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The Wolf and I (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 5

by Bijou DuLac

  As soon as we entered the hotel lobby, I realized that the picture I had in my head of a clothing-optional resort was completely wrong. The people there were all shapes and sizes and ages. It was not one big orgy. People were headed off with towels and tennis rackets and golf clubs. It seemed that they were doing all the same things they would at a normal resort, the only difference being that they were naked.

  On the way to our room, we passed two women who were much larger than me and they were just strolling along, chatting. No one paid them any mind in spite of the fact that neither one had on a stitch of clothing. I admired their confidence and I realized that I was thinking about the possibility of following their example. Maybe.

  Even though Wolf had offered to book us into separate rooms, I had made the decision that we would share one. We were supposed to be there on a romantic vacation, getting to know one another better. Besides, we had already had lots of sex so what other expectations might there be if we shared a room?

  Wolf placed my hulking suitcase on a rack next to the television. I had obviously overpacked for this type of vacation. Wolf, on the other hand, had only brought a small bag containing one change of clothes, a pair of flip-flops, and a bottle of sunscreen.

  We stepped out onto the balcony to take in the view. The sound of laughter rose up to greet us as we looked down at the glistening pool below. People were lying back on lounge chairs or splashing in the water. I noticed that all around, people were just doing their own thing and no one seemed to be gawking at anyone else.

  “Where do you suppose those people are going?” I asked Wolf, pointing off to a group of people near the tree line at the edge of the forest.

  “There is an adult-only lagoon through there,” he said. “We can go have a look if you like.”

  I was not yet sold on that so I smiled and made no commitment. “Perhaps,” I said. “I would like to explore. There is so much to take in.”

  Wolf smiled as we retreated into the room. “In that case, I am going to get changed.” He peeled off his shirt then paused as he hooked his thumbs into the top of his pants. “Would it make you uncomfortable if I went in the nude? I don’t want you to feel like there is any pressure for you to do that if you are not one hundred percent comfortable with it.”

  He was so considerate. “I want you to do what makes you happy, Wolf,” I said. “I won’t be offended or uncomfortable.”

  While he finished undressing, I pulled out the bikini and sheer robe I had purchased at Fire! and laid them on the bed. As I removed my clothing and folded it into a neat pile, I looked from it out to the balcony and I thought about the two women from downstairs. I picked up the bikini bottom and pulled it on. As I picked up the top, I ran my fingers over the surface. It’s time to be brave, I thought as I looked at it. I tossed the top back into my suitcase and pulled on the sheer robe.

  Wolf’s smile spread as he looked at me. “You just keep surprising me.”

  “I keep surprising myself,” I said. “Now come on before I chicken out and change my mind.”

  “You’re just missing one thing,” said Wolf as he turned his back to me and rummaged in his bag.

  “What?” I asked. I self-consciously smoothed the front of my robe, wondering what I could possibly be missing at a nudist resort.

  When Wolf turned around, he was holding a delicate bracelet with a tiny golden seashell dangling from it. “This,” he said, and he stepped forward to secure it around my wrist.

  “It’s just beautiful,” I said, running my fingers over the little shell. “Thank you.”

  “You deserve wonderful things, Ruby,” he said.

  My eyes dropped to the floor and I blushed. “Thank you,” I whispered again.

  And with that, we were out of the room. When we stepped off the elevator, my first instinct was to cover my breasts. I wondered what I had been thinking.

  Wolf must have known how nervous I was because he leaned close to my ear and whispered, “You look beautiful.”

  I looked up at him and smiled and my stomach did a little flip. Being with Wolf made me happy and with him by my side, I knew I could do this. This was not any different than being naked in the woods and I had done that where it was not okay being naked in public. If I could do that, I could do anything. I took a deep breath and I squared my shoulders. All I had to do was fake my confidence until I believed in it, so I put one foot in front of the other and walked past a restaurant full of naked people, toward the pool.

