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Reckless Times: A Paranormal Romance (Paragon Society Book 1)

Page 9

by Michelle Hercules

  Besides curiosity, what I catch rolling out in waves from my peers is fear. No wonder they’re giving me a wide berth.

  There goes my plan to keep the extension of my powers a secret. How long until the devil comes knocking on my door?

  In the hallway is the same situation. Conversation drops to whispers or ceases altogether. Was I that bad last Saturday?

  A brave soul stops next to me while I’m at my locker. Shockingly, it’s not one of the Silverstone brothers. It’s Leroy, the idiot who almost picked a fight with me.

  “Good morning. Andromeda, is it?”

  “You know very well. What do you want?”

  “First, I’d like to apologize for my behavior on Saturday.”

  I open my locker door and grab the books I’ll need for today. “Really?”

  “Yeah. If I had known you were that strong, I wouldn’t have—”

  “Acted like an ass?” I shut the metal door with a bang.


  “Whatever. I have to go.”

  “Wait. I have a question for you.”

  I brace myself for something awful to come out of his mouth. “Go on. I don’t have the entire day.”

  “Have you ever considered using your badass skills for fun?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You know. Compete in a tournament. You can make some serious cash.”

  I’m rendered speechless. Of all the things I expected this moron to ask me, fighting for money wasn’t it.

  “Ha-ha. Very funny.” I turn around, ready to head to class.

  The pest follows me. “I’m serious. I know a spot where underground fights take place. A bunch of us is going this Thursday. You should come.”

  “Okay, buddy. If I’m ever desperate for money, I’ll come to you.”

  I hear a vibration in my pocket. It’s a message, but I’ll listen to it later.

  “I just texted you my digits. Call me if you change your mind.”

  He walks away before I can ask how he got my phone number. Duh, Andy. This is a school for powerful Idols. Hacking is probably child’s play for some of them.

  I veer into my classroom and attempt to forget the conversation, but as hard as I try, I can’t stop thinking about it. Maybe I could check the tournament out. And who knows? I might need the extra cash soon if my parents decide to ruin my life.

  During my lunch break, I receive an email from Stephan letting me know he booked the gym for our training session at four. Suddenly, I’m not thinking about underground fights anymore. I’m going to be alone with Stephan, and the prospect has awakened stupid butterflies in my belly.

  Focusing on any of my lectures is impossible. I’m restless with anticipation, counting the minutes until four and also dreading it. Gah. When did I become this stupid girl infatuated with her mentor?

  I’m so lame that when I stop just outside of the gym, my heartbeat is out of control, and the damn insects in my stomach are having a rave. My chains tell me Stephan is already inside waiting for me.

  Stop making a big deal out of this, Andy. There’s nothing to be nervous about.

  The mental pep talk only works partially, but I can’t avoid going in. With a deep sigh, I push the door open and try to locate my new instructor. Not finding him on the floor, I turn my face upward. He’s near the ceiling, hovering in the air.

  I unleash the power of my chains so I can better “see” him.

  “You’re late.” He lands in front of me.

  “By one minute. Gee, are you that kind of instructor?”

  “If you mean a person who appreciates punctuality, then yes, I’m that kind of instructor. Now, enough talking. Let’s get started.” He flies away, zooming to a corner in the room. “I’ve placed several targets in this area. Some are bad guys, others are civilians. I want you to strike only the bad guys.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me? How am I supposed to tell them apart if they all feel the same to me?”

  “They won’t. The bad guys will be flashing an intermittent red light.”

  “Okay, now you just made it too easy.”

  “Quit whining and begin.”

  Swallowing several choice words, I ignore Stephan’s magnetic presence and expand my senses throughout the room. At first, I don’t pick up any difference between the targets.

  “Did you forget to turn the lights on by any chance?” I ask.

  “Nope. They’re on. What’s the matter, Andy? Having trouble?”

