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Bloodstone (Talisman)

Page 52

by S. E. Akers

  “Well then, how did it get ripped?” Ms. Fitz questioned.

  “Ask SHILOH,” Kara grumbled.

  Slowly, I shifted my stare to the front of the bus. Everyone’s eyes were locked solely on me.

  “Both of you, outside… NOW!” Ms. Fitz ordered with her finger and flounced furiously off the bus. I followed, dreading my favorite teacher’s wrath every step of the way.

  Ms. Fitz began, “I don’t care to know the specifics of what happened, HOWEVER, I do care about the hostility between the two of you.” As soon as our eyes met, we shirked our heads in opposite directions. That only ticked Ms. Fitz off even more. “What could possibly warrant this much animosity?” We remained silent. “That’s what I figured. You two don’t even know,” Ms. Fitz charged. “Well, it ends TODAY! For the rest of this trip, every time I look at the two of you, I want to see happy smiling faces. If I even see so much as a snide look or hear a cutesy little crack coming from either of you, I’ll have you both banned from the prom!”

  Kara huffed, “But—”

  “No ‘buts’,” Ms. Fitz barked. I didn’t consider that threat a game-changer and Ms. Fitz knew it too. She swiftly added, “And you won’t walk at graduation.”

  My shoulders slumped. Now that one hit the spot.

  “Don’t make me tie your wrists together like a couple of five-year olds. Happy. Smiling. Faces.” We looked at each other straightaway, flaunting cheesy grins. I couldn’t believe it. The competitive little witch was even trying to out-do my smile.

  “Good,” Ms. Fitz remarked as she straightened her jacket with a commanding tug. “Girls, all you need is to find one thing in common and let a friendship grow from there. Just one thing.” She eyed the rear end of the bus. “Something other than boys,” she sneered. “Take them out of the equation and I’d be willing to bet that you two would actually like each other.”

  I heard a shrill howl coming from Kara’s head. Thank goodness Ms. Fitz didn’t have telepathy. She would’ve had us down on the ground and cuffed our wrists right there on the spot.

  “Kara, go ahead and get on the bus. Shiloh, you stay here,” Ms. Fitz ordered.

  I caught the side of Kara’s smirk as she trotted up the steps. Oh, she’s loving this.

  Ms. Fitz shook her head. “I never thought you would stoop to her level, Shiloh. I expect more from you.”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Fitz,” I said wholeheartedly. “The jacket was an accident.”

  “I don’t care about that, but I am concerned about you. You’ve shut yourself off from everyone for months, and I know it has a lot to do with Katie. You two had a special friendship, but you are so young. Believe it or not, there are other friendships to be had. You may not think so now, but it’s true. You just have to be open to finding one. I was so thrilled when you decided to come with us. Hanging around your peers is the best thing for you, honey. Now, will you do something for me?”

  “Anything,” I answered.

  “Try to see the good in Kara. I think she needs a friend just as much as you.”

  “All right,” I answered with an appeasing sigh. She gave my back a couple of pats as we boarded the bus. I arrived back to my spot to find Kara sitting in my window seat. She even shot me the bird with a camouflaged flick of her hair when I sat down. She may have been pretending to look out the window, but I heard everything that vindictive and vapid redhead of hers was saying, word-for-word. I closed my eyes and pictured the brand new gold cap and gown hanging in my closet back home, still in its garment bag and screaming to be let out.

  Ugh! This is going to be hard!

  I pulled my iPod out of my purse. Luckily it still had a decent charge. If I were home, tuning out the terrible-twosome, I’d pick something loud and edgy. P!NK was usually my go-to gal. I should’ve known I was in trouble when I’d mistakenly dialed up Kelly Clarkson and before long, found myself helplessly captivated by Adele and daggone Norah Jones. That’s when I knew “who” and “what” was really spinning my dial.

