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Geneva Sommers and the Secret Legend

Page 12

by C J Benjamin

  The crowd burst into applause as I moved toward them. I took deep breaths and tried to fight my nerves, but I felt dizzy with fear. I stopped abruptly after only managing five feeble steps toward the altar.

  I looked back to Eja and mouthed, “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes you can,” I heard in my head.

  I turned back to the stage at the sound of Nova’s voice inside my mind.

  “Come to me, Tippy. Just walk up here, to me.”

  “Nova, I can’t. I’m not ready for this. I don’t want to let all these people down.”

  “You could never let them down, Tippy. You have already saved us, all of us. You’re more than we ever could have hoped for. But for now, you don’t need to think about any of that. Just pretend they’re not here. Just focus on me. Pretend tonight is just for us. Come on, just come to me.”

  I took a deep breath and focused on Nova’s beautiful face. It was easy to get lost in his dazzling green eyes and devastating dimples. Everything faded away as I lost myself in him, letting his voice guide me, drawing me closer with each step. I let my mind wander into the most terrific daydream, where the aisle was transformed into a flower-lined path leading me to Nova, on our wedding day. He was smiling warmly at me, waiting patiently, as I made my way toward him.

  I didn’t even flinch as the hundreds of guests I passed knelt and praised me. I smiled as the petals of bright red blossoms showered down magically from above me, kissing my skin lightly as they fell, like the soft flutter of butterfly wings. I was no longer nervous or shaking. I felt like I was floating and my heart was lighter than air—filled with love and gratefulness. I couldn’t contain my smile. Joy radiated through me as I grinned from ear to ear. I even felt tears of joy streaming down my pale cheeks. I noticed them on Nova’s face as well, as they glistened in the fading sunlight.

  I finally made it to the altar and Nova was there, extending his hand to me. I felt it close warmly around my fingers and the fantasy evaporated into the setting sun, taking my peace with it.

  I sat quietly through the ceremony, barely listening to the words Jaka was saying. I was mesmerized by the daydream I’d been lost in. It was so real! Was it more than my imagination? A vision maybe? I’d been having more of them lately. Could I be so lucky to have a future where I could marry Nova? I chanced a glance at him and he was already staring at me. My cheeks instantly blushed and he winked, spurring an even more crimson shade to my cheeks. I prayed that my mind had been closed off to Nova during that vision or daydream or whatever that was. He had an unfair advantage being able to read people’s minds and even implant thoughts of his own.

  My breath caught in my throat! Had Nova implanted that vision in my mind? Did he feel that way about me? Was that a glimpse of the future he wanted too? I could barely contain my excitement.

  No, Geneva, do not overreact, I scolded myself. It was probably just your imagination running away with you again. You always do this. You get your hopes up about Nova and then it all comes crashing down when you realize you’ve blown your relationship way out of proportion in your mind. Not to mention the stressful conversation you had with Vida last night that pretty much made you give up on the idea of Nova!

  I looked at Nova again, trying to hide my confliction as my mind spiraled out of control. He smiled at me and my heart melted again.

  He has to like me the way I like him! It can’t be possible to feel this way about someone without them feeling the same way, right? It’s just too cruel, I whined internally.

  Get it together, my pessimistic voice of reason chimed in. That vision could have been nothing more than a trick he used to get you down the aisle because he knew it would work. Besides, you’re going to focus on being the Eva, not boys!

  No, that would be too cruel to use my feelings against me like that. Nova may not be wildly, head over heels about me, but I know he cares about me too much to play with my emotions like that.

  Jaka may not have given him a choice, chided my self-doubt.

  It probably looked like I was hyperventilating or having some sort of panic attack to the Betos watching me. My breathing was erratic and my eyes were darting from my lap to Nova and back rapidly as I scoured over the multitude of scenarios that could have caused my vision, arguing with myself about what truly happened.

