Perfect Melody

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Perfect Melody Page 12

by Ava Danielle

  “Hey girls, I’d like you to meet,” I just stare and interrupt.

  “You’ve gotta be shitting me,” I shake my head.

  “Elliot?” Isabelle finishes my thought.

  “You know each other?” Ethan is surprised.

  “Elliot and I used to date,” I laugh, “Hey,” I smile at Elliot.

  “Hey,” he responds.

  “Well, isn’t that something. You’re the bad breakup?” Ethan never holds back.

  “Ethan!” Isabelle scolds him.

  “It appears I am,” I stare into Elliot’s eyes.

  “I had no idea you would be here,” he sounds sad.

  “It’s okay. We’re here now, might as well eat,” the growl running through my stomach reminds me of my hunger.

  “Exactly,” Isabelle sits down as we join the boys at the table.

  Discussing Ethan and Isabelle’s relationship, Elliot and I are subdued into our own food and either just agree or stare at each other. His smile makes me want to melt. Appreciating the fact, we can sit across from each other and actually be civil makes me feel a thousand times better.

  “You’re leaving?” he asks.

  “Huh?” I’m clueless what I had just missed beings I was in thought – yes, thinking of him.

  “I’m sorry, it slipped,” Isabelle apologizes.

  “Oh? Los Angeles? Yes. I leave tomorrow.”

  “For how long?” he’s curious.

  “I’m not sure. Could be a few days, months, hell maybe even a year,” I’m semi honest.

  “Wow, that’s a long time,” he looks a little sad.

  “It’s fucking awesome, she gets to meet Robert Mendoza,” Isabelle is overwhelmed with joy.

  “My god woman, you sound like you’re going there instead of her,” Ethan points out her excitement.

  “I just think it’s flipping awesome!”

  The two are so involved in their own conversation; they don’t even realize we’re still sitting at the same table.

  “Would you like to take a walk?”

  “I got the bill,” Isabelle nods her head in agreement of the walk.

  With the cold chill in the air I’m more than glad I decided to wear a thick sweater, but had I known I would be walking with Elliot, of all people, I would’ve put on flats rather than these heels.

  “You look very pretty tonight,” his compliment catching me totally off guard.

  “Thanks,” I think?

  “I miss you, Melody.”


  “I know, I know it’s over, but I wanted you to know I miss you, every single day I think of you,” he pours his heart out to me.

  “I know how you feel, but it won’t ever work, Elliot.” I hate to be the one to continuously break his heart.

  “There’s nothing I can do?”


  “Are you excited about the trip to Los Angeles?”

  “Beyond excited. I can’t believe they called to collaborate with Robert and apparently a few others,” I’m still in shock.

  “That’s so amazing. I knew you’d always make it far,” he smiles.

  “Thanks. How’s it going with the Symphony?”

  “Oh, it’s awesome. We’re practicing daily for our new set coming for Christmas. They’re saying we’ll be traveling, but I’m not sure where exactly we’re going. Apparently, the symphony has been invited to some places.”

  “That’s wonderful, Elliot. I wish you so much success, you know, that right?”



  “This might sound beyond crazy, but I need to ask you something, you can say No, I’ll understand.”

  “Okay?” I’m worried.

  “Um,” he seems nervous, “I’d like to ask for one last kiss?”

  I just stare at him. Unsure what to say or even do. I’m tempted, hesitant, held back, and nervous. Once our lips touch, I might just give up on everything I believe, I might fall right back into him and that scares the shit out of me.

  “I know, crazy. I’m sorry. I know we’ll never be a couple, and I know I’ll never be able to kiss you after tonight again, you’ll go your way, I’ll concentrate on my career, and I’ll miss you every day of my life,” I don’t even let him continue.

