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The Braille Club Undone (The Braille Club #3)

Page 23

by J. A. Kerr

  Tess opened her swollen eyes and got ready to tell the story she and Anna had agreed on. “I called in my insurance, my get out of jail card. I didn’t do it for you, Si, I did it for myself and the baby...” her voice caught and she turned away.

  “What insurance?” he said. “Tess?”

  “I called in a favour. I got Phil to help. Together we worked out a plan to save your rotten skin because it saved my career too. I thought I could work on until I was at least eight months, but now I don’t even care what happens.”

  Si saw the tears collect and fall down his wife’s cheeks and wondered why he’d never noticed how beautiful she was. Even ravished by fear, Tess looked gorgeous.

  “I always worried you’d get caught and end up in the papers. So I came up with this idea, a documentary about prostitutes.”

  “Prostitutes?” said Si, confused. “They said the documentary was about media practice.”

  Tess’s face puckered. “Yes, that was one of the ideas too. They must have thought it was a better angle; they could spin your video as a media set-up. You, of course, weren’t acting,” Tess said bitterly, “but the public will never know that.”

  Si sat stunned. “But how did you know about the story, Tess?” he asked.

  “A tip off from a friend,” she said tiredly. “I asked her to get in touch if there was ever a story on you, and she came through for me.”

  Si mulled this over. Tess had his back all this time. God, he loved her...why had he fought it?

  “I want all the films of us destroyed as soon as possible, Si. The press don’t take kindly to being set-up and they’ll start digging.”

  “Yes, you’re right, I’ll destroy everything,” said Si nervously.

  “You need to get the laptop, I want to see you do it with my own eyes,” said Tess coldly.

  Si nodded, the inference quite clear. Tess didn’t trust him.

  “Another thing,” said Tess, “if you want a divorce...we can start proceedings.”

  Si froze as a mixture of emotions consumed him. However, the most surprising of all...he realised he didn’t want one. The thought, ‘be careful what you wish for,’ swirled around his head.

  “I...Tess...” Si couldn’t continue. He hung his head and gathered his thoughts.

  “What do you want, Tess? I’ll do whatever you’s the least I can do.”

  Tess didn’t hide her surprise. “You don’t want a divorce?”

  “No, no, Tess...I want you.” After all this time together, Si finally admitted he was in love with his wife.

  Tess’s face clouded. “I need to think.”

  Si brightened, it was more than he hoped or deserved. “I understand, Tess, and whatever you decide, I’ll respect.”

  “Get the laptop,” said Tess irritably, “and that bloody video camera.”

  “Yes,” said Si. “I’ll get them but I’m not leaving until I know you’re okay.”

  Tess snorted. “Since when have I been your priority?”

  “You are my only priority,” said Si.

  Tess looked unconvinced. “We can start with my phone,” he said.

  Together they deleted the films, of which there were many. Si also owned up to his secret Twitter account which he then closed, erasing all the media stored there. Tess seemed to relax a little. “Do you want a cup of tea?” he asked.

  A look of utter disbelief crossed Tess’ face.

  “Y-y-yes,” she stammered in surprise.

  Si returned with tea and, bit by bit, Tess explained about her phone call to Phil. How a producer owed her a favour and how she got lucky when he agreed to her plan to save her husband’s skin.

  “Phil was amazing, Si. You owe us both your career...” She gasped and clutched her stomach. The cramps had returned. Alarmed, Si rang for the nurse as he cradled his wife in his arms. He had never felt so powerless. Please, he thought, Tess began to cry.

  “Everything will be fine.” He whispered desperately as he stroked her hair.

  Chapter 49

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. The Swingers Zone Trial. Guy stood transfixed as the Assignee’s body responded to the Patron. Was he losing control? He knew that he wanted them to go all the way. Anything is possible in the Swingers Zone.