  Suddenly, I felt Nova’s warm hand upon mine. He gently squeezed it as I looked at him. My protective walls slip away the instant he touched me. I wanted to crawl into his arms and have him tell me he loved me too and that I shouldn’t be embarrassed of that vision, because it’s what he wanted as well. And, that it didn’t matter what Vida said, we’d find a way to be together and have it all. Maybe he knew that and that’s why he was reaching out for me. He couldn’t bear to see me so conflicted.

  “Nova . . .” I whispered.

  He let go of my hand and slid gracefully from the stone he was sitting on to his knees. I instinctively rose to my feet and felt my blood pressure spike!

  Was this happening? Was Nova proposing to me? In front of everyone?

  I looked around, feeling self-conscious that everyone was watching and was astonished to see that they weren’t. Everyone was kneeling; all bowing to me. My cheeks flushed scarlet, and for once I found myself grateful that everyone was bowing to me. It spared me the humiliation that they’d seen my horrible misperception, thinking I was being proposed to.

  Hopeless romantic fool, I chastised myself.

  Jaka must have been introducing me and I missed the entire thing because I was so wrapped up in my own mental melodrama with Nova. Nova was simply trying to clue me in that Jaka was telling me something.

  Jaka rose from his genuflect and spoke to me telepathically.

  “These are your people, Eva. They are your responsibility now. Speak to them.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Listen to them. They are speaking to you now.”

  As I looked out at the sea of kneeling people, I saw he was right. When I focused, I could hear them praying and rejoicing. They were all so thankful and open. They felt such loyalty and trust in me. It was beyond humbling. I wanted more than anything for them to be right. I wanted to be their savior, their Eva.

  While I studied them, the beauty of the forest in the fading daylight caught me off guard. Reminiscent of my nuptial daydream, the landscape spoke to me as well, making me feel connected to it, like I was seeing my home for the first time. The waning sun cast a golden glow that made everything come to life. The lush green forest was the most electric shade of chartreus that seemed to absorb the lowering sunlight, saving it for its own vanity. The red tropical blossoms, suspended magically from the canopy of vines, swayed in the gentle breeze that filled the forest with their fragrant aroma. I watched as a clan of lava pixies danced among their boughs mischievously. Their light illuminating their delicate features as they hid among the flowers, sporadically shedding petals that cascaded silently over the Betos.

  When I returned my gaze to the Betos, every one of their faces seemed brighter, warmer, more alive. Something was different about them. I couldn’t tell if it was the golden sunlight that softened their features or if it was that they were so joyful in their belief that the prophecy was now fulfilled. Either way, the Betos no longer looked so wild and foreign to me. They instead, strangely felt like family.

  Rather than fearing I’d let them down, I now felt protective of them. Their bold tribal tattoos ceased to frighten me. Instead they spoke to me of the struggles they endured, battles they won, demons they conquered. When I looked out over them, it was hard for me to be so consumed with myself, and my own desires and fears. For the first time since reading the truth about my destiny in the Book of Secrets, I stopped thinking about how being the Eva was going to change me. I suddenly realized how selfish and single-minded I’d been and it allowed me to truly see the Betos and that changed what I saw.

  This beautiful society, suddenly looked fragile among the wildness of the rainforest, balance
d precariously between me and the Ravinori. They looked small and naked, exposed to an impending darkness, which I knew I must shield them from. I was overcome with emotions and I took a few steps toward them and I started speaking before I knew what I was going to say.

  “Stand . . .”

  Instantly, everyone was on their feet. I swallowed, regretting that my words sounded like more of a command than the request I intended.

  “Please, stand,” I corrected. “You don’t need to bow to me. Ever. I want to stand with you, live among you, and fight for you. I am one of you. At least I want to be, if you’ll let me. I am the one who is privileged to lead you, honored that you call me your Eva. And I vow to you, that I will do everything in my power to fulfill the prophecy. No one should have to live in secret and in fear, because that is not living. We all deserve more. Much, much more.”

  Applause erupted in the forest and the Betos were joyously chanting.

  “Eva! Eva! Eva!”

