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Tenth Avatar

Page 23

by Kanchan Joshi

  Two years had passed since Krish first launched the program. The meditation practices had spread to almost all countries. Some countries and individuals rejected it for ideological and other reasons, but they were in minority. Signs of progress were seen everywhere. The happiness index in most countries increased considerably. People were living stress-free and satisfied lives. There was a fundamental change in people’s mindset. Fear for survival and distrust were slowly being replaced by the realization that true human nature is too vast to be shackled by such primitive concerns! Happy people were slowly making the whole planet happier, safer, and more stress-free.

  Krish was enjoying time with his newborn daughter. Fatherhood was a tremendous new experience for him—even when he thought he couldn’t feel any more peaceful.

  One such day, Krish received a call from Sweden, “Congratulations! You’re the winner of not one, but two Nobel Prizes! This is the first time in our history that a person has won two Nobel Prizes in the same year. You will be receiving one each for physics and peace! Congratulations, sir!”

  Krish smiled gently and reacted calmly, “Thank you very much for your generosity. It’s an honor that I will cherish deeply.”

  At the ceremony awarding the Nobel Prizes, the presenter announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, before I announce the next awards for physics and world peace, let me tell you a short story. In the history of India, it is believed that a person rises to the challenge when human society needs guidance. A few years ago, we were in a situation where the planet was on the brink of permanent damage due to human activity, war, terrorism, and population explosion. Most of us were lost and hopeless. At that time, this man rose to the challenge and guided us. He used his skills in physics and math, combined with a yearning for truth, to realize the true nature of life.

  “As I mentioned, as per Indian history, there have been nine individuals who have risen to the challenges humanity has faced at various times during our evolution on this planet. These nine individuals have been conferred the title of ‘Avatar of Vishnu’—meaning ‘Incarnate form of the Savior’. Today, I present to you, a man deserving of being called the ‘Tenth Avatar’, the only recipient of two noble prizes in one year. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present, our beloved master and visionary scientist, Krish…nanujan Bhat!”

  The whole auditorium was on its feet with thunderous applause.

  Krish calmly walked onto the stage. He wore a simple, but well-fitted, grey suit. He bowed to acknowledge the applause and the honor. He signaled everyone to take their seats.

  After the excitement had died down, he addressed the gathering in a steady voice, “Thank you very much for the privilege. I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the best days for this planet are ahead of you! If you continue this path of seeking and realization, well-being will follow naturally as a byproduct of your endeavors!”

  Another thunderous round of applause followed.

  Krish then gestured to the organizers. They cleared a few tables and chairs and created some empty space. Krish took off his tie, shoes, socks, and coat. He sat down in the middle of the stage on a cotton sheet. In a booming voice, he announced, “I have an important decision to share with everyone.”

  The excitement in the crowd was palpable.

  One man whispered to the person next to him, “Is he going to reveal another layer of truth about life?”

  His colleague said, “Perhaps some new scientific breakthrough? Or a program for the betterment of society?”

  Krish raised his arm and requested, “Please do not try to guess my announcement.” He paused, then said calmly. “The time has come for me to leave this body as per the ancient yogic practices!”

  The audience was shocked and hushed in utter disbelief.

  “What? What does that mean?” What had been a joyous and cheerful atmosphere was instantly transformed into a somber, funeral-like state. There were sobs and loud cries of protest.

  “Are you leaving us? Don’t leave us! We love you!” someone shouted.

  Krish spoke with power behind every word. “With Hanuman’s help, I have shown you the correct path. Due to our interconnected world, these meditation practices have spread to every corner of the planet. There are many capable leaders here who will continue the work. The system was designed for diffused leadership. I don’t want you to be dependent on me. If I stay around for too long, another risk is that these practices will come to be considered a cult or religion. Before you know it, temples and churches will be formed. Today it’s the Noble Prize, tomorrow it’ll be political posts bestowed upon me. Seeking will be completely forgotten, and it will be replaced with blind practices and followers. Groups will be formed and they will start fighting with each other. Some will want to follow their own path to truth, but will be prosecuted by the majority. I need to go so that you will continue to seek and not be stagnated by my idolization. The timing is perfect.”

  “What if we get lost along our path?” Kathy pleaded. She had come to the stage and sat down next to him.

  “Only my body will perish. I will always be available when you need me,” Krish assured.

  Prisha couldn’t control her tears. “Our daughter is just six months old! What about her?” she begged.

  Krish smiled and said, “You’re quite capable, my love! For the work to continue, and humans to evolve, individuals need to take responsibility for their own well-being. There is no God up in the sky. The God is within you! Seek that and your life will be fulfilled. You will have all the help you need! You will all be successful in your pursuit, cared for, and looked after! I promise you. Do not fear, do not worry! Love you all!”

