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The Braille Club Undone (The Braille Club #3)

Page 28

by J. A. Kerr


  At the hospital the police left Benedict and Siena alone until the twins were out of danger. Once the doctors established they had been heavily sedated, the tension relaxed slightly. The doctors explained they hoped there would be no lasting after-effects. The twins were also suffering from mild exposure. Hours of tense waiting passed. Siena watched her children’s motionless bodies as she kept her shattered emotions in check. The only thing to comfort her was Benedict. She drew strength from his arms as he held her close. Her mind seethed. Reeva was the first to open her eyes. They fluttered open then closed.

  “Reeva,” said Siena, stroking her daughter’s soft cheek. She moved, trying to put her thumb in her mouth. Siena guided her little fist up and put her thumb between her lips. She was still asleep but she had come round, even if it was only for a brief time. The next time Reeva opened her eyes was several hours later and this time she kept them open.

  “Mummy,” she murmured.

  Siena bent down and kissed her.“Mummy’s here,” she said. Reeva’s face broke into a smile but she made no attempt to move. The doctors came to examine Reeva. Perhaps the noise or a twin’s sixth sense made Leo open his eyes next. After the doctor had examined both twins thoroughly, he seemed pleased and smiled. Siena let out the breath she’d been unaware she was holding. She and Benedict cried and hugged one another in relief and then hugged their children. As time passed and they brightened visibly, the tension relaxed further.

  “Kids are stronger than you think,” said the pediatrician kindly. Siena had called her parents but did not go into events. She told them the twins were okay but were staying at the hospital. Distressed, they had come straight to the ward. When Siena saw them she felt her composure crumble. She sobbed in her mother’s arms. Her dad’s face drained of colour as Benedict told him what had happened. He pulled him into a hard embrace.

  “Thank God for the GPS on the bracelet and thank God you found them,” he said, his voice thick with emotion and his eyes with tears.


  Benedict nodded, not trusting himself to speak. His emotions were all over the place. The medical team had found Siena’s bracelet in Reeva’s pyjama pocket. It had saved his children’s lives. They had been so lucky; the chance of finding them otherwise—slim. The doctor had told Benedict the children would have come round eventually. He was deeply shocked anyone could be so cruel and heartless.

  “I’m so glad you found them,” he said placing a hand on Benedict’s shoulder. “The alternative would have been agonising for them.”

  Benedict’s body sagged. His mind pictured his children waking up in the cold and dark. They would have been so frightened. Benedict had seen the grave for himself. How could anyone bury two children alive? However, Nick Waters wasn’t just anyone. The police were keen to speak to both of them but Benedict waited until his children were sleeping peacefully again before he allowed it.

  The grim faced detective, DI Clark, looked tired but smiled at Benedict warmly. “Firstly, can I ask how the twins are?”


  “Sleeping,” said Siena tiredly. Her parents were with them. She knew she would never leave them alone again and felt ten years older since this morning. Both she and Benedict had cleaned up as best they could and were dressed in hospital scrubs. Their filthy clothes had been binned and the dirt washed away. They had done this as the doctors assessed the twins. Neither of them would be allowed to see them until they were clean.

  “I can see you are both tired and I’ll not keep you,” he said. “I’ve checked the information you gave me and I can confirm Mr Waters was released from prison today.”

  Siena gasped, her hand flying to cover her face.

  “Don’t worry,” said the DI. “He will shortly be helping us with our enquires.”

  “It was him,” said Siena. Her voice was cold and calm. “I’d know his scent anywhere. He was in my home today.”

  “Unfortunately, we need to prove that,” said the DI sympathetically.

  “Surely that won’t be hard to do?” said Benedict impatiently.

  “I hope so, Sir,” said DI Clark. “We have our teams at your home now. If there is any trace evidence, they will find it.”

  “How’s Lizzie?” asked Siena, suddenly remembering.

  “Recovering,” said DI Clark. “She was ecstatic when she heard the twins had been found although we didn’t go into detail,” he said grimly.

