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Perfect Melody

Page 8

by Ava Danielle

  Career wise, I’ve hit a bump in the road. I’m not sure where to go from here. I’m not as lucky as Elliot and entering the Orchestra. There was talk I might, but I haven’t heard from them, which makes me assume, they didn’t find a place for me. I’m also not sure it really is my forte. My YouTube channel is doing good, I’ve done some commercials and ads and it’s helped, but it’s not what I’d like. My father has taken me under his wing at his office and I’ve done some parts for movies, including my name in the credits, I just have to wait for someone to recognize me. I think the waiting is what kills me more than actually working. I’m also bored. I play my violin every day just to not become rusty, also to hear the tune, but since finishing school, I feel a bit empty. That world is gone and now I’m out there trying to make something of myself with the talent I possess, but so is everyone else I know. Kindly enough, Elliot keeps trying to talk me into joining him, but I just can’t.

  Isabelle, my best friend, truly a best friend, tries to distract me from missing Elliot. She’s at my apartment reminding me what it’s like to be a single woman and out living life. I’m not a single woman though. I don’t want to be anymore. I’d much rather spend my time with Elliot than party it up with Isabelle.

  “We should go out to a club,” she is not one to sit on the couch to watch a movie.

  “Like where?” Not to seem uninterested I question her ideas.

  “Like, oh I don’t know, Le Bain maybe?”

  “Honey, it’s raining, do you really want to enjoy a rooftop party tonight?”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” she bites her lip trying to come up with another idea, “What about the Up&Down?”

  “I haven’t been there in forever,” I admit.

  “I know, we should totally go and just have a girl’s night out, I promise I won’t flirt,” I about choke on my own laughter, “What? I’m serious?” I just nod and let her have it.

  Dressed in some sexy dresses, she convinced me, we’re headed out to Up&Down to party it up. Maybe the distraction will have me thinking about something besides Elliot and missing him. Entering the doors of the club, the loud music hitting me straight in the face along with some big tits women, I suddenly question if this was such a good idea.

  Two shots later, I’m starting to feel comfortable.

  Three shots later, I’m definitely comfortable.

  Four shots later, I’m a little too comfortable.

  Dancing, shaking my hips, and flirting with strangers, I receive a text from Elliot and respectfully excuse myself from this sexy, with a beer gut stranger I was dancing with.

  “It’s my boyfriend,” I drunkenly grin as I leave the dance floor to sit our table.


  MELODY: Come here. I need you. But I’m not home.

  ELLIOT: Not home?

  MELODY: I think this is a club, I’m on a dance floor, and it’s hot.

  ELLIOT: Are you drunk?

  MELODY: Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe. Yes. Yes, I am.

  “Give me that,” Isabelle takes my phone away before I could see if Elliot even texted back, “More shots,” she screams across a crowd in the direction of the bar.

  “They can’t hear us,” I yell at her, “and I think we should go home.”

  “The fuck we are, we’re having a good time,” her words slur.

  “I’m not so sure about that,” I try to get my phone back from Isabelle, but she’s so drunk she either purposely or accidently dropped my phone into a glass of mojito.

  “Fuck, Isabelle, what’d you do that for?” I scream, but it’s too late. The phone has died and even if I put it into a cup of rice, it wouldn’t work until who knows when.

  It’s been days since I’ve heard from Melody. I’ve texted, nothing. I’ve called, straight to voicemail. I called my mom to check on Melody’s dad to see if he’s heard anything, nothing but silence. It’s been three days now and this kind of thing has never happened. And because of the worry, I’ve decided to pack up early and bundle all my belongings into the back of my car to head out to the city. I’ve cut all ties with Samantha, she’s tried to talk to me several times, but I still can’t wrap my head around what she said and not sure I can even believe what she said. Deep down, I know this isn’t my child. We were so careful. She’s cheated, so who’s to say this child isn’t one of her fuckboys. I’m going to pretend all this was a fluke to get me back and I’m not having that. I’m finished with Samantha. And if she is having my baby, well fuck!

