A Certain Style
Page 39
attempted removal from board 234–237
attitude to paperbacks 231, 233, 244
dismisses right-hand man 228
grandson of George Robertson 267
Hugh McCrae’s appreciation of 165–166
management style 265–266
on Commonsense Cookery Book 283
on Gordon Barton 267
on Ion Idriess’s penchant for autographing 49
on Xavier Herbert 182
pride in long-serving staff 269–270
publishing policy 220–221, 265
regaled with jokes by Alex Chisholm 222
relationship with B.D. 111–112, 169–170, 212–213, 283–284
relationship with Walter Burns 226–229, 236–237
resigns from A&R 269
son of Justice Ferguson 47, 112
Walter Burns as managing director of 226–237
Ferguson, John 112, 206, 220, 268–270
Ferguson, John Alexander 47, 112, 221
film rights 131, 143–144
Finch, Peter 143
Fisher, Judy 109–110, 144, 233
Fishing in the Styx (Park) 142
FitzGerald, Robert D. 73, 167
Fitzhardinge, Colin 202
Fizelle, Rah 34
Flying Doctor Calling (Hill) 80–81, 107
Folly Point, Cammeray 54, 106–107, 137, 160, 177–179, 189, 200, 213, 254, 256, 260, 262, 270, 281, 287, 289, 290, 293, 301, 302
For Love Alone (Stead) 253
Forests of Pan (McCrae) 164
Forshaw, Thelma 118
Four Winds and a Family (Cusack and James) 154
Foveaux (Tennant) 151
Fowler, Helen 253
Fragment 223
Franklin, Miles 52, 117–132, 154
as a writer 44, 125–127, 153, 218–219, 255
bequest for literary award 130–131, 253
and FAW 69, 122
friendship with B.D. 8, 93, 106–107, 111, 117–121, 146, 168
illness and death 128–130
lives in Wambrook 120–122
and other writers 90, 92–93, 117–120, 122–125, 147–148
personality and appearance 117–118, 122–124
Franklin Award, see Miles Franklin Award
Freehill, Norman 156
French Trade Commission 30–32
Frensham 71, 202
Fullerton, Mary 126
Furphy, Joseph 117, 119, 126
F.W Cheshire 195, 231, 263
Gallagher, Patrick 291–292, 294
galley proofs 50, 112
Gaskin, Catherine 123
Gellert, Leon 43, 134
The Generations of Men (Wright) 263
Gentlemen at Gyang Gyang (Franklin) 126–127
George, Grace (Georgie) 50–51, 72, 110, 242
George V, King 15
Georgian House 129, 231
Germinal (Zola) 235
Gibbs, May 45, 49, 201, 235
Gibson, Mel 288
Gilmore, Mary 45, 49, 73, 147, 234–235
Girl with a Monkey (Astley) 5, 159, 254
Glassop, Lawson 61–67, 69, 104
Gloucester, Duke of 222
Godden, Anne 281–282, 284, 286
Gold in the Streets (Niland) 138, 144
Good Luck to the Rider (Phipson) 202
Good Mates! (Radley) 292–293
Gowrie, Lord 150
The Great Australian Loneliness (Hill) 77
The Great World (Malouf) 302
Green, H.M. 91, 94, 218, 221
Green Leaves (Fowler) 253
Gregson, Jack 160
Grey Gladiator (Johnston) 60
Grolier Society 232
Gullett, H.B. 46, 100
Haggard, Rider 49
Hale’s Business College 29–30
Halstead Press 110, 113, 220–221, 227, 232, 264–265
asked for estimates by A&R 214–215
B.D. works for 36, 48
head printer gives talks to A&R staff 218
under management of Walter Burns 227
moves from Surry Hills to Kingsgrove,220 223
named by George Robertson 42
prints Australian Encyclopedia 222
prints full-colour books for A&R 264–265
prints They’re a Weird Mob 216
relations with A&R production 41, 51, 214, 218, 220, 222–224, 227
sold by Gordon Barton to John Sands 270
during World War II 56–59, 79
Hamish Hamilton 269, 287
Hamlyn, Paul 268
