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Combining Riches (Riches to Rags Book 2)

Page 14

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Oh no, don’t be afraid, Chris,” Melinda said in a quiet voice. “He will see your sincerity and be civil, maybe even understanding toward you.” She kissed the top of my head. “And regardless of how much he vents his anger, I will not say a word. I promise I will only intervene if he becomes violent, which I don’t see happening.”

  “Thank you. Thank you for being my safe place.”

  “You know something?”

  I looked up at the beautiful smile on her lips that I suddenly so desperately needed to kiss again. I pulled her head toward me and explored the bottom rim of her lip with my tongue, and she reciprocated by opening her lips, inviting me to explore her deeper. I was ravenous to touch her, to feel her heat. Our lips were soft, but the fire of our tongues touching, resonated in a hardness already forming in my loins.

  When we finally came up for air, I remembered that Melinda was about to say something. “You were saying?”

  “Damned if I remember after that kiss,” she teased. She pointed at the hot tub. “I thought maybe you’d need to relax after talking with your folks, so I fired up the old tub here.” She walked to the counter and picked up two wineglasses, handing one to me. “I took the liberty of opening a bottle of your favorite soft drink.”

  I grinned at the way she acted like the soda was an expensive wine, carefully pouring the dark, fizzy liquid into the wineglass, swirling it around, and then sniffing its bouquet.

  “Why, I do believe that you are trying to get me tipsy, Ms. Blackstone,” I said in my best Southern drawl, and I wasn’t really referring to the make-believe wine. Her nude figure was enough to make anyone tipsy.

  “You have undone me, woman. That is exactly what I plan to do.” She helped me step into the swirling, steamy water, and then followed in after me. “And then, my dear Ms. Livingston,” her Southern accent sounds more Boston snooty, but I don’t mind, “I intend to ply you with my charms until you swoon from my touch.”

  “Oh my. You can skip right to the swooning part, if you’d like?”

  “You can’t rush a fine wine.” Melinda held up her soda glass. “Just like you can’t rush the art of lovemaking.”

  Using a remote control, she opened the windows, and let the frosty air circulate in through the room. It had begun to snow, a light, dancing snow that never seemed to touch the ground. It was as if the snowflakes were dancing with the stars, twinkling playfully in the sky. The moon, waning brightly in a soft glow, muted the colors of the river, and if not for the rippling water sparkling along its banks, the river would not have been visible. I believed that all of nature was putting on a show for me at that moment. A demonstration of support, an illustration of whimsy, an expression of love.

  The torrent of the hot water in the tub could not match the surge of heat boiling in my blood when I looked at Melinda. It was all too romantic, too stimulating, and I could no longer wait for the art of lovemaking. I had to have her now.

  Melinda smiled, as if she knew what I was thinking. She dipped her hand under the bubbling water and felt her way inside my soul.

  But Norma, You Don’t Understand — Norma Shelby, Melinda Blackstone, and Chris Livingston

  I love this time of the morning when I wake up realizing that I am no longer alone. I cherish the fact that I have a reason to dress and leave my room, knowing that soon my girls will be up and come straggling in to the dinette, craving coffee. I envy them their lack of energy in the mornings, because I know they were up all night making love. I know this not because I overheard anything, but because that’s what I would be doing, if I could. I remember what it was like, to be so madly in love that time stops for you, and only starts up again when you collapse into your lover’s arms, seeking to sleep long enough to replenish the strength you need to make love again.

  This morning, I needed to address a delicate issue with the two women. An issue that has the potential to be disparaging for them, but I hope they will accept my criticism in the spirit I intend, which is concern for their future.

  “Good morning, girls, did you sleep well?”

  Melinda and Chris walked in, carrying cups of coffee they had gotten from the kitchen. Chris always smiles and dresses as if expecting company. Melinda always growls until her second cup of coffee, and rarely gets out of her pajamas until after breakfast.

