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ROCK F*CK CLUB (Girls Ranking the Rock Stars Book 5)

Page 10

by Michelle Mankin

“You can let go of me, darlin’.” The lead singer had laid my best friend down. Reaching up, he seemed to be having difficulty convincing her to unlatch her hands from his neck.

  “Let him go, doll,” I said.

  “All right, Jo,” she grumbled. As her arms slid away, her eyes drifted closed. “But I totally understand why you’re so tempted by him.”

  “I’m not tempted,” I said, denying Gale once more.

  It seemed to be my thing with him, but Dolly didn’t hear me. She had passed out. Her mouth slightly parted, a soft snore emanated from her lips. I glared at her, avoiding looking directly at the man standing beside her, or the other one at the foot of her bed.

  Though my best friend resembled a golden-haired princess in an enchanted slumber on the pristine white linens, she was the villainess dropping that bomb and then leaving me alone in an untenable situation. Both men had heard my implausible denial, and when I lifted my head to look at each of them in turn, neither looked like they believed it.

  “Don’t read anything into it,” I said, focusing on Gale first. One guy, one problem at a time, seemed to be the wisest thing to do. “I might have told her that you’re cute when you’re not being too bossy. That’s all she meant.”

  “I want to talk to you alone.” His tone demanding, Gale hit me with a steely look. It was sexy, and he was sweet, but I curled my fingers into my palms and held my ground.

  “Huh-uh.” I shook my head. “You need to go. I appreciate you helping me with Dolly. But we already said all that we needed to say to each other at the truck stop.”

  “What happened at the truck stop?” Tyler asked, his heavy brows drawing together over eyes full of suspicion.

  “Nothing happened,” I said.

  Gale frowned at me. “It wasn’t nothing.”

  I think my repeated denials were starting to irritate him. Well, he’d denied me earlier during the show, so if we were keeping score, now we were even.

  Tyler glared at Gale. “If she says it was nothing, it was nothing.”

  “Enough.” I made a slicing motion with both my hands. “I’m going to call animal control if you two keep acting like dogs and treating me like I’m a bone.”

  “YOU WANNA TELL ME what the fuck is going on?” Tyler grabbed my arm after I walked Gale out. “And don’t say nothing.”

  His grip tightening, he turned me around to face him. His expression was as dark as the black background of the Guns N’ Roses shirt he wore. He seemed as put out with me as Gale had been.

  “If you don’t let go of me,” I gritted out through clenched teeth, “then I’m going to give you a shiner that’s going to rival the one Ivan gave you in Houston.”

  “Is that how it’s gonna be, Jo?” Grinning, Tyler released me, but only to run his knuckles down my cheek. “I’m okay if we play first before you level with me.”

  “No playing. Keep your voice down.” I glanced at the bedroom. “You and me, we’re done, remember?”

  “It seem done to you, babe?” His faded jeans tight over his powerful thighs, he walked me backward into the wall. “Me here. You here. That asshat Gale gone after you set him straight.” He pressed his rock-hard body into me.

  “There is no us. And I don’t remember anyone setting anybody straight.” That was an accomplishment I didn’t really believe I’d managed with either Gale or Tyler yet.

  “If you say so, babe.”

  “Not your babe, Ty.”

  “You are when you’re being cute, sexy, and fuckable.”

  “I’m doing the Rock Fuck Club now.” I licked my dry lips. “You telling me you’re suddenly okay with that?”

  “No suddenly about it. Did a lot of thinking. Rode my bike nine and a half hours straight after our phone conversation, way above posted limits, so I could get here and ride you. Don’t see how fucking you on film is gonna be much different than what we’ve already been doing. Will I be your first?” His eyes narrowed to slits. “Or did Gale already claim that position?”

  “I haven’t started fucking anyone for the RFC yet.”

  “I’m game to take the number one spot.” The tension around his eyes eased. “If you think you can take me.” His gaze drifted lazily over my features.

  I lifted my chin. “I can take you.”

  “Excellent.” He smiled slowly. “But just so you know up front, I plan to be the last and only guy for you when this RFC bullshit is over.”


