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Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set

Page 7

by Heated Desires Publishing

  Before I could ask any questions, the door opened and a tall man strode into the room. His brown hair was damp and slicked back from his face. Green eyes sparkled within his unshaven chiselled features.

  Simply wearing slacks and a tight t-shirt that clung to his muscular chest the stranger took the empty seat and placed his napkin upon his lap without a word. I jumped as Trevor slammed his hand against the table angrily.

  “Michael, do you not think it would be nice for you to introduce yourself?”

  “You told me to be here to dine with you. I didn’t realize it was such a social occasion,” the man mumbled.

  This was Michael? I tried to hide my surprise as I broke some bread and buttered it lightly. My mind began to race with questions. Why was he here? What could have prompted him to return to the family home after so long? I bit my tongue, not wanting to interfere as Trevor scowled at his son.

  “You had the pleasure of meeting my wife earlier. This is your step-sister Maria,” Trevor said as he gestured in my direction.

  “Hello Michael. It’s nice to finally meet you,” I said with a smile.


  An awkward silence fell over us. Glancing at Mom occasionally, all she could offer was a raise of her eyebrows. Obviously there was something going on between Trevor and his son, but it wasn’t my place to pry.

  With the starter cleared, Trevor took a drink of his wine. He leant forward in his seat, eyeing Michael intently. Michael shifted in his seat, appearing nervous while he waited for his father to speak.

  “Now let me explain Maria. Michael has an accountancy company, which has sadly fallen on hard times. He contacted me while I was away and asked if he could move back home for a while until things improve,” Trevor explained.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” I sympathized.

  “Yes well when you employ a woman to deal with your admin and she decides to embezzle the company these things happen,” Michael said bitterly.

  We fell silent as Stanley served the main course. As the men spoke about business matters, Mom and I ate quietly. Occasionally I raised my eyes to observe Michael. I had never dreamt that he could be so handsome.

  The growth on his chin highlighting his strong jaw. His muscles rippling beneath his top with each movement that he made. Yet, even with his rough appearance this evening, he had a rugged look that I couldn’t help but find appealing. I pushed my thoughts aside. Michael was my step-brother, I shouldn’t be thinking like that about him.

  “There is something that I would like to ask you Maria love,” Trevor said as he turned to me.

  “What is that?” I asked curiously.

  “Do you think that you could help Michael in the office for a while? I know that you have your own job, but I couldn’t think of anyone better to help get things back in order.”

  My jaw fell open, the fork held in mid-air as I tried to absorb what Trevor had just said. I looked across the table as Michael, desperate to see some kind of signal from him. Yet he didn’t even raise his eyes to acknowledge me, simply continuing to clear his plate in silence.

  “I would be happy to help if I can,” I offered.

  With a grunt, Michael pushed his chair back. Instructing me to be ready to leave early in the morning before leaving the room.

  Chapter Three

  Although I had agreed to help Michael resolve things with his company, I loathed working alongside him. I found him to be rude and abrupt, unprepared to listen to reason when I offered ideas to improve the running of things.

  As far as Michael was concerned, the failure of the business was not his fault and everything should be handled to his specification. I had never worked with such a stubborn and arrogant man before.

  So, after each day I felt exhausted. Only able to wash away the stresses of the day with a soak in a hot tub filled with bubbles. Then I could reflect on things in silence. How could such a handsome man have such a cruel persona? What could have possibly happened between him and his father to make Michael so bitter toward him?

  One Friday evening, following my bath I wrapped a robe around myself and stepped out onto the balcony. The sun was beginning to dip in the sky, and a light breeze had gathered. I inhaled deeply, breathing in the scents that surrounded me. Quickly I turned my head as I spotted Michael sat beside the pond. With a feeling of determination I dressed and headed outside.

  Michael lifted his head as he heard me approach. I offered him a smile as I sat on the lawn beside him. Gazing across the water, I wondered how to engage him in conversation. As our eyes met, I saw his expression soften slightly.

  “Look, I know I have been hard on you Maria. But my business is my whole world. I couldn’t bear to lose it, and hate that I have had to come here and ask Dad for help,” Michael explained.

  “Why don’t you get along with him?” I asked gently.

  “Because he never supported me. All he wanted was some robot who he could mould to take over his business. That wasn’t what I wanted so he made things as hard for me as he could. Dad’s business trips came before me.

  He was barely here as I was growing up. Sending me off to boarding school rather than spending any time with me. Ignoring me, and not even attending my graduation,” Michael blurted vehemently.

  I was stunned. After knowing Trevor, I found it hard to believe that he could be so tough on his only son. My heart went out to Michael. He sat looking so lost and alone, his face pale from all the stresses of trying to rebuild his company.

  Michael was obviously the type of person who preferred to make his own way in life. To be independent from his father’s wealth, and a man of his own making.

  This was a side to Michael that I had never seen before. Until now he had always remained at arm’s length. The majority of our time together spent in silence. Now, perhaps I was finally getting to know the man beneath the strong façade that he showed to the rest of the world.

  “Maybe now is the time that he will appreciate all that you have achieved,” I smiled encouragingly.

