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The Wolf and I (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 9

by Bijou DuLac

  It felt so good to feel his lips on mine. There was no other way to put it. It was just right.

  “Come with me upstairs,” he said as he started to get up.

  I grabbed his wrist. “No,” I said. “Here.”

  I noticed a slight pink starting to show in the sky outside as I peeled my sweater off. The air was cool and my nipples hardened, pressing against the fabric of my bra. I reached my arms toward him. When he moved close enough, my hands found his T-shirt and I helped him pull it off.

  “I can light a fire,” he offered, but I shook my head.

  I wriggled a little as I unhooked my bra and slipped the straps off my shoulders. “All I need is you, Wolf,” I said.

  Wolf leaned forward and pressed his chest to mine as he kissed me again. He was so warm. I loved the way his body felt against mine. I wanted more. My hands found the top of his pajama bottoms and I began to tug at them. He stood up and pulled them off, kicking them aside. Then, he grabbed my sweatpants and underwear and pulled them off as well. I spread my legs apart, one foot dangling over the side and one planted firmly on the back of the sofa.

  “No games tonight, Wolf,” I said. “I’ve missed you and I need you.”

  Wolf kneeled between my open legs and leaned forward to kiss me. “I’ve missed you, too, Ruby,” he said.

  The tip of his hard penis brushed lightly against my pussy lips. A thrill ran through my body at our connection. He took his penis in his hand and slid it up and down my wet slit and when it connected with my clit, I almost came on the spot. Then, his cock was pressing in and my vagina was stretching to accommodate it. He nibbled on my ear and neck as he began to move. My legs wrapped around Wolf’s torso, pulling him deeper into me.

  “I love you so much,” he whispered in my ear.

  Our bodies rocked in unison as he fucked me. Faster and faster we moved, an electricity buzzing between us. I let my head fall back as I let the excitement and pleasure of the moment wash over me.

  “I’m close,” said Wolf.

  It was all I needed to hear. My clit was warm and it felt ready to explode. I wanted to orgasm at the exact same time as Wolf, so I contracted the muscles in my vagina around his penis in an attempt to hold off. It was no use, though. I began to grunt and moan as my toes curled and my nails dug into his back. Pure pleasure rippled through my body.

  Wolf continued his rhythm, sliding his penis in and out. His breathing became shallow and his strokes became quicker. He gasped, only his hips jerking as he exploded into me.

  We lay like that for quite a while in silence, watching the sky grow brighter. It was perfect and I never wanted it to end. The room was cool, though, and after a while, we had no choice but to get up.

  I involuntarily shivered and Wolf said, “I’ll tell you what, Ruby. I’ll find a robe for you so you can have a shower and warm up and while you do, I will build a fire and make you some breakfast.”

  “You are perfect,” I said. My hand rested on his cheek and I kissed him gently on the lips.

  Chapter 18:

  Making Peace

  I sat at the counter in Wolf’s kitchen, my hands wrapped around a warm coffee mug, watching him cook. There were so many questions running through my mind and I was afraid of the answers. I did not want him to think I was grilling him, but I needed answers.

  “Wolf?” I began tentatively. “What happened while I was away?”

  “It wasn’t me,” he said as he placed a plate in front of me with a perfect omelet. He looked away and I felt guilty for even asking.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I knew you would never do anything like that.”

  His eyes met mine. “It’s Woodman. He is on a crusade.”

  “I know. Why, though? Why does he have it out for you?”

  Wolf’s eyebrows went up. “You really don’t know, do you?”

  I shook my head as I took a bite of the omelet and tried not to roll my eyes as it practically melted in my mouth, it was so good.

  “Well,” he said, “I own Shady Creek Village.”

  I nearly choked. “You own Shady Creek?”

  “Yes. And a number of years ago, we had an argument. He wanted to place this huge sculpture in his front yard that his late wife made and I refused to let him install it. If I let one person put something like that in their yard, I would have to let everyone do it. It would just create more work for the grounds crews when they are out mowing.”

  “He is mad about a statue?” I asked.

  Wolf shrugged. “I think he took it more as personal comment about his wife than about my need to keep standards within the village.”

  “I guess I can understand that,” I said.

  “He was one of the first residents in Shady Creek and I think his wife had passed not too long before he moved in. And now, he sees the two of us together and he thinks I am rubbing his nose in it somehow.”

  I was silent for a few minutes, thinking. All this mess over a silly statue. I understood both sides of the argument. When I had first lost Butch, I had been blind to a lot of things. The pain from the loss of a spouse could be intense.

  Suddenly, a thought popped into my head. “Does Mr. Woodman still have the statue?” I asked.

  Wolf gave me a funny look. “Last I knew, he had it stored somewhere. Why?”

  “Do you remember how big it was?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “I guess it was probably about eight or nine feet tall or so. What difference does it make?”

  “Well, he seems pretty determined to run you out of town. The way I figure it, you are going to have to either evict him or wait for him to pass away if you can’t figure out a way to appease him.”