  We wandered all over the grounds, enjoying the sun. Here and there, I saw women wearing sarongs tied loosely around their hips, but it was obvious that they had nothing on underneath. The more we wandered, the more I began to feel overdressed.

  By the time that we made our way in for dinner, I had decided to nonchalantly untie my robe and let it hang freely. Halfway through dinner, I decided that I felt comfortable enough to let it hang completely open, exposing my breasts. I was quiet as I began thinking about what it meant to be at a resort like this and the opportunity it was affording me.

  By the time dessert arrived, I think Wolf was getting worried about my silence. “You’re being awfully quiet,” he said.

  I looked him in the eye. “I’m ready to see the adult-only lagoon.” The words were out of my mouth before I was even sure that I was ready to say them.

  He put his spoon down and sat back. “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “I’m sure,” I said.

  “But are you positive? The lagoon is a clothing-free zone.”

  “I know,” I said, nodding. “I thought we could watch the sunset on our balcony and then head over.”

  “Ruby,” he began, “I appreciate that you are feeling more comfortable here. I am loving the improved scenery.” He indicated my breasts. “I just want you to be sure that you want to visit the lagoon. I don’t want you to feel like you have to go anywhere or do anything just because you think that it is something I want to do. The activities that go on there are not like anywhere else at the resort. Anything goes at the lagoon.”

  “I’m a big girl,” I said. “I can handle it.”

  Wolf reached out and took my hand in his. “You are amazing, Ruby. That must be why I love you.”

  “Oh, Wolf.” I was blushing. “Let’s go watch the sunset.”

  Chapter 10:

  The Lagoon

  My decision to watch the sunset that evening was not just for want of observing beauty. In truth, I had two ulterior motives. First, I was not quite ready to completely remove my clothes and walk around in public yet. In my mind, if I took off all my clothes and sat out on the balcony to watch the sunset with Wolf, it would be something akin to dipping my toe in the water at the edge of the pool to check the temperature. Second, I figured if I waited to head to the lagoon until after sunset, less people would be able to see me walking around naked.

  When we returned to the room, I removed my robe and bikini bottom and tentatively took a seat out on the balcony. It was a little unnerving at first since we were not the only people who had decided to watch the sunset from their balcony. In fact, when I looked around I saw that quite a few people had the same idea as us.

  Wolf had been thoughtful enough to bring me a glass of wine to sip as we watched the sun settle into the Gulf of Mexico. The sunset truly was beautiful with its vibrant purples, oranges, reds, and yellows. It was incredibly romantic to think that Wolf wanted to share someplace so beautiful with me. I glanced sideways at him, thinking about how lucky I was to have stumbled across him in the woods. If it had not been for that dog, I never would have found him.

  As the last bit of sun slipped below the horizon, I drained the last of the wine and carefully set the empty glass on the table between us. I stood and looked at Wolf expectantly. If we were going to visit the lagoon, it had to be while I was still under the effects of liquid courage. If we waited any longer, I would talk myself out of it.

  “Are you sure?” Wolf asked. I knew he wanted to go and, in all honesty, I wa
s curious.

  I nodded my head once, so Wolf got up and linked his hand to mine. Together, we walked out of the room, down the hall, and to the elevator. My knees were wobbly and I think I had been holding my breath. As we stepped onto the elevator I realized that I was feeling a bit light-headed so I just concentrated on breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth, I thought. In through the nose, out through the mouth. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

  The next thing I knew we were out of the elevator, past the restaurant, and headed out across the lawn. Tiki torches had been lit all along the walkways of the resort, enhancing the romantic feel of the evening. We walked into the forest and came to a gate with a sign posted on the outside. Adults Only Permitted Past this Point. No Clothing Allowed.

  We stood at the gate for a minute. I think Wolf wanted to make sure I was ready. When he lifted his hand for the latch, I stopped him. My hands went up and I stroked either side of his jaw as I looked deep into his eyes. “I love you, Wolf,” I said and went up on tiptoe so I could bring my lips to his.