  “You have got to be kidding! He loves that I have failed. Look how quick he was to ask you to help me. He doesn’t have any faith in me. Even though the company has been a success for the past two years. Now I have had to come home, I know he will be secretly gloating,” Michael spat.

  I could only stare at him, stunned by his reply. I didn’t know how to answer him as he stood and strode angrily away. All I could do was hope that Michael was wrong about his father, and that the rift between them would soon heal.

  Chapter Four

  As I sat under the blazing heat of the sun’s rays, I sheltered my eyes as a shadow fell over me. Michael was stood beside me, a wine bottle nestled in the ice bucket he held.

  He passed me one of the empty glasses he had brought and sat beside me on the grass. Putting aside the book that I was reading, I took the glass and waited for him to pour the drinks.

  “An apology for storming off like I did yesterday,” Michael said as he clinked the side of his glass against mine.

  “Thank you, but there was really no need,” I replied with a blush.

  “You shouldn’t have to listen to me ranting on about Dad. Let’s forget about that for now anyway. I thought I would come to get to know you better. I haven’t spent much time with you other than in the office.”

  For the rest of the afternoon, Michael and I chatted about every possible subject. The books that we enjoyed, the movies we had seen.

  We found that we had the same love of music, and were both avid animal lovers. It was surprising to find that we had so much in common. Often laughing together as we joked, relaxed in each other’s company.

  Holding out my glass to be refilled, Michael’s fingers lightly brushed against my own. I gasped, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. We exchanged a shy smile as I thanked him for the drink. Suddenly feeling my mouth grow dry as I took a quick sip.

  Although we only touched briefly, it felt as if a bolt of electricity had shot through my who
le body. I felt flustered, unable to find any words as I watched him replace the bottle into the ice bucket. My heart was pounding hard as our eyes met.

  Feeling myself sinking into the depths of his eyes, I laughed heartily and looked away. Quickly I began quizzing Michael about his days at boarding school. Hoping that he hadn’t noticed the attraction that I felt toward him.

  With the afternoon moving into evening, the air still remained warm. It felt so nice to be just sat outside talking with Michael. We were now on our second bottle of wine, our conversation still flowing freely.

  So I was saddened when I heard the sound of the gong in the hall to announce that dinner was ready. Gathering our things, Michael and I made our way back to the house.

  Mom and Trevor were already seated in the dining room. Glancing between us as we entered the room. I was still laughing from something that Michael had said as he nudged me playfully in the ribs.

  “It looks like you two are getting on better,” Mom said happily.

  “We have spent the afternoon together in the grounds. It seems we actually have a lot in common,” Michael answered as he sat down.

  “Including wine I see,” Trevor said sternly.

  “Oh Trevor, leave them be,” Mom scolded.

  The atmosphere in the room felt strained as we ate our meal. Mom and Trevor spoke in whispers, discussing their upcoming vacation. While Michael and I ate in silence, only answering questions as they were asked. I was grateful when I could finally escape to my room.

  After a quick shower I slipped into my nightie and lay on the bed. It was still early, but the afternoon’s alcohol had finally begun to take effect.

  My mind was filled with images of Michael. The dimple that showed in his left cheek when he smiled. The way that his eyes sparkled as he laughed. With a smile upon my lips, I fell into a relaxed sleep. Thoughts of me and Michael clear in my mind.

  Chapter Five

  Once Mom and Trevor had left for their vacation a couple of days later, Michael and I eyed each other mischievously. We raced around the house, laughing as we ran from room to room.

  The staff looked at us in bewilderment. Wondering what on earth had gotten into us as our laughter rang out throughout the house. Finally exhausted, we fell upon the lawn outside to take in the afternoon sun.

  “Oh I needed that,” Michael panted as he tried to catch his breath.

  “I know. I haven’t run around the house like that before,” I laughed.

  Michael rested upon his elbow. Watching me intently as I smiled happily. I felt relaxed, and slightly childlike in his company. Something that I never would have believed when I had first met him.

  Michael had been abrupt and rude. Yet now I had seen a softer side to him that I found endearing. I enjoyed spending time with him, finding him fun to be around.

  “Come on. I have something to show you,” Michael suddenly announced as he jumped to his feet.

  I took the hand that he offered to help me to my feet. Following him in silence as he went along the gravelled path deep into the garden. Michael wove his way through the trees that bordered the lawn. I was mystified, never having been into this part of the garden before.

  My mouth fell open when Michael finally came to a halt. Looking up into the branches of one of the trees, seeing a small wooden house built there. Michael began climbing the old rickety steps that led up to the little door. Beckoning for me to follow him.

  Cautiously I began the ascent. Growing wary as the wooden planks creaked under our weight. Breathing a sigh of relief when I eventually reached the top. Michael stood looking through the branches of the trees. It was a wonderful sight. The lush green lawns, with an array of flowers along its borders. The house appearing small and far in the distance.

  Michael ducked his head to enter the tree house, holding out his hand to lead me after him. The tiny room was filled with tatty blankets and old cushions strewn across the floor. A few books were lined along one wall, their pages yellowed with age. Dust covered every surface, cobwebs hanging from each corner.