  “I slept well, but Chris had another nightmare,” said Melinda.

  “Oh, I am sorry, Chris. Was it the same nightmare you had before?”

  Chris’s smile disappeared. “Yes, the same one where the mirrors are chasing me around the room.” Her frown softened. “I just need to get this over with.”

  Her nightmare spurred me into action. “Yes, you do, Chris. I would like to speak with both of you about something related to that. Is this a good time?”

  “Wait for just a second,” Melinda said, and then downed the last drop of coffee from her cup.

  With perfect timing, Konani walked in carrying a fresh pot of coffee and refilled Melinda’s cup, setting the pot on the table. Konani was learning her employer’s needs very quickly. As she walked out, Melinda said to remind her to give Konani a raise, and then took another big gulp of her coffee.

  “Okay, I’m ready now. Go ahead, Norma,” Melinda said in all seriousness.

  “Melinda, forgive me, but I overheard you and George talking last evening in the gymnasium, and it concerns me that you are so lost.”

  A crease ran across Melinda’s forehead. “Lost? I don’t understand what you mean, Norma.”

  “You are who you are, Melinda, I mean Blackie, no, I meant Chris.” Both girls looked at me as if they thought I had gone senile. “Some part of the dark side always hides in the remote part of your brain, waiting for another chance to come out. No matter what either of you do to better yourselves, and I applaud you in that endeavor, you will still have that dark demon lying in wait, and it will cause you to make mistakes.”

  “Norma, what are you trying to say to us?” Chris had a look of panic on her face, and I realized she thought I was leaving, or dying or the like.

  “Dear, I’m saying that Melinda was very angry about Meg being chosen over her. And Melinda, I apologize for my part in that.”

  “But you don’t understand, Norma. We worked all that out. Melinda is coming with me also, because I don’t want to do this without her.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, but that’s not the point I’m trying to convey. I believe that Melinda has lost her balance between her old self and her new one, and it is causing her to doubt herself.”

  Chris turned to Melinda. “Oh no, is this true, Melinda. You doubt yourself because of me?”

  “What? No, not because of you,” Melinda stated.

  “Then what’s causing it?” Chris would not let it go.

  I intervened before Melinda could think of her response. “I believe it is because she is rushing things in order to be the person she thinks you need. This will not work, Melinda. You need to be the person that you can be proud of, and by doing so, Chris will be proud of you also. If that means you need to go back to Vegas and sow some wild oats, then so be it.”

  The corner of Chris’s eyelids slanted, and her forehead creased, but she didn’t say anything.

  I smiled at her. “Not those kind of oats, Chris.” She seemed relieved. “And Chris, you are not exempt from the delicate balance you’ve also placed on yourself. You’ve just had longer to work it out. However, you have a completely different temperament than Melinda does. Where she is more forward thinking, you are more constant in your thinking.”

  “Norma, is that a classy way of saying I’m aggressive and she’s not?” Melinda asked.

  “Yes, it is,” I answered. “But what I’m saying is that being aggressive is not a bad thing, Melinda. I’ve never seen you lose your temper or even your patience with me, or anyone in this house. Last night was the first time that I had heard your anger, but I believe it was a healthy release for you. I do not believe there is anything wrong with a little
aggression, and I do believe that you are in control of yours, Melinda.” I laughed at how many times I’d said believe. “So you see, I believe in a lot, especially when it comes to you girls.”

  They both laughed, and then became quiet again, contemplating what I was saying. I felt that I was getting through to them.

  “My second husband and I once had some therapy sessions with a marriage counselor, who would ask me this question that I am now going to ask each of you.” I looked over at Melinda first. “Melinda, please tell Chris who you are and who you want to be from this point forward, with her by your side.”

  She looked at me quizzically, and I could see her gathering her thoughts before she looked over at Chris.

  “Chris, you know I love you more than my own life. You are my saving grace.”

  “But?” Chris said expectantly.

