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Page 16

by Delisa Lynn

  “Yes, we should. It would be nice to have everything ready for the baby.”

  “Okay, let’s get this day started.” I walk into the bathroom and turn the water on. I sprinkle some of her pomegranate bath sprinkles in the water. She comes waddling to the door.

  “I…um. I think the bath will have to wait. I think my water broke. I am also having pain. Please don’t panic. Just get dressed.” She says calmly.

  “What do you mean? You aren’t due for another month.” I question her.

  “I know. But what else would that be?” She points to the puddle of water in the middle of the bedroom floor.

  “Shit, here, I’ll grab you some clothes. I am calling the doctor.” Grabbing my phone, I call the doctor and he said she should go to the hospital.

  “Zander please calm down.” She says as I notice that I have dressed her and myself, and had a bag packed.

  “What if something is wrong?”

  “I am thirty-six weeks. I think the baby is fine. She is just ready to show her face.”

  “Let’s go, should I call anyone”

  “Not yet, we will. When we find out what’s going on.”

  We arrived at the hospital two ours ago. I guess our little princess is ready for her debut entrance. The doctors said although I am only thirty-six weeks that it’s fine to deliver, they can’t stop the labor pains. Our baby girl should be here soon.

  “It’s because we had sex, I knew we shouldn’t do it that close to your due date.”

  “Stop it, it wasn’t that. She is ready to show her face. I’m ready too, as long as she is healthy that’s all that matters.”

  “I love you, beautiful. I am ready to see our angel’s face too. I just couldn’t stand it if I knew this happened because of us making love this morning.”

  “Shit, there is another one. Fuck, these damn things are strong. I need more drugs.”

  “Audrey, you have dilated ten centimeters. That means you are ready to start pushing. You ready to see your baby?”

  “Yes, Dr. Edwards. We are more than ready.”

  “Okay, let’s have us a baby. On the count of three, I want you to push. One…two…three. Give me a good push.”

  “Oh God, I don’t know if I can do this.” I say as I hold my knees and push hard.

  “Okay, good. Let’s do it again. Ready? One…two…three. Now push.”

  “Fuck, shit, fucking dicks. Men and their dicks do this.” I breathe.

  “Audrey, baby. Come on you are doing great. Just push one more time, when doc says to, okay.”

  “You did this to me. You and that pretty penis of yours.”

  “Umm… Come on, baby, push. You can do this.”

  “You push; you wanna push a watermelon out of your ass?”

  “I’m sorry, I know you are hurting.”

  “Fucking…balls…I never want to see your balls again. Oh God, I can’t… No I can’t it hurts….”

  “One more push, Audrey, I see her head. She has lots of hair. That will explain all that heartburn you had.” Dr. Edwards says.

  “Okay, I can do this. I squeeze Zanders hand and push as hard as I could. I heard the cries of my angel.”

  “She looks just like you doll, she is beautiful. I am so proud of you. We did it.” Zander says as he leans in and kisses me.

  “Wow, she is does look like me. She is beautiful. She does have her daddy’s eyes. Look at those mocha eyes, Zan.”

  “Congratulations, she is beautiful. The nurse is going to clean her up. Audrey, you have a few stitches. They will dissolve in a few weeks. No sex for six weeks you two.” Dr. Edwards laughs

  “I…um… Really? Six weeks?” Zander questions.

  “No worries, doc, I’m never having sex again.” I laugh, and the look on my husband’s face is priceless. The truth is I don’t know if I can wait six weeks. I love my husband and his sex is amazing.


  “I’m kidding; you know I love you and that super cock of yours.” I laugh as he shakes his head. “Can you get my parents?”

  “Yes, what about Ta, she was breaking the door down. She is pissed that she didn’t make it here in time.”

  “I know; she wanted to be in here. She can be next time.”

  “Did you say next time?”

  “Yes, I want ten more babies.” I giggle

  “Jesus, sex will be the death of me. Have you decided on her name yet?”

  “Yes, what do you think of Taylon Nacole Kelley?”

  “That is beautiful. Why Nacole?”

