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Wind Warrior

Page 23

by Jon Messenger

  The people that helped me put this book together are practically too numerous to mention. A tip of my hat goes to Josh, who will always hold the title of “my first fan”. He, Amanda, Matt, and Justin read my works when I was nothing more than a hobbyist and have stuck with me ever since.

  More recently, heartfelt gratitude has to go out to my amazing editor, Cynthia Shepp. Without you, I’d still be using, what I would consider, to be far, too, many, commas.

  I think the greatest amount of gratitude has to be extended to the amazing ladies that run Clean Teen Publishing: Rebecca, Courtney, Dyan, and Marya. This book was only written on a whim as part of one of their anthology competitions. They read my novella and saw the potential for a true series. They were willing to take a risk on me and I can only hope I can repay their kindness. And from the marketing, web design, advertising, and cover artwork, they’ve been nothing less than amazing.

  Finally, I wanted to say thank you to all my fellow indie authors, of which you really ARE too numerous to name. They’ve listened to my story lines and helped me work through troubling story arcs. They’ve cheered my successes when so many others were willing to put down my accomplishments. I can only hope I can stand by each of their sides as they cheer their own successes.


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