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Tenth Avatar

Page 9

by Kanchan Joshi

  Lakshman appeared physically exhausted from recounting those painful events. From his voice and expressions, it was clear that he was being eaten alive with guilt.

  Hanuman listened carefully and with compassion. He said, “I completely understand. You and Ram are brave and righteous, and a lot of injustice and bad fortune has come your way. The same is true of my leader, Sugriv. If we work together, we can help each other succeed and accomplish our goals.”

  Ram listened, nodding his approval. For Ram, it was important to get help in his search for Lady Sita. Hanuman needed allies for King Sugriv against Vali. With their interests in alignment, this strategy could prove to be a powerful alliance.

  Ram, Lakshman, and Hanuman walked toward the mountains where King Sugriv resided. Hanuman had arranged for Ram and Sugriv to meet.

  “After hearing about your valor, admiring your powerful weapons, and access to missiles, I feel confident you will end my misery by destroying my brother,” Sugriv said to Ram as their meeting concluded. “Members of my million-strong army will look for Lady Sita throughout this land and reunite her with her great warrior husband as thanks for your loyalty and alliance.”

  The two leaders had laid the foundation of a warm friendship. Sugriv hugged Ram and Lakshman. Hanuman also embraced Ram with the affection of a friend. As soon as Ram touched Hanuman, the Vanara had an exceptional experience. The normally formal and polite Hanuman could not control himself. He felt as if tremendous energy had been transmitted into his body. All of a sudden, he was overwhelmed with emotion. Hanuman understood on a soulful level that he was in the presence of a spiritual man.

  Ram possessed exquisite skill, high moral standards, and a spirit of sacrifice. Additionally, Ram was also an accomplished yogi. The epitome of energy that had eluded Hanuman was activated inside him due to Ram’s influence, and he was bathed in supreme bliss. The true nature of time and universe was revealed to him. He stayed in this state for two days, without moving an inch. He was bursting with energy and was shaking. Shree Ram, was fixated in his mind. Hanuman’s quest for a supreme spiritual teacher was over. Ram was the one to guide him on his spiritual path, without uttering a word—just by his actions and kind touch.

  Ram’s spiritual guidance fit Hanuman’s quest like lock and key. He helped sooth Hanuman from his meditative state. Hanuman realized the true nature of matter, this universe, and the human life. With Ram’s grace, Hanuman had reached the pinnacle of his internal exploration and had become a complete and accomplished yogi. Hanuman could not distinguish between his physical body and the universe around him. He had transcended his physical body and become one with the universe. The yoga, union was complete.

  Meanwhile, Sugriv was growing impatient. “I cannot stay in this jungle for another moment,” Sugriv said to Ram, as he was eager to kill his brother and reclaim his own wife, kingdom, and freedom. Sugriv could no longer stand to be restricted to the hills, away from the capital city.

  After careful consideration, Ram said, “I will kill Vali from a distance—while hiding behind a tree, similar to a hunt.” Everyone was surprised to hear these words spoken.

  One of Sugriv’s army captains said, “We believed you to be a powerful and righteous person, killing someone by subterfuge is not befitting of a warrior.”

  Lakshman was offended by this captain’s disrespectful comment.

  Before Lakshman could release his temper, Ram spoke up again. “I have killed several powerful demons in face-to-face combat, but Vali is a special circumstance. In addition to being very powerful, he is cunning and inventive. He has defeated the mighty King Ravan. He has strong armor—the best among all the warriors. Vali is a morally corrupt person. He has been unfair to his brother and is always looking for a chance to kill him. He has degraded to the extent of stealing and sleeping with his younger brother’s wife. Moreover, if time is lost, this disagreement between the brothers could turn into a battle with the loss of thousands of lives. I also do not want to use powerful missiles, which would cause widespread destruction, for the annihilation of just one person. Thus, there are ethical and practical reasons behind killing the brave Vali like a hunter—draw him in with his arrogance, and kill him in one clean strike with no chance to escape.”

  The captain was not convinced, but decided to keep quiet in the presence of Sugriv.