  He silenced me with a hard kiss. “Letting you know my plans,” he said when he lifted his head. “What they are when my cock is inside you, and what they’ll continue to be, even when it isn’t.”

  This was one of the many differences between Gale and Tyler. For a nice guy like Gale, the RFC represented an end before a beginning to our relationship, but for Tyler, it was just something to work around. I’d underestimated the Enthusiasts’ drummer.

  “You’ve gone quiet on me.” Tyler bowed his head and his mop of brown hair slid forward. “You gonna call your film crew, or should we just do our own little private video to pass on to them?”

  “I’m supposed to call them.” My voice was breathy. I wasn’t opposed to a fuck with Tyler. To be honest, it was exactly how I’d wanted to start my season of the show.

  “We could fuck now just for fun, then later too for the cameras. It’s totally up to you. I’m all for this girl-power shit.”

  I smiled.

  “Brilliant.” Tyler traced my lips with the pad of his thumb. “So into you, babe. The vibes you send out when you’re agreeable like this?” His gold gaze melded to mine. “Fucking irresistible.”

  “Charmer.” I kissed his thumb and took a step back, withdrawing my cell from the pocket of my jeans.

  “For a limited-time engagement only.” His hair slid back, revealing more of the angular features of his handsome face as he lifted his chin.

  “Yeah. I hear you.” I hit the number Ignacio had programmed into my phone. It rang once.

  “Hello?” The Rock Fuck Club director sounded sleepy.

  “This is Josephine. Did I wake you?”

  “Just dozing in my chair watching the Discovery Channel.”

  Snooze-worthy viewing, for sure.

  “I’m ready to get started. I mean, I have my first fuck with me.”

  “Give me five to ten to round up the crew. We’ll be right over.”

  Tyler pressed closer as I spoke on the phone. He didn’t seem to want any distance between our bodies.

  Thinking of logistics made me think about my drive earlier in the day and gave me an idea. “Do you guys have a car?” I asked Ignacio.

  “No, but the hotel has a car service. Would that work for what you have in mind?”

  “Yes, but the car’s for you guys. I’ll ride with Tyler on his motorcycle.”

  “I’ll call the service, and we’ll meet you in the parking garage.”

  “Okay,” I said and ended the call.

  “I like this idea.” Tyler’s eyes glittered like polished gold.

  “You don’t even know what it is yet.”

  “It involves my bike and me fucking you, doesn’t it?”


  “Then, fuck yeah, I’m for it. Let’s go.”

  He took my hand and tugged me toward the door, but I hesitated. For one thing, I was remembering how angry Gale had seemed when he’d left through this same door. And thinking about Gale and why he’d come to my room in the first place reminded me of my best friend.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t leave Dolly.”

  Translation to myself: Maybe I wasn’t so sure about doing this with Tyler. We didn’t seem to be on the same page about what we were and what we weren’t.

  “Has she gotten this drunk before?” he asked.

  Biting my lip, I nodded. “Loads of times.”

  “She usually sleep it off?”

  “Yes, and she usually wakes up in the morning with a terrible headache.”

  “So you’ll be here in the morn
ing with some Tylenol, right?”

  When I nodded, he tugged again, and my feet became unstuck.

  Out in the hallway, we ran into the twins and two of Tyler’s bandmates, Jagger Anderson, the inky-haired bassist for the Enthusiasts, and his best friend, the blond, hazel-eyed hottie, Nicholas “Arrow” Winslow, the rhythm guitarist.

  My brows rose. “I thought you two had a date with the bar manager.”

  “We did him already,” Lark said, and Linnet giggled.

  “Dolly’s asleep in the bedroom on the left,” I told Lark as she inserted her key.

  “We’ll be quiet, but we’re not planning on doing any sleeping,” Jagger said with his hands on Linnet’s hips. His usually cool green eyes were now a steamier tropical hue.

  “We’ll check on Dolly.” Lark tilted her head and Nicholas took advantage, trailing his lips along the exposed length of her neck. “Where are you guys headed?”

  “Somewhere private,” I said, impressed by Lark’s ability to focus.

  “Somewhere not here.” Tyler pulled me away from them, but not before I managed a good-bye wave over my shoulder. “C’mon, babe.”