  “But here’s the deal. I liked being Blackie. I liked dressing in leather and driving fast cars. I liked being tough, and yes, even aggressive at times. That’s not to say that I want to return to being the jerk who got you fired, or screw everything in a skirt. But I would occasionally like to have a beer, or a shot of whiskey without fear of upsetting you. And I would like you to fuck me in my Lamborghini while I’m driving a hundred miles an hour, but that’s not to say sexing it up in the hot tub last night wasn’t incredibly satisfying, too.”

  I shifted in my seat, feeling a bit uncomfortable, as if intruding on their lovemaking.

  Melinda continued, “The thing about the belligerence is that it makes me feel strong, virile, and when I feel that way, I have control of myself, and my surroundings.” Melinda stopped, a surprised look on her face. “It’s that control that I’ve lost, and that is what has thrown me off balance.”

  I was impressed. Melinda had come to the same conclusion that I had, and I could see the revelation on her face. Now that she knows what was causing her distress, I have no doubt that she will be able to conquer it.

  I had to wait for the involuntary kissing to subside before I put my question to Chris.

  “Chris, please tell Melinda who you are and who you want to be from this point forward, with her by your side.”

  Chris nodded, wiped her lips, and said, “I am a passionate person, who loves this woman beside me, more than life it self. But…”

  Melinda laughed and repeated, “But?”

  “But I don’t see a future for us—”

  I stifled a gasp, and Melinda’s eyes instantly filled with tears, which she became angry at.

  “No, Melinda, let me finish. I don’t see a future for us, if I can’t conquer my own demons.”

  Melinda finally exhaled, and wiped her eyes. “Damn, woman, give me a heart attack why don’t you?”

  “Well, if you wouldn’t jump to conclusions before people finished talking, you wouldn’t be having those palpitations right now,” Chris stated, frustrated by the assumption Melinda jumped to.

  Melinda laughed again, “How would I know? When I’m near, you my heart skips every other beat anyway.”

  “Oh, that was smooth, Blackstone. Very smooth.” Chris patted Melinda’s shoulder. “Okay, I forgive you. As I was saying, I’m good at meeting the really big challenges head on, but it’s the smaller ones that I have trouble with. For instance, I’ve been taking advantage of you, Melinda, under the guise of trying to help you.”

  “No, you’re wrong. You have helped me immensely and any advantage you think you’ve taken, I was the one who allowed it.”

  Chris smiled. “Allowed? Perhaps. But it cost you in the long run, honey.”

  Chris was on to something, and I sat, fascinated at her revelation.

  “I thought what I needed to save my life was also what you needed. I was wrong, and I’m sorry about that,” Chris said.

  Melinda shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  “I was telling you what you could and could not do, because those were the same restrictions I put on myself. Of course you can have a beer when you want one. Even hard liquor, if you want. That doesn’t mean that I have to drink, also. Although I would ask that you eat a breath mint before kissing me, but if you get drunk, I will leave you.”

  “But I don’t want to get drunk anymore. I don’t need to,” Melinda stated.

  Smiling her approval, Chris continued, “By nature, I’ve always been bossy. I have no excuse for it, that’s just the way I am. And in our future together, you will still find me bossing you around. It will be up to you to allow it or not, because I won’t recognize it otherwise. Also, in the future, I want children. It will be up to you to get over your phobia before then. And I’m not bossing you around now, I’m stating the cold, hard facts.”

  Melinda grimaced and swallowed hard, but nodded her understanding. She interlaced her fingers with Chris’s and brought her hand up to her lips, kissing it gently. Chris leaned her shoulder against Melinda’s, and then their lips met with a new fervor of acceptance. Before my eyes, my girls had matured into a beautiful married couple, if only in my heart.

  Chris smiled at Melinda. “Just so you’ll know, honey, I would be very interested in seeing you wear leather more.” She arched her eyebrows indicating what kind of interest she meant.