  “This used to be my safe haven when I was growing up. Somewhere that I could escape to when things got bad with Dad,” Michael explained.

  I watched as he moved around the small space. Reflectively running his hands over the things that he had owned as a child. I didn’t speak, not wanting to disturb him as he was caught up in his own thoughts and memories. Sitting on a pile of cushions, Michael patted the floor for me to join him.

  As we lay back upon the wooden floor, the warm sun filtered through the windows. With the air still, all I could hear were the birds in the trees outside. I understood why Michael liked here so much. It was so quiet and peaceful. It felt like we were in a different world. A world with just the two of us.

  Chapter Six

  Opening my eyes, I realized that I must have fallen asleep. Michael sat watching me. Giving me a warm smile as our eyes met.

  “Hello there sleepy head,” he chuckled.

  “Oh I am so sorry,” I apologized, rubbing at my sleepy eyes.

  “Don’t be silly. I nodded off too,” Michael admitted.

  Settling beside me, I was stunned when Michael suddenly leant over and kissed me gently. I readily accepted his lips as they pressed deeply against mine. Feeling the warmth of his hand as it roamed beneath the t-shirt I wore. Gasping as Michael reached my breast, cupping it in his hand while teasing my nipple with his fingers.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled Michael closer to me. Running my fingers through his hair as our kisses grew more passionate. Slowly he began to pull up my skirt. Revealing the lacy panties beneath. Tracing his hands across my bare skin. Every nerve ending throughout my body felt electrified from his touch.

  I pulled at the zip of Michael’s jeans. Sliding my hand inside to find his hardened member. Hearing him groan low in his throat as I began to stroke him gently. His hand pulled my panties to one side. Fingers finding my shaven mound, wet and eager to take him inside me.

  As Michael moved to lay on top of me, our hands roamed over each other’s bodies. The lust and desire we felt overwhelming us as he slid himself inside me. We moved slowly at first. I relished the sensation of each thrust as Michael gazed down at me. Swimming in the depths of his eyes while I raised my hips higher to meet him.

  We moved in rhythm as our passion heightened. Both of us panting hard as our climax neared. Michael threw back his head as he cried out in ecstasy. The warmth of his orgasm flowing deep inside me as I met my own pleasure. Our juices mingling as Michael fell against me. Beads of sweat glistening upon his brow as he gasped for breath.

  Michael held me tightly as we lay in silence. I didn’t want the moment to end. Never had I experienced such passion and lust. I knew that Michael was my step-brother, but it had just felt right to be with him. I had never felt this way about a man before.

  “Maria, I don’t care what our parents say. I have fallen in love with you. And I want us to be together,” Michael said sincerely.

  “I feel the same way about you,” I replied shyly.

  As our lips met again, I wondered how on earth we were going to explain this to our parents. They were sure to be appalled by the idea of us becoming a couple.

  Yet somehow I knew that my feelings were true. That I could no longer imagine my life without Michael, no matter what life threw at us along the way.


  Stepbrother: Forbidden Lust

  (Stepbrother Romance)

  Tiffany Brother

   Copyright 2015 by Tiffany Brother

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced

  in any way whatsoever, without written permission

  from the author, except in case of brief

  quotations embodied in critical reviews

  and articles.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

  person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  First edition, 2015r />
  Chapter 1

  I loved my usual summer trips to Europe, but this time coming back was the part I was longing for. I’ve never been a ‘homebody’ and I always preferred to stay out, partying or hanging out with friends, but now everything was different. As soon as my plane landed, I couldn’t wait to find myself at home.

  What is she like? Is she beautiful? She must be. My dad wouldn’t marry a fright. This is the thing: a rich man has a privilege to choose. And my dad wouldn’t settle for less.

  I knew that Olivia was quite an average woman though; neither wealthy nor famous. She didn’t have a high position in society, and she wasn’t anyhow outstanding or prominent.

  Olivia just appeared out of nowhere and charmed my dad in no time. It took him only two months to decide on marriage, and here it goes: they are a family now, and I have a new mother.

  Or rather, a step-mother. And a step-sister. I couldn’t recall her name; my dad mentioned it once or twice on the phone, but I was too occupied with the angry thoughts.

  A wedding? Who is she? I haven’t even met her! It’s too old-fashioned to rush into marriage if you want to make love to a woman. If it’s not the reason, so what’s wrong? Why couldn’t you date her for a while and then… engage or something?

  Yes, I was angry. I felt betrayed.

  My mom and dad divorced when I was ten, and I was sure they will never marry anyone else again. These were the childish thoughts: once married and divorced, you wouldn’t be able to find anyone as good as your wife or your husband.

  My parents had too much in common: hobbies, sports, favorite food, restaurants, places to go on a weekend… They both wanted to see Laos, and my dad booked a flight for my mom’s birthday. Just the two of them; I was left home with a nanny.

  After the trip, they kept talking about Laos and planning a new adventure for ages. I saw them looking through the pictures, exchanging impressions and memories of what they did there, and I realized how in love they were. There was a glint in their eyes. They loved each other so much. It was obvious.


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