  The drummer entered the elevator and punched the parking garage level without hesitating.

  “You seem to know your way around the hotel.”

  “Not really.” He gave me a dark grin. “Just motivated to be somewhere else with you.”

  My heartbeat kicked up as he tugged me into him. He had his lips stamped to mine and his hands on my ass when the elevator doors reopened in the lobby.

  “Whoa.” I swayed as he released me. “Maybe we should just stay here at the hotel.”

  “No way. You’ve got my curiosity up, along with another part of me.”

  Tyler took my hand and led me through the lobby where I’d had my meeting with Suzanne earlier. On the other side of it, we passed the bar, then entered a long hallway lined with trinket-filled glass cases. The skin on the back of my neck prickled after we stepped through the glass door into the parking garage.

  “Hey, Jo,” Carla said, rising from the bench where she’d been sitting, apparently waiting for me.

  “Where are the others?” I asked, glancing around.

  “They’re in the SUV already.” She pointed over her shoulder, and I turned to see a dark Suburban idling in a corner parking spot. That had to be why I felt like someone was watching me.

  “I wanted to check your makeup.” She tilted my chin up into the light. “Looks okay.”

  “Still good from earlier?” I asked.

  “Lipstick’s gone. You must have been doing some kissing.” She gave Tyler an arch glance before she withdrew a wand and a tube from her pocket. Within a couple of moments, she’d retouched my mouth and nodded at me, seeming satisfied with her handiwork. “Do you have a destination we should put into the GPS?”

  “Yeah.” I beckoned her closer and whispered the location into her ear.

  “I know that spot. Saw it on the drive in from Amarillo. That’ll make a cool shot. You have an artistic eye.”

  “She has something, all right,” Tyler said. “And she’s gonna get something much better if we can get out of this damn parking garage.”

  IN THE BACK OF an abandoned parking lot, the film crew set up lighting, sound equipment, and photography screens for additional privacy while Tyler and I watched them from his motorcycle.

  “This is an isolated spot.” As he scooted closer to me on the leather seat, his long legs brushed mine, and he put his arm around my shoulder. “How’d you even know it was back here?”

  “I noticed it during a bathroom-and-coffee stop.” I shrugged. Off the main road with red rock cliffs on three sides, it was out of the way. But what made it really cool to me was the overhead glow of the neon saucer sign for the Area 52 Diner. “Did you sign the RFC release form?”

  “Yeah.” Tyler shifted, and the loose gravel on the ground crunched under his riding boots. “You nervous?”

  He bent to press a warm kiss into the sensitive hollow between my neck and shoulder. More chill bumps bloomed on my skin, but they weren’t left over from the ride on his motorcycle or the chill in the high-desert night air.

  “We don’t work like this.” I coughed to clear the roughness from my throat.

  “Like what?” He spread his hands out wide as if he were oblivious to my meaning.

  “You sweet and thoughtful. Riding across Texas and part of New Mexico. Making declarations.” Me noticing but knowing I couldn’t waver from the path I’d chosen.

  “I’m trying to show you how we could be together.”

  I got it. How could I not?

  “You know,” I said, “being a couple doesn’t work for me.”

  “It’s what I want when I’m with you. What I’m thinking about. What I need.”

  I’d let this go on for too long. I’d been stuck. No other income, I’d needed my job as Tyler’s drum tech, but that wasn’t the case anymore. I was the Rock Fuck Club star now.

  I glanced around, looking for the camera. But though I looked, I couldn’t pinpoint Ignacio or any of the crew. They were totally quiet. The light they’d set up was shining in my eyes, but around us, it was dark like a hushed stage.

  “What I want is for you to fuck me.”

  “I want that too.” His voice sounded like sandpaper over leather. It scraped awareness into my skin. The right kind of awareness. “I want all of you.”

  He couldn’t have all. Everything I did, everything I was . . . it was for my brother.

  “You have what I can give,” I said.

  I turned, put both legs over the bike, and reached for him. He swiveled and threw a long leg over the bike, straddling it, only backward so he could face me.

