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Commanding Thirst: Mafia Romance (Rough Redemption Book 2)

Page 4

by Olivia Fox

  I spoke through gritted teeth, willing myself to hold off until she found release. “Something, alright.” I slid my fingers over her clit, rubbing, pulling, pinching, determined to see her orgasm hit full force before mine did.

  “I love the way you taste, baby. Here, try some.” I raised the hand covered in her juices to her mouth and she pulled them onto her scorching tongue, sucking at me, just like I wanted her to do around my dick.

  “Oh fuck, yeah. You’re going to get it.” I flipped her over onto her back, shoved her thighs up with my shoulders so I could screw her deep. “You like your throbbing cock taking you, baby?” I rubbed her clit back and forth between my fingers, showing no mercy this time, and she arched her hips, meeting me thrust for thrust.

  “God! It’s so huge, and it’s fucking me so good!”

  She was deliciously tight, and I could sense the width of my erection was stretching her, but we were still a perfect fit.

  Like I always knew we would be.

  Our bodies moved as one, and the snarling predator within fueled the fury of my lust. It wanted to take out anyone with an intent to harm Daphne or her family.

  I wasn’t gentle, bottoming out in her pristine pussy as she wrapped her legs tighter around me so I could reach deeper. I worked her into a frenzy, her head thrashing back and forth on the pillow, strands of hair plastered to her face like lash marks, her mouth set in an open grimace. “Tony…” she said my name like a warning.

  “That’s right, baby girl, you’ve earned it. Go get it. Let me see you explode and quiver around your man.”

  The ripple effect finally did me in.

  She surrendered to me, at first squirming, then her pussy clenched, sending ripple after ripple of pleasure shooting through her body. I pinned her beneath me, wrapped around my cock, and at my total mercy. Her hips pistoned reflexively and her hands frantically clutched at my shoulders, making me drive into her harder.

  I moved fast, pulling her onto my last thrust as the ache in my dick turned to ecstasy, and I gushed my release into Daphne.

  Right where it belonged.



  Our plane descended past the golden glowing high rises visible through the first-class window, and I clamped down hard on Tony’s hand. The ascent taught me turbulence was not my friend. The aircraft lurched skyward, and I slapped my other palm on his arm, squeezing.

  “Hey. It’s okay. It just bucks a little when we land. Airplanes are safer than cars.”

  “Except if you do crash, you fall down and go splat,” I pointed out.

  We didn’t though.

  I survived my first plane ride. Tony led a very different life than mine.

  A first-class, well-traveled life.

  Standing beside him in the VIP line at the car rental, I noticed how my velour tracksuit differed from his business attire. The women he hung out with didn’t dress or act like me: a small-town hick with a degree.

  But he never caused me to feel like I should be any different. He made me think I was just right the way I was.

  That was our thing. We accepted each other. As of last night, we’d slept with each other. There was no reason to suppose it would change our relationship.

  Judging by today, it hadn’t.

  Tony spoke to the woman behind the counter, “It goes on my corporate account, and we’re taking it to Mexico.” He slid his membership card authoritatively to her. “So, nothing too flashy.”

  I swear the rate at which she fluttered her eyelashes at him created its own wind speed across the counter. Why wouldn’t she flirt with him? What woman of a certain biological age and beyond could ignore a Drago male?

  Tony placed his hand on the back of my arm once he had the keys, and an attendant pushed our luggage towards the parking lot ahead of us. He led me to the car as if I were his pet on a leash, and with every single step, his palm grew hotter through my clothes, remembering how he said we were “a team” and wondering when I’d get to find out what else he had in mind when he demanded he was “in charge of fucking me.”

  My cheeks glowed. And it wasn’t the San Diego heat.

  Of course, he noticed. Pressing the back of his hand to my forehead before opening the passenger side, he asked, “You’re flushed. You feeling okay?”

  “Fine,” I stated. “It’s just hotter than I’m used to.”