  “I like it, it’s different. Tatum, Haydon, and Nikki are my girls. I figured they would like that our baby has similar names to theirs.”

  “Good idea. I can’t stop looking at her. She is so tiny.”

  “I love you, I’m sorry I said those mean things to you. You know it wasn’t me talking?”

  “I love you. I know you didn’t mean it.”

  “Now get my mom and dad.” I laugh

  As I sit here, holding Tay, looking into her deep mocha eyes, I smile, knowing that she is going to give us hell when she is a teenager. Her and Scar, will have us all on our toes. I think back to the last six years, wishing that Blossom could have been here. I look up and smile, knowing that she is watching over her little sister and us. I feel the tears streaming down my face.

  “Hey, bitch, how are you going to have a baby without me?” Tatum says walking in the room. “Oh my gosh, she is beautiful. She has Zander’s eyes. Poor girl.”

  “Hey, that’s my husband and daughter you are talking about.”

  “You know I love them both, I’m still pissed at you though. I can’t believe I had to stay out there why you were having her.”

  “Sorry, it all happened to quick.”

  “I forgive you, this time. I guess I better unlock the door so everyone else can see here.”

  “Tatum, you locked the door?”

  “I wanted to see my niece before they all did.”

  “You are evil, Mrs. Martin.”

  “Pfft…I learned from you. Oh what did you name her?”

  “Taylon Nacole.” I smile

  “EEEP… Perfect. Scar, is going to love her.”

  “Is she here?”

  “No, she and Ty are with Mary.”

  Just then, everyone comes walking in; they know that Tatum locked the door. Evan comes in and pats her ass. My mom comes and takes Tay. I can see how much she loves her already. I love Carlie; she is the mother I always wanted. She was never able to have her own kids. Of course, I was plenty enough trouble for her and my dad. Everyone was smiling and passing my baby around. I just smiled and cried; family is amazing. I love having everyone here.

  I love being a dad; Taylon is a month old. She is perfect in every way. I have taken the last month off of work. Evan and Brody are new dads too, so they both have been working as little as possible. Good thing we all have some savings. Today is the first time Audrey is leaving the house; she and the other girls are going out for a spa day. They all deserve it.

  “You sure you will be okay?” She asks as she kisses me for the fifth time.

  “We will be fine, just go. I will call if we need anything.”

  “I just hate leaving the two of you. I’ve loved spending every minute just the four of us.” She says as she pats Berry on the head.

  “We are fine, just bring back some beer. I am going to grill out with the guys tonight.”

  “Okay, I love you all.”

  “We love you, go.”

  She leaves, so I decide I would just lie on the couch and hold Taylon the entire time. Then my phone rings. Looking at the screen, I see it’s Evan.

  “What’s up, bro?”

  “Hey, how is it going? We are going to head on over now.”

  “It’s going good, okay we will be here.”

  “Have me a beer ready.”

  “Now, you know we can’t drink until the girls get back. I am not drinking while watching my angel.”

Jesus, calm the hell down. That’s what I meant, when they got back.”

  “Hell, you never know with you. Head on over, we will be here.” I hang up and not even ten minutes later Evan and Brody appear at the door. Evan has a diaper bag draped over his shoulder and has Scarlett in a BABYBJORN sling thingy. Brody has Ty in his car seat. They both look awful.

  “Jesus, do I look like that? Give me Scarlet, that thing looks dangerous.” I take Scar in my other arm why they both laugh at me then all three babies start crying.

  “You do look pretty exhausted, man. This thing,” he says, taking the sling off, “is not dangerous, if you use it right. I would never put her in it if I thought it would hurt her.” He says.

  “I need a damn beer, when are the women coming back?” Brody asks as he sits Ty down and pulls him out of the car seat.

  “Soon, hopefully because I need a beer too. How the hell do they do this all day long?” Evan asks as he runs his hands through his hair.

  “You have to be fucking kidding me? Y’all are so lame. You can’t watch your kids for ten minutes why your wives pamper themselves?” I ask as I sit down with my girls in each arm.