  His arms wrapped around my body, pulling me to him, and my fingers curled into his hair. The feel of his skin pressed to mine began to arouse me. My nipples perked up and I felt that familiar warmth began to spread from the pit of my belly. Being with Wolf felt so right. His confidence seemed to flow into me. I felt free for the first time in my life.

  When we broke our embrace, I reached out, flipped the latch on the gate, and stepped through, pulling Wolf behind me. My eyes fell to his penis and I was not entirely surprised to see it awakening. I was glad to see that I was not the only one getting aroused.

  We continued down the path through the trees, me pulling Wolf along. When we finally reached the lagoon, I paused to take it in. Even as the last hint of light faded from the sky, it was beautiful. The lagoon was almost entirely closed off from the open water by towering rocks, affording perfect privacy. A row of tiki torches lined the edge of the beach and below them sat an array of lounge chairs and air mattresses.

  I understood why the lagoon was an adult-only area as I looked around and took in the people. Not everyone there was engaged in sex but quite a few were. One woman sat at the water’s edge, meditating, and there were a number of people swimming. Just up from the water’s edge, there was a couple having sex and it was odd to see one couple lying back, enjoying drinks while the people right next to them were engaged in full-on lovemaking.

  Finally, I began to move forward and I waded into the warm water of the lagoon. Once I was out far enough, I dove in. I came up a few feet away, my feet planted firmly on the sandy bottom, only my head above the water’s surface. I liked the way the water felt on my naked body. It touched every part of me, making me feel open and fresh.

  My eyes were locked on a woman who was lying back on one of the lounge chairs. There was a man kneeling between her knees and he was licking her pussy. The woman was very vocal and it was obvious that she was enjoying the entire experience.

  Suddenly, Wolf was right there with me, his body pressed to my back, his erect penis tucked between us. He nibbled my ear as his arms wound around me, his fingers finding my already-hard nipples. One hand ran down my body and I voluntarily opened my legs to allow access. His fingers began a dance on my clit. My eyes drifted closed, a soft moan escaping my lips.

  Wolf whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you in front of all these people, Ruby.”

  “Yes,” I answered. For some reason, I liked the idea of being watched.

  He pressed against me, forcing me to move toward the shore. “Not in the water,” he said. “I want them to be able to really see us as I slide my hard cock into your pussy.”

  “Yes,” I said again. I was intoxicated by the atmosphere of the lagoon.

  When we made it to the water’s edge, we quickly found an empty air mattress, flanked by tiki torches. I lay back, expecting Wolf to follow but he did not. Instead, he stood at the foot of the mattress, his penis firmly standing at attention. I spread my legs in invitation. He shook his head.

  “I want you to spread your pussy lips,” he said. “Show me your beautiful cunt, Ruby.”

  I hesitated for only a moment. I wanted to feel my vagina stretch around his hard cock. My knees came up as my fingers traced down my body and I pulled open my pussy lips.

  “Now slide your finger into your cunt like you like me to do.”

  I continued to hold my pussy lips open with my left hand while I dipped the middle finger of my right hand into my vagina and wiggled it back and forth. Without being told, I pressed the pad of my thumb to my clit and began rubbing it in little circles. My pussy was getting so wet.

  All of a sudden, I realized there was a man sitting in the sand next to the mattress, watching. His hand was on his penis, slowly moving up and down. I looked to the other side and saw a couple on a lounge watching as well. The man had his finger buried in her pussy, doing exactly to her what I was doing to myself. The thought of people watching so closely on either side and getting off on it aroused me even more.

  “Spank your pussy,” Wolf commanded, but I did not listen. Instead, I pressed another finger into my vagina and began to slide them in and out.

  “Spank your pussy, Ruby, or I will.”

  I looked at Wolf and I knew he meant business. I pulled my fingers from my vagina and smacked my pussy lips with a loud crack.