  He leaned down to buckle me in, and did the thing with his knuckle, gently bopping the end of my nose. “Soon as we’re settled, we’ll get you some warm weather clothes. We have time.”

  This trip was still a bit of a mystery.

  Tony made the arrangements and told me he’d fill me in when we got there. He’d unearthed new information about my sister.

  Did he plan on keeping me in the dark? I couldn’t stand it. “You want to tell me what the deal is?” I asked.

  “The less you know the better, Daphne.”

  “Oh, no you don’t, it’s much too late to keep me out of this. Not having all the information could put me in danger.”

  The right turn signal blinked, and we pulled off on the exit ramp marked Coronado Island. Ordinarily, I’d be full of questions about where we were headed, but I could tell he was holding back, and I needed to learn what he knew about my sister.


  He let out a long breath, his features blank. “My brother, Brando, told me she’s asking the Cartel for $500,000 for some damning information she uncovered in her investigations.”

  My skin prickled all over. “It’s an impossible amount! They’ll never give it to her when they can just kill her instead.”

  His square jaw and high cheekbones clenched, resembling a marble statue before he said, “We’ll get her back in one piece.”

  “She’s my sister.” A miserable wail left my lips, and I shuddered over the images his words brought to mind, “in one piece,” the only other alternative being dismemberment.

  He picked up my hand, kissing the back of it. “Look, an exchange is being arranged through a contact I have inside the Sinaloas. She’ll be safe for a few days.”

  My hands went icy and damp. I whispered, “But what if she’s not? What if they hurt her?”

  “Trust me, Daphne. She has the Drago name on her side now. No one will lay a finger on her.” He dropped my hand to his lap and kept his over it.

  I looked out the window and stared out over the long stretch of the bay.

  We reached the edge of town, and he announced, “We’re staying at a friend of mine’s who’s leaving on business today. It’s on the water. Less exposure than hanging at a hotel,” he added. “But first things first.”

  “What’s first?”

  “You need warm weather clothes.”

  Tony rolled past the outrageous mansions of Coronado. “This is Ocean Avenue. Nice homes here.”

  Each house was architecturally unique. Most were several stories high, with huge wooden porches and emerald lawns trimmed to perfection.

  What did this place have to do with the discovery of my sister’s kidnappers? How did sightseeing the properties of the rich and famous help find her?

  My mood over being kept in the dark was already foul. When Tony parked in front of the clothing boutique, he handed me a fat envelope of cash and said he’d return in an hour. I was fuming.

  “Good afternoon. How can I help you?” The short man with a tiny beer belly drew the last letter out so it sounded like “yewwwww.” He glided up to me and snugged his elbows against his ribs, palms skyward.

  “Hi, I’m headed to Mexico for a few days and only have cold weather clothes. I’m from Humboldt.”

  “Humboldt? I have friends who own a farm up there. It’s an awesome place—people are so chill.”

  “Yeah, anyway. I’m going to need practical clothes, nothing frilly. You have anything like that?”

  “We have everything your heart could desire here, no joke. Let’s talk about you, then we can seek some pieces which will work with your personal st
yle. What are you most comfortable in, during the week and on the weekends?” He snatched a pale pink feather boa off a velvet settee and took a seat, winding the bright plumes around his neck so they became a dapper scarf. The man crossed his leg at the knee and bobbed his loafered foot up and down, chin in his hands.

  Holding my hand out to him, I mentioned, “I’m Daphne, by the way. If we’re going to pull this off together, you need to know.”

  He smiled an infectious grin and shook my hand. “Jerod,” he said. “If I can make the sixty-five to seventy-year-old grandmas around here look good, honey, you’ll be a piece of cake.”

  “I’m most comfortable in sweats.”

  “Who isn’t? But you’d be a tad warm wearing those every day.” There was a gleam in his eye when he flashed me a knowing grin, and twirled the ends of his feather boa for emphasis.