  “Has she remembered anything else?” asked Benedict.

  The DI shook his head. “We think Lizzie was given the same sedative as the twins. When she went out to find the woman, the street was empty. Lizzie noticed a parked car and saw Tilly beneath it. She panicked and rushed the cat inside. She didn’t see anyone as she entered, just felt the sting of the needle and woke up with your neighbour beside her.”

  “Shit,” said Benedict, rubbing his face. “I have cameras at the house. CCTV.”

  “Yes, we’re going through that, Sir. It does looks like a woman. It’s hard to tell. The hood of the coat is up and she didn’t look directly at the cameras.”

  “Shit,” said Benedict, puzzled. “What’s a woman got to do with this?”

  “That’s what we’re trying to find out, Sir,” said the DI.

  He stood up. “I’ll let you rest now. There will be officers to take your statements tomorrow. This is a very serious crime and we will catch the persons responsible, Mr and Mrs Harrison. I promise you, the entire team is committed and focused on this task.”

  “Thank you,” said Benedict wearily.

  Siena looked at Benedict and her heart tightened. He looked so tired. She was confused when the DI left; where did this woman fit in? She was still convinced Nick was behind the abduction. No, she thought; attempted murder. Nick had used the same aftershave for years; she would know his scent anywhere and had smelt it in her home on the dreadful night. They would know more in due course but Siena thought about the gun she had back home in America. She hadn’t fired it in a while but was a good shot. That’s what she loved and hated about the UK; no guns. She needed to change that. Nick thought she was weak, he always had, but then again perhaps that would work in her favour. She kept this thought to herself as she started to plan.

  Chapter 58

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. The Swingers Zone is ready to launch. This zone has been the most complex to develop. Demand is high, not since the launch of the Stoicum Zone have members booked in such large numbers. The playrooms attached are locked. Member keys are selected and programmed at random. They must use them to find out if access has been granted or declined.


  Guy pressed Anna’s buzzer and heard the door click. He was so tired. Taking the lift, he judged the stairs would be too much for him. He knocked lightly on her door. When she opened it he stepped inside and wrapped his arms around her. He’d called her as soon as he could, after he knew the twins would be okay. Anna was silent throughout his five minute conversation. She told him to come to the flat when he could get away.

  “I’m so sorry, Guy,” she murmured into his chest. “Do the police have any suspects?”

  “Nick Waters,” he answered grimly. Guy’s contact at the prison hadn’t told him of Nick’s release because he’d been on holiday. Disastrous luck. They had no idea danger was coming.

  “I don’t know how he did it but Siena’s convinced it was him. Their nanny, Lizzie, mentioned a woman, so he may be working with someone.”

  “Let the police do their job, Guy,” said Anna soothingly. “You know as well as I do you need more than a hunch to put someone behind bars. You need solid evidence.”

  Guy agreed and after stripping of his filthy clothes and a quick shower had fallen into bed exhausted. Anna had held him tight and Guy drifted off with her arms around him.

  A day had passed since that conversation, and the police were only starting to build a case but Nick Waters had an alibi. His girlfriend
swore he was with her all night. Officers told Guy they were both in bed when they arrived at the girls flat.”

  “He’s lying,” snarled Benedict. “Who the hell is this Katie Burns?”

  Guy had discussed it repeatedly with Anna. He rubbed his eyes. “Something about Katie Burns doesn’t feel right, Anna.”

  “Yes, you’ve mentioned that several times but Lizzie said it was a woman. The police have nothing else to go on, Guy,” said Anna calmly.

  “I know Waters is behind this.” Guy slammed his fist on the table in frustration making Anna jump. “Sorry,” he apologised quickly.

  “Guy, just because you want Nick Waters to be guilty, doesn’t mean he is,” she said softly.

  “I know,” he conceded.

  “If there is any evidence Nick Waters is involved the police will find it,” said Anna reasonably.