  I did as I was told two more times and when I looked up, more people were joining those already watching. Satisfied that we had enough of an audience, Wolf took his place between my knees. I spread my pussy lips in anticipation, and then he spoke.

  “I am going to eat you right to the edge of orgasm, Ruby, but I don’t want you to orgasm. I want my dick in your pussy when you orgasm. If you do and I am not inside you, I will be very disappointed. Are we clear, Ruby?”

  “Yes, Wolf,” I breathed.

  I cried out when his tongue finally flicked across my clit. I was already so excited, it was not going to take much. His finger found its way into my vagina and began to stroke in and out. My toes curled. It always felt so much better when Wolf’s thick fingers were inside my pussy.

  I looked over to see a man watching us intently as a woman dropped to her knees in front of him and took his penis into her mouth. The couple on the lounge beside us mirrored our actions. I knew it was not possible, but it felt like every person on the beach was watching us in our most intimate moments.

  I began to pant in an attempt to hold off an orgasm. My toes curled. I was at the edge. “Now, Wolf!” I cried. “I’m almost there! I’m almost there!”

  Wolf immediately stopped licking and removed his fingers from my pussy. I grunted in frustration. “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  The words came from between clenched teeth. “Fuck my pussy!”

  “Tell me what to do, Ruby. Tell me or I won’t do it.”

  I did not care who heard. I was beyond caring. “Slide your cock into my cunt and fuck me until you fill me with your hot cum!”

  “Good girl,” he said, positioning himself so that the head of his penis was pressed to my clit. With his hand around his cock, he slid it up and down my slit.

  “Fuck me!” I howled.

  Wolf guided his penis down to my vagina and began to press in. Everyone watched as it began to disappear into me.

  My body stretched to accommodate his girth and I loved it. He slid almost all the way out then plunged back in. I spread my legs as far as possible.

  I was so excited. I wanted him deeper and faster. My legs wrapped around him in an attempt to pull him in farther. In and out of my pussy, his cock pistoned. We grunted and moaned with each stroke.

  “Oh, God!” I cried. I felt like I was electrically charged and I was right on the edge of orgasm again. I felt his cock twitch inside me as he began to unload his seed, and that was it for me. I cried out, no longer aware of anything but Wolf and I joined as one. Wave after wave of orgasm washed over me as
I came harder than I ever had before.

  Panting and sweaty, Wolf collapsed onto me, trying to catch his breath. I was remotely aware that someone was clapping in appreciation of our performance, but I did not care. All I cared about was the man in my arms.

  Chapter 11:

  Sparkling Ruby

  When I woke the next morning, I did not open my eyes. I just rolled over so I could cuddle closer to Wolf but he was not there. Confused, I opened my eyes and sat up to look around. On my bedside table were a single orchid and a folded piece of paper with my name written on it. I picked up the orchid and brought it to my nose, inhaling the intoxicating scent. Then I unfolded the paper and read.


  I am so sorry to leave you, my love—especially after last night. Early this morning, I received an urgent call and had to go to Miami on business. Not to worry, though. I will be back by your side by dinner. Enjoy your day—order room service—visit the shops downstairs. Charge anything you like to the room.



  He was gone without waking me? I was angry that he had abandoned me for the day and hurt that he had not invited me along. Surely, wherever he was going in Miami there were shops close-by. I would have been happy to tag along and amuse myself while he was busy. At least I would have gotten to spend the time on the drive there and back with him.

  So I was going to have to spend the day alone. Angry, I decided to order breakfast then jump in the shower while I waited for it to arrive. I knew I needed time to calm down and the hot water would help me think.

  The room service timing was perfect. Just as I was stepping out of the shower, there was a gentle tap at the door. After the attendant had set my breakfast out on the balcony for me, I sat down to enjoy a fresh croissant and coffee. I sat thinking. Something felt different. And then it dawned on me. I had answered the door in the nude and not even thought twice about it. It was strange how quickly the resort had worked its magic on me.


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