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For the Lust of a Rogue: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

Page 21

by Olivia Bennet

  “I only ask you to consider what I told you.” The Dowager Duchess’ tone was firm. “Speak to him,” she added.

  There was a long pause. “I will,” her father said at last.

  What can this mean? Is Her Grace having doubts about Lord Estaria?

  A mad euphoria was taking over her. If her aunt had misgivings about her courting Lord Estaria, she and Mr. Langley had a stronger chance. The world seemed to be helping them as if the stars above wished for them to be together.

  She fell happily onto her bed, closing her eyes and envisioning Mr. Langley. She wished she could fly away to him, to lay naked in his embrace, and whisper to him that they would be together. The thought caused her breath to quicken, and she moved her hand down her stomach, imaging it was his hand caressing her body. She stroked over the skirt of her gown, feeling a slight tremble between her legs.

  She imagined his lips on her collarbone, slowly moving down to her chest, his hands holding her in place. The incessant tingling filled her with an unfulfilled longing that only he could quench. Her fingers weren’t strong enough to trick her body, her hand was too weak. Only he would ever be able to relieve her of this tension.

  Chapter 33

  Caroline observed her aunt carefully during breakfast the next day. The Dowager Duchess and her father did not seem any different since the previous night, but she felt a sudden rush of affection toward her aunt.

  She did not approve of Lord Estaria’s strange behavior lately, and she even tried to convince Father of that. I feel so very grateful!

  But, although her aunt did not seem that impressed with the Marquess, she had invited him over for dinner tonight. Caroline wasn’t sure if that was good or not. Perhaps he would behave like he did the other day, but this time her father would be there to witness it as well. Still, it might simply prove to her father that Lord Estaria was a fine gentleman and that her aunt was just frivolous and petty.

  “Caroline, since the weather is good, I thought we should head out,” her aunt said suddenly.

  “That sounds lovely, Your Grace,” she replied. It certainly was a beautiful day, and she had been cooped up in the house for almost two days.

  “Where are you two going?” her father asked, looking up from his newspaper.

  “I was thinking about Hyde Park.” The Dowager Duchess sipped her tea and observed Lord Brighney.

  “Jolly good,” he replied, disappearing behind his paper again.

  “As long as I am not required to ride a horse,” Caroline chirped.

  “Dear Lord above, have mercy. Never again.” Her father sighed theatrically and then roared with laughter.

  “You poor thing, you never were able to quite find the balance, were you?” Her aunt chuckled kindly. All of them laughed at the memory of Caroline trying her hardest to ride gracefully, like the other young ladies.

  But try as she might, she was never able to sit quite upright, nor slip off the horse without a yelp. She felt an almost painful nostalgia wash over her. This small moment felt like how her life had been a few years ago. Strict and proper, yes, but filled with laughter.

  I wonder whether I will ever feel that ease again? My life has changed so rapidly over these past two years. I didn’t fully realize how much I have missed this.

  A short while later, she was in the carriage with her aunt and Madeleine. The Dowager Duchess had not commented on the gown Caroline wore, which was unlike her. The gown was one of her favorites, a pale yellow satin gown with short sleeves and a flowing skirt. But it was almost two years old, practically ancient in her aunt’s mind. Still, she said nothing, much to Caroline’s surprise.

  Her Grace certainly seems to be preoccupied today. I wonder if there is something else bothering her, not only Lord Estaria’s odd behavior.

  Hyde Park was filled with people. The riding path area was filled with laughter and talking. Young ladies gracefully rode, showing their skill, and the audience clapped as they slid off the horse delicately. Caroline clutched her parasol and drank in the surroundings. The sun had finally appeared again, after the bout of rain that had kept everyone inside for the past days.

  “Come here, Caroline,” her aunt said. “I can see Lady Adams over there.” They walked to the other side of the riding path, which was a more secluded area. Everyone was dressed in bright and cheerful summer clothes, and there was excitement in the air.

  They greeted Lady Adams, who was with a cousin of hers who was visiting. Caroline stood to the side, gazing at the crowd while her aunt chatted. Coming out here had been an excellent idea. She smiled and nodded her head as acquaintances of hers walked past her. But suddenly her heart stopped. A familiar figure was walking in the distance, near the entrance to the garden. She stared at him, hoping he would turn around.

  Mr. Langley turned around and stopped. For a moment, they simply looked at each other. All she wanted was to run into his arms, but of course, that was impossible. But she had to see him. Subtly, she signaled to him to wait.

  “Your Grace, I would very much like to take a quick stroll around the garden,” she said to her aunt. “I have seen some acquaintances that I would love to greet.”

  “Very well, dear,” her aunt replied, looking at Madeleine. “Don’t be gone too long.”

  “Of course not,” she said gracefully. She turned away from her aunt and walked in the direction of the old lodge that had been closed for the past year.

  “Is Her Grace looking at us?” Caroline asked Madeleine.

