Fugitive Prince
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pronounced: cara-belld
root meaning: ciarabeld—ashes
CHEIVALT—coastal city south of Ostermere in Carithwyr, Havish. Known for its elegance and refined lifestyle.
pronounced: shay-vault
root meaning: chiavalden—a rare yellow flower which grows by the seaside
CILADIS THE LOST—Fellowship Sorcerer who left the continent in Third Age 3462 in search of the Paravian races after their disappearance following the rebellion.
pronounced: kill-ah-dis
root meaning: cael—leaf; adeis—whisper, compound; cael’adeis colloquialism for “gentleness that abides”
CILDORN—city famed for carpets and weaving, located in Deshir, Rathain. Originally a Paravian holdfast, situated on a node of the third lane.
pronounced: kill-dorn
root meaning: cieal—thread; dorn—net “tapestry”
CORITH—island west of Havish coast, in Westland Sea. Site of a drake lair, and a ruined First Age foundation. Here, the council of Paravians met during siege, and dragons dreamed the summoning of the Fellowship Sorcerers. First site to see sunlight upon Desh-thiere’s defeat.
pronounced: kor-ith
root meaning: cori—ships, vessels; itha—five for the five harbors which the old city overlooked
DAELION FATEMASTER—“entity” formed by set of mortal beliefs, which determine the fate of the spirit after death. If Ath is the prime vibration, or life force, Daelion is what governs the manifestation of free will.
pronounced: day-el-ee-on
root meaning: dael—king or lord; i’on—of fate
DAELION’s WHEEL—cycle of life and the crossing point which is the transition into death.
pronounced: day-el-ee-on
root meaning: dael—king or lord; i’on—of fate
DAKAR THE MAD PROPHET—apprentice to Fellowship Sorcerer, Asandir, during the Third Age following the Conquest of the Mistwraith. Given to spurious prophecies, it was Dakar who forecast the fall of the Kings of Havish in time for the Fellowship to save the heir. He made the Prophecy of West Gate, which forecast the Mistwraith’s bane, and also the Black Rose Prophecy, which called for reunification of the Fellowship. At this time, assigned to defense of Arithon, Prince of Rathain.
pronounced: dah-kar
root meaning: dakiar—clumsy
DANIA—wife of Rathain’s former regent, Steiven s’Valerient. Died by the hand of Pesquil’s headhunters in the Battle of Strakewood. Jieret Redbeard’s mother.
pronounced: dan-ee-ah
root meaning: deinia—sparrow
DAON RAMON BARRENS—central principality of Rathain. Site where Riathan Paravians (unicorns) bred and raised their young. Barrens was not appended to the name until the years following the Mistwraith’s conquest, when the River Severnir was diverted at the source by a task force under Etarran jurisdiction.
pronounced: day-on-rah-mon
root meaning: daon—gold; ramon—hills/downs
DASCEN ELUR—splinter world off West Gate; primarily ocean with isolated archipelagoes. Includes kingdoms of Rauven, Amroth, and Karthan. Where three exiled high kings’ heirs took refuge in the years following the great uprising. Birthplace of Lysaer and Arithon.
pronounced: das-en el-ur
root meaning: dascen—ocean; e’lier—small land
DAVIEN THE BETRAYER—Fellowship Sorcerer responsible for provoking the great uprising that resulted in the fall of the high kings after Desh-thiere’s conquest. Rendered discorporate by the Fellowship’s judgment in Third Age 5129. Exiled since, by personal choice. Davien’s works included the Five Centuries Fountain near Mearth on the splinter world of the Red Desert through West Gate; the shaft at Rockfell Pit, used by the Sorcerers to imprison harmful entities; the Stair on Rockfell Peak; and also, Kewar Tunnel in the Mathorn Mountains.
pronounced: dah-vee-en
root meaning: dahvi—fool, mistake; an—one “mistaken one”
DAWR—grandmother of Duke Bransian of Alestron, and his brother, Mearn s’Brydion.
pronounced: dour
root meaning: dwyiar—vinegar wine
DESH-THIERE—Mistwraith that invaded Athera from the splinter worlds through South Gate in Third Age 4993. Access cut off by Fellowship Sorcerer, Traithe. Battled and contained in West Shand for twenty-five years, until the rebellion splintered the peace, and the high kings were forced to withdraw from the defense lines to attend their disrupted kingdoms. Confined through the combined powers of Lysaer s’Ilessid’s gift of light and Arithon s’Ffalenn’s gift of shadow. Currently imprisoned in a warded flask in Rockfell Pit.