  Tanner Grey and that kiss from last night. As flustered as I felt, I had to admit that it served as an excellent distraction from all the other craziness. But it, in itself, was crazy too, even with the tension from the whole ball-dropping scene on the sofa. Expectedly unexpected? Unexpectedly expected? Either way, what an oxymoron! With my eyes closed and head stretched back far enough to where the center of neck could feel a cool breeze, my lips parted slightly while my mind replayed last night’s kiss over and over, a countless number of times. At the end of each and every one of them, I was left asking myself the same question — Why? Why did he really do it? That I couldn’t answer. A huge part of me wished I could. I assumed he would be at the mine. He didn’t say in the note. The remaining miles I spent thinking about seeing his face again. His expression. The look in his eyes. It may not be a direct answer, but it should tell me something.


  After two and a half long and thought-provoking hours, we finally arrived at one of Xcavare’s gold mining operations that we were scheduled to tour. The bus came to a stop in front of a cluster of metal buildings. We stepped off to be greeted by a guide who handed us each a pair of safety glasses, a yellow hardhat, and a one-size-fits-all camel tan jumpsuit. I pulled my dark blonde locks through my band, knowing full well what was to come. Our hands weren’t the only thing getting dirty today.

  Even I had to admit the sprawling facilities were beyond impressive. Our local coalmine paled in comparison to its scale and size, though our rolling lush mountains made a much prettier backdrop. An earthy brown canyon, which stretched for miles in every direction, was bustling with droves of miners, systematic mazes of conveyors running every which way, and numerous gigantic machines that grinded out pitchy mechanical “clanks” while lending the air a nostril-flaring touch of diesel. You couldn’t throw a rock without hitting something.

  A black Humvee came barreling down the road not a second after we had finished suiting up. It stopped and parked a few yards from where we stood. Olaf hopped out first, followed by the driver, who immediately opened one of the rear doors. Malachi Xcavare emerged wearing a light linen suit and crisp white shirt. Not exactly what you would expect in a dust-hole like this. He whisked off his dark shades and extended his hand to each of us.

  “Welcome,” Malachi greeted with a boisterous wave as he hopped up on an empty pallet. “I hope you all have been enjoying your stay in Veracruz.” Everyone nodded (except me) and expressed their confirmations accordingly. I tuned out our host as soon as I spotted Tanner exiting one of the buildings. I watched every second of his approach, glued to his confident gait. He was holding a clipboard and chatting with some miners. While Malachi sang his company’s praises and rattled on and on, I waited on tenterhooks for Tanner to look up. It was taking forever too. I didn’t know which would give out first — my patience or my nerves?

  Just let me see his face. It will tell me something. At least the look in his eyes. Lucky for the butterflies in my stomach, he wasn’t wearing shades.

  “I hope you enjoy your tour,” Malachi Xcavare wished with a proud air. “This is one of the largest open-pit mines in the world.”

  “The largest,” Tanner corrected casually while his eyes stayed glued to his clipboard. He finally lifted his head, focusing only on his boss. “The Verde Ladera site is up an running. It put you over the mark.”

  Malachi grinned. “Well, it seems I don’t have to brag. That’s what Professor Grey is for,” he remarked with a pious laugh.

  Tanner’s gaze returned to the men he was chatting with and the crappy metal writing board in his hand. He didn’t look my way — NOT AT ALL! I knew he was technically “working”, or pretending to work so he could keep up his cover, but he didn’t even make the effort to shoot me a telepathic “hello”. Nothing. Nada. ZILCH!

  Malachi pointed us toward a beat-up brown pick-up truck where a man in a weathered jumpsuit was standing by. “Pedro will be showing you around today.” He turned to Ms. Fitzpatrick
and Coach Hayes. “But with your permission, I would like to show off my facility to Mr. Riverside, privately.”

  They looked at each other and nodded, but Ms. Fitz seemed skeptical or possibly ticked. Realistically, what could she say? Mike shot Ty a grin and rushed over to his personal guide. Malachi informed Mike that he could take off the work clothes. He assured him that, and I quote, “You won’t be needing those,” with a pretentious roll of his eyes. I could have sworn I heard Ms. Fitz actually growl for a second.

  As they strode over to the Humvee, I heard Malachi ask Mike, “If his companion would like to come along?” I knew he was talking about me. Mike didn’t get a chance to look back, let alone answer. Tanner cut him off with a brusque, “There’s five of us. There isn’t any more room,” and then practically shoved Mike into the vehicle.