  I open my mouth to retort when a fist made of air punches me in the stomach. A grunt escapes my lips as I lean forward, clutching my middle. I’ve barely recovered when another gust of wind knocks me off my feet. I’d fall on my back if it weren’t for my chains.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask after I catch my breath.

  “That was a strike by the enemy. It seems your chains aren’t as good as you think.”

  “You didn’t say there would be sneak attacks, asshole!”

  The whooshing sound of an approaching gust of wind propels me to jump out of the way. It misses my face by an inch.

  “What the hell! Can you bend air?”

  “How do you think I can fly? You know, I’m beginning to think you’re not that smart.”

  “Shut up!” I throw my spiked ball chain in his direction, knowing very well he’ll move out of the way. Not that I wanted to hit him anyway.

  The ball crashes against the wall, making a hole.

  “There goes all the donation money your father made to the school.”

  “Like they don’t have plenty of funds to fix whatever damage their students cause.”

  “Maybe I didn’t explain this exercise well. You have to kill the bad guys, not the teacher,” he whispers in my ear, giving me goose bumps.

  Fuck. How did he get close to me so fast and silently? Curse his damn gift.

  Like the first time we met, I try to punch him, but he flies out of my reach, laughing.

  Son of a bitch.

  I send both chains in his direction, but he evades them easily. If I’m not careful, they’ll end up in knots. I’m pissed now. With a roar, I strike every single one of the targets he placed in the room, not caring if they’re the enemy or not. I just want to destroy something, which turns out to be everything.

  The sound of foam, leather, and wood breaking is satisfying, but it doesn’t appease the fury that’s coursing through my veins now. My chains are acting on their own, and I’m too lost in my anger to bother keeping them in check.

  “Andy!” Stephan yells from afar, or maybe he’s closer. I don’t know. I can’t really tell thanks to the pounding in my ears, muffling all other noises.

  “Calm down!” he continues.

  I want to shout back that I can’t calm down, but that would mean confessing I can’t control my own fucking chains. Mortification mixes with my rage, which only causes me to lose the feeble grip I have on my weapons.

  I’m spinning like a top now. The chains are yanking my body left and right.

  Damn it. I have to stop this.

  In the middle of a pivot, I sense a tremendous pressure close in around me. It makes my movements difficult, until they’re completely sluggish. The invisible hug is nothing but air. Stephan is doing this.

  Exhausted, I drop my arms. They seem to weigh a ton. Finally, I’m able to retract my chains. Leaning forward and resting my hands on my thighs, I try to catch my breath. The world has turned dark again; I can’t sense shit through my powers. I have to rely completely on my nose and ears.

  Stephan’s cologne comes closer. I’m sure he has a lecture on the tip of his tongue.

  “Well, how did I do?” I fake innocence, which is probably going to piss him off.

  “Are you kidding me right now?”

  “What? The targets were destroyed, right?”

  “Yes, all of them. You completely failed the task I gave.”

  “Oh, please. Confess already, Silverstone. You wanted me to fail so you can prove your poin

  He moves closer, stopping right in front of me. Too close, too close. But my legs refuse to take a step back. I lift my chin in defiance.

  “You’re right. The targets were all the same.”

  My jaw drops. I didn’t think he would tell the truth so quickly.

  “You’re such a jerk! Did you want to see me going berserk? Is that some kind of kink of yours?”

  “Kink?” He increases the distance between us a little. “Do you always make asinine comments when you’re nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous.” My voice sounds loud and squeaky. Gee, way to show him he’s wrong, Andy.

  “I provoked you to see how long it would take to make you lose control of your powers. It turns out not long at all. We have to work on that.”

  “Are you saying you’re going to act like an asshole at every single training session?”

  “That’s right.”

  “That’s bullshit. I didn’t sign up for this.”

  He steps into my personal space. “Let me ask you this, Andy. How did it feel to not have any control of your chains?”


  “It was awesome,” I lie just to be a bitch.