pronounced: desh-thee-air-e (last “e” mostly subliminal)
root meaning: desh—mist; thiere—ghost or wraith
DESHIR—northwestern principality of Rathain.
pronounced: desh-eer
root meaning: deshir—misty
DHARKARON AVENGER—called Ath’s Avenging Angel in legend. Drives a chariot drawn by five horses to convey the guilty to Sithaer. Dharkaron as defined by the adepts of Ath’s Brotherhood is that dark thread mortal men weave with Ath, the prime vibration, that creates self-punishment, or the root of guilt.
pronounced dark-air-on
root meaning: dhar—evil; khiaron—one who stands in judgment
DIEGAN—once Lord Commander of Etarra’s garrison; given over by his mayor to serve as Lysaer s’Ilessid’s Lord Commander at Avenor. Titular commander of the war host sent against the Deshans to defeat the Master of Shadow at Tal Quorin; high commander of the war host mustered at Werpoint. Also brother of Lady Talith. Died of a clan arrow in the Battle of Dier Kenton Vale in Vastmark, Third Age 5647. pronounced: dee-gan
root meaning: diegan—trinket a dandy might wear/ornament
DIER KENTON VALE—valley located in the principality of Vastmark, Shand, where the war host thirty-five thousand strong, under command of Lysaer s’Ilessid, fought and lost to the Master of Shadow in Third Age 5647. The main body of the forces of light were decimated in one day by a shale slide. The remainder were harried by a small force of Vastmark shepherds under Caolle, who served as Arithon’s war captain.
pronounced: deer ken-ton
root meaning: dien’kendion—a jewel with a severe flaw that may result in shearing or cracking
EILISH—Lord Minister of the Royal Treasury, Avenor.
pronounced: eye-lish
root meaning: eyalish—fussy
ELAIRA—initiate enchantress of the Koriathain. Originally a street child, taken on in Morvain for Koriani rearing.
pronounced: ee-layer-ah
root meaning: e—prefix, diminutive for small; laere—grace
ELDIR s’LORNMEIN—King of Havish and last surviving scion of s’Lornmein royal line. Raised as a wool-dyer until the Fellowship Sorcerers crowned him at Ostermere in Third Age 5643 following the defeat of the Mistwraith.
pronounced: el-deer
root meaning: eldir—to ponder, to consider, to weigh
ELSSINE—city located on the coast of Alland, Shand, famed for stone quarries used for ships’ ballast.
pronounced: el-seen
root meaning: elssien—small pit
ELTAIR BAY—large bay off Cildein Ocean and east coast of Rathain; where River Severnir was diverted following the Mistwraith’s conquest.
pronounced: el-tay-er
root meaning: al’tieri—of steel/a shortening of original Paravian name dascen al’tieri, which meant “ocean of steel,” which referred to the color of the waves
ERDANE—old Paravian city, later taken over by Men. Seat of old princes of Camris until Desh-thiere’s conquest and rebellion.
pronounced: er-day-na with the last syllable almost subliminal
root meaning: er’deinia—long walls
ERLIEN s’TALEYN—High Earl of Alland; caithdein of Shand, chieftain of the forest clansmen of Selkwood.
pronounced: er-lee-an stall-ay-en
root meaning: aierlyan—bear; tal—branch; an—o
ne/first “of first one branch”
ETARRA—trade city built across the Mathorn Pass by townsfolk after the revolt that cast down Ithamon and the High Kings of Rathain. Nest of corruption and intrigue, and policy maker for the North. pronounced: ee-tar-ah
root meaning: e—prefix for small; taria—knots
EVENSTAR—first brig stolen from Riverton’s royal shipyard by Cattrick’s conspiracy with Prince Arithon.
FALGAIRE—coastal city on Instrell Bay, located in Araethura, Rathain, famed for its crystal and glassworks.
pronounced: fall-gair—to rhyme with “air”
root meaning: fal’mier—to sparkle or glitter
FALWOOD—forest located in West Shand.
pronounced: fall-wood
root meaning: fal—tree
FATE’s WHEEL—see Daelion’s Wheel.
