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Treyvon (Kaliszian)

Page 48

by M. K. Eidem

  • • • • • •

  "Enter," Treyvon ordered, not looking up from the report he was reading at the knock on his office door. When he finished, he looked up to find Nikhil standing there. "Nikhil? I didn't expect to see you today."

  "Mackenzie kicked me out," Nikhil told him through clenched teeth.

  "She what?!!"

  "It seems she finds my... concern for her, excessive."

  Treyvon was saved from responding, not that he would have known what to say, by Jennifer who had just exited their quarters and overheard Nikhil's comment.

  "Imagine that," Jen teased as she walked over to give Treyvon a kiss.

  "I only suggested she stay in our quarters and rest," Nikhil grumbled.

  "For how long?" Jen asked.


  "For how long did you suggest she rest?"

  "Only until she presents our offspring," he admitted as if it made perfect sense.

  "Seriously?" Jen threw her head back and laughed, then seeing Nikhil stiffen, realized she had offended him. That hadn't been her intention. "I'm sorry, Nikhil. I shouldn't have laughed. I know you take Mac's health and protection very seriously."

  "I do."

  "But there is a difference in protecting someone and enslaving them." She saw Nikhil pale at her wording, but she had to make sure that both he and Treyvon understood this. "Mac and I have been enslaved by the Zaludians, have been forced to remain in a very small, very enclosed area in that mine. Neither of us are going to allow anyone to do that to us again. Especially not the males we love."

  She looked down and saw Treyvon was listening just as intently as Nikhil was. "We also understand your need to protect us, and we want you to. We need it after everything we survived, but it has to be reasonable and you have to allow us to be... us. Mac loved being outdoors at home. It was her home. Being confined in that cave... I honestly think the only thing that kept her sane was the fact she found that passage to the outside. She would crawl up there and spend hours on the ledge just looking. Asking her to remain inside now... she would do it, Nikhil, because of her love for you. But I know she would suffer for it."

  "I would never want that."

  "I know," Jen walked around Treyvon's desk and put a gentle hand on his arm. "You have to trust her, Nikhil. She's not going to do anything that is going to harm either herself or your offspring. She also has me, Maysa, and Luol to make sure she doesn't. We will take care of her when you're not there."

  "She never told me about her need to be outside," Nikhil said frowning.

  "Probably because you haven't really tried to restrict her from it going where she wanted to go. Until now. Look I was going to head out to the gairdín."

  "You were?" Treyvon interrupted frowning at her. "You didn't tell me that."

  "Well I would have, but when I came out of our quarters, Nikhil was here. I want to walk through it again and see if I can find those rings, not that I hold out much hope."

  Treyvon was immediately up and around his desk pulling her into his arms. "I am sorry, Jennifer."

  "Don't be." There was only the slightest hint of sadness in the smile she gave him. "The only reason I'm going to look is because of the Ganglian attack. Otherwise they wouldn't matter."


  "Truth, Treyvon. They are my past. Something that will always be a part of me, but I don't need the rings to remember it." She turned her attention to Nikhil. "I'll stop by your quarters and have Mac go with me. She's going to be so excited."

  • • • • • •

  "Excited?" Nikhil finally asked Treyvon as the door closed behind Jennifer. "I expect the gairdín to be unrecognizable after a storm like that."

  "It is," Treyvon confirmed walking back to sit behind his desk and gestured for Nikhil to sit too, "but not in the way you think. I've never seen anything like it. It's as if the hand of the Goddess swooped down to remove every speck of sand."

  Treyvon frowned as he realized that was entirely possible.

  "What?" Nikhil's shock was evident.

  "Every path is clean, the ancient planting beds are clearly visible. Even the rubble from the attack is gone exposing another pathway."

  "Jennifer is right. My Mackenzie will be excited about that. She has been wanting to see what was underneath everything. I haven't had the time to assist her with that."

  "Well you won't have to now. So," Treyvon's attention went back to the report he had been reading. "Spada's communications."

  "While on the surface there is nothing suspicious about them, the majority of them have been to Colleen Rachana Klueh."