  “Sure it was.” He turns around and walks away from me. “Nice power jump, by the way. We can add that to the list of extra gifts you don’t have.”

  Son of a bitch. I don’t remember doing any jumping. Dread takes a hold of my heart. What kind of crazy stunt did I pull at the party last Saturday? And most importantly, who else witnessed besides the people from school?



  I don’t have another training session with Stephan until Friday, and he hasn’t been around the entire week. It’s Thursday, and so far, my mother still doesn’t know about the incident at the hotel in Soho. It’s possible that none of the idiots from school mentioned the affair to their parents. I’m a little relieved, but not by much. A secret that big won’t stay buried forever. I have to find a way to convince my parents to let me board at Paragon Academy.

  As soon as I step foot inside the house, Fatima finds me.

  “Oh, you’re finally here. Come. We must get you ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “For dinner. Your parents are expecting guests.”

  My shoulders sag. “Why do I need to make an appearance?”

  “Because your father requested it. Now stop whining and hurry up. You’ve neglected your hair.” She picks a strand from my ponytail. “I can’t believe the lavender is still holding. It should have faded by now.”

  I bat her hand away. “Not if I keep applying the toning conditioner.”

  She clicks her tongue in a disapproving way before walking ahead. I can tell she’s annoyed based on the loud noise her pumps are making against the marble floor.

  All I wanted was to be left alone for the rest of the day, maybe even listen to an audiobook. Instead, I let Fatima polish and buffer me like I’m a hobo who hasn’t showered in days. But if I must suffer, so must she. I put on the album of one of my favorite rock bands, Fudge No More, as loud as the speakers will go. Their shrieks and guitar solos will give anyone uninitiated to their music a headache.

  “Bah, what time is dinner?” I ask after I’m outfitted in the dress she picked for me. It’s snug on top and sleeveless with a flowy skirt knee level. The fabric covers my entire chest area and ties at the neck with a huge bow.

  “What’s this? I’d better not be looking like a damn present.”

  “You look gorgeous. Cocktail is in fifteen minutes. Come on. Chop chop.”

  “Seriously? I don’t have time to even check my email?”

  “Like you can’t do that from your phone.”

  Grumbling, I stuff my phone in the skirt pocket and stick the micro wireless headphones in my ears. I rarely use them because I need all my available senses.

  When I reach the entry foyer, I hear the sound of polite conversation coming from the receiving room. A man and a woman are talking with my parents. Phew, this isn’t another setup with a potential bachelor. The evening might not be a complete bust after all.

  The notion flies right out of my head when I enter the room and can clearly hear the male guest. My blood turns ice cold and my body freezes.

  It’s him. The man who seduced me with promises of independency and purpose when I was barely a teen.

  “Ah, Andy. I’m glad you could join us,” my father beams.

  “Hello,” I reply automatically, not caring that my voice sounds weak.

  “Is this your daughter? Oh my. She’s lovely,” the female guest says.

  “Andy, this is Nathaniel and Tasha Wilcox. They just bought the house around the corner from us,” my mother says.

  “So, they’re our new neighbors,” I murmur.

  “Not only neighbors,” Nathaniel teases.

  My stomach is twisted in knots at this point, and I’m glad I haven’t eaten anything in hours. It’s unlikely I’ll be able to swallow any food down during dinner either.

  “I don’t follow,” I reply with effort.

  “Nathaniel is my new partner. I just invested a considerable amount of money in his business.”

  No, no, no. This can’t be happening. This horrible man can’t be my father’s new business partner.

  “What?” I squeak.

  “Nathaniel owns a very successful chain of restaurants on the West Coast,” my mother explains. “And now with your father’s investment, they’re taking over the country.”

  “Our restaurant chain is very hip, targeted to young adults like you, Andy. I’d love to pick your brain for new ideas we haven’t considered yet,” Nathaniel says, all seductive and smooth.

