanita said before disappearing back along the trail.

  Roxanne stood in place for a moment, stunned by the romantic gesture. Was this the same woman who’d been spooked by a stack of bridal magazines? Things sure had changed in a couple of days’ time. For her, it wasn’t a big stretch. She’d always imagined that one day she’d find the one and it might come in the least expected moment, kind of like pitching headfirst into a dream girl’s lap on an airplane, but was Abby really her final destination?

  She shook her head. Clearly, she’d become too emerged in the world of fairy-tale wedding bliss to tell the difference between reality and fiction. This moment on the beach with Abby was super romantic, but also incredibly unreal. Tomorrow she would board the shuttle and ride off in the morning light to the next destination on her list, and then the one after that—each one an oasis, insulated from the real world.

  Abby stepped toward her. “You don’t look happy to see me.” She motioned toward the spread. “I figured since it was your last night, you should have an excellent experience to cap it off. Too much?”

  Roxanne studied her face for a moment, looking for some magic clue to tell her what she should read into Abby’s gesture, but all she saw was earnest anticipation and infectious excitement, which made her hesitation seem silly. “It’s perfect. I’m a little blown away that you would do all this for me.”

  Abby took her hand and led her to the table. “Well, to be perfectly honest, it’s long been a dream of mine to own a private island that I could whisk away to on a moment’s notice and indulge a life of luxury on the beach.”


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