A Handful of Pennies (Porter) 159, 176–177, 246
Happy Valley (White) 122
Hardy, Frank 123
The Harp in the South (Park) 123, 135–138, 145, 148
Harris, Max 230, 263
Harrower, Elizabeth 254
Hartigan, Patrick 43
Harwood, Gwen 176
Hasluck, Paul 8
Hatchard’s bookshop 269
Hawking, Stephen 199
Haxby’s Circus (Prichard) 152
HEC Robinson Pty Ltd, see Robinson’s Maps 227
Heinemann 67, 155–156, 158
Hellyer, Jill 118
Helpmann, Robert 88
Hepburn, Katharine 88
Hepworth, John 271
Herald 74, 135
Herbert, Sadie 189, 198
Herbert, Xavier 2, 5, 118, 179, 181–199, 229–230, 234–235, 277, 282, 284, 291
attends literary events 194–196, 258
behaviour 181, 194–196
Capricornia 181, 195
conflict with A&R over Of Mars, the Moon and Destiny 182–194
death 298
dedicates work to B.D. 194
friendship with Hal Porter 195–196, 258
literary prizes 181, 199
reputation as a talker 4, 9
rheumatism 189–190
writes Poor Fellow, My Country 197–199
Here’s Luck (Lower) 216
Hergenhan, Laurie 197
The Hexagon (Porter) 175
High-ho to London (Clune) 162
Hill, Ernestine 9, 77–89, 107
Hill, Robert 78–79, 82, 84–86, 88
Hills End (Southall) 208–210
History of Australia (Clark) 264
A History of Australian Literature (Green) 218, 221
HMAS Sydney 60
Hodder and Stoughton 145
Holland, John 220
Home and Man 74
Hong Kong 265
Hope, A.D. 2, 73
Hopegood, Peter 165, 176
Horder, Margaret 204
Hordern, Anthony 227, 234, 267
Hordern, Arthur 225
Horne, Donald 161, 263
A Horse of Air (Stivens) 273
Horwitz 65, 144, 207, 231
The Hostess Cookbook (Cox) 282–283
hot metal printing 50
Hotel Sydney 32
Houghton Mifllin 138
Howarth, Guy 69, 75, 164, 166–168
Howarth, Lillian 110
Howarth, R.G. 164
‘Huddersfield’ (house) 17
Hudson, Flexmore 75
Hughes, Billy 5, 161–162, 217–218
Hughes, Elisabeth 217–218, 276–277
Huie, John 241–242
Hungerford, T.A.G. (Tom) 66–68, 283
Hunt, Linda 288
Hunters Hill Lodge 302–303
Hunting the Wild Pineapple (Astley) 286
Hyland House 286
‘Ianthena’ (house) 16–17, 20
The Ice is Coming (Wrightson) 205
Idriess, Ion 49–50, 70–71, 77, 107, 118, 161, 219, 230, 273, 282
Iliffe, Bert 271–272
The Illustrated Treasury of Australian Verse 295, 298
In the Days When the World Was Wide and Other Verses (Lawson) 43
Independent Theatre 298
indexing 110, 303
Indonesia 287
Rex 129, 132
Ingleton, Geoffrey 79
International Parcel Express Company (IPEC) 2, 266–267
International Women’s Year 101
IPEC 2, 266–267
Ireland, David 245, 273
It’s Harder for Girls and Other Stories (Casey) 60
Jacaranda Press 264
Jack Rivers and Me (Radley) 291–293
James, Clive 249
James, Florence 136, 153–154, 155
Jefferis, Barbara 255
Jeffries, Hedley 48–49, 137, 143, 234, 269
Jennings, Kate 272
Jeune, Edmund ‘Dick’ 35, 105–106, 124–125, 168, 200, 213, 260–262, 278, 282, 284, 295–297
Jindyworobaks 75
John Huie’s 241–242
John O’London’s Weekly 84
John Sands 270
Johnnie Wise-Cap (Hill) 85–86, 89
Johnston, George 60
Jonathan Cape 66, 171
Jose, Arthur W. 43, 45–46
Joseph Furphy (Baker and Franklin) 119
Josh (Southall) 211
Jungfrau (Cusack) 153
Kabbarli (Hill) 89
Katoomba 100–102
Keesing, Nancy 71, 122, 128, 285
Keneally, Thomas 245
Ker Wilson, Barbara 3
Kerr, Charles 306
A Kindness Cup (Astley) 286
Kirwan, Bill 36, 48, 51
Knight, Al 281–284, 286
Knox Grammar School 173
Koch, Christopher 254, 287–289