  “What engagements will you attend in Mexico? Formal events? Pool parties?” He smacked his forehead with his palm. “I completely forgot to ask, anyone special going with you? It changes the whole ball game.” He swiveled his butt cheeks on the seat to stare more directly into my eyes, and I fought back a blush before answering him, unable to get the words out.

  “I have a traveling companion.” Companion, hah. Companions didn’t make your nips constrict or heat the blood in your body until you could fry an egg on the surface of your skin. I cleared my throat and pulled at my collar. “Relationship status unknown.”

  Jerod leaned forward, placing a hand on my forearm, his eyes kind. “Do you want it to be known?”

  “It’s not like that.” I shook my head. “We’ve known each other since I was in high school and he’s ten years my senior.”

  “Older men are always superior, honey.” He blew across his bare fingernails as if to dry polish. “Silver fox? Even better. They’re not selfish anymore, not so me, me, me all the time. They make sure you’re happy, if you know what I mean.” He bobbed his eyebrows to show his meaning.

  “I get it. Trust me, I get it.” Remembering how Tony told me to explode and quiver around his cock last night, my cheeks went hot.

  “Okay. Let’s get some pieces you’ll need for your trip with this mysterious stranger. What are we hon?” He stood. “About a size ten?”

  “Ha. Funny. Twelve.”

  “Thirty-six C?” He asked, being polite.

  “D. Size nine shoes.”

  “We’ll get you set up in here. Leave the wardrobe selection up to me.” He led the way into the changing room, dramatically parting the curtains. The space was as big as my studio back home. “Hang your purse and clothes, and if you like, don the robe.”

  By the time I undressed, Jerod returned with five bathing suits, six dresses, and a black, oversized, bomber-style Sherpa jacket with a drawstring hood and zip pockets. I held it up. “Fancy hoodie!”

  “Indeed. The thing about fashion these days is you can be you. I’m going after some more outfits. Any outdoor adventures planned?”

  “I better prepare for at least one. My, er, companion hasn’t filled me in on the itinerary yet.”

  By the time Jerod finished having his way with me, I had a black dress, a leggings outfit ten times fancier than any I’d ever worn, jeans, a pearl champagne button-down-shirt, and an ivory smocked blouse. Each article of clothing felt heavier and was better stitched than any piece in my wardrobe.

  Last but not least, he picked out bra and panties sets in the full spectrum of the rainbow, and a black swimsuit way sexier than anything I’d choose. It showed off my curves to perfection, and I felt great wearing it.

  “Before you go...” His eyebrows drew together and he laid a gentle hand on my forearm. “Do you feel safe with this man? This silent type who’s not telling you the details of your trip? Cause I have a guest room, hon, you’re welcome to stay if you need time to figure things out.”

  “He’s used to being the boss.” Understatement of the year.

  Tony pulled up to the sidewalk outside. “Speak of the devil,” Jerod said.

  The sight of his big, burly body filling the shop door put a momentary spell on me. I had to admit, I dug his badassery.

  “Hey, we’re just wrapping up here,” said Jerod.

  He tossed one end of his boa over his shoulder, shoved his other hand at Tony for an introduction, and began packing my purchases.

  I pulled out the wad of cash to pay, and Tony placed his palm over it. “I’ve got this. You may need it for something else.”

  “Every girl appreciates a big spender, right Daphne?” Jerod winked at me, and I sensed I had his approval, and wondered why it pleased me so much.

  I flung myself at him and gave him a huge hug. “Thanks for helping me today.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He put the boa over my head and wrapped it around my neck, reaching behind him for a business card. “Keep in touch and tell me if you find your sister.” He picked up the photocopy print of Maggie I gave him, kissed two fingers, and set them on her cheek.

  Tony grabbed my elbow, led me to the rental, and his cold efficiency shocked me. He was maneuvering me into the passenger side as if I were his child.

  He raised a single, thick brow in annoyance.

  “What?” I asked.

  “How many of those pictures of your sister have you given out?”

  My back collapsed against the car seat. “A few. Why? What’s the matter?”

