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Page 5

by Jenna Rose

  I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into me, burying my cock as deep as it would go as I filled her with my cum.

  I knew the consequences of what I was doing. I wasn’t wrapped up in the moment and unable to think; I was deliberately filling Belle with my seed, knowing full well what it meant.

  There was something more going on between us—something deeper than a simple maid fantasy and wild fuck. I’d taken her virginity, brought her into my home and heart in a way I never had before. And now, as I filled her up, I knew that my life had changed forever.

  “I…wow…” Belle whispered as her body shook.

  “I know, baby,” I purred back as I pressed my lips against hers. She kissed me back, but it wasn’t the hungry kisses we’d exchanged before. This was something different. It was as though we’d just shared something life-altering together that we both understood.

  We kissed like old lovers, like two people who were completely comfortable with each other and had nothing to hide. We kissed like we’d done it a million times before and would do it a million times again, and I wrapped her in my arms knowing that I could never let her go.

  I moved gently inside her. My cock was so sensitive and she must have been too because we both laughed as we kissed and sighed when I finally slid out of her.

  I lifted her into my arms and she giggled and clamped a hand over her pussy as I carried her into the bedroom.

  “It’s leaking out!”

  “Yeah, I came a lot,” I replied as I set her down and lay down beside her. “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t apologize,” she laughed. “It’s…it’s insanely hot…but, Alden…”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “You do know what this means, right?” She looked so cute when she was nervous. I decided to play dumb.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not on the pill,” she replied. “Do you—do you want me to like go get Plan B or something?”

  “What do you mean?” I protested. “I’m a billionaire. Don’t you want to get pregnant and rope me in for millions of dollars?”

  “What?!” Belle stammered, sitting up on the bed, her face suddenly red with anger. “What kind of a thing is that to say?”

  I shut her up with a kiss, pulled back and stared deeply into her eyes. “I know, baby. I’m just kidding. I know you’re not like that.”

  Belle sighed a sigh of relief. “Thank god.”

  “But to answer your question—no, I don’t want you to go get Plan B.”

  Belle’s eyes went wide. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but I could see how much it meant to her. I waited. I didn’t want to say too much. This was a critical moment for us both and I wanted her to feel it.

  “You…you know what will happen, right?”

  “I took sex ed, Belle,” I smiled.

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  “Are you?” I asked her. “Because this isn’t just a fantasy for me anymore, Belle. This is something more. I knew there was something special about you from the minute you walked into my house for the interview. And now I know it for sure.”

  “Know what…?” she asked hesitantly.

  “That I love you, Belle,” I told her. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to say and the sparkle in her eyes when I said it confirmed what I already knew.

  “I…I love you too, Alden.”

  We kissed again and I could barely stop myself from smiling.

  She’s mine now.

  I don’t know how long we kissed, and I could have kept going for days, but it occurred to me that if we were going to go to bed together, we might want to clean up first, so I sat up and looked down at her gorgeous body. She was glowing like a goddess.

  “Why don’t we take a shower and go to bed?” I suggested.

  Belle arched her back and extended a hand like I was going to put a ring on it. “The billionaire and the maid getting dirty in the shower?”

  “Sounds like a porno,” I chuckled.

  “Or a romance novel,” she countered.

  I took her hand and led her towards the attached bathroom, but just as I was turning on the water, the buzzer blared again.

  I groaned. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  “Another emergency?” Belle asked.

  “Let’s hope not,” I growled as I thumbed the buzzer next to me. “What?”

  Wagner’s voice told me all I needed to know. It was a big problem.

  “Need you downstairs.”

  “Be right there,” I told him. I turned to my beautiful Belle, who was trying her best to hide the disappointment in her face. “I’m sorry, baby. This should just take a second,” I said as I kissed her.

  I hope…

  Chapter Eleven


  Another emergency? I thought as I stepped into the shower alone. What does that mean?

  For a man as powerful and wealthy as Alden, with as many businesses as he surely owned, it could be anything. But would he really have to deal with them personally at this hour of the night?

  But then again, what did I know about being a CEO? I’d had late-night issues with my own business—when I had my business—so it wasn’t outside the realm of possibilities; it was just strange that he was keeping it a secret from me.

  “Don’t think like that, Belle,” I told myself as I reached for the loofah and spread some of Alden’s body wash over it. I recognized the smell instantly and smiled as I began to wash myself.

  “It’s probably something just too complicated and he doesn’t want to bore you with it.”

  That was it. It was CEO, big-business stuff—probably related to China or something overseas—and he didn’t want to bore me with the details. What else could it be?

  What if he’s hiding something…?

  I shook the thought from my mind. What was I doing? I’d just fallen hard for the man of my dreams and let him come inside me and now I was going to doubt him?

  No, I thought. I’m not going to let myself do that.

  Alden’s shower was amazing, like something fit for a king, but just as I was lathering up, I heard screaming from the bedroom.

  “Where is she?” a woman’s voice shrieked. “I’ll fucking kill her!”