  "Which could just mean they were sharing friendship."

  "Truth, but the communications only began a short time before the first attack where the Ganglians had the Fenton's codes. A strange way to share friendship."

  "Truth, and there were no transmissions made to her while she was on the Monarch?"


  "Then I'd say it’s time we go find out just what type of relationship Spada and Rachana have."

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  "Oh. My. God. Jen."

  "I know, amazing isn't it?" Jen smiled as she led her friend out into the gairdín.

  "That's such an understatement," Mac said moving farther down the path. "I can't believe a storm did this."

  "I think there might have been a little more to it than that."

  "What? What are you talking about?" Mac demanded, gripping Jen's arm and turning her so she faced her.

  "I am talking about the Goddess," Jen told her quietly and watched Mac's eyes widen.

  "The Goddess?" Mac's grip tightened. "You've talked to her too?"

  "Too?" Jen's eyes widened. "You mean you have? When? Where?"

  "Yes, well, I mean I think I have. It was after the Zaludian attack when I was in the deep repair unit."

  "Did you meet anyone else?" Jen asked questioningly.

  "You mean Raiden?"

  "Yes, what did you think of him?"

  "You mean besides the fact that he’s amazingly handsome and that if it wasn't for Nikhil, he'd be my dream man?"

  "Yes!" Jen's breath left her in a gush at Mac's understanding and they both laughed.

  "So you met them in a dream too?"

  "The first time, yes. But then..."


  "Raiden and the Goddess appeared in the kitchen, to me and Treyvon, yesterday after Nikhil carried you back to your quarters."

  "What! You mean you saw them? Actually saw them? With your own eyes. Both you and Treyvon."

  "Yes," Jen laughed, "I even fed them their first chocolate."

  "Wait! Are you telling me that you let the Goddess and Raiden have a frosted brownie before me?!! I'm your friend! I'm pregnant! I deserved the first brownie!"

  "Let's see," Jen held her hands out palms up, then raised one and lowered the other like a scale as she spoke. "Goddess there. You not. God there. You not."

  "That doesn't matter," Mac pouted crossing her arms over her chest. "And that wasn't my fault, it was Nikhil's."

  "Hey, I brought you an entire row. The long way across the pan. And risked life and limb to bring them to you."

  "Oh, please.”

  “Hey, you didn't see how many warriors followed me to your quarters hoping I would give up that plate of brownies. If I hadn't promised I'd make another pan soon, I don't think you would have gotten even one."


  "Yeah. Apparently none of them have ever tasted chocolate before. They have no equivalent for it here."

  "What?!! But... But..."

  "But what?!!"

  "I'm pregnant! I'm going to want chocolate. I'm going to need it!"

  "Please, don't be such a drama queen."

  "Drama queen!"

  "Besides, there's plenty of chocolate," Jen continued ignoring Mac's outraged shriek.

  "Don't say I'm... Wait. What? What do you mean there's plenty of chocolate. What's your definition of plenty."

"Nearly a container full. Of all kinds. Is that enough for you?"

  "God, Jen, don't kid around. Not about this."

  Jen was going to, just because it had been so long since she had seriously teased anyone, but the honest pleading in Mac's eyes stopped her. Reaching out, she put a reassuring hand on her arm.

  "Honestly, Mac, unless you decide to eat a couple pounds of it a day there should be more than enough." At Mac's shocked look she continued. "I don't know where on Earth the Ganglians went shopping, but where ever it was, they cleaned out the chocolate section. There's chocolate chips, chocolate chunks, chocolate bars, milk chocolate, bitter chocolate, dark chocolate, even white chocolate and cocoa powder. We're not going to run out of chocolate anytime soon. I promise."

  Jen didn't know if it was her words or the sincerity she put into them, but after taking a deep breath, Mac relaxed and gave her a nod.

  "Okay then."

  They walked in without speaking for a ways until they reached the Crann.

  "Wow, it really looks different and I'm not just talking about the change in color." Mac reached out to touch the now white Crann.