  Their chant burst into song as music suddenly began. I turned to Jaka and he smiled warmly at me, giving a subtle nod. I knew I had done well without him having to say anything, telepathically or otherwise and that filled me with warmth and positivity. He stepped to my side and clasped my hand in his, pausing for a moment before raising it to even wilder applause from the crowd.

  “Tonight we celebrate our EVA!”


  “Master, her power grows. I can feel the Eva’s connection to the elements. The Beto’s must be conducting the induction ceremony.”

  “Good. Let those ancient fools have their ceremony. If there is any truth to their ways, it will strengthen her connection to the Pillars and give her more power, which will only serve us better. Keep me informed, Kobel.”

  “Yes, Master.”


  The forest whirled around me as I danced with my friends, new and old. I couldn’t ever remember such a beautiful or happy event, as the party in my honor after the ceremony. The music was nonstop and we couldn’t help ourselves from bouncing to the primal beats. Sparrow, Jemma and I twirled, giggling and squealing with delight in our party dresses that Vida helped us change into. We swirled our skirts and changed the colors of the fabric to suit our mood, while we frolicked with our friends. Journey was smiling and I even heard him laugh! It was a real, truly joyful, belly laugh. It shocked me, but made me smile all the more. He kept scooping Sparrow up and spinning her around, until they collapsed in laughter.

  Jemma was in her glory. She bounced from one dance partner, to the next, on the torched lined dance floor. They all bowed to her and she curtsied, smiling from ear to ear. Her long black mane came unplaited and fell like a dark, cascading waterfall down her back, dancing to a rhythm all its own, as she spun her way across the petal trodden ground.

  I started the night dancing with Remi, but that was short lived. Once Mali boldly cut in, everyone got the same idea. It seemed I too, would be making the rounds on the dance floor tonight. Everyone wanted to shake my hand or dance with me. The Betos all had such kind things to say and offered me words of encouragement. I was having a wonderful time meeting everyone and was astonished how much fun it was to come out of my shell and embrace this life. But when Nova finally cut in and the music slowed to a more romantic melody, I was relieved for the break, realizing how exhausted I was from spinning and pirouetting all night long. Plus, I couldn’t deny how nice it felt to be in his warm arms. He gave me a rare, full smile. These days he usually looked worried and I got little more than a quick smirk or a wink out of him. But this was a full on, dazzling, mega-watt Nova smile and my inner goddess and pessimistic subconscious both melted into a useless puddle of drool, leaving me speechless and Nova-dazed.

  “Where do you go, Tippy?”

  “Hmm . . .” I mused.

  “When I talk to you, you seem to zone out a lot lately. I’m just wondering where you go or what you’re thinking about. Or who? It has to be something pretty good, because sometimes I’m using all my tricks to try to get your attention and you give me nothing.”

  I stared into his liquid green eyes in astonishment. He had my attention now! “You really don’t know?”

  “No, but I would love to.”

  “You could just look inside my mind and you’d know everything.”

  “You asked me not to. And believe me, it’s hard not to, but I try to respect your wishes, Tippy.”

  “So, you weren’t in my mind earlier, when I froze at the beginning of the ceremony?”

  “No. I was just telepathing to you. I thought if you could just talk to me, I could help you get over your fear. We’re good when we’re together, just you and me, without any interruptions. Like in the forest last night.”

  I stared at him, warily weighing his words.

  “I promise I wasn’t in your mind. Last night or tonight,” he stressed, when he saw I looked skeptical.

  I decided I believed him and pulled him into a tighter embrace.

  “Sometimes I wish you would see inside my mind,” I murmured shyly into his neck, standing on my toes so I could rest my head on his shoulder and drink in his intoxicating smell. “Then you’d be able to see all the things I’m too afraid to say.”

  “All you have to do is say the words, Tippy. Let me in,” Nova said pulling me closer still.

  “I’m too embarrassed,” I whispered.

  “What could you possibly have to be embarrassed about?”