  My heart instantly went into overdrive. There was no doubt in my mind that her meant me, and my fight-or-flight instincts kicked in immediately.

  Adrenaline coursed through me as I quickly tried to rinse the soap from my body. After what had happened with Melissa, I was already on high alert and my anger was right beneath the surface, and there was nothing like standing naked by yourself to make you feel vulnerable.

  “Is she in here?” the voice screamed as whoever it was stormed into the bedroom. I heard the door slam against the wall and heavy footsteps coming closer. “She’s in the fucking shower, isn’t she?!”

  The door to the shower burst open and I barely had time to snatch a towel from the rack and throw it around my body before a furious-looking woman barged into the room looking like she was ready to kill someone—me.

  “There she is!” she shouted, pointing an angry finger at me. I cried out as she lunged at me, but she moved like a ninja and lashed out with a slap before I could get out of the way.

  Her palm stung my cheek and I froze in shock. She wound up for a punch and would have landed it had it not been for Alden, who leapt out from behind her and grabbed her in his arms.

  “Laura!” he roared. “Get away from her!”

  “Fuck you!” Laura shrieked, thrashing out with her elbows. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it might explode.

  “Go, Belle!” Alden cried out. “Get out of here!”

  “Yeah, whore!” Laura snarled. “Get your whore ass out of here and leave me and my husband alone!”

  Alden started to respond but was cut off when one of her elbows slammed into his mouth, causing him to stagger back against the sink. I wasted no time racing out of the room and back into the w
alk-in closet where I’d left my clothes.


  My heart started to shatter as I scrambled back into my clothes, the shouting growing louder from the other room. As I stepped out into the hallway, a severe-looking man in a suit passed me walking quickly in their direction.

  “You need to go,” he said as he passed me.

  That was it.

  You need to go.

  Like I was no longer welcome in Alden’s home.

  The world felt like slow motion as I ran down the hall, took the stairs to the first floor and raced out the door into the night.

  What was I thinking? I thought as I ran over to my car which looked as out of place here as I suddenly felt.

  Laura, despite being hysterical, was gorgeous—model material. She was obviously one of the elite, one of those women who belonged in the Hamptons among the Who’s Who crowd and old money.

  And what was I? Just a broke girl who’d been swept off her feet by a smooth-talking playboy who was no doubt practiced in the game he’d just run on me.

  I bet he even had himself snipped and that’s why he didn’t care about coming inside me.

  “Leave me and my husband alone!”

  Her words stung like a thousand wasps, but they were nothing compared to Alden’s that had hit me like a gut shot.

  “Go, Belle! Get out of here!”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I was like a prey animal in flight mode as I climbed into my car, turned the key in the ignition and gunned it out of the driveway. Thankfully the gate was open for me, as I would have just rammed it out of my way if it hadn’t been.

  Tears began to streak down my eyes as I sped through the neighborhood. The beautiful homes taunted me as if to reinforce the truth that I was just a girl who didn’t belong here.

  How could Alden be so fucking perfect and a liar at the same time?

  I’d never understood how women managed to get themselves roped into relationships with men who weren’t faithful to them, but I guess I’d been duped too.

  I should have never gone in for the interview.

  I should have never listened to Sara.

  I should have never put on that maid’s outfit.

  I should have never listened to him.

  Chapter Twelve


  I stormed into the house like a bull on stampede. If the door had busted off its hinges, I wouldn’t have even cared.

  Sara just about jumped out of her skin as I stormed in. She’d been sleeping on the couch and leapt up with both fists in the air like it was a home invasion.

  “Belle! What the hell?”

  “Got any more of that wine?” I asked as stomped into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle.

  “Yeah, help yourself…”

  But I already was. I had the cork out and my lips around the bottle before she could finish her sentence. Then I was over at her side and slumping down in a chair wiping tears off my face.

  “Well, this doesn’t look good,” Sara said. I gulped down way more wine than I should have, made a face, coughed and started crying again.

  “He has a wife!” I blabbered. “A wife! And she slapped me!”

  “Oh, god, babe…” Sara said as she slid closer to me and wrapped an arm around me. “Tell me everything.”

  “I—I went over to his house and took the job,” I groaned. “I can’t even tell you how much he is paying me. And then he told me he wanted me to go upstairs and change into my outfit.”

  “Wow, that sounds…”

  “It was a French maid’s outfit!” I blurted out. “And it was…it was so over the top and so not me, and I loved that, you know?”

  “Uh huh,” Sara nodded commiseratively.

  “And I—I put it on and…and…and…”

  My voice trailed off as I thought back to that incredible moment in the walk-in that had now been sullied forever.

  “And we did it!” I cried out, slapping my lips around the bottle again. Sara didn’t reply immediately, and I knew that under normal circumstances she’d be cheering for me.

  “Tell me what happened, Belle. His wife showed up?”

  I nodded and groaned again, feeling like I’d volunteered to be a knife-thrower’s assistant thinking, naïvely, that I would be fine, but instead ended up with a blade buried in my heart.