  He’s a great salesman. I’ll give him that. It’s not a surprise he was able to convince my father to invest in his business. But I know that’s a ruse. He wants my father’s money for other purposes, just like he wants me.

  Cocktail hour and dinner pass in a blur. I’m out of it, consumed with worry. It was ridiculous to think Nathaniel wouldn’t find a way into my life. He’s a resourceful snake, after all.

  As soon as the staff takes away the dessert dishes, I excuse myself. It’s late, and I have school tomorrow. I’m almost at the foot of the stairs when Nathaniel calls my name.

  Fuck. So close.

  I whirl around, lifting my chin high. “What do you want?”

  “Relax, Andy. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “No, you just want to drag me back to that sickening sect of yours.”

  “Ouch. I hate when you call our society by that derogatory name.”

  “I don’t care that you’ve slithered your way into my private life. I’m not going to let you use me, or my parents.”

  He laughs, a dangerous sound.

  “Oh, Andy. Such brave, empty words. You took the pledge, and therefore I own you. You’re going to do exactly as I say, or you can start saying farewell to everyone you hold dear. I’ll start with that disgusting driver and his abhorrent daughter.”

  Anger mixes with my fear, leaving me shaking like a fucking tree under a tropical storm.

  “I don’t care about them,” I say bluntly.

  “You can’t lie to me, sweetheart. You know that.”

  So focused on trying not to cower in front of him, my hold on my chains has slackened. They shoot out from my wrists, forming a protective barrier around me.

  “Ah, there they are. More magnificent than I remember.”

  “Yes, and I can turn you into pâté before you can blink.”

  “Is that so? Why don’t you try?” he goads.

  Fucker. He knows I won’t attack him in my parents’ foyer. I’m not even sure I could hurt him if I faced him in a dark alley. He’s not dumb. He wouldn’t provoke me unless he knew there was no chance I could attack him.

  “Nate, darling. What’s taking you so long?” his wife calls out from the end of the hallway.

  “I’d better go before Tasha comes looking for me. It was ni
ce seeing you, Andy. I’ll be in touch. I can’t wait to introduce you to the team.”

  He walks away, sure of himself. I listen to his footsteps fade while I remain rooted to the spot. My eyes prickle and my throat tightens. I’m not prone to waterworks, but I’m so angry at myself that I don’t think I can avoid the tears.

  I can’t keep living with my parents. Now that Nathaniel is my father’s partner and neighbor, he’ll be here all the time. Haunting me, smothering me. Moving out has become more than a desire. It’s vital.

  Without thinking, I head out.

  There’s only one person who can help me get out of here.


  I’ve been staring at my laptop screen for who knows how long. I have to send a damn paper to my professor before midnight, and I’ve only managed to write a couple paragraphs. There are too many problems fighting for space in my head: the theft of our weapons, Soren’s sour attitude, Andy.

  If I’m honest with myself, she’s occupying 95 percent of my thoughts. I’m in awe of her powers, intrigued by her desire to hide them away, and, as much as I hate to admit, obsessed with her. I tried to stop looking at her without admiration, to stop wanting to taste her sweet lips. Failed hard. My cock twitches in my pants, earning a grunt from me.

  “Ah, damn it.”

  I adjust my pants as I force my mind out of the gutter. It’s no use. I slide my hands inside and pull my erection out. Precum has already pooled at the top, which I spread down my shaft. I barely have the chance for one stroke when my doorbell rings. You have got to be kidding me.

  With my fingers still around my cock, I wait. Maybe if I don’t move or say anything, whoever’s outside will go away.

  The doorbell rings again, followed by the voice of the last person I’d expect.

  “Stephan. Open up. I know you’re in there,” Andy says.

  Son of a bitch. I pull my hand out of my pants as I jump from my chair. As I stride to the front door, I catch my reflection in the mirror. For fuck’s sake. I’m still sporting a raging boner, and the sweatpants do nothing to disguise that.

  “Come on, Stephan. I need to talk to you,” she insists.


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