  Our lips locked as I ease into him taking full control. I know it’s crazy. I’ve never believed in goodbye kisses, I always called them ridiculously stupid, but here I am giving Elliot the most passionate kiss I could muster. Seconds turn into minutes as we’re pressed against a wall of a busy street locking lips. The softer and tender touch of his tongue barely touching mine as we make out like teenagers in public. I’ve fallen right back into him. My heart beats a mile a minute and I realize this is my happy place. His hands are holding my back tight into him. He won’t let me go if I don’t ask him to. And I can’t. I can’t find the words to say No; I can’t find the strength to pull away from him. Another minute has gone by as we continue to kiss. Make it worth it, Melody.

  Maybe the days we had are gone; maybe the relationship we each dreamed of was just that – a dream. She’s gone and I miss her more now after that kiss, than I ever have. I don’t know how I’m supposed to live life like she’s never existed or was to be the one for me. Our paths have separated and we each have to figure out a way to go on – alone.

  Surprised to see her at dinner with Ethan, I’ve battled with telling her I’m not the father of Samantha’s baby. We could start all over without having that problem or lie hanging over us. We could’ve made it work, but I never had the courage to tell her. She was so excited about her trip to Los Angeles, her future plans, I wasn’t going to do anything or say anything to hold her back. She could follow her dreams without standing in her way.

  It was time for us to pursue our own dreams.

  No longer an Us.

  Sometimes in life, love doesn’t stand a chance when career is your sole focus. Sometimes, you have to put yourself first, no matter how hard it may be. And just because Melody and I were never able to make it work, doesn’t mean we can’t find love someday, with or without each other.

  But Wait!!!

  Each trying to find solace, but all they seem to think about is the other. They’ve tried to be apart, but being apart is even harder than being together.

  Perhaps there’s a second chance? Perhaps their happiness is only when together?

  Read on to see if they could make it work, or if you’re happy with each going their own way, end this story now. Otherwise, you might find an ending that will surprise you.

  Beach. Sunshine. Warmth. Palm Trees. People in Shorts and T-shirts, you wouldn’t think it’s November. In fact, you’d think this was July in New York on a good day. I will say though, it’s nice and beautiful, but I miss my city life. It’s way too chaotic here. I admire everyone’s easygoing life, but I miss the stress. And maybe, just maybe it’s not the only thing I miss.

  Every time I step out of my hotel room, I can’t help but wish I were leaving my apartment in the hopes I might run into Elliot. Only person I ever run into here is either the manager or strangers.

  Robert and I had been busy shooting a music video for our collaboration and I’m pleased with the outcome, watching it after it had been edited. The world won’t see it for a while longer and I’m anxious. We work effortlessly together, more than I assumed. I am however, ready to get back home to my world.

  “Hey dad,” my father had called in the middle of my bubble bath and usually, while I’m relaxing I don’t answer, but feeling lonely, it was the perfect time.

  “Hey, how’s it going out there?” his concern for me makes me feel safe, even so many miles apart.

  “It’s okay. We watched the finished video today, I can’t wait for you to see it,” I start to babble but he interrupts.

  “I already got a preview of it,” I can hear the smile on his face.

  “Oh, they did send it? That’s awesome. They asked me what you did and I gave them your name. T
hey were overly surprised and excited that I knew someone in the business. Did you like the song?”

  “That’s why I was calling. I’d like the song to be in a few TV shows, movies, and part of an ad,” I sink down in tub and stop breathing for a minute.

  “What?” I scream with water in my mouth bubbling the words.

  “Yes, you heard me right, I’ll tell you all the details when you get here,” I don’t think I listen to anything else he says on the phone.

  “Melody? Have you talked to Janine?”

  “Dad, why would I talk to her?”

  “I wasn’t sure. We found out Elliot isn’t the father of that woman’s baby,” he doesn’t even take a minute to explain everything.

  “Okay,” I manage to say unsure what else I could be saying.

  “I just thought you’d might want to know.” I do. But I don’t.