  “Oh, I forgot, you are super husband and father. Mr. Hasn’t worked in weeks. Remember we have been working some.” Brody laughs.

  “Yeah, dick, what he said. Now give me my daughter.” Evan says.

  “What the hell would I do without you clowns? I won’t lie—I need a beer too. I am tired, I love spending time with my angel though.” I say as I run my hand through my messy hair. “Who wants to be in charge while I fire up the grill?”

  “Let Evan, he seems to be more of a natural than me. Plus he can sing when they start crying.” Brody says handing Evan Tyus.

  “Evan, you are on baby patrol. Brody you come with me.” I say as we leave Evan with all three babies.

  “You don’t have any beer?” Brody questions as he looks through the fridge.

  “Nope, Audrey is bringing it.”

  “Shit, want a Coke?” he asks as he opens one.

  “No, I’m good. Thank you.” I hear the car pulling up and I know it’s the women. Then Berry starts barking, and I thought Brody was going to tackle Audrey for the beer.

  “Well, hello to you too, Brody.” She laughs.

  “These idiots are feigning for some beer.” I say as I kiss her.

  “Well, they are in luck; I have quite a few cold ones.”

  “Good, cause I could use one too. No way were we drinking until you got back.” I say kissing her.

  “Wait there is some beer in the garage fridge.” She laughs. “You knew all along didn’t you?”

  “I sure did, they didn’t need to drink until y’all got home to watch our babies.”

  “You’re so evil to your friends, but an amazing father.”

  We have a wonderful evening with everyone, I love that we are all so close. Family is so important, I am glad that my sister and best friend had found their way back to one another, and I was able to find my way to my love. We grilled out and then made s’mores. I think the ladies enjoyed that as much as they did their spa day. It was great seeing them all together with the babies. I swear they look like they’ve been moms for years.

  “She finally went to sleep, I am exhausted.”

  “Come here I’ll rub your back.”

  “Zander, you know what that will lead too. We still can’t have sex and you know that.”

  “I miss being inside of you. I love having your pussy clamped around my dick.”

  “Fuck, you talk like that and those six weeks have turned into four and half weeks. I will let you fuck me hard right here on this front porch.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time.” I laugh, as she sits next to me.

  “I regret that I wasted so much time back then.”

  “Hey, now, none of that. We are here now. We are together, married, and have a beautiful daughter.”

  “I know—I am so thankful. Zander…I want another baby soon. I want Tay to have siblings. Lots of them.”

  “I do too, baby. We can start in two weeks.” I chuckle, hell it’s killing me not being able to have sex. I know she is still sore. She had a pretty rough delivery.

  “There are other things we can do, without actually having intercourse.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” I ask, joking.

  She drops to her knees in front of me, pulls my dick out of my pants, and starts stroking me. I let out a groan, and she licks her lips and wraps them around my swollen tip. “Mmm, that feels so good.” I manage to groan out.

  She takes her hand and put it between her legs. I can tell she is touching her clit. The harder she sucks, the louder I moan, and I am getting ready to come so fucking hard. “Baby, I am getting ready to come in that pretty mouth of yours.” My talking only makes her suck harder, as I feel my release—I hold her head as I pump a few times in her mouth. She swallows every ounce I pour in her. I look and she still had her hand between her legs.

  “Did you come baby?” I ask as she releases my dick with a popping sound.

  “Do you really think I could have you inside of my mouth and not come? Fuck I was coming before I touched myself.”

  “Good, let’s go inside.”

  “Good idea, I need a bath.” She giggles. We went upstairs and I ran her a nice hot bad.

  “You ready for that bath?” I ask, as she stands frozen in the doorway.

  “Damn it, Zander, I just remembered I can’t take a bath yet. It has to be a shower.” She pouts. “That water looks so good.”

  “No problem, I can defiantly take a shower with you. But you’re screwed my dear, no sex and no baths for a few more weeks.” I say as I pull her in the shower. I love this woman with everything that I am. She is sweet, sexy, sassy and a fucking smut-mouth. I will spend forever loving her.