  "So it looks bigger to you too?" Jen asked hesitantly.

  "Oh yeah."

  "I thought it was just wishful thinking on my part."

  "No. No, it's not and," Mac tipped her head to the side slightly, staring intently at the Crann, "it feels... healthier... I know that sounds strange but it does to me."

  "Hey, I'll always trust you, especially when it comes to something like this." Jen's hands gripped the edge of the bench around the Crann as she sat down. "But I thought you trusted me too."

  "What?" Mac's gaze went from the Crann to where Jen sat staring down at her feet that she was slowly swinging back and forth. "Of course, I trust you."

  "Then tell me what really happened back there." She used her head to gesture to the path they'd just walked down. "You've never acted like that before. Never been a drama queen, not even when things got really bad. It wasn't just about chocolate."

  Mac slowly sat down next to Jen, her hand covering Jen’s. As their legs swung in unison, she finally admitted. "You’re right. It wasn't about chocolate. That was just an easy outlet."

  "So what was it about?"



  "The future." Mac reached up and touched her True Mate bead but only for a moment. "Have you discovered yet that these beads are a double-edged sword. It's great for knowing your True Mate is safe, knowing what he's feeling, especially during Joinings."

  "Yeah, I've discovered that."

  That had them sharing a smile before Mac's faded away.

  "But you also know when he is worried... about you."

  "Mac, of course Nikhil's worried. He loves you."

  "It's more than that, but he won't say it. He just keeps trying to down play it, but I can feel it. In here." She touched her heart. "And there's nothing I can do to help him."

  Jen wished there was something she could say or do to help ease Nikhil's worry, but there wasn't.

  "So the drama queen routine was just you venting."

  "Yea, sorry."

  "Nothing for you to be sorry for." Jen bumped her shoulder against Mac's. "We'll use 'chocolate' as our code word for when we need to get away from our True Mates and vent. Agreed?"


  "Good, now come on," Jen slid off the bench. "Let’s look around and see if we can find the remnants of my rings."

  "Do you really think we'll find them?" Mac asked getting up.

  "No, but who knows. We might get lucky. Then Treyvon can have them examined."

  "Examined? Why would he want to do that?"

  "So he can find out if there was a transmitter put in them." Jen frowned at Mac. "Didn't Nikhil tell you about this?"


  "Oh." And Jen wondered for a moment if she should tell Mac what Treyvon had told her. But this was Mac and she knew she could trust her. "There was some kind of transmission being sent out that was guiding those missiles, Mac. Nikhil was able to trace it from the Monarch, to the base, and finally to here, where one struck. The only thing that was in all those places was my rings."

  "But that Rachana female had them."

  "Yes, and before her the Zaludians. So how did she get them? When did she get them? And is she knowingly a part of this or not. We can't answer any of those questions until we can prove there was a transmitter hidden in my rings.”

  "Alright then, let’s start looking." Mac's gaze went to the ground. "Do we have any idea what a transmitter looks like?"

  "Not a clue," Jen replied.

  • • • • • •

  It was several hours later, after they'd explored all five paths and found nothing, that they returned to the Crann and found Maysa standing there looking up at the Crann. Jen calling out her name had her turning.

  "There you two are," Maysa said. "I've been looking all over for you. This," she spread her arms wide, "is amazing."

  "It is, isn't it," Mac agreed as they walked over to her. "Why were you looking for us? Is something wrong?"

  "No. Something is very, very right."

  "Really?" Jen's gaze traveled over Maysa taking in how everything about Maysa seemed to be glowing not just her eyes. Something was different. Something had happened. But what? Then she realized what it was. "Maysa... your braid... your bead."

  "I know. Isn't it wonderful?!!" Maysa's happiness radiated out from her.

  "Jen, what are you talking about? Maysa's always worn a True Mate bead. It's a beautiful lavender with thin dark swirls in it..." Mac trailed off as she realized that wasn't the bead that now hung in her friend's hair. "Maysa?"

  "It's Luol's," Maysa whispered as she fingered the dark violet bead with amber swirls. "It finally migrated to me."