  Driving to the city that never sleeps, my new home, worries me a little. I’ve never been a big fan of the big city, I loved the suburbs of my mom’s house, and here and there when we’d need something from the city, but I’m not into the touristy crowds, so knowing I’m moving there and working in the big city has me a little on edge. Also, a reason I nearly canceled this whole ordeal and just tried to find a different profession, wondering if it’s even worth it. But Melody is there. And if she’s this tough girl that can handle the big bad world, I should suck it up and follow my dreams. This is also a good escape from Samantha and the life I’m leaving behind.

  Hours pass which are anything but flying by. Impatiently I finally arrive in the parking lot of the building I will call my home soon. Not having talked to Melody in a few days, I’m questioning if she even wants to see me. I’m nervous as fuck. I’m doubting anything we’ve had and questioning the silence, but in the back of my mind, hoping she’s all right. Anything else can be worked through.

  Nervously I knock at her door in the hopes she’s home. But she doesn’t open the door.

  “Can I help you?”

  Isabelle, sure she’s my best friend, and sure I love her to death, but she pissed me off when she dropped my cell phone into a glass of Mojito. Sure, I was drunk and sure I probably deserved it since I’d been out having girl’s night and still texting my boyfriend, but I couldn’t resist.

  I’ve gone days without a phone. The damn thing never did start back up even in a cup of rice for a day or so. It’s toast. And today we finally got a chance to go to the store to pick up a new phone, but I have no way of getting my old contacts back. I’m not as tech savvy as I’d always assumed I was. On top of all that madness, I’m worried Elliot thinks I don’t want anything to do with him anymore, that is definitely not the case, we’ve never gone a day without talking to one another. After Isabelle leaves, I’ll probably call my dad to have Janine give me his number just so I can call him to let him know what’s been going on.

  “Can I help you?” I hear Isabelle’s voice while I’m in the kitchen popping some popcorn.

  “I’m here to see Melody,” I hear Elliot’s voice as I drop everything to run towards him.

  Jumping into his arms, I’m overwhelmed with glee, “I’ve missed you so much,” I’m in his arms swinging my legs from behind as I see the confused look on Isabelle’s face.

  “This must be Elliot,” she closes the door as Elliot steps inside with me still in his arms.

  “Yes,” I’m over the moon to have him here and I make it known as I kiss him hard, he doesn’t get much of a chance to speak.

  “I think that’s my cue to leave,” Isabelle disappears and I don’t even notice it but for a split second.

  “What are you doing here?” I suddenly question him but still not letting him go.

  “I was worried about you, I hadn’t heard from you in days, I thought something bad happened,” he looks a little upset.

  “I’m so sorry, Isabelle took my phone and tossed it into a glass of Mojito since I was texting you at that club. I tried to recover it by putting it in a cup of rice, but that didn’t help,” I frown, “Are you mad?”

  “I’m not mad, silly, I was worried,” I leave his embrace to get my new phone.

  “Could you put your number in there so I have it now,” I ask.

  “Don’t have to ask me twice,” he takes the phone out of my hand and enters his number.

  “Can I get you something to drink? How long you p
lanning on staying? When are you moving in across the hall?” I’m hard to control once I get going, but Elliot has figured out what very many didn’t; he kissed me. His lips took over any of the words that were going to flow out of my mouth.

  “I get the keys tomorrow,” he releases long enough to say those words and then continues to kiss me.

  Taking a short breath, “You’re spending the night with me,” I grin full of excitement.

  The following day, after Elliot has received his keys to his new apartment across from mine, we empty his car and situate the apartment enough for the furniture that will be delivered later this afternoon. While we’re resting though, we’re breaking in the floor of his apartment like any couple would. There’s so much space and so many rooms to christen nothing is holding us back.

  “I’m wore out,” I say after our third quickie.

  “But we still have the bathroom sink,” he’s ready and willing.

  “And I’m going to need you to wait and actually feed me,” I zip my pants up as he pulls me by the belt loops, pulls the zipper back down, and starts to kiss me below my belly button, “I’ll feed you alright,” and if I don’t pull back fast enough I’ll have a hickie there as well.