  Tess’s mind whirled as the pain intensified. She had lied flawlessly, not caring enough to be nervous. Therefore she was convincing. Anna’s plan had worked. Tess had exposed and saved Si in one bold move. Si believed everything and seemed a different man as a result. However, jeopardising her baby was never part of the plan. She never thought of the baby as theirs. Devastated and humiliated, she thought Si would jump at the chance to finally be free. She was thrown by his omission that he didn’t want a divorce. Tess didn’t know how she felt. Did she still want him? Her emotions were exhausted. Fear gnawed at her. She couldn’t think. She wanted the cramps to stop.

  “Take deep breaths, Tess,” Si murmured.

  She clung to him, glad of his arms around her, his strength, and then the medical staff arrived and his arms slipped away.

  “Hold on, Tess,” said the doctor. His face creased with worry as he assessed her. “Let’s get you scanned.”

  Si followed. They had tried to make him stay behind but he turned on the charm. He was very persuasive. Here we go again, Tess thought. They agreed to Si coming. As he held her hand and comforted her after the scan was finished, Tess was suddenly grateful. She didn’t know what she wanted anymore.

  “When you’re better, let’s go away, Tess. The studio will understand.”

  This should have been music to her ears but Tess struggled to even care, she shrugged.

  “I need to make a press statement. Will you help me, Tess?” he asked anxiously.

  The pain in her stomach was so severe; Tess couldn’t speak and looked at her husband. She was so tired, but her nature to please made her nod. As they waited for the test results, Si worked on the release, talking constantly to Tess. Somehow it helped take her mind off her pain and discomfort. Tess helped Si and after a few hours the press release was ready. He emailed it to Phil. It was explosive reading. The only thing that kept her sane was hearing her baby’s heartbeat from the monitor beside her. However, this reassurance was fading as the pain intensified. Something was wrong, Tess could feel wetness in her underwear but was too terrified to check what it was.

  When Phil released Si’s press statement the media went crazy but neither Tess nor Si noticed as the doctor entered the room.

  “Tess, you have a ruptured cyst on your ovary. This is the cause of your pain.”

  “Is the baby in danger?” gasped Tess, the pain acute.

  “No,” said the doctor, smiling. “Tess, the baby growing in the womb has caused the cyst to rupture, which is a good thing.”

  Tess groaned, not seeing how being in agony was a good thing.

  “It will disperse on its own,” said the doctor, clarifying his statement. “There is no need for surgery now.”

  Tess could feel relief surge through her. She could put up with the pain as long as the baby wasn’t in danger. She burst into tears. Something she was doing a lot, but was unable to stop herself.

  “The pain should ease up soon,” said the doctor, patting Tess on the arm.

  Tess nodded her head, unable to speak. Si was hugging her and wiping her tears as she wiped his.

  “This is our second chance.” He whispered. “Let me prove to you I can change.” He sounded desperate. His hand moved to rest on her stomach. Tess, no longer gripped by fear, only pain, had a decision to make.

  “Please, Tess, give me a chance,” he breathed.

  Tess thought of a life without Si; how it would affect her career. She didn’t want to be a single parent or be on her own. She realised after everything he’d done to her, she still loved him.

  “It’s your last chance, Si,” she said quietly.

  “You won’t regret it,
Tess. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you,” said Si sincerely.

  The cramps had eased a little and Tess replied, “I hope so because one more thing and it’s over.”

  They weathered the media storm together. Tess had been correct in her assumption the press would be out to get them. However, news of her near miscarriage due to the media attention stopped everything. They decided to tell their story and Tess and Si consented to be interviewed.

  Si was sincere and convincing as he dispelled any lingering doubts. He explained in order for his expose to be convincing, he told no one about the project, not even his wife. After the journalist left that night, he’d be unable to contact Tess to explain. The camera panned to a radiant and obviously pregnant Tess. She played her part beautifully, saying how upset she’s been. Away for the night in a hotel for a spa treat, she was horrified to read the reports about her husband. Her voice caught with real emotion and looking straight at the camera, she added her cramps came on after she watched the online video clip. People watching around the country gasped at Tess’s revelation. Si wasn’t acting when he protectively gazed at his wife, and the camera caught that too. The interview went viral and caught the imagination of the public. They were outraged by the media but not surprised; their practices long abhorred and condemned. The other person to be disgruntled was the actual journalist. She agreed to appear on the interview; perhaps as a way of justifying her actions. She accepted her mistake was not to verify her contact’s information before acting. However, she told the interviewer she had her own thoughts about the whole affair but didn’t elaborate further. The hint of scandal never materialised as the journalist dropped the story.