  Sugriv understood the strategy and agreed to it. He knew Ram’s assessment of Vali’s strengths, weaknesses, and the possibility of thousands of casualties was real, accurate, and not worth the risk.

  Vali himself was aware that the great warrior Ram was present in the region. He was also aware of Ram’s meeting with Sugriv. Nevertheless, he was confident in his ability to deal with Ram in a one-on-one duel. He never suspected a surprise attack.

  As per the plan, Sugriv lured Vali in for a duel, making sure to remind him of the warrior’s oath not to deny a challenge. Vali’s wife saw the trap, and tried to warn him, but Vali refused to see it—drawn into the trap by his arrogance.

  Sugriv took the brunt of the beating from Vali as the duel began. Fists, nails, trees, and boulders were making relentless contact with his weakening body. He was near to losing consciousness from the attack when Ram, hiding behind a tree, saw the opportunity he was looking for. Vali was separated from Sugriv as he attempted to lift a huge boulder to throw at his brother.

  Vali’s torso was clearly visible as the special armor and chest plate shone brightly. Ram decided that he had a clear shot. He had prepared meticulously like the skilled archer he was. Since it was mid-afternoon, Ram located himself such that he was shooting to the east. His mind was calm and motionless as he locked onto the target. The wind direction was favorable. Ram had moved as close to Vali as possible to get a minimum loss of velocity. His feet were planted firmly a foot apart and did not move. He pulled the bowstring until it was about to break—the maximum tension in the bow would result in greater speed. He had selected arrows that were heavier at the bottom for greater range and higher penetrating force. For releasing the arrow, he placed the top of his thumb on the tip of his forefinger in the kakatundi, or the mouth of a crow position. Ram’s head was still and centered as he aimed the bow perfectly. He used two quivers with different types of arrows for this special mission.

  He shot six armor-piercing arrows in rapid succession, with elongated points and flattened heads, at the exact same spot on Vali’s chest. Vali’s armor cracked, exposing the flesh of his mighty chest. Ram only had one chance before Vali would either take a giant leap and disappear behind a protective cover, or ferociously attack Ram with his heavy mace. In a flash, Ram shifted the bow to his left hand. He took out a broad headed arrow from the second quiver and fired it directly at the opening in Vali’s armor. The arrow struck exactly in the hole created by the earlier arrows, broke Vali’s rib cage, and pierced his heart and lungs. Blood gushed from the wound as Vali held his chest and fell to the ground.

  Ram was as calm as ever. This was not the proudest moment of his life, but he had a job to do and he had done it successfully. Vali lay fatally injured on the ground. As he lay bleeding, waiting to die—now surrounded by his brother, Hanuman, and Ram—several thoughts occurred to him.

  “Why deceit?” he asked.

  Ram plainly explained the reasons why he had to attack from a hidden place. The warrior Vali accepted the matter-of-fact explanation and made peace with it as he prepared to take his last breath. The moment of death was fast approaching. Vali realized his physical power, wealth, kingdom, weapons, family—everything he had fought so hard to attain—was useless when he needed it most. He was feeling life at its most intense and raw form as he was about to die!

  Vali was finally beginning to realize that he was more than his physical and mental body. He could feel the vastness of his spirit, but the lifetime of baggage—in the form of old thinking patterns, attachment to his mace, his pendant, his crown, gorgeous, lusty females, the joy of killing, condemnation for his brother, worry about his son, and arro
gance of power—was holding him back. At that most delicate moment, as the last few breaths were leaving his body—his heart had stopped beating, and he was treading between the freedom of spirit and bondage of body and mind—Ram touched his head gently, subtly reassuring him as he crossed over into freedom.

  Ram knew what Vali was going through. He helped Vali along the right path, saving him from being trapped in the creation of his own mind. Vali died fully satisfied, liberated, and free.