  Guy hoped Anna was right. Surely they would find something to connect Waters to the abduction. Siena, Benedict and himself had their doubts about Katie’s alibi. Was she covering for him? Guy had decided to move in with Anna. He needed to be close to her. Something about the ordeal with the twins had shaken him to his core. Siena and Benedict had not returned to their home but had moved temporarily to Harrison’s. The police teams were would be there for some time. Benedict said they would probably sell the house. Guy understood. Once your home has been violated, nothing feels right anymore. The media attention had been intense but Harrison’s was the perfect answer. The press could not access the club and the story had waned. Katie Burns’ parents weren’t talking to the press either.

  Meanwhile, Nick Waters was a free man. He explained to the police how he’d gone straight to Katie Burns’ home from prison. The taxi that picked him up confirmed this. He stated once inside, he’d unpacked and told Katie he was going to bed, having slept poorly the night before. After taking a couple of sleeping pills, he did. The next thing he knew officers were banging at his door. Strangely, Katie said very little other than Nick was with her. They hoped an accessory charge could be levied at him. However, until evidence was found confirming he was involved, there was nothing the police could do. The DI told Guy off the record; Nick’s slippery lawyer secured his release. How he had smiled smugly at them when they failed to produce any evidence against his client. They were as frustrated as Guy. Their instincts told them he was involved, if not the mastermind behind the whole thing. However, with no proof, their hands were tied. Guy had been as disappointed as Benedict to hear Nick Waters remained at large.

  Sasha had been a godsend. She had managed the club in their absence that night and had been doing a great job ever since. The Braille Club continued to run smoothly although Guy’s attention had been focused elsewhere. He thought he’d found what he needed. What they all needed; a solution to Nick Waters. He was a marked man. Guy had come across many contacts throughout his career, good and bad. He had never needed to turn to the dark side as he called it, but didn’t have any choice anymore. He needed Nick Waters to disappear and Guy knew several men to make that happen. But he needed to get someone professional on board; to advise him on Nick’s location and monitor his movements. There was only one name. Evan Radley. He was the best.



  Nick, still stunned by the turn in events, found it hard to concentrate on his next move. He’d sped away from the woods, his mind in turmoil. He’d researched all access points and had driven Siena’s car via a different route, just in case he needed to escape in a hurry. As he distanced himself from the site, he congratulated his ingenuity. He couldn’t understand how Harrison had found the site so quickly. As he sped towards Katie’s, he tried to tell himself it wasn’t him; that it someone else. A stranger perhaps but Nick didn’t believe in coincidence. He went over his plans looking for errors. The only variable he could think of was Siena’s car. Did it have a tracking devise? He hadn’t thought of that. Had he inadvertently led them to this site? It was just the type of thing that bastard, Harrison, would do. Nick cursed his stupidity. He should have dumped Siena’s car and used another hire car for the remainder of the trip. He couldn’t believe something so simple had ruined months of meticulous planning.

  His only comfort was they’d never find the twins in time. He worried the twins would wake up crying and alert Harrison until he remembered the second shot he’d given them. He’d smiled as he thought of Harrison standing above the site where his children lay. No, they would be out for hours. Unless Harrison hung about indefinitely, he would not hear a thing. Still, he wasn’t happy. He knew Harrison would not give up. Nick had been camouflaging the burial site when interrupted. Would Harrison find what Nick had failed to conceal? He hastily parked the Volvo and entered Katie’s flat bringing her muddy boots with him. He checked the sofa and could see Katie had not moved since he’d left her. He stripped out of the suit and removed the gloves and threw them into the metal sink. He stood in his underwear and took a match from a box in the kitchen and set them alight. The smell was pungent but the flames quickly receded as the suit and gloves quickly burned. Nick then turned on the tap and poured bleach down the sink. Using a pair of Katie’s rubber gloves he scrubbed it clean and ran the faucet for several minutes. He placed Katie’s muddy boots into her wardrobe.