Kramer, Leonie 256–257, 303
Landtakers (Penton) 60
Langley, Eve 9, 73–75, 90–102, 122, 137, 156–157
Langley, June 93
Langton Clinic 275
Lansdowne Press 264–265
Larger Than Life (Herbert) 195
Larks and Heroes (Keneally) 245
larrikin publishers 263
Lascaris, Manoly 178
Laughter, Not for a Cage (Franklin) 127–129, 218–219
Lawler, Ray 253
Lawson, Henry 25, 42–44, 46, 59, 77
Leigh, Vivien 79
The Letters of Hugh McCrae 167
libel 61, 94, 162–163
Lindsay, Norman 8, 25, 35, 43–45, 49, 53, 61, 63, 69, 76, 147, 163–164, 201, 273, 296
Lindsay, Percy 35, 53, 105, 163, 296
Lindsay, Rose 163
Linotype 50
Literature Board, Australia Council 289, 304
The Little Ghosts (Anderson) 150
The Little Widow (Herbert) 192
The Long Prospect (Harrower) 254
Longford, Raymond 44
Lord, Mary 174–175, 179
Low, David 46
Lower, Lennie 216
The Lucky Country (Horne) 263
Lunney, Suzanne 285
Lusty, Robert 137
Lyceum Club 70
Lyell, Lottie 44
‘Lynton’ (house) 20, 23, 24
Lyons, Joseph 59
Lyrebird Writers 175
Macartney, F.T. 221
MacCallum, Mungo 28, 69
Macdonald, Liz 284
MacIntyre, Elisabeth 243
Mack, Louise 44, 49
Mackaness, George 69
Mackenzie, Kate 170–172
Mackenzie, Kenneth 66, 169–172
MacQuarrie, Hector 143–144
Madman’s Island (Idriess) 49
The Magic Pudding (Lindsay) 45, 201
Make Your Own Stories Sell (Niland) 140
Malley, Em 75
Malouf, David 258, 302
The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses (Paterson) 42–44
Mann, Cecil 70, 73
Man-Shy (Davison) 59, 201
Marika, Haruko 251
Marks, Mr 23
Marks and Co. 24
Marshall, Alan 73, 122
Martin, David 122
Mathers, Peter 254–256
Maurice, Furnley see Wilmot, Frank
McAuley, James 73, 75, 175–176
McCarthy, Gordon 268, 270
McCrae, Hugh 35, 49, 73–74, 147, 150–151, 163–168, 169, 170
McCuaig, Ronald 70, 174–175, 244
McCure, Sid 48
McDonald, Margaret 110
McDonald, Nan 71–72, 94–97, 99–100, 110–111, 176–177, 184, 210, 217–218, 246, 276, 277
McFadyen, Ella 110, 202
McGraw-Hill 270
McKerihan, Roy 255
McKie, Ronald 164
McNicoll, D. 303
Mead, Rod 291
Mead and Beckett 291, 295
Meanjin Papers 75
Medical Journal of Australia 30–31, 34, 36, 52, 75, 169
Meet Simon Black (Southall) 206
Melbourne University Press 231, 264
Menzies, Robert 56, 72, 76, 253
Menzies government 215
Merlin of the Empiah (Franklin) 126
Michael Joseph 140, 285, 287
Miles Franklin Award 289–293
B.D. as judge 2, 160, 199, 253, 255–257, 301–305
Colin Roderick as judge 256
established with bequest 130–131, 273
prize shared 254
won by Christopher Koch 288–289
won by George Turner 254
won by Patrick White 178, 253–254
won by Peter Mathers 255
won by Ruth Park 145, 287
won by Thea Astley 160
won by Thomas Keneally 245
won by Vance Palmer 255
won by Xavier Herbert 199
Miller, Morris 221
Miss Hale’s Business College 29–30
Missus (Park) 145
Mitchell, A.G. 134
Mitchell, David Scott 42–43
Mitchell Library 25, 43, 110, 123, 130–131, 218, 253, 256
Mockbell’s coffee shop 71–72
Modern English Usage (Fowler) 3, 63, 81, 203
Monash, John 15, 22
Monteith, Charles 250–251
Moon, Enid 56
The Moonlit Doorway (Mackenzie) 170
Moore, David 232–233
Moore, Tom Inglis 69, 76, 134, 166–167, 190
Moorhouse, Frank 272–273
More Australian Legendary Tales (Parker) 149
Morley family 125
Into the Morning (Webb) 254
Morrison, John 74