  “That’s what you think? You know me; I don’t follow the rules too well.” She says as she wraps her legs around my waist. Yep that’s my girl. I smile and kiss her as I guide myself inside of her.

  ~ Five Years Later ~

  Today we are celebrating our oldest child’s kindergarten graduation. I don’t know where the time has gone. She is a very smart and talented little girl. She is a wonderful big sister to Everett. He just turned four, and he will be graduating kindergarten next. Our baby Zola just turned two. We decided the three of them are enough for now. Zander is still in practice with the guys, but I haven’t worked since I had Taylon. Zander makes more than enough to support our family. I also still have my money from my grandparents. Zander eventually sold the other property; he realized I wasn’t leaving our home. So we added onto it, we added two more bedrooms and added on to the back to make the kitchen larger. I fell in love with this house the first time I saw it.

  Watching my little chestnut haired, mocha eyed baby girl walk across that stage has me in tears. Soon she’ll be driving then graduating high school. I look at my handsome husband sitting beside of me holding our baby. I mouth the words, “I love you.” He smiles and mouths them back. I look down at my little freckled face Everett—he is smiling so big. “Sissy, going to irst grade now, Momma?” he asks, he has an issue pronouncing his F’s.

  “Yes, baby, she is and then you will start kindergarten yourself.” I say as I sit him in my lap and kiss his cheek.

  “I’m a big boy, Momma, don’t kiss me in here.” He wipes my kiss off and I look over at Zander, and he is laughing so hard.

  “Here, Mom, I’ll take that kiss.” He says. I laugh and kiss my husband.

  We’ve had obstacles, but after everything that has happened, we’ve came out on top. No one ruined our happiness; they’ve tried multiply times. But, in the end, it is fate that we belong together. In the words of my best friend, he is my forever.

  Stay by Florida Georgia Line

  Faded Away by Luke Bryan

  Every Time I See You by Luke Bryan

  You Make Me Want to by Luke Bryan

  If I Were A Boy by Beyoncé<
br />
  Someone Like You by Adele

  You and I by Lady Gaga

  Because Of You by Kelly Clarkson

  Unconditionally by Katy Perry

  I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat

  This Aint Goodbye by Train

  Let Her Go by Passanger

  Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding

  Treasure by Bruno Mars

  Love Don’t Die by The Fray

  I Need To Know by Kris Allen

  Adore You by Miley Cyrus

  Human by Christina Perry

  On Fire by Eminem

  Stars by Grace Potter

  All Of Me by John Legend

  Wake Me Up by Avicii

  First, I would like to thank you, the reader. Without you, all this wouldn’t be possible. These books mean so much to me, thank you for taking the time to read them. I hope that my characters have touched your hearts the way they have mine.

  My Hubs- Thank you for your continued support and daily encouragement. You have pushed me to do something, I’d only dreamed about. I’m so glad that you did. We may not always see eye to eye, but that’s what make us, us.

  Mom- Thank you for having so much faith in me, I know you aren’t a reader. But you still ask me questions about each book that I write, you have supported me in more ways than one. I’m truly blessed to have you as my mom.

  Heather Parsons Lamb- You have been my best friend for over 25 years. I know we don’t see each other as much as we should, but I’m so glad that we are still as close as we were back then. Thank you for all of your support, it means a lot to me. I promise I’ll give you more Liam. I love you bitch.

  Anna Gorman Coy- You aren’t only my editor, you’re a wonderful friend. Thank you for EVERYTHING. There isn’t much I can say that hasn’t already been said, you’re an amazing editor, you go above and beyond when editing. All of your Snapchat’s, talks, brainstorming and text all mean so much. You’re truly a blessing. I love you so hard. <3

  Casey L. Bond- You’ve become one of my closest friends, my Facebook twin. Thank you for everything you do. Your continued support and daily chats and text help me so much. When I think about just erasing the entire book, you’ve talked me out of it. Thank you for reading everything, I send you. I’m so glad we finally met at LAE and shared a table, I can’t wait to see you again. I love you hard twinsie. #milkshakemavens4life


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