  Dipping my toes in the sand watching couples canoodle in the water, I realize how I alone I really am. I was offered to hang out with everyone on the team today, but I just needed some time to think and some time alone. My father’s information on the phone had dampened my mood. I’ve cut my losses with Elliot because of this baby. Assumed it would be best if I left him alone to raise his child and not be part of that world. It wasn’t so much because I didn’t think I could handle it, but I would’ve felt like a complete outsider. It doesn’t matter though, even if he’s not the father, we’ve broken up and no longer together. It’s best this way.

  I can’t explain what I feel, but I will find a song; a song that will speak the heartache I feel. I’ve been working nonstop with the symphony but every once in a while, I have to block all that out and just think about what I want, the music I let speak for me, and the songs that mean the most to me. Currently, they’re all sad songs. My fingers finding only the quiet tunes at a slow pace. The room is filled with sadness with each key I press.

  I decide playing the piano wasn’t helping my mood so I dig out my laptop, but even that may have been a bad idea. I find myself on Melody’s YouTube channel staring at her pretty face playing the violin. The way her head tilts and her eyes are mesmerized by her sound is pure magic. Her brown eyes flutter, a crooked smile crosses her beautiful face, her hands moving with such grace as she strums the string. She’s playing with such an elegance, I’m jealous of the way she is able to play the music as if she’s there living it. I could sit for hours watching her. And I nearly do.

  A knock at my door brings me from all thoughts of Melody. And after I answer and Ethan bounces in, I wish I hadn’t answered the door in the first place.

  “What’s up, Ethan?”

  “We have a meeting in the morning. Apparently, there’s some news they need to share with us as soon as possible.”

  “And you came by to tell me that?”

  “Also, to check on you.”

  “Check on me?” I’m confused.

  “Well the last time we talked was at the double date with your ex and that didn’t go so well,” he reminds me of that last kiss we shared, our goodbye kiss.

  “She’s still in Los Angeles, so I’ve heard.”

  “Spying on her?” he laughs.

  “Never. Well, maybe a little,” I sigh.

  “You’re head over heels for this girl,” he states the obvious.

  “I am. And it doesn’t help our parents are dating and we have to see each other for Thanksgiving.”

  “Oh, that’s a bummer. That’s next week.”

  Which reminds me, I wonder if I should ask Melody, of course only if she’s back in time, if perhaps she needs a ride to our parents’ home. I would love to be in the car with her for an hour. Maybe I can still convince her we’re meant to be. And if that’s not the case, maybe we can at least start a friendship. Be more than just neighbors that happen to run into each other every once in a while, more than just people who have to endure each other forcefully, for a family dinner. However, getting there was going to take a lot of work.

  Arriving at the symphony the following morning we all sit and await the big news. I’m not completely mentally here, instead I am thinking about the Thanksgiving meal my mom is currently preparing for.

  “Listen up every one,” our conductor starts, “we have been invited to travel to Germany to play at a big event for a Christmas Concert,” cheers erupt.

  “That’s flipping cool,” I say to Ethan.

  “We’re going to be leaving the week before Christmas to do a few practice runs before the concert.”

  I’ve started to block out our agenda. I’ll be in a different country, for who knows how long. I should be excited, enthralled, jumping for joy for such an exciting event for our careers, but, I’m not going to have Melody by my side. I won’t have anyone to share my success with, and what I fear most, she’ll have the chance to meet someone while I’m not attempting to be with her. This thought alone scares the fuck out of me.

  Vacation, even if they are working vacation are an absolute delight when you’re able to enjoy them and I especially took the time to wind down, most certainly after our video shoot. But now we’re on the way back to New York and I couldn’t be happier. I wish I wasn’t so stressed because once I arrive at La Guardia, it’s time to get on a train and straight down to my fathers for Thanksgiving Dinner. I never even have a chance to swing by my apartment for a change of clothes. If I hadn’t gotten on the train when I did, I wouldn’t be able to leave until after the holidays. My father would’ve ripped my head off.

  “I’m so glad you could make it home for Thanksgiving,” my mother hugs me tight as I arrive at home.