  Although Vali got a raw deal in the manner of his death, Ram ensured that he received the ultimate realization of his true nature. As per the scriptures, Vali could have spent several lifetimes deluded by his physical power before realizing the true nature and vastness of his own being and spirit. But, thanks to Ram, he realized the supreme wisdom that had been hidden in plain sight his entire life and gained everlasting freedom!

  Chapter 8

  Distractions Obscure Goals


  Modern Day California


  Twists, turns, and hidden treasures.

  Krish was waiting to meet Professor Goldstine of the mathematics department at Penn State University. There was a small pond near the department building. Krish admired the placid pond surrounded by Amur Maple trees and watched the ducks swim amongst the lilies. The trees reached for the crisp blue sky like green skyscrapers. Neatly manicured lawns and curvy paths presented a feeling of calm to all who passed by.

  Krish sat down and polished the lenses of his glasses. His mind kept going back to Agent Craig’s sacrifice and how much his life had changed in the last few days. He was entering a new phase in his life. For a moment, Krish thought about quitting and going back to his normal, predictable life as a researcher. He could just brush everything he had experienced aside and write it off as shenanigans of his overactive mind, let the government deal with his research work, put his head down, and go on with life. With a doctorate from Cal Tech, and his achievements in mathematics and physics, he would get by just fine in his profession. The path he had embarked on was full of uncertainties and dangers. His career could be sabotaged by the powers that be, and he could even lose his life. He wanted to delve deeper into that thought and consider everything carefully, but his reflections were interrupted by a phone call.

  “I’m Louis Sessions, Director of the FBI,” the voice on the other end said. “My agent is approaching you as we speak. Get in the car with him. We need to talk.”

  In a few moments, Krish saw a tall, bald African American man walk up the stairs. His well-fitted grey suit drew attention to his muscular physique. He stood erect, flashed his badge and said in a polite tone, “I’m Special Agent Brown. You’re Dr. Krish Bhat, is that correct?”

  “I am,” Krish said.

  “I need you to come with me to the FBI field office. I assume Agent Sessions has already made contact?”


  “Let’s go,” Agent Brown ordered. Agent Brown drove Krish to the field office in State College, PA and arranged for a video call with the director.

  “One of my best agents died protecting you,” Sessions said. “Innocent lives are at stake here, Mr. Bhat. You have too many enemies. I know you scientists don’t trust the government, and probably with good reason, but don’t forget, Brooke was also part of the government. I urge you to consider sharing as much of your research with DARPA as possible. It will be used for the greater good, and I’ll be able to put more resources into protecting you. We have full cooperation from the Indian government, whose passport you hold. Also, we will coordinate strikes on enemy scientists to send a message that you are under our protection and that there are costs associated with harming you. I’m confident the rogue governments will take the hint. At this point, you can’t honestly still believe there is any way to play this game by yourself. You need us, and we need you. Let’s make a deal.”

  Krish heard everything patiently. “I need some time to think this through.”

  Krish walked out of the conference room and was directed to an empty office. “I need to consult with my colleague.”

  “This is a secure line,” said Agent Brown, pointing to a telephone.

  Krish lifted the receiver and dialed Kathy’s number. “Hey, how’s it going?” He asked casually—as if he weren’t surrounded by the FBI.

  “Doing all right, what’s up? I heard about the situation on the plane. Thank God you’re okay.”

  “Brooke saved all of us,” Krish said. “This absolutely can’t continue. I can’t keep cheating death like this. I’m with the FBI now. Here’s the situation—I’m more interested in developing my research in the direction of fundamental physics, but my life is being threatened due to its technological applications!”

  “And what exactly are those technological applications again?” Kathy asked.

  “Well, it all started when a soldier was killed as he kicked opened the door to a building in a war zone. This started a conversation around personnel safety in the twenty-first century urban warfare scenario—particularly when soldiers are put in vulnerable situations. Various designs for exoskeletons with Iron Man-like capabilities are being tested. Other areas of grave concern are electronic attacks on satellites. Cyborgs-cyber organisms-that connect human brains directly to computers are in advanced stages of development. There are many such crucial projects. A commonality in all these projects is the need for assured, resilient networks with calculated stability and security. The fruition of all these projects will be tremendously accelerated by QCOM. I have achieved secure signal transmittance ranges up to 36000 kms using QCOM. To be able to hack these signals is literally against the laws of physics. Other countries and rogue entities also realize the tremendous significance of this technology. They want to eliminate me to slow down the progress of the US government on these crucial projects. The US wants exclusive rights to take the research out of the open academic arena and place it under wraps. And I’m caught in the middle of all this!”