  “No,” Madeleine said, turning around carefully.

  “Good!” She began walking toward the lodge, peering to her side, looking for Mr. Langley. He was walking parallel with her on the other end of the road. She eyed the lodge and nodded her head once, and he smiled and disappeared from view.

  “Where are you going?” Madeleine asked anxiously.

  “I will only be gone for a moment,” she said.


  “Mr. Langley is here, and I must speak with him.” She explained, moving behind a large tree that was completely hidden in shadow. “I need you to make sure no one interrupts us.”

  “Of course, but please be careful, My Lady.” Madeleine observed the lodge they stood in front of.

  “I will be careful, I promise.” Madeleine nodded and they walked further inside the thicket of trees. They had reached the side of the lodge, which was dark and silent. “Stay here,” she said, and she walked to the back of the lodge.

  “Lady Caroline,” Mr. Langley said softly. He stood by the back door of the lodge, hidden from view. She hurried toward him, desperate for his touch.

  “I could not believe this was truly you,” she said, her voice breathless.

  “A fortunate chance,” he replied. “I often walk this path after visiting my sister.”

  “Fortunate, indeed.” She moved closer to him. “My aunt suggested we come here before our lunch.”

  He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by an urgent whisper from Madeleine.

  “My Lady! Someone is coming, you must hide.”

  “Oh, no, what can we do?” She looked around terrified. There was no clear spot for them to hide. The sudden realization of her mistake hit her with force.

  What was I thinking? I have jeopardized everything, on a silly whim. If someone catches us here, alone together, everything is over.

  “Come here,” Mr. Langley said. He turned to the door of the abandoned lodge, and with his elbow, he broke the small window near the door and crammed his hand inside to unlock the door. “Get inside!”

  She hurried inside after him, and they closed the door. He walked her further into the room they stood in, which was empty and dark. The sounds of voices nearby filled her with dread, and she uttered a small whimper.

  He hushed her gently, dragging her into his embrace. “It will be all right,” he whispered. She clung to him, breathing in his scent. They stood in this position for a long while, until they could not hear anything.

heart is racing,” she said.

  “Mine, too.” He looked down at her, and for a moment they just stared at each other. But then he moved closer to her, and she stood on tiptoes and closed the gap between them. Their lips touched, sending a bolt of lightning down her body. The kiss became feverish, and he walked backward, holding her against him.

  His tongue slid across hers, and she moaned with pleasure. He stopped moving abruptly as he cascaded into a wall, but that only spurred him on. His fingers drew down from her waist, pressing the fabric of her skirt against her thigh.

  Her body was aflame with desire. She desperately wanted him to touch her bare skin, to relieve her of her agony. Her hand stroked through his hair, pulling him even closer, deepening their kiss. All of a sudden, he turned them around, pinning her against the wall.

  But before her head hit the wall, he lifted her up, holding one arm behind her. One of his knees pressed between her legs, and she could again feel his raging manhood through the thin layer of his pants.

  I cannot bear this anymore. I have to touch him, hard and firmly against me. Never have I felt such thirst before.

  She moved her hip forward, and he groaned roughly. With the palm of his hand, he pushed near her pelvis. His mouth gently sucked at the nape of her neck. The constant thrusting of his hand caused the familiar tingling in her center to build up to a fierce crescendo.

  Without warning, her entire body convulsed in a breathtaking spasm. A wave from her womanhood buzzed, the most tantalizing feeling she had ever felt. He swallowed her gasp with his lips and held her as her body calmed.

  Her breath was ragged, and they stood with their foreheads pressed together. She suddenly laughed, from delirious joy and satisfaction. He chortled quietly, stroking her back.

  “You should head back,” he said.

  “I never want to leave.” She sighed, trying to regain any sense of her surroundings.

  “The effect you have on me is frightening, Lady Caroline.” He spoke softly, his voice filled with love. “For a moment, I almost went too far.”

  “You should really call me Caroline,” she said with a tingling laugh.

  “Caroline,” he replied softly, caressing her name. “As you are the rightful owner of my heart, it is only right you call me by my Christian name.” He chuckled as he began trailing kisses from her cheekbone down to her neck. She gasped as he gently sucked on her pulse point.

  “Jasper!” She moaned, but they both startled as someone knocked on the door.

  “Lady Caroline!” Madeleine’s voice could barely be heard.

  “Go, my love,” he said.

  “Till next time, Jasper,” she replied. They kissed a brief, sweet kiss, and she hurried outside. Madeleine hurriedly brushed off her skirt and fixed her hair, but Caroline did not really notice. Something had changed within her that moment, she had become an entirely different woman.

  Chapter 34

  These past few days had raced by, Caroline observed. Since her magical moment in the lodge with Jasper, she had thought of little else than his hand pushing against her, making her quiver and writhe underneath his touch. Once she had returned to her aunt, she had felt as if she was outside of her body—floating along. Even the dinner with Lord Estaria had been tolerable, despite being uneventful.