  I had to check my bottom lip for dirt after that one. His behavior pretty much answered my question. Well, that or the fact that my heart was left stinging from the burn (and feeling rightfully pissed too). I vowed right then and there that my lips were permanently closed for business. My conciliation — At least I wouldn’t make an ass of myself by implying anything. It took me two months to sort of question him about New Year’s Eve. I can’t imagine how long it would’ve taken me to summon up the nerve to broach “THE KISS”. Cut and dry. Case closed. My answer — A sobering necessity.

  While Mike zoomed off in style, the rest of us threw on our safety glasses and loaded up in the back the mud-clad pick-up truck to hit the proletariat path for a more hands-on tour. It wasn’t that bad, just dusty and really loud. The earplugs they passed around helped with the constant roaring of the mining equipment, but it did nothing to drown out Katie’s snores.

  There was a lot more to mining gold than coal. First, we loaded up and drove out to an older section where they had several underground mines. They were just like the ones back home — dark and dirty. Samuel suddenly popped into my mind. I guessed because I hadn’t actually been in a mine since I rescued him. A lonely feeling crept over me. I didn’t get a chance to see to him before I’d left. Ms. Marion made sure of that. I hated to say it, but in spite of my wishes for my surrogate father’s happiness, I didn’t like her one bit.

  Me and my big mouth. I was the one who had planted the seed that day at the Rehab Center. I planned on having a long chat with Samuel when I got back. If he really enjoyed her company, then I would have to get used to the idea. Realistically, I knew I was being selfish. I’d be off to college soon. It would put my mind at ease knowing he had someone to step into my place. Even though I hadn’t gotten to see him very much (hardly any) since the day I discovered the wand, he filled a void, just knowing he was “there” since Daddy couldn’t be. I let out a sigh as I bounced around in my seat.

  But I’ve known him all of my life… How could he like or even tolerate such a controlling, polarizing witch?

  Upon exiting the underground mine, we climbed back into the pick-up and rode (bumped, rather) over to the open-pit quarry. That’s where the majority of the gold was being mined. The crater looked like an enormous stair-stepped waterfall of compacted dirt that dipped down into the earth. Take all those benches dug into the sidewalls out of the picture and it looked a lot like an old hideous strip-mine from back home. But at least they weren’t destroying any majestic tree-covered mountainsides.

  From there we went through the entire recovery process. After the dump trucks had dropped their hauls into a machine, it hit a long track of screened conveyors where it moved along as it vibrated repeatedly. The sifted remains were then routed to a machine to be chopped into smaller pieces. Several large tanks caught my eye. It turned out that the red ones were filled with cyanide. They pumped it into the choppers to help break apart the ore. The earplugs came in handy again when we arrived at the large agglomerating drums. Though even with them, the constant banging sound of loud, tumbling ore and cement made my hangover-headache return with a vengeance. And all throughout that entire racket, Katie STILL didn’t wake-up to say one single word.

  The pelletized ore was then whisked off by another conveyor and then dropped off at an awaiting leach pad. It was interesting, but basically the same as a coal tipple back home. From there, the ore was coated with clay and covered up with thick plastic, where it remained to be watered with sprinklers containing carbon pumped in from a nearby man-made pond. As hot as it was outside and us having to wear the jumpsuits, I know I wasn’t the only one eyeing it like a giant Slip ’n Slide.

  Thankfully someone rounded us up some bottles of water. We took a quick break while our guide made a phone call. As I sat on the edge of a concrete-walled pond, I glanced over at Ty. I still hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to him. With Mike off somewhere with Malachi, Kara was extra-clingy to her former boyfriend. A can of PAM and a spatula couldn’t pry her off him. I guess some girls need that “guy attention”… That, or she’s spreading a fresh coat of crap. Either way, I wanted to talk to him about his abrupt departure from breakfast. Was it something about Mike’s agenda or because of Kara’s rampant big mouth?

  Soon, our group was called to head back over to the pick-up truck. With my head still in the clouds about “professional” Professor Grey, I rose up and lost my footing, almost sending me into the water.

  “Careful, klutz,” Coach Hayes remarked as he pointed to the pond. “You’re eighteen. Charlotte won’t be able to claim any insurance on you.”

  I shook my head and followed behind him. Ass.