FEITHAN—wife of Jieret s’Valerient, Earl of the North, and caithdein of Rathain.
pronounced: faith-an
root meaning: feiathen—ivy
FELIRIN—minstrel known as the Scarlet Bard; a past acquaintance of Prince Arithon.
pronounced: fell-eer-in
root meaning: fel—red; lyron—singer
FELLOWSHIP OF SEVEN—Sorcerers sworn to uphold the Law of the Major Balance, and to foster enlightened thought in Athera. Originators and keepers of the compact made with the Paravian races that allowed Men to settle on Athera.
FENLANDERS—the marsh dwellers who inhabit Mogg’s Fen, descended from renegade townsmen, outlaws, or townborn supporters of the clans who were displaced during the rebellion.
FEYLIND—daughter of Jinesse; twin sister of Fiark; born in Merior by the Sea, and currently serving apprenticeship as a navigator under Arithon s’Ffalenn. pronounced: fay-lind
root meaning: faelind’an—outspoken one/noisy one
FFEREDON-LI—ancient Paravian word for a healer, literally translated “bringer of grace”; still in use in the dialect of Araethura.
pronounced: fair-eh-dun lee
root meaning: ffaraton—maker; li—exalted grace
FIARK—son of Jinesse; twin brother of Feylind; born in Merior by the Sea, currently employed as a factor by an Innish merchant.
pronounced: fee-ark
root meaning: fyerk—to throw or toss
FIONN ARETH CAID’AN—shepherd child born in Third Age 5647; fated by prophecy to leave home and play a role in the Wars of Light and Shadow.
pronounced: fee-on-are-eth cayed-ahn
root meaning: fiornne arith caid an—one who brings choice
FIRST AGE—marked by the arrival of the Paravian Races as Ath’s gift to heal the marring of creation by the great drakes.
GACE STEWARD—Royal Steward of Avenor.
pronounced: gace—to rhyme with “race”
root meaning: gyce—weasel
GARTH’s POND—small brackish pond in Merior by the Sea, on the Scimlade peninsula off Alland, Shand.
pronounced: garth—to rhyme with “hearth”
root meaning not from the Paravian
GREAT WAYSTONE—amethyst crystal, spherical in shape, once the grand power focus of the Koriani Order; lost during the great uprising, and finally recovered from Fellowship custody by First Senior Lirenda in Third Age 5647.
GREAT WEST ROAD—trade route which crosses Tysan from Karfael on the west coast, to Castle Point on Instrell Bay.
GRIMWARD—a circle of dire spells of Paravian making that seal and isolate forces that have the potential for unimaginable destruction. With the disappearance of the old races, the defenses are maintained by embodied Sorcerers of the Fellowship of Seven. There are seventeen separate sites listed at Althain Tower.
HALDUIN s’ILESSID—founder of the line that became High Kings of Tysan since Third Age Year One. The attribute he passed on, by means of the Fellowship’s geas, was justice.
pronounced: hal-dwin
root meaning: hal—white; duinne—hand
HALLIRON MASTERBARD—native of Innish, Shand. Masterbard of Athera during the Third Age; inherited the accolade from his teacher Murchiel in the year 5597. Son of Al’Duin. Husband of Deartha. Arithon’s master and mentor. Died from an injury inflicted by the Mayor of Jaelot in the year 5644.
pronounced: hal-eer-on
root meaning: hal—white; lyron—singer
HALWYTHWOOD—forest located in Araethura, Rathain.
pronounced: hall-with-wood
root meaning: hal—white; wythe—vista
HANSHIRE—port city on Westland Sea, coast of Korias, Tysan; reigning official Lord Mayor Garde; opposed to royal rule at the time of Avenor’s restoration.
pronounced: han-sheer
root meaning: hansh—sand; era—place
HARRADENE—Lord Commander of Etarra’s army at the time of the muster at Werpoint, still in power after Vastmark campaign.
pronounced: har-a-deen
root meaning: harradien—large mule
HAVENS—an inlet on the northeastern shore of Vastmark, Shand.
HAVISH—one of the Five High Kingdoms of Athera, as defined by the charters of the Fellowship of Seven. Ruled by Eldir s’Lornmein. Sigil: gold hawk on red field.
pronounced: hav-ish
root meaning: havieshe—hawk
HIGHSCARP—city on the coast of the Bay of Eltair, located in Daon Ramon, Rathain.