  “And I’ll let you do that later,” I grin pushing him a way, “it’s time to grab something to eat before the movers come back,” I wait by the door.

  “You drive me crazy,” he mutters.

  “I know, that’s my intention,” I smile genuinely.

  Having Elliot in my life has to exceed anything wonderful I’ve ever lived. My mood triples when I’m in his presence, he’s caring, a great listener, and the way our music connects when we play together are beyond perfection. I can’t get enough of him and when he’s not around, I miss him deeply. I never want to live without him. The sex is miraculous. He’s warm and gentle, but as soon as I ask for a little more, he happily obliges. He’s exactly what my father always wanted for me. And because father is happy to see us as a couple, he has invited us over for dinner.

  “You ready babe?” Elliot walks through my apartment door.

  “Do I look okay?” I show off the beige blouse, his favorite pair of my jeans, and sandals and wait for his approval.

  “Babe, you look sexy in everything you wear, especially those jeans,” he growls, “but shouldn’t I worry what I wear, we’re going to see your dad after all.” He has a valid point. My dad has seen me in everything so it shouldn’t matter what I wear, but I still want us to look decent enough showing up as a couple.

  The sexy black polo shirt which is pressed against his chest and shows off his abs, my favorite pair of jeans of his held up by a belt, and white tennis shoes, “You look hot, I don’t know if I can take you with me, we might not make it to my fathers for dinner,” I joke, but honestly, I’m starting to wonder if we’ll have time for a quick pit stop on the way to the Burbs.

  “I’ll be fine with that,” the wink flashes making me want to melt instantly.

  I have a hot boyfriend!

  Every five minutes I would ask Melody if she was ready to pull over for a pit stop. It’s only an hour’s drive, we had plenty of time before dinner to do the naughty-naughty, but she kept shrugging me off. I even begged her, but ice cold she turned me down. I wasn’t getting any before dinner and I was a little upset to say the least. But then it hit me. She’s not Samantha. It’s not the only thing we have, Sex. It’s not the only thing on our mind even though we pick on each other about it. But we have so much more than just a sexual relationship. It’s healthy. It’s fun. It’s exciting. And when I’m not around her I wonder what she’s up to.

  We pull into the drive away as her father already sits on the front porch waiting for our arrival. He looks pleased to see us, actually a bit excited, as he walks up meeting us half way, “Hey Daddy,” she hugs him tight and it’s nice to see her this happy and pleased to see her father. It wasn’t but a few weeks ago when we met here, she was worried about her father, it seems though, he’s doing pretty good, “Hey baby girl, did you guys have a good trip?” She nods as he greets me, “Hey son,” words that I hadn’t heard in over ten years, “Hi Sir,” I respectfully respond though still thrown off by his statement. Son.

  As we walk through the door a familiar smell fills the room, I swear I’ve smelled that before. Ignoring my senses though I watch Rosa, Grant’s housekeeper prepares last minute things in the dining room confused there are four plates. Also ignoring that I stare at the family pictures displayed on the wall from Melody’s childhood, teenage years – she was a babe – and feel Melody by my side as we discuss the pictures on the wall.

  “I have a surprise for you,” her father starts as someone exits the kitchen.

  “Hey Elliot, nice to see you,” my mother interrupts her dad’s speech.

  “Well, there’s the surprise,” Grant laughs.

  “Was I supposed to wait on an introduction or something? Shit. Well I just fucked that up,” she sets the dish on the table Rosa had set so perfectly.

  “Mother! Language,” I’m shocked while Melody’s flabbergasted face says it all.

  “Oh please, I’m sure you say worse things during sex than the word fuck, “Let’s eat,” she starts to cut the Lasagna and that’s when I remember why the smell felt so familiar.

  “Would someone like to explain why you’re here?” I address the elephant in the room while everyone just makes small talk.

  “Well,” Grant starts to say, “Your mother and I have been seeing each other,” he carefully states.