  Melinda sat up a little straighter. “I would be happy to give you a personal fashion show, and you can pick out your favorites.”

  “Oh yes, that would be too much fun.”

  “And just so you’ll know, Chris,” it was Melinda’s turn for secrets unrealized, “I actually don’t mind you bossing me around. I mean, if Norma can, why can’t you?” She winked at me, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Seriously, your bossing, as you call it, is an acknowledgement to me that you care what’s best for me. Others wouldn’t dare because they fear repercussions, but you have no preconceived notions, and I love that about you.”

  The two women kissed again, and I waited just a moment to let them enjoy it, before I said with a stone face, “Just so you’ll both know, my second husband and I divorced shortly after those sessions.”

  They looked at me in shock at first, before we all shared a boisterous laugh together.

  Chapter Twelve

  Paying It Forward, or Else

  Melinda — After our session with Norma, we all gathered in the family dining room for a huge breakfast. Chris, George, Norma and I talked, laughed, and ate too much. Finally Norma asked how the search for Richard was going, and everything got still. I told her that we had canvassed half of the area we needed to and would get back out there today. She wasn’t being accusing, I just wanted to assure her that we were trying. I decided to take the lead before Chris could worry about going back into that alley.

  “I think we should split up so we can cover more ground. George will go with you to search the missions and shelters, and I’ll finish looking around the alleys and back streets and see if maybe Richard is sleeping it off in one of those.”

  But Chris would have none of it. “But, I want to go with you.”

  “And I’d like nothing better, but George has never seen Richard, so he won’t get very far on his own. Isn’t that right, George?”

  I give him a look that told him to agree with me, or else.

  “Yes, exactly right,” he said, with a sly wink at me.

  Chris nodded. “All right then, if you think that’s best.”

  “I do, babe. Just make sure you take your cellphone with you so we can stay connected. You know, in case one of us finds him first.”

  “Is that the only reason?” Chris pouted playfully.

  “Busted. No, that’s certainly not the only reason,” I replied, and nudged her with my shoulder.

  Chris — Melinda took the old van and drove down into the city, while George and I took his rental car, a sedan, and started checking the shelters. George was unaccustomed to driving in such a small city, as he put it, and it took me a while before I could unclench my fingers from the dashboard.

  I was surprised to learn that there were quite a few homeless shel
ters, right in the heart of Memphis, and the first shelter we checked into told us about some other shelters that weren’t on the Google map I was using.

  When I was homeless and drinking, I stayed at a homeless shelter once. It was a church mission, and I felt safe there. I remember a little girl, around five years old, was standing beside my cot, staring at me when I woke up that morning. I was probably snoring, because she giggled and ran away when I looked at her. She ran to her mother, and that’s when I realized that entire families, forced out of their homes for whatever reasons that always have to do with money, were more prevalent at the shelters than career drunks were. I can still see the innocent smile on that little girl’s face, and I wondered if she’s okay.

  One of the shelters closest to my old apartment, told us that they had seen Richard, just the other day. They said that he comes in every few days and gets a warm meal and a warm place to sleep for the night, and then he goes back out. They told me that he never speaks to anyone, and never makes eye contact, which made me wonder if that was the same man, because when Richard found me in the laundry room of my apartment building that one time, he not only made eye contact, but offered to have sex with Melinda if I’d give him money. Perhaps his sober side is less of an extravert than his drunk side.

  Time to check in with Melinda and let her know we have a lead.

  Melinda — “Hi, my name is Blackie. I was wondering if you’ve seen this man.” I showed the old lady a picture of Richard from his movie days. “He’s quite a bit older now, with gray hair.” She shook her head and kept pushing her grocery cart full of junk down the sidewalk. I watched enough movies to know that what I thought was garbage in that cart, she thought were treasures.

  My cellphone rang, and when I saw it was Chris, I answered it immediately. “Hey, gorgeous, find anything or did you just need to hear my sexy voice again?” Lame, but hopeful.


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