  Krish then performed some yogic practices and breathing exercises. His eyes looked glassy, attention laser focused between his eyebrows. He slowly drew his awareness inward.

  There was complete silence in the hall. The whole world watched this incredible event with bated breath via TV, webcasts, and social media.

  It seemed that Krish had completely disconnected from everything around him, but also still occupied every single particle in the room simultaneously. He sat straight, his eyes rolling back into his head, and his breath becoming more and more feeble until it was barely noticeable. Krish gently lay himself down on the cotton mat, flat on his back. His head was held upright, arms gently resting by his side. With his eyes, focused inward and partially closed, his chest stopped moving completely. His head was still held in position as if being supported. The life force had left his physical body, but it still looked so full of life!

  The imprint of his last moment was left on his lifeless body. Krish’s body appeared in a deep meditative state with attention centered consciously in his forehead.

  Slowly, the ultimate realization dawned upon everyone assembled. Krish was very much still present, although his body lay discarded. There was a sense of pleasantness about his passing. An uplifting emotion rose in the crowd! The theoretician had given the ultimate experimental proof of true human nature beyond any physical limitations of matter and time. Sadness no longer spread throughout the room. Krish had demonstrated how to conquer death—the ultimate fear! The Tenth Avatar had taught the entire world how to live fearlessly and return to their true selves when desired!

  Chapter 17

  Beyond This World


  California, 20 Years Later


  The next evolutionary step.

  Krish’s daughter, Brooke, was a grown woman now. She was named after the federal agent who laid down her life to protect Krish and other innocent travelers during a bomb threat. Typical of her generation, Brooke was trained in mediation practices at a young age, and she was already an accomplished Yogi.

  “Today is the twentieth anniversary of your dad’s transformative experience,” Prisha said to her daughter one afternoon. “He became a self-realized person that day. A lot of people, including me, didn’t recognize it then. But, today, you can see the transforma
tive impact of his work and energy all around you.”

  Brooke smiled gently. She had inherited Krish’s lively eyes and sharp mind, combined with Prisha’s light brown, wheat-ish complexion, long, dark hair, tall body frame, and outgoing nature. She was a beautiful and brilliant young lady. She didn’t have memories of her father physically, but his presence had always guided and protected her and her mother. Brooke was teary-eyed thinking of him. She missed her father. She wrapped her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly.

  Prisha now ran a highly successful firm that optimized scarce power resources in the lucrative interplanetary space flights business. A few grey hairs had appeared in her curls, however, due to regular meditation practice—under Kathy’s guidance—she was at her peak physical, mental, and emotional health. That day, her morning was spent receiving calls of support from presidents and prime ministers from across the globe. Krish’s day of truth realization was celebrated the world over as ‘Quantum Democracy Day’.

  Brooke attended a prestigious conference that would analyze the progress the world had made in the last two decades. She wore a flowing, golden, silk gown, with a matching rose-gold backdrop, and a diamond pearl necklace for the event.

  The occasion had generated a lot of media attention. Many people attended the program without being physically there or without the aid of any technological devices. They could hear and see everything clearly by tapping into their highly evolved faculties. There were representatives from various fields of research, arts, and governance at the conference who presented their studies on the impact of Krish’s work on the world.

  Brooke heard everything calmly. She then got up from her seat, gracefully walked up to the stage and said, “I now request the honorable president of the Earth Body to address this august gathering of top representatives from diverse backgrounds, including Nobel laureates, industry leaders, humanitarians, top bureaucrats, celebrities, and artists. Please join me in welcoming the president. Thank you.”

  The Earth Body was an organization that represented the entire planet—along the lines of the United Nations. The president of the Earth Body was directly elected by a simple majority by the entire world population. Individual countries were free to enact laws and policies as per the desires of the local population. A very compassionate and smart man, in his forties, walked briskly to the stage. Everyone welcomed the president with a warm round of applause.

  The president addressed the gathering in a rousing speech, “I am honored to be here. As is the case with most of the people in the world today, I was also enlightened by our beloved leader, Krish’s, mediation practices. I thank him, and many other teachers, sons, and messengers who came before him, from various parts of the world, from the bottom of my heart.”

  Everyone in the audience clapped and cheered.

  The president continued, “The mediation practices, pioneered by Krish, spread throughout the world because of an organic growth led by people themselves, rather than being prescribed by governments and powerful leaders at the top. As a result, the societal structure is stable and sustainable. This is true quantum democracy!”

  The audience showed their strong approval with thunderous applause.

  Once the roar had dinned, he continued. “The principle that scientists can witness natural phenomena as they are, without any preconceived scientific notions, meant that answers to long standing questions in the field of physical and other sciences were known with great precision. New states of matter have been discovered, riddles of dark matter, dark energy, and other outstanding physics problems have been resolved. The details will be covered at another event.