  “As in dating?” Melody interrupts my thoughts.

  “Well, if that’s what you kids call a few dinners and getting to know one another,” my mother answers Melody.

  “I think it’s wonderful,” Melody hugs my Mother while I sit and stare.

  “Elliot?” Mom gives me a pleading look of acceptance.

  “Don’t you think it’s a little weird. Melody and I are dating. You can’t date my future father in law. I mean, would that make him my step-dad or my father in law. This is a little weird.”

  “Babe,” Melody tries to reason with me, “They’re just getting to know one another. No one is getting married,” she tries to reason with me.

  “Yet,” I say.

  “Uh, honey, I’m sorry, but we’re not even close to married thoughts, we’re in a relationship that just started.”

  She’s right, but I’m freaking out. I’ve always wanted my mother to date, to find someone to be happy with, and I should be excited she’s seeing someone as great as Melody’s dad, but it feels strange. I’m dating his daughter. He’s dating my mother. Doesn’t anyone see that as strange?

  While Elliot is having a meltdown about our parents dating, I see the happiness in my father’s eyes. Janine makes him happy and you can see it written on his face. It’s taken him two decades to even meet up with another woman so this is a big step for him, that alone gives me reason to support him fully. If only Elliot could see it. And while he’s outside with his mom on the deck this is the perfect opportunity to talk to my father alone.

  “She makes you happy, doesn’t she?” I’m blunt.

  “She does. Honey, no one will ever replace your mother,” I stop him mid-sentence.

  “I know you would never want to or intentionally would replace her, but daddy, it’s been so long, you need to follow your heart, do what makes you happy again, feel that love again. No one could ever replace Mother, the love of your life, your soul mate, and I’m sure Janine doesn’t expect that, I just want to see you happy again.”

  “After the heart attack, I had a lot of time to think. I’m not going to be around forever and do I really want to die and not having loved again? Especially when it’s a woman that is willing to give this a chance? She hasn’t had it easy either,” I nod remembering Elliot’s back story, “we distract each other from the pain we feel, and that alone led us to where we are now. We’ve kissed, nothing more, and I don’t know if either of us are ready for that step, but for no
w it feels good to have her as a close friend that enjoys spending free time with me. We still live our own lives but when it gets lonely, we know the other is there to get through it, do you understand?” I’ve never seen this side of my father and as surprising as it is, it’s a refreshing side to see.

  We’ve had a great conversation about our futures and as I observe the conversation on the deck between Elliot and Janine, I’m not sure it’s going the same for them. They look as if they’re arguing, more along the lines Janine lecturing him, but I wouldn’t know for what. And instead of seeming like a stalker, I make way to interrupt them and not listen in on their conversation, “Everything okay?” I’m subtle but you can sense the tension between the two.

  “Everything is great, babe,” Elliot kisses my cheek and I watch Janine walk away and enter into the house and into my father’s arms.

  “I feel like I interrupted an important conversation,” I pry but without being too obvious.

  “No, I just had to wrap my head around this, it took me by surprise, I’m sure it did you too,” he tries to change the subject.

  “Actually, I think it’s great. My father hadn’t loved anyone but my mother and maybe if he can get past that, I’ll be overly happy for him. They’re adults, Elliot, you’ll have to let them do their thing and figure it out on their own. You can’t intercept.”

  “I know, I know. It just caught me off guard, that’s all,” we hug and plan to say our goodbyes and head back home to sleep on this; it was a little much for one day.

  Arriving back in the city, the bright lights distracting Elliot’s driving, I try to strike up a conversation about his thoughts, but he ignores me. He’s been a little standoffish since we left and I’m sure it has to do with our parents, but I don’t want that to interfere with our relationship and if we don’t address it, it’s just going to get weirder with each passing day. And while Elliot ignores me I decide to vent to my best friend Isabelle via text messages. Her opinion on the ordeal – they’re grown-ups and everyone is entitled to love, and fuck, every man needs a little va jay jay and every woman deserves that dick – her words not mine. Giggling after reading her messages.


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