  Father will not agree with Her Grace regarding Lord Estaria after that dinner. The two of them got along rather nicely.

  She had not seen Jasper since that fateful day, and she missed him more every day they were apart. The following day was the ball at Wessex Manor. Lord Estaria had talked an awful lot about the ball, which surprised her. A terrible suspicion was taking hold of her, that he might do something much too rash during the ball.

  “I wish you a pleasant journey,” Caroline said to her father. They stood in the foyer, and the servants were carrying the trunks outside to the carriage. Her father was leaving on his trip today, and Jasper would travel in two days. She had carefully asked her father for more and more information about his journey, wishing to get any information she could about Jasper.

  “Thank you, dear,” he replied.

  “I hope you will send Mr. Langley my regards,” she said, keeping her tone light and conversational.

  “Will do, poppet.” He chuckled, checking his pocket watch. “I should get going, it’s a long journey.”

  They walked outside, and Caroline waved the carriage off as it left Brighney Manor. A strange emptiness filled her, with the prospect of her father leaving with the man she loved.

  “Come in now, My Lady,” Mrs. Wilson said, who had stood outside with her.

  “Is Her Grace still in her room?” They walked inside, and she looked up the staircase. Her aunt had not been down at breakfast, and the previous night she had complained about a headache during dinner.

  “Her Grace is not feeling well,” Mrs. Wilson replied.

  “I hope it is not serious.” Suddenly, she became nervous.

  “She will be fine, dear,” Mrs. Wilson said sympathetically. “But I’m afraid she might not be well enough for the ball tomorrow.”

  I will have to go alone. Her Grace has been my supporter lately, and the thought of going without her terrifies me.

  The following morning, the Dowager Duchess was still unwell. Caroline went to her room and was pleased to see she looked like herself, if only a little paler than usual. “How are you feeling, Your Grace?” she asked tentatively.

  “Better,” her aunt replied. “A bad chest cold, that is all.”

  “I should stay home tonight,” she began, but her aunt scoffed loudly.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, of course you will go, Caroline,” her aunt said sternly.

  “Very well.” She sighed, disappointed.

  Lord Estaria arrived in the late afternoon. They would arrive together to the ball, and Caroline groaned internally when she noticed that he had come in his horrible barouche again. “Lady Caroline, you look simply radiant,” he said.

  “Thank you, My Lord. You are very kind.” Mrs. Wilson stood outside, bidding her goodbye. Lord Estaria completely ignored her, and after he had helped Caroline up the step, poor Madeleine had to jump up and hold on for dear life as they began riding before she managed to sit down. The ride to Wessex Manor was filled with a tense silence. Lord Estaria was preoccupied, but once they arrived, he seemed to return to his old self.

  “I think this will be a charming evening, Lady Caroline,” he crooned as he helped her step down. She was spared from replying when they walked inside the house. Music was playing, and although this was a much smaller ball than the one at Almack’s, the sound of the guests was equally loud.

  Lady Anna hurried toward them when they entered the grand foyer. “Lady Caroline, I am so glad to see you,” she beamed at them. “Welcome, My Lord,” she added to Lord Estaria.

  “This certainly is a lively gathering!” Caroline laughed, observing the cheerful guests.

  “Isn’t it wonderful!” Lady Anna swayed in time with the music, smiling and humming along with the tune.

  “We should dance, Lady Caroline,” Lord Estaria said, holding out his hand. She took his hand and they joined in the cotillion. But whenever they swapped position with the other dance couple, Lord Estaria seemed to glower at the other gentleman.

  Did I imagine this look on his face?

  The ball continued well into the night. Caroline managed to escape from Lord Estaria briefly, when she and Lady Anna ran to the back garden, clutching each other just as they had done when they were little girls. They hid behind the water fountain, giggling and holding tightly onto each other.

  This had been their favorite hiding spot, during tedious luncheons and house calls. Lady Anna had driven her governess mad with her silly antics, and Caroline had always admired her best friend’s audaciousness. This was not behavior she would have ever dared to mimic at Brighney Manor.

  They were huddled close together, and she was urgently whispering what had happened with Jasper the other day when she
was interrupted when a blood-curdling wail was heard from inside the house.

  “What was that?” they said in unison. They hurried back inside, and the dancing seemed to have come to an abrupt stop. All eyes were on Lady Sarah, who stood in the middle of the dance floor, sobbing and shaking like a leaf. The Duchess of Wessex approached the quivering Lady Sarah, but as soon as she came close to her, Lady Sarah ran away.

  What has happened? What frightened poor Lady Sarah so very much?

  Owen pulled hard on the reins. The wind rushed through his hair, and he made sharp and reckless turns. He had just said goodnight to Lady Caroline outside of Brighney Manor. This entire ball had been a complete disaster.


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