  “We have right now.” I framed his face, my fingers moving slowly, savoring the familiar feel of him. Soft hair. Rough whiskers. Warm breath.

  “Hell yes.” Tyler hauled me closer, and his lips crashed onto mine.

  He kissed me passionately, and I kissed him just as urgently. This was the way we were. Frenzied and frantic. And I wondered, just for a moment, if we were like this because we both knew that it could never last.

  When his tongue slipped into my mouth and his hands glided under my shirt, I didn’t think anymore. I arched my back, reveling in his skill to pleasure me.

  He cupped my tits and swept his thumbs over them, then pinched and plucked the nipples. They tightened at the sensation, and I throbbed. I gave him appreciative mews that he swallowed as our tongues tangled together.

  I tasted the wildness of him. He probably tasted my increasing desperation.

  “Babe.” He broke the kiss, his breath a burst of humid passion on my skin. “You’re so good.”

  I wasn’t good. But I was good at this with him, and he was good at it with me. He kissed the round of my cheek, then along the line of my jaw. When he nipped my earlobe, I moaned.

  “Wet, Ty. I’m so wet.” I arched my neck, feeling each stamp of his firm lips. Heat, pressure, and need resonated within me.

  “I want you bent over my bike.” He pinched my nipples once more. The friction burned, shooting a flame-tipped arrow straight to my clit.

  “Yes.” I leaned forward and nipped the edge of his mouth.

  “Off the bike. Now.” He lifted me off by my armpits.

  With so much desire rushing through me, I was unsteady on my feet. My pulse seeming to throb in one place, I managed to unbutton the first button of the new jeans WMO funding had purchased. Tyler dismounted, his boots crunching the gravel in front of me, and turned me around. Reaching around me, he found both edges of the denim and spread open the rest. He plunged a hand into the opening, and I moaned as he cupped my mound.

  “Your pussy’s soaked, babe.”

  “Get inside me,” I rasped.

  He yanked his hand out, and I whimpered at the loss. Cool air rushed over my skin as I wiggled the denim and my panties down to my mid-thighs. Hearing his buckle rattle and his clothing rustle, I turned my

  My glance over my shoulder was rewarded. Beneath the hem of his shirt, I saw his cock jutting out, well-formed and fully erect. His gaze lifted to mine after he rolled on the condom.

  “Bend.” He shuffled forward, his lowered jeans restricting his movements the same way mine restricted me.

  “Hurry.” I licked my lips. “I’m cold.”

  “You won’t be for long.”

  He moved into place behind me, his large body pressed into mine. The warmth he generated hit me as he yanked my jeans and panties farther down my legs. His hands smoothed upward on the outside of my upper thighs. His grip tight enough to sting, he yanked me back by my hips.

  I gasped when his thumb swept over my slippery clit. Then I exhaled his name when his long, velvety, hard cock filled me. “Ty, mmm.”

  My entire body vibrated as he moved, stretching me and stroking all my slickness with fullness and heat as he pulled his cock nearly all the way out, then plunged it deep inside me again.

  “Don’t tease,” I murmured. “Fuck me.”

  “I’m not teasing. I’m taking you slow and easy.” He reached around me. Cupping my tits and plucking my nipples, he leisurely stroked in and out of me.

  “I don’t want you to take me that way.” I was impaled on his cock, but I managed to pull my hips forward to shallow his penetration.

  “You’ll give me what I want,” he said gruffly, reclaiming what I’d taken away, and I moaned.

  “Yes, Ty.”

  He grabbed my braids and yanked on them as he fucked me. Again and again, he hammered into me. His hips slapped my ass, and his hard cock filled me.

  I panted. My scalp burned where he pulled my hair. My pussy throbbed with the roughness of his possession. My clit swelled.

  When he stiffened inside me, I slipped over the edge, his deep groan harmonizing with my long, pleasure-filled moan.

  AFTERWARD, THE STRAIGHTENING OF clothing was quiet. It wasn’t rushed or uncomfortable, but awkward nonetheless, because I knew what I had to do.

  “Tyler.” I put my hand on his shoulder as he buckled his belt.

  “Yeah, Jo.” He turned around, trying to capture my mouth for another kiss.


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