  “Me too. What can I help you with?”

  “Nothing much, Grant has the Turkey in his oven, he keeps checking on it, all the side dishes are prepared and the table is set, if you could just wash up and then we could eat, that would be great.”

  “Is Melody here?”

  “I don’t think she’ll be able to make it,” Mom gives me a bit of a sad face.

  “I understand,” the disappointment written all over my face.

  “Would you serenade us later on the piano?” Mom tries to shift the mood.

  “Mom. I don’t know how much joy I can bring with my sad tunes lately. I actually have some news to tell you later,” I make my way upstairs to take my bags to the bedroom and freshen up a bit.

  “Hey big brother,” my sister Aliza appears from her old room.

  “You’re here?” I hug her tight.

  “In the flesh,” she smiles.

  “How long you staying? We have so much to talk about,” still holding my little sister in my embrace.

  “Only this weekend, I’ll need to be back Monday.”

  Listening to the voices between Mom and Grant echoing to my bedroom, I wish I wasn’t so alone and without Melody. Mom and Grant had similar parenting tricks. We could discuss our childhood for hours in each other’s arms. I should’ve enjoyed those little moments just a tad more.

  Throwing my pillow across the room, “Fuck,” I let the anger get the best of me.

  “Elliot, we’re ready to eat,” I hear the excitement in my mother’s voice, meanwhile I drown in my own sorrows willing this day to be over.

  “Hey Grant,” I greet Melody’s father as I scan the room in hopes Melody snuck in.

  Negative. There’s no Melody in sight.

  “Hey Son, how was the trip?”

  “The Usual, a few extra cars on the road attempting to flee the city, but I maneuvered around them.”

  “Safely I would hope,” Mom interrupts our chat.

  “Of course, mom,” I kiss her on the cheek as I make my way to the chair.

  The conversation at the dinner table is dry. We’re discussing the weather, latest wins of the sport teams, music, Eliza’s trips and studies in France, and Grant is bragging about all his upcoming work at the studios. Mom is considering remodeling the restaurant. It’s a dinner like all the other dinners.

  “Mom, there’s some big news I’d like to share,” I fin
ally found the right time to interrupt – honestly, I waited for Melody to show so I could share with everyone my success, but this is as good a time as any.

  “Oh really? I can’t wait to hear,” she takes a sip of glass to swallow some of her food in the mouth and waits for me to finish.

  But before I get a chance to speak, there’s a knock at the door.

  Mom excuses herself from the table and disappears to the front door.

  “Are you expecting company?” I ask Grant.

  “No, not really. Melody’s last text was a bit cryptic from Chicago, but as far as I understood she’d be stuck there a few days.

  “Surprise,” mom enters with Melody in her arms, “look who decided to grace us with her beauty,” I see a shy look on Melody’s face as she locks eyes with me.

  “Hey honey,” Grant slid out of the chair to hug his daughter.

  “My phone died, so I couldn’t text you, the cables I had weren’t working, and well, it was one hell of a trip, I’m just glad I finally made it,” she rambles.

  “I bet you’re hungry,” Mom grabs her plate and starts putting food on it.

  “Mom, I’m sure Melody can prepare her own plate,” I try to take the plate from her.

  “Nonsense, I don’t mind being babied a little after that trip,” Melody teases still in her father’s hold.

  “Hi, I’m Eliza, Elliot’s little sister,” they shake hands and smile at each other.

  “I’m so glad you were able to make it, it wasn’t Thanksgiving without the two of you here,” Grant kisses her forehead.

  “I’m glad I could make it, too.”

  “So, tell us all about the trip,” Mom is curious to hear about Melody’s trip.

  “Actually, not to be rude, but Elliot has some news to share,” Grant interrupts my mom and stares at me with a creepy smile.

  “Uh, it’s okay, I’d like to hear about Melody’s trip.”

  “No, go right ahead, it gives me a minute to calm down and maybe get a little food into my system.”


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