  “My feelings . . . for you.”

  He stopped swaying with me and pulled away from me ever so slightly so he could look down into my clear blue eyes. I’d never seen him look so honest and nervous before; like the boy he was, rather than the man he’d been forced to become. I could feel his hands shaking as they moved from my waist to intertwine with mine.

  “And how do you feel for me?” he whispered cautiously, while squeezing my tingling hands.

  “Nova . . . I— ”

  “Did you tell him? Did you tell him what we can do?” Jemma interrupted.

  How was it possible for her to have such impeccably inconvenient timing?

  “Jemma, we’re in the middle of something!” Nova hissed harshly at her.

  The hostility in his voice caught me off guard, but I found myself smirking subconsciously. Jemma completely ignored his tone or the fact that she was interrupting us. Perhaps she was immune or oblivious to the idea that her presence wasn’t always welcomed.

  The instant she had shown up, the spell was broken and I knew the moment had passed. She’d probably saved me some embarrassment from declaring my love for Nova in such a public place. This conversation was far from over, but it was suited for somewhere more private, where we weren’t under the watchful eyes of an entire civilization and open to so much interruption.

  “You didn’t tell him, Eva?” Jemma questioned me, looking surprised. “Well, what were you two talking about this whole time that you didn’t get to the most exciting news?”

  I shrugged and Jemma rolled her eyes.

  “Watch,” she said, as she put her hand on my head.

  I felt my hair fall flat and heavy on my shoulders. It felt silky and straight as it brushed my skin. Then, I saw Nova’s eye bulge.

  “What did you do? Put it back right now, Jemma!”

  “What? You don’t like it? We look more like sisters now!” she squealed clapping in delight.

  I ran my fingers though my silky, straight hair and jumped when I saw the black strands sliding through my fingers. Its contrast with my stark white skin was so vivid; it reminded me of the night sky against the moon.

  “Stop it, Jemma. I don’t know how you did that or what you think you’re doing, but you need to put her back the way she’s meant to be right now,” Nova scolded, as he glanced warily around at the Betos. They had stopped dancing and were staring at us.

  “Geez, fine. I will! You don’t have to be such a party pooper about it.”

  “I see why you didn’t mention it to him,” Jemma grumbled quietly to m
e, as I felt my hair spring lightly back to its normal texture.

  The relief on Nova’s face showed that Jemma had restored my appearance. By now, Remi had come over to see what was going on. He was gawking at me, still in shock from seeing me look like Jemma no doubt. Sparrow and Journey came bounding up as I reflexively raked my fingers though my flaxen curls, settling them into their natural style.

  “Pretty neat, huh?” Sparrow giggled breathlessly.

  “You knew about this?” Remi asked sounding betrayed.

  “Yeah, Geneva shared healing powers with Jemma and we were having a little fun with it earlier, while we were getting ready.”

  “Why are you all being so weird about this? We were just having fun! I don’t see what the big deal is?” Jemma stewed.

  “The big deal, is that our powers aren’t just for having a little fun,” Nova scolded. “And, before you start sharing powers, don’t you think we should talk to the chief about it?” he directed at me.

  “Oh, I see what’s going on here. It’s just not okay for me to have fun with my powers! I don’t even have any good powers! I’m good at following people! Big deal! You all can do amazing things! Eva and Sparrow were just being nice to me and sharing what they can do. We thought you’d be excited. This is a good thing. If we can share all our powers, it means we’ll be stronger and able to protect each other better,” Jemma argued.

  I could see she was winning Journey’s approval as he nodded at what she was saying.

  “Well, I don’t think you should be making decisions that affect the group without talking to all of us first,” Nova growled at Jemma.

  “Why don’t we go find Eja and see what he thinks? Maybe he can ask Jaka his opinion,” I interjected before this argument got any more heated.

  Everyone agreed and we set off to find Eja in the crowd of celebrating Betos.

  As I started to follow my sister and the others, Nova caught my hand, holding me back from the group momentarily.


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