  His next task, however, was more difficult. Lifting an unconscious woman is not easy. He swung her legs off the sofa and put his arms under hers. Panting with exertion, he dragged her towards the bedroom. He had to stop several times to catch his breath. With a last effort, he finally managed to get her onto the bed. Sweat beaded on his forehead; his hand, already sore from digging, screamed in agony. He took the two sleeping pills and swallowed them down with water. It was essential he was asleep when the police arrived. The medication was strong and Nick realised he’d have to hurry. Stripping Katie was unpleasant but necessary. He stared at her small breasts. She wasn’t Siena, and never would be. He touched them but felt nothing. It was only when he imagined he was touching Siena that he felt his excitement grow. He averted his eyes as he removed her knickers, not wanting to spoil the fantasy and quickly pulled the duvet over her. He removed his underwear and climbed into bed beside her. His erection throbbed. In his mind it was no longer Katie who lay beside him but Siena.

  He moved towards her and cupped her breasts. The pleasure from this small action was sublime and he groaned. God, he had missed this. He brought his mouth down and sucked on the nipple, thrilled as it slowly hardened. Her body was responding although she remained unconscious; he suddenly climaxed and groaned. It had been too long. However, he wasn’t finished. He would be hard again soon enough. He realised he could do anything he wanted, and the thought thrilled him. He closed his eyes and stroked himself trying to ignore his exhaustion. His eyes were leaden as his hand fell to the side and a heavy blanket of sleep crept over him.

  He was brutally awakened by shouts and loud banging on Katie’s front door. Confused, it took him a moment to gather his senses. He heard the bellow of “Police” and then the door being forced. Katie was stirring beside him. He shrank back from her. He tried to clear his fuzzy thoughts and then the police were in the bedroom. They told him to get dressed. The sedative from the sleeping pills was still in his system. His movements were slow and uncoordinated. Katie had the duvet held up against her chin; terror and confusion etched clearly on her face. Ignoring Katie’s whimpers of distress, he was cuffed.

  “Get dressed, Miss,” said another officer to Katie.

  Nick was led out of the bedroom. That was the last he had saw of her. They’d kept them apart ever since. He’d been taken to an interview room where he immediately demanded his lawyer. He’d answered all their questions and fully cooperated. He even provided them with a DNA sample. They said they needed it for elimination purposes but Nick knew better. As the hours passed, Katie came through for him and confirmed he was with her all night like he hoped she would. He could see frustration in DI Clark’s face. Knew he suspected Nick was behind the abduction, but
couldn’t prove it.

  “Either charge my client or release him,” his lawyer demanded.

  They released him. Nick was jubilant. He was not surprised when Katie remained in custody. With nowhere to stay and his things still at Katie’s flat, he had no alternative but to check into a hotel. He’d buy new clothes tomorrow. His remaining possessions were still in storage; all he had left of his life with Siena. He couldn’t bear to part with any of them. He decided to leave them where they were for the time being. He had however got his lawyer to purchase a new laptop for him. The influence of a credit card and money was a powerful ally. He searched the internet for the abduction story. When he read the twins had been found alive, he blanched. The details were short but he read that a GPS tracker in girl’s pocket had led police to finding them. It was her mother’s; a sophisticated medical ID bracelet which the child had been playing with. The story went on to say, without it the twins would surely have perished. A freak set of circumstances out of Nick’s control had saved them.

  Nick was also at fault. His need to torture Siena, to inflict the most pain and anguish, had clouded his judgement. He wanted her to understand her children suffered. He wanted her to know they had slowly suffocated while being cold and frightened. How they would have felt hungry and thirsty. But he never considered the possibility they might be found alive. If he’d given them a fatal injection...that would have been irrelevant but he didn’t. His euphoria at outwitting the police evaporated. His failure led him to the mini bar and the alcohol helped to block out his disappointment. His hangover the next day did not improve his mood. He was angry with himself and the world in general. He gave himself a shake and decided to move on and learn from his mistakes.


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