  Tess and Si went on a much needed holiday. It healed them and their relationship. When they returned to work, their show was hotter than ever but this time their roles were reversed. Si’s adoring gaze was ignored by his wife, whose feelings for him were reserved as she adjusted to this new Si. The sympathy for Tess was overwhelming and Si was criticised for pursuing such a controversial project. He took all this on board and the public saw he was a changed man. He ripped out the playroom himself and Tess watched him burn the equipment inside it. He deleted the escort numbers from his phone and signed the house over to Tess without complaint. But they had not been intimate.

  Si had not pressured Tess but as she gradually softened, she found herself craving his embrace. When she tentatively kissed him their passion was rekindled. Anna was one of the first people she confided in. They had become friends, not because of the part they played in changing Si, but because they liked each other. When she announced live on air she was going on maternity leave, Si had broken down and wept with genuine relief because he was terrified of Tess going into labour live on air. There wasn’t a dry eye in the studio. The public went crazy with well wishes. It was early days in terms of their new relationship but Tess was feeling optimistic. She would be a mother soon, her earlier problems a distant memory. She put her hand on her bump and smiled at her husband. Their future was suddenly bright.

  Chapter 50

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. The Swingers Zone Trial. Guy was aroused to the point of pain but that didn’t stop him. With this trial came the option of the connected room. He held his breath, unsure if they would use it and why he was watching.


  Anna’s heart thudded as she followed Guy through the club. She couldn’t read him. Was he angry? What was the point of this? She was feeling angry herself. She stopped as he punched in the code and opened their zone. Swallowing, Anna followed him.

  “One more time, Anna,” said Guy, his voice steely. “That will decide our future. Agreed?”

  She stared at him warily as he moved towards the equipment table.

  “What am I agreeing to?” she asked, forever the lawyer.

  “Testing our limits,” he replied. “Anna, do not play games with me.”

  “I thought it was games you liked best,” she replied.

  Guy lunged for her, crushing his mouth against her. “Strip,” he hissed. Anna fought for control but he was stronger. She stopped struggling and removed her blouse and bra. Guy’s grip was painful, and then she felt the rope around her torso. As he bound her she gasped in surprise. The experience was strange and arousing. She stood there panting as he tugged the rope tighter with one hand and caressed her breast with the other. The effect made Anna moan.

  “Tighter,” she breathed.

  Guy ignored her demand. He released his grip but the rope held her secure. They were crisscrossed over her chest. The pressure made her breasts jut forward. Guy’s eyes glittered with a raw determination that made Anna think of a horse about to be broken. He stroked her cheek.

  “The safe word is Braille. Say it, Anna.”

  “Braille,” she breathed.

  Guy nodded and pulled her towards him. He unzipped her skirt quickly and let in fall to the floor.

  “Anna,” he moaned.

  She smirked, with only her trademark stockings, she felt gloriously exposed. Anna groaned when he passed the rope between her legs and looped it over her shoulder. He repeated the process again but with her other shoulder. The rope was secured and Anna’s breasts were now squeezed between them. She sighed. The ropes between her legs and buttocks like nothing she’d experienced, and then Guy began.

  His lips clamped onto her nipple and sucked hard. It hardened beneath his mouth. Bound, she fought her restraints as desire rocketed through her. His fingers pinched her other nipple and Anna swayed on her feet. Her core was molten. Erotic spasms made her body sag and she felt Guy support her. Gently, he let her sink to her knees on the mat below. Moving behind her, he pulled the ropes tighter and Anna moaned in ecstasy. The feel of the rope tightening around her body, squeezing her intimately, was almost more than she could bear. She squirmed, panting.