  “As humans realized the vast nature of their truth, the need for biological propagation has reduced. People do not work to keep up with their neighbors, but they work for the betterment of society or to express their creativity. Computers and highly advanced robots are available to do all menial work, such as driving, cleaning, manufacturing goods, etc. The world population is on a rapid decrease and approaching the six billion mark. All activities are carried out in harmony with the environment. The planet is finally healing and recovering from the damage done by humans. It can almost be likened to the image of an obese person losing weight. They can finally breathe properly, feel light and fit once again!

  “Corporations have stopped making environmentally harmful products, as there was no longer demand for such products. They also got away from the need to generate profit every quarter and could invest for the long term. Markets are efficient because the humans handling them are highly evolved and self-realized. There’s no need for a constant prodding by the financial markets, competition, or Wall Street to realize profits and efficiencies.”

  The business leaders in the audience were seen smiling. A CEO in his sixties whispered to his colleague, “It’s almost silly to think how we used to operate, just driven by profits and incremental growth. But now, it’s different. I just commissioned a fully automated plant that manufactures hand-held positron emission tomography (PET) scanners. These were expensive machines, traditionally used to trace metabolic molecules to study the spread of cancer and potential treatments. Now, they’re also being used to study the interaction of plants, animals, and humans. PET scans are being used to study how everything physically responds to everything else by producing different molecules! It’s a truly disruptive application and will take a long time to be profitable. But my board of directors fully supported me, and knew I could do it!”

  His colleague pressed his hand and mouthed, “Amazing. Congrats.”

  The president continued, “Most of the human population is self-realized now. These beings have experienced being part of the same energy that resides in all the plants, animals, and the entire universe. The very basis for all the divisions among our species—nationality, religion, skin color, race, gender—have been eliminated from the root! There is no motivation for war or conflict. But, that does not mean we are docile. We are ready to protect the planet from any extraterrestrial threats or any sudden development of rogue humans. Highly advanced weapons, such as solar blockers that can turn entire countries temporarily or permanently dark by blocking the sun’s rays, have been created. Our space probes can get past our sun’s plasma bubble and reach interstellar space within a year, compared to the almost thirty-five years needed by Voyager 1. Interstellar space is being continuously monitored, and we get regular updates about low magnetic fields picking up ions and anomalous cosmic rays.

  “In effect, all the unnecessary expenses, activities, and resources dedicated to artificially created conflicts, wants, and divisions have been removed. The efficiency of deployment of capital, resources, and the increase in productivity is many orders of magnitude higher compared to just twenty years ago. The world economy has grown to more than four hundred trillion dollars! Humans have achieved the real pinnacle of evolution and live in harmony with themselves, others, and the planet. Happy people make for a happy planet. Let us keep up the good work!”

  Everyone applauded enthusiastically as the president elegantly summarized the amazing changes brought about in the last two decades.

  Once the planet was in complete balance and on a sustainable path, human creativity needed further expansion. The solar system had already been explored. For safety, and for continuity of life in case of a disaster, all the necessary knowledge and means for repopulating society were stored, including energy forms, in various parts of the solar system. Places with liquid water were preferred. Space vehicles that could reach various planets in a few minutes were realized.

  Humans could choose to stay in energy form at different levels of existence, or just be free and dissolve into the all-occupying energy after the death of their physical bodies.

  Some humans had already travelled to other galaxies. Interstellar transport across different solar systems and galaxies was in energetic form. With mastery over space-time and energy, humans reached distant worlds instantly. Humans could move there in energy for
m, and create a body and an environment friendly for themselves from the matter around them on that planet. They could also adopt a form suitable to the environment of the place, instead of modifying the existing conditions.

  During one such trip to another galaxy, a young woman communicated with her father.

  “Pitashri—honorable father, I like this planet and solar system. Shall we start a new cycle of life here?”

  Her father considered the question carefully. He said…

  To Be Continued…

  References and Inspiration:

  Valmiki Ramayan,

  Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, Science Channel

  Advancement of Ancient India’s Vedic Culture, Stephen Knapp

  The Historic Ram, Nilesh Nilkanth Oak

  The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow

  The Beginning and End of the Universe, Jim Al-Khalili, BBC

  Inexplicable Universe, Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Great Courses Signature Collection

  The Shiva Trilogy, Amish Tripathi

  Nirvana: The Journey Unfolds, MJ

  The Krishna Key, Ashwin Sanghi

  BBC documentary on Ramanujan -Legendry Indian Mathematician

  The Meaning of Ramanujan and His Lost Notebook, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, George E. Andrews





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