Morrison of Peking (Pearl) 283
Mr Butterfry and Other Tales of New Japan (Porter) 251
Mudie, Ian 131, 253, 256–257
Mund, Henry 218, 220
Munster, George 271
Murray, Les 287
Murray-Smith, Stephen 195
music 9–10, 25–26, 28, 30
My Blue-Checker Corker and Me (Radley) 292–293
My Brilliant Career (Franklin) 44, 117, 130–131, 273
My Love Must Wait (Hill) 79, 84, 87, 107
The Nargun and the Stars (Wrightson) 205
Nation Review 266, 271, 273
National Book Council 285, 288
National Economic Plan 58
National Library of Australia 5, 88, 172, 285
Ned Kelly (play) 298
Neill, Sam 273
Neilson, John Shaw 73
Neutral Bay 19–25, 30, 301
Neutral Bay Superior Primary School 20
New Guinea Diary (Johnston) 60
New South Wales Premier’s Literary 295
New Statesman 248–249
New York Times Book Review 208
New Zealand Herald 157
New Zealand Literary Fund 97
Newcastle Hotel 195, 241
Niland, D’Arcy 10, 74, 77, 133–145, 179, 235
Niland, Deborah Mary 139
Niland, Kilmeny Mary 139
‘Noailles’ (house) 24
Nobel Prize 252
North Sydney Girls’ High School 25
Northern Suburbs Crematorium 172, 304
Not Yet the Moon (Langley) 93
Number 96 (television series) 273
O’Brien, John, see Hartigan, Patrick
obscenity 63–66, 185, 187
Observer 243
Of Mars, the Moon and Destiny (Herbert) 182–194
Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–18 45–46
Ogden, Archibald 182
Ogilvie, Will 43
O’Grady, Frank 215–216, 253
O’Grady, John 215–216
O’Harris, Pixie 130
Old Days, Old Ways (Gilmore) 45
An Older Kind of Magic (Wrightson) 205
Olivier, Laurence 79
On the Beach (Shute) 156
On the Wool Track (Bean) 45, 59
One of the First and One of the Finest (Victorian Society of Editors) 5, 303
O’Neil, Lloyd 264
O’Neill, Josephine 63
Osborne, Charles 245
Our Earth (Mackenzie) 170
Overland 118
Owen, Gladys 147
Oxford English Dictionary 3, 8, 171, 286
Oxford University Press 231, 263, 264, 284
Oz 271
Pacific Books 87, 155, 263, 273
Pacific Paradise (Cusack) 156
Packer, Frank 234–236, 243–244, 265
Page, Michael 195
Palmer, Nettie 122, 153
Palmer, Vance 63, 73, 120–122, 141, 255
paper 58–59, 222
The Paper Chase (Porter) 247–249
Park, Ruth 2, 10, 91–92, 109, 123, 133–145, 147, 235, 255, 287, 305
Parker, K. Langloh 149
The Passing of the Aborigines (Bates) 77, 87
Paterson, A. B. 25, 42–44, 46, 49
The Pea Pickers (Langley) 90–93, 97–102, 137, 151
Pearl, Cyril 283
Pearl Harbor 57
PEN club 243, 252–253
Penguin Books 262–263, 287
Penton, Brian 60
Perkins, Maxwell 3
Permanent Trustee Company 130–131
Perryman, Mrs 128
Phillips, A.A. 263
Phillip’s Foote steakhouse 268
Phipson, Joan 8, 202, 283
Picnic Races (Cusack) 158
Pike, Frank 250
Pillar of Fire (Cusack) 153
Pioneers on Parade (Cusack and Franklin) 118–119, 153
Playing Beatie Bow (Park) 145, 287
Poetry 75
Poor Fellow My Country (Herbert) 191, 192, 194, 196, 198, 199
Poor Man’s Orange (Park) 138
Porter, Hal 2, 159–160, 173–180, 196, 213, 245, 247–252, 289
AM 297
correspondence with B.D. 268, 270, 273–274, 291, 295, 297
death 297–298
edits Australian Poetry 175–176
and Eve Langley 9, 97–98
friendship with Xavier Herbert 195–196, 258
A Handful of Pennies 177–178
in Japan 173–174
and Patrick White 178, 253–254
relationship with B.D. 10, 122, 173–175, 177–180, 242, 243, 248, 277, 286–287, 297