  “Please, Guy,” she pleaded.

  “What’s the safe word, Anna?” said Guy, his voice hard.

  She shook her head. She didn’t want to stop and now, finally, she understood. He had taken control. Her mind balked at the idea. She wriggled but the sensations only made her wetter as the rope pulled. Anna could feel herself give in to her dark desires. Realised, this was what she wanted. Relief swept over her. This would save their relationship. However, she would never allow Guy in control in their bedroom? No, that would be Anna’s domain. Their private zone was another matter. Guy’s breath was hot on her neck. He tipped her onto her side and pulled her legs out before laying her down on her back. He moved in front of her and parted her thighs. Then he was behind her, working the ropes. She felt them along her thighs as he pulled her legs open.

  “Yes,” she murmured. “Please, Guy.”

  He stopped when her legs were wide. She was panting in anticipation. God, she wanted him. Her body was straining against the ropes. Guy adjusted them, pulling and retying. Her muscles ached but Anna’s pain came from lack of penetration. She wanted Guy to fuck her hard, but with him in control all she could do was squirm and wait. His breath on her thigh made her shiver and then she lost all coherent thought as his tongue licked at her centre. Her body convulsed and the ropes pulled exquisitely. Her hips although restricted thrust upwards. Anna moaned, screamed and swore as Guy drove her to the edge time and time again. The only word she didn’t utter was Braille. When his fingers slipped inside her she went wild. The pressure of the ropes increased. Then his mouth was clamped at her nipple. Anna roared for release. Sweat poured from her body as she twisted on the floor. Her breath was shallow as she squirmed and fought; the ropes a contrast of pleasure and pain.

  Guy’s fingers nudged apart the ropes at her core. Her legs ached as did her core. Then slowly he withdrew and took off his clothes. Anna licked her lips as she focused on his erection. She needed him badly. His cock slammed into her. The force and pleasure of his penetration knocked the breath from her body. Anna closed her eyes and began to fly as the ropes burned
her flesh and Guy thrust into her over and over. The restriction of movement, combined with the sudden release coursing through her body, made Anna’s body go limp. It didn’t last, she desperately wanted more. As if Guy read her mind, he flipped her onto her stomach, loosened the ropes between her thighs, pulled her hips up and thrust inside. Anna screamed. Guy pounded into her until she was undone.

  “Anna, Anna,” said Guy worriedly. “Anna, can you hear me?”

  Guy’s voice finally penetrated her fog. “Mmmm,” she mumbled. She was surprised to find she could move her hands. When had Guy untied her?

  “Anna,” said Guy sharply.

  “I’m...okay...” Anna slurred. She felt something soft beneath her. When had Guy lifted her to a bed? Slowly, Anna’s brain focused. She moved and groaned as her muscles protested. They ached. Guy was kissing her. She flinched where the skin was tender. Then he was rubbing something soothing into her flesh. Tenderly he kissed her mouth and held her close until Anna could no longer keep her eyes open. They slept until the ringing of Anna’s phone disturbed them. She let it go to voicemail. Slowly she uncurled from Guy’s warmth. Her body was humming. Energy and exhilaration filled her. She glanced at her phone and saw a missed call from Simon Lawrence. Her memory kicked in. Had Tess followed her plan? A quick internet search told Anna she had; she was secretly appalled at the video footage. Simon Lawrence was a pig; she’d let him stew for a while before returning his call.

  “Good morning,” said Guy. His face wore a worried expression.

  “Good morning,” she purred. “Where am I?”

  “You were out for a while and I took you to the room next to the zone. Anna,” Guy began tentatively.

  She silenced him with her mouth. Her hands searched and found what she needed. Guy gasped. Now she was in control and loved it.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” she stated as she rose and straddled him. His look of surprise made her giggle as she guided him inside her. He was rock hard and she felt the stretch to accommodate him. She grinned, although a little tender, Anna was back in the saddle where she belonged.


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