  “The bottom line here, Krish, is that you cannot deal with these threats on your own,” Kathy stated plainly. “As much as I distrust the government, I know they have a tremendous amount of resources needed for your protection. So, the logical choice is very simple… sell out to the government. If you can’t beat them, join them. And believe me when I say this, you won’t be able to beat them on this one.”

  “I know, but it’s just so unfair and wrong,” Krish whined.

  “Oh, man up already! You’re smart. You’ll make many more breakthroughs. I have no doubt about that. This will also give you some freedom to explore Ramanujan’s work and develop your ideas of quantum democracy.” Kathy paused for a moment. “It pains my ego to admit this, but many great scientists, including Einstein, visualized impossibly crazy ideas in their heads first, developed mathematics to prove it, and years later, these ideas were verified experimentally. The so called ‘God Particle’ and detection of gravitational waves from black holes that merged a billion years ago by LIGO being prime examples. Just get these dangerous thugs out of your way!”

  “Did they threaten you or something?” Krish asked, as Kathy seemed to be singing the government’s tune.

  “Come on Krish, be practical. You need the stability, protection, and the money!”

  “I know, I know. All right then, let me at least try to get a good deal with these people. After all, it is our taxpayers’ money,” Krish said jokingly.

  “Yep, it’s your right to take every penny you can from them,” Kathy laughed.

  Selling his research would buy him much needed time and security to focus on the research that really mattered to him. Reluctantly, Krish informed his advisor, DARPA, and Cal Tech of his decision. At the end of the day, he breathed a sigh of relief that he would have constant government protection, and would no longer have to look over his shoulder.

  After meeting with the FBI, Krish was back at Penn State University. He had re-scheduled his appointment with Professor Goldstine.

p; “Professor Goldstine will see you now,” a student informed Krish. Krish walked into the professor’s rather spacious office.

  “Hi Krish, come on in. It’s very nice to meet you. I saw your e-mail and heard about the tragedy that unfolded on your way here,” the professor said warmly.

  Professor Goldstine was a man in his mid-sixties. He was preparing to address a symposium later that day. He wore a classic two-piece suit. He had white hair, white eyebrows, a wrinkled, clean-shaven face, a hunched back, and an aged, but scholarly appearance. Krish was impressed to notice that the professor’s tie had Ramanujan’s photo printed on it. Behind him, on the wall, the logo of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) was framed. He acted as president of the association. The logo showed Ramanujan’s photo looking from the clouds, the Indian summer sun, and a city skyline. It was clear, Professor Goldstine held a deep-seated respect and appreciation for Ramanujan’s work.

  “Yes, it was unfortunate. Thanks for your concern,” Krish replied, his eyes falling to the floor for a brief moment. He went on to describe his research, his recent experiences, and his search for Ramanujan’s lost papers.

  Professor Goldstine offered Krish the kindness of patiently listening to what he had to say. He closed his eyes while he listened.

  After a minute or two, the professor admitted, “I found the lost notebook by chance, when I was visiting Trinity College Library in Cambridge. You’re seeking out the lost papers. There’s a difference here. The notebook I found came very close to being destroyed. Nobody knows for sure if these lost papers even exist, let alone where they could be. I have no idea.” Professor Goldstine paused to observe Krish’s reaction. “However, from my experience with Mr. Ramanujan, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a treasure trove of mathematics hidden somewhere that could solve several mysteries of the universe. I almost think he did it on purpose!” he chuckled. “Like the elusive lover! He has enriched my career and my life and has moved mathematics and science forward in unimaginable ways.”


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