  “He got a call from someone…one of his guys, saying that there was an emergency,” I told her. “So I went to the shower to wash up and the next thing I know this crazy woman is screaming at me and trying to kill me.”


  “She slapped me. She called me a whore—”

  “You’re not a whore, Belle,” she said firmly.

  “Yeah, well, it seems like a lot of people are calling me that lately!” I cried, thinking back to the smear campaign Melissa had launched on me. First that—now this. I’d thought somehow things would be different with Alden and that this wasn’t just an arrangement or something secretive, but it turned out I’d walked right into the reputation Melissa had created for me.

  And once this got out…

  “Oh, god…” I cried. “Everyone’s going to hear about this.”

  “Forget them!” Sara snapped. “Get rid of all social media and forget it all. You’ll be fine. Don’t worry about rumors.”

  “How am I going to survive?” I replied. “My business is ruined, this job is ruined and now my reputation is going to be even more awful than it already is!”

  “You’ll figure it out,” Sara said, but I could hear the doubt in her voice. Even she knew I was in big trouble after this.

  I’m going to have to move and get my bartender’s license, I thought miserably, thinking of all the obnoxious men I’d have to put up with to earn my living.

  “We both know I’m fucked, Sara,” I sighed. “And with you moving…how am I going to pay for this house?”

  We both knew I couldn’t move home, being that my parents were dead, and Sara wasn’t staying here either. She’d found a job across the country and had a hard start date that she couldn’t miss. I didn’t have a single safety net to catch me.

  “I’m going to have to take the job, Sara,” I moaned. “I’m going to have to still work for Alden and somehow pretend that none of this happened.”

  “You can do that!” she said emphatically, but it came out more like a question than a statement. My only response was to guzzle more wine.

  I was screwed and we both knew it.

  “Babe, I’ll stay up with you tonight,” Sara said, pulling me closer. “I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. You just tell me what you want. Pizza? Ice cream? More wine? I’ll go out if you want anything.”

  I turned and looked out the window as I heard the rain begin to fall, streams of water mirroring the tears running down my cheeks.

  “I just kind of want to sit here for a while,” I admitted.

  “Okay, babe,” Sara smiled. “That’s just fine. And if that psycho bitch even tries to show up here, I’ll go Hunger Games on her ass!”

  Something approximating a laugh squeezed itself from my lips and I set the wine bottle aside on the coffee table as a moment of even greater self-criticism came over me.

  What was I doing? Running home and getting drunk like this? I was a professional woman! A survivor! This wasn’t going to break me!

  But as hard as I tried to convince myself that that was true, I just couldn’t believe it. This was the darkest moment of my life. In metaphorical terms, I was in the “belly of the whale,” that part of the Hero’s Journey where it seems like all hope is lost? Yeah, that was me.

  I don’t know how long it was that I lay there on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and curled up in Sara’s arms, but eventually I heard my phone buzz and picked it up to see Alden calling.

  “Is it him?”

  “Yes,” I replied, ignoring the call. “Fuck that.”

  Stupidly, I threw the phone over my head and heard it hit the wall and clatter to the floor. Sara gasped
but didn’t say anything. It was probably broken, but so was my heart, and there was no fixing either of them.

  It buzzed again a few seconds later, chattering across the faded linoleum floor that I had once found to be vintage and charming but now hated with all my heart. Compared to Alden’s lush marble floor in his Hamptons mansion, I was living in squalor. And he was up there with his wife, having one of their rich-people-problems fights that they would undoubtedly get over, while I was lying there wondering how I was going to survive the coming months without ending up on the streets.

  “Do you maybe want to talk to him?” Sara suggested. “See if he still wants you to take the job?”

  “Fuck him,” I spat, not really meaning it but wishing I did. “If I decide to go to work tomorrow, he can tell me whether or not he wants me then.”

  Sara nodded but didn’t reply. What more was there to say? This was just one of those moments you had to stew in and be miserable until it passed—if it passed.

  As much as I wanted to hate him, I couldn’t.

  When I pictured him, I still got butterflies. When I thought about the things he’d said to me, how his touch felt, how his lips tasted and his tongue felt on my body…

  …I melted. It wasn’t fair!

  How could I still have these feelings for him after what happened to me? He’d lied to me and I’d been assaulted by his freaking wife! I should have been able to cut the cord immediately, but something was holding me back.

  Don’t love him, Belle, I tried to tell myself, but I would have had better luck telling a lion not to hunt the gazelle.

  I did love Alden, and that’s what made what had happened so terrible.

  I closed my eyes and curled up in Sara’s arms like she was my mother and I was a child who’d just broken their favorite toy and was throwing a temper tantrum, when a firm knock came from the door.

  I sat up immediately and Sara reached into the vase where we kept the mace and held it at the ready.

  “Who’s there?” she shouted.

  “Alden McLaren!” Alden’s voice called back. “Is Belle there? I need to speak to her!”


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