  I stopped suddenly, startled by a shockingly abrupt and humorous sound coming from his rear. Coach Hayes turned around, red-faced and confused.

  I couldn’t resist. “Did you step on a duck?” I asked the flustered coach. Before he could retaliate, another loud flatchulent gurgle rolled out. Everyone standing around chuckled, even Ms. Fitz. Coach Hayes looked back at his rear and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. Sure enough, yet another fart ring tone belted out of it, leaving him somewhat relieved but totally ticked.

  “I don’t know who’s responsible for these pranks, but rest assured, I’LL FIND OUT!” Coach Hayes barked with his stare directed my way.

  “Don’t look at me,” I insisted, holding up my empty hands and then headed over to the pick-up. My grin only widened when I noticed Ty concealing something in his pocket.

  Ty whispered into my ear, “Mike picked us up a disposable phone last night. That was just a text. Just wait till someone calls.”

  I can’t wait to hear that, I thought as I noted Ty’s playfully proud swagger as he hopped inside the bed of the truck.

  We drove over to their finishing facility to see how the solution was absorbed by carbon and eventually heated in strip tanks. Then it was plated out on an electric cell cathode and thrown into a 2000°F hot furnace. This part was really cool. We actually got to see them pouring the glistening liquid metal into their respective molds. They even took us into a room where various bars were on display. Most of them were a little smaller than your hand, but one housed in a thick glass case and surrounded by laser beams was bigger than my foot. Apparently Malachi laid claim to the largest bar of gold in the world — and the priciest too. Our guide told us it was worth a little over fifteen million dollars. I shook my head as I thought about Lazarus’ first offer to buy Shiloh Ridge from Daddy. And that cheap bastard started off at just “ten”.

  The tour didn’t stop with just talk. We were each handed our own flat-bottomed bowl and a pair of tweezers, so we could experience “gold panning” just like they did it before the industrial era. Our trusty guide drove us out to an untouched section of earth beside a small stream. He instructed us that Mr. Xcavare said personally, “whatever they find, they can keep.” Quite a generous offer, though the searching was done the old-fashion way too — random luck and a trowel.

  Everyone scoped out their spots and went to straight to digging. I relied on a little more than just “guessing”. I could actually feel where the largest concentrations of gold were hidden in the earth. My
hands quivered with a tingly awareness. I was my own magic metal-detector, so I knew exactly where to dig. Strangely, my conscience didn’t consider it cheating (for once), more like an advantage. I even hinted to Kara where she might find some, just to be nice. She simply brushed-off my advice with a throw of her head and assured me that she wouldn’t take any help from me if her life depended on it. But hey, Ms. Fitz would have been happy — she smiled when she said it. Oh well. I tried. All in all, the panning experience really wasn’t that bad. Tiring? Yes, what with having to shake and wash down that daggone pan about a million times, but the anticipation was rather exciting. Coach Hayes even seemed to be enjoying it. Most of his grumpiness from the guys’ latest prank had worn off (though I was still was dying for someone to call him). Everyone but Kara scored some of the pricey metal in the bottom of his or her pans. When she noticed the size of my hunk, she purposely scooped up some muddy water and sloshed it at me before she threw her pan on the ground. Bless her heart. I’d told her where to dig. It’s not my fault if she refused to listen and ended up empty-handed.

  After all our gold had been properly weighed and placed in tiny individual sacks, we headed back to the cluster of buildings where the van was parked. I retuned happy, knowing I’d almost earned back half what I’d spent on that bottle of Emerald Eyes last night. Now, all that remained before we could head off for a very late lunch was to collect the only missing member from our group. We waited almost forty-five minutes for him to appear. It was pushing two o’clock, and between working our butts off in the scorching sun for over an hour and waiting endlessly for Mike to the tune of growling stomachs, Ms. Fitz looked none too pleased to see him when he did finally arrive.

  Ms. Fitz motioned for Mike to join us. “What have you been doing?” she demanded.

  “I’ve been with our host,” Mike snapped, sounding flippant. You could certainly tell who had rubbed off on him.

  Ms. Fitz looked slightly stunned to hear it too. “Did you learn anything about gold mining?” she quizzed.


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