  He sighed and looked away. After climbing in beside me he said, “Daphne, we are seeking to fly below the radar here, not get Maggie listed on the California missing person’s database. I get it. You’re trying to help, but if word gets out, the people who can assist are going to back off as fast as they can.”

  “Well, maybe if you’d advise me of what you’re plotting, I wouldn’t have to go off and conduct my own investigation. You keep me in the dark!”

  Air huffed over his generous lips and he folded his muscled arms over his chest. “You need to eat. I can always tell.” His touch was surprisingly gentle when he traced my lower lip. And the last thing I expected. “Let’s go to lunch and I can fill you in on what I learned today.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I spoke, “That’s right. From now on, I’m in on the plan. One hundred percent.”

  “And vice versa.” He picked up my hand while navigating the two-lane road which hugged the shoreline.

  “One hundred percent,” I repeated. This situation necessitated a little white lie.

  I read somewhere the average person is lied to twenty to three hundred times a day.

  When it came to saving my sister, I’d tell enough white lies to frost a wedding cake.



  She walked ahead of me on the sundeck, following the hostess to our table, and right along with every other male with a pulse between the ages of twelve and eighty-two, I did filthy things to her in my mind with every ass-swaying step she took.

  The Southern California rays kissed her bare shoulders, exposed midriff, and sandaled feet. I didn’t like the idea of some man dressing Daphne. But his work was beyond reproach. Besides, my hunch told me the guy was gay.

  A whiff of her hit me hard when I pulled her chair out from the table, and she took her seat. Less than twenty-four hours had passed, and already I was aching for her again.

  The hostess spouted off the specials, accepted our drink orders, and split.

  “Right. You’re going to let me know what the plan is from here on out.” She scolded.

  I spoke through my teeth with forced restraint. She had no idea what it cost me, bringing her on this risky mission. “Sometimes I keep you in the dark for your own good.” I twisted the stem of my water glass between my fingers. “As in, the less you know, the safer you’ll be. I lost my dad to the Sinaloa, it’s deadly to mess with the Cartel.”

  She squeezed my hand. “I’m sorry if this brings up painful memories for you, Tony.”

  My body tensed and I crushed ice between my teeth, cooling myself down.

hat about today? Do you need to keep me in the dark about what you learned?” She leaned forward and began stroking my arm.

  That gesture alone would have convinced me to walk on fire for her.

  I scrubbed my chin with my hand and said, “No. In fact, it was a good meeting. My friend within the Jalisco crew has a contact in Mexico who can get an update on Maggie. Maybe even her location. We’ll stay here until he has it.”

  She surprised the hell out of me by hopping up on those low-top tennies of hers, climbing onto my lap, and kissing me stupid.

  Good thing I was sitting down.

  She jiggled and wiggled when returning to her seat, a grin plastered on her face. It made the worry all worth it.

  Still, I wondered, what if I couldn’t save her sister? What then?

  I’d put our relationship on the line for no reason?

  I did not know the answer. Trying to figure it out pissed me off. I rubbed the back of my neck and pointed at her. “You want to tell me the number of those pictures of your sister you handed out?”

  “A few.” She peered down at her iced tea, suddenly fascinated with stirring ice cubes.

  “How many is a few?” I started stabbing my spoon at the ice in my glass.

  “Let’s see…” She counted on her fingers. “The restroom at the airport, the stack I gave to Jerod…” She looked up at the wooden pergola overhead as if to mentally count and I lost it.

  Grabbing her wrists in my hands, I demanded her attention. “Look, these guys, the Sinaloas, they shoot first and ask questions last. If your little private investigation gets back to them,” a rush of heat flushed through my body, “let’s just say, it would be bad. Worse than what happened to your apartment.” I pounded on the table, sloshing the drinks in our glasses. “Same situation but with bodies involved.”

  Her eyes bulged in fright. I kicked myself. It was for her own good, but I didn’t want her too freaked out. I’d take her mind off things when we returned to my friend’s house after lunch.


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