  "Like we didn't know it was Luol's," Jen told her with a smile before she muttered to the heavens. "About damn time."

  "I couldn't believe it at first." Maysa went on not noticing what Jen said. "Luol and I were in bed and had been talking..."

  "Talking, right," Mac said rolling her eyes.

  "Well, it was after that," she told them blushing, "so yes, we were talking and then..."

  "And then?"

  "It was just there. I don't even know when they migrated."

  "Neither did I. Oh, Maysa I'm so happy for you," Mac wrapped her arms around Maysa and gave her a big hug.

  "Me neither," Jen said, hugging Maysa too. "Now the Kaliszian people have real hope. A Kaliszian's True Mate bead has transferred to another Kaliszian. This is going to spread like wildfire."

  "Wildfire?" Maysa asked.

  "Super-fast," Jen clarified. "Does Treyvon or Nikhil know yet?"

  "I don't know. Luol tried to contact them, but neither were answering their comms. Then one of the warriors came in with a cut, so while Luol treated him, I came to find you. Which was difficult by the way. I thought I'd find you in the kitchen, but when I saw the exterior door was open, I came looking here."

  "We were looking to see if my rings survived the missile attack," Jen told her then quickly filled her in on why.

  "Rachana Klueh... well I wouldn't put it past her to be involved with a Zaludian, not if it got her what she wanted. But to be involved in an assassination attempt against the Emperor. When she was with him? That I can't see."

  "But you could see it if she weren't there?" Jen asked.

  "Certainly. As long as she was able to benefit from it."

  "But how would she benefit from Liron's death?"

  "Liron has yet to have offspring. If he dies without any, it would be up to the Ministers to decide who from the bloodline would be worthy enough to become Emperor."

  "There are more in the bloodline?" Jen asked frowning "I thought just Liron and Treyvon were left."

  "There are some distant ones along Liron's line. Although I believe Treyvon is the last of his. Since Aadi, few females have been willing to Join with a Rayner, let alone give them offspring espe
cially if they present a male." Maysa gave Jen a regretful look. "The pressure and ridicule they have to endure tends to be too much. Treyvon's own mother left when he was still very young, returning his manno's Dasho bead. It is my understanding that they do not communicate."

  "Not at all?"

  "My knowledge is only that she quickly accepted another's Dasho bead and has given him several offspring that Treyvon has never met." Silence reigned for a moment then Maysa continued. "But back to Rachana. Her manno is Minister Klueh, and he weakly descends from Liron's bloodline. As he is a known Minister, the chances would be good that he could be selected to assume the throne."

  "But what about Treyvon?" This question came from Mac, and Maysa gave her a sad look.

  "The General descends directly down the male bloodline of Aadi, while Liron descends down the female line. No male from the male bloodline would be not be considered worthy by the Ministers, especially Treyvon.

  "But... that's just wrong! He fights and defends them, "Mac's outrage was easily heard.

  "I know, Mac, but unfortunately that is the way it is."

  "Not all the Ministers feel that way, do they?" Jen asked quietly.

  "No, but enough do that it would never happen. I'm sorry, Jen."

  "You have nothing to be sorry for, Maysa. Treyvon no more wants to be Emperor than I want to be Empress. What we both want is to find out who is attacking Liron and why, but I'm not sure we ever will if we can't find that transmitter."

  "So then we find it."

  "We've already searched all the paths and haven't found anything," Jen told her.

  "But you haven't searched this area?" Maysa questioned and Jen and Mac realized they hadn't. They'd gone around the edges but not the center.


  "Then let’s search and maybe the Goddess will bless us."

  Maysa's comment had Mac and Jen smiling at each other, but they said nothing and started to search the large, open area around the Crann. Nearly an hour later, all three sat down disgruntled and defeated.

  "I really thought we'd find it," Mac said. "That we were supposed to find it."

  "I'm not surprised we didn't," Jen tried to give Mac an encouraging smile when she was just as disappointed. "Not with how bad that explosion was. Hell, I barely survived it and I was a good distance away."


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