LANFAR s’GANNLEY—cousin and heir designate of Lord Maenol s’Gannley, caithdein of Tysan.
pronounced: ee-an-far s gan-lee
root meaning: ianfiar—birch tree
ILITHARIS PARAVIANS—centaurs, one of three semimortal old races; disappeared at the time of the Mistwraith’s conquest. They were the guardians of the earth’s mysteries.
pronounced: i-li-thar-is
root meaning: i’lith’eans—the keeper/preserver of mystery
ILSWATER—both a lake bordering the principalities of Korias and Taerlin; and the river which carries the water trade route from Caithwood to Riverton.
pronounced: ills-water
root meaning: iel—light
INNISH—city located on the southcoast of Shand at the delta of the River Ippash. Birthplace of Halliron Masterbard. Formerly known as “the Jewel of Shand,” this was the site of the high king’s winter court, prior to the time of the uprising.
pronounced: in-ish
root meaning: inniesh—a jewel with a pastel tint
INSTRELL BAY—body of water off the Gulf of Stormwell, that separates principality of Atainia, Tysan, from Deshir, Rathain.
pronounced: in-strell
root meaning: arin’streal—strong wind
ISAER—city located at the crossroads of the Great West Road in Atainia, Tysan. Also a power focus, built during the First Age, in Atainia, Tysan, to source the defense-works at the Paravian keep of the same name.
pronounced: i-say-er
root meaning: i’saer—the circle
ITHAMON—Second Age Paravian stronghold, and a Third Age ruin; built on a fifth lane power-node in Daon Ramon Barrens, Rathain, and inhabited until the year of the uprising. Site of the Compass Point Towers, or Sun Towers. Became the seat of the High Kings of Rathain during the Third Age and in year 5638 was the site where Princes Lysaer s’Ilessid and Arithon s’Ffalenn battled the Mistwraith to confinement.
pronounced: ith-a-mon
root meaning: itha—five; mon—needle, spire
IYAN—deaf-mute servant of Morriel Prime.
pronounced: ee-an
root meaning: i’on—fate
IYAT—energy sprite native to Athera, not visible to the eye, manifests in a poltergeist fashion by taking temporary possession of objects. Feeds upon natural energy sources: fire, breaking waves, lightning.
pronounced: ee-at
root meaning: iyat—to break
JAELOT—city located on the coast of Eltair Bay at the southern border of the Kingdom of Rathain. Once a Second Age power site, with a focus circle. Now a merchant city with a reputation for extreme snobbery and bad
taste. Also the site where Arithon s’Ffalenn played his eulogy for Halliron Masterbard, which raised the powers of the Paravian focus circle beneath the mayor’s palace. The forces of the mysteries and resonant harmonics caused damage to city buildings, watchkeeps, and walls, which has since been repaired.
pronounced: jay-lot
root meaning: jielot—affectation
JEYNSA—daughter of Jieret s’Valerient and Feithan, born Third Age 5653.
pronounced: jay-in-sa
root meaning: garnet
JIERET s’VALERIENT—Earl of the North, clan chief of Deshir; caithdein of Rathain, sworn liegeman of Prince Arithon s’Ffalenn. Also son and heir of Lord Steiven. Blood pacted to Arithon by sorcerer’s oath prior to battle of Strakewood Forest. Came to be known by headhunters as Jieret Red-beard.
pronounced: jeer-et
root meaning: jieret—thorn
JINESSE—widow of a fisherman, mother of the twins Fiark and Feylind; formerly an inhabitant of Merior by the Sea. Remarried and now resides in Innish.
pronounced: gin-ess
root meaning: jienesse—to be washed out or pale; a wisp
JYCE—scout in Lord Maenol s’Gannley’s band noted for his hearing. pronounced: like ice with a J root meaning: jiess—hare
KAMRIDIAN s’FFALENN—Crowned High King of Rathain, a tragic figure who died of his conscience under the fated influence of the Kewar Caverns, built by Davien the Betrayer into the Mathorn Mountains.
pronounced: cam-rid-ee-an
root meaning: kaim’riadien—thread cut shorter
KARFAEL—trader town on the coast of the Westland Sea, in Tysan. Built by townsmen as a trade port after the fall of the High Kings of Tysan. Prior to Desh-thiere’s conquest, the site was kept clear of buildings to allow the second lane forces to flow untrammeled across the focus site at Avenor.
pronounced: kar-fay-el
root meaning: kar’i’ffael—literal translation “twist the dark”/colloquialism for “intrigue”
KARMAK—plain located in the northern portion of the principality of Camris, Tysan. Site of numerous First Age battles where Paravian forces opposed Khadrim packs that bred in volcanic sites in the northern Tornir Peaks.