  “Don’t you think it might be nice if you weren’t at war with the crazy old goat?”

  Wolf shook his head. “I’m not going to allow him to put it on his lawn. The next thing you know, I’ll have people putting out windmills and garden gnomes,” he said. “As long as the flower beds are only around the foundation of the cottages, it takes hardly any time for the mowers to zip around each yard. I start allowing obstacles and it will take them longer to mow and the cost for grounds goes up.”

  “Wolf,” I said. “If you own Shady Creek, you need to be able to walk around there without being harassed by your tenants—I need to be able to walk around there without being harassed by your tenants.”

  “Do you want me to evict him?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “As much as I dislike him, I don’t want you to do that. Lucky for you, I have another solution.”

  “And that is?”

  I smiled. “Well, Mr. Woodman’s house is right across from mine, correct?”

  Wolf nodded.

  “And on his side of the street, there is only one house between his and the end, right?”

  Wolf nodded again.

  “What if we let him put up Mrs. Woodman’s statue at the trailhead? We could even put a little bench next to it and make it like a memorial to her. We could just woodchip around it to keep the tall grass down and it would be out of the way of the mowers there.”

  Wolf was quiet for an agonizingly long time. Honestly, I did not understand how two men could have a running grudge match without any thought of resolving it. It did not matter how old they were, they continued to act like children.

  “I don’t know, Ruby,” he said.

  “Wolf!” came my retort. “You cannot be serious. Right now, you cannot even have a run in the woods in your other form because of your argument with Mr. Woodman. If you do, animal control is going to capture you and haul you away. And—And I have no intention of picking my future husband up at the pound!”

  Wolf came around the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist. He gently kissed my cheek. “Okay,” he said. “Have it your way. I’ll offer to put up a memorial for him. It’s not going in his yard, though.”

  I turned around and faced Wolf, my arms wrapped around him. “Now that we have that solved, how a
bout you take me upstairs and show me my new bedroom?”

  “Your new bedroom?” he said as he raised one eyebrow.

  “Well, if we are going to be married, we should probably plan on living in the same house.”

  “Right. Right,” he said. “I just figured I would move into your cottage.”

  My heart stopped for at least a half a second before I realized that he was joking. My little cottage was perfect for just me but if we both lived there, we would constantly be bumping elbows.

  “Wolf,” I said, swatting him. “Do you know what happens to boys who tease girls?”

  “No, ma’am,” he said.

  “They get teased right back.”

  He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Is that a threat or a promise?”

  “Both,” I said and smacked him on his butt.

  Chapter 19:


  I woke with a start. Before I even reached over to check, I knew the other half of the bed was empty. I don’t know if it was just an instinct or a vibe or a smell but I knew that Wolf was gone.

  I climbed out of bed, padded across the room, and stepped out onto the balcony. A big full moon shone down through the trees. A smile spread across my lips. This was our first full moon since getting married. I was quiet, my head tilted slightly to the side, listening to the clues the forest had to give. Then, I drew in a deep breath through my nose. Everything I needed was there.

  There was no longer any reason to bother getting dressed. I tore downstairs and through the house and, as soon as I was outside, I phased. That’s right. I phased—into a wolf. Right after our wedding, I had asked Wolf to make me like him. If we were going to spend the rest of our lives together, I wanted to experience everything that he experienced.

  As it turned out, the only thing Mr. Woodman had had correct was the fact that Wolf really was a wolf. He had everything else wrong. I could change forms whenever I wanted and I did not have any trouble holding my human form. I also was not wild and out of control when I was a wolf. In fact, I was probably nicer as a wolf.

  My senses were so much keener since becoming a wolf. Right after my first phase, Wolf and I had invented a game that tested them. It was kind of a wolfy version of hide and seek. After I fell asleep, Wolf would sneak out. I would track him, honing my new senses.

  Tonight was too easy. The full moon amplified my newfound senses. The air almost seemed to vibrate with Wolf’s existence. My ears perked up and I sniffed the wind. I could hear the rhythmic thrumming of his heart. At once, I took off, bounding down the path that led toward Shady Creek Village. I ran as fast as I could until I came to our tree by the creek. I phased back into my human form and tiptoed around the tree. There he was, in the moonlight, lying exactly where he had the very first morning I met him. He was naked and hard, waiting for me.

  “You’re quick,” he said. “Being a wolf suits you.”

  I answered, “I could hear your heartbeat from the house and I could smell you on the wind.” I looked up at the moon. “Tonight, of all nights, I think I could have found you in my sleep.”

  “And what will you do with me now that you have found me, my love?” he asked.

  I moved so that I was standing over Wolf with one foot planted on either side of his hips. Then, I crouched down so that my slick pussy lips were barely brushing the tip of his penis. I leaned forward, my lips touching his ear. “Tonight, you are my plaything and I will have you any way I want you,” I whispered.

  “Oh, really?” I could smell the sweet perfume of his excitement.

  My lips found his and I nibbled only a little before he began to move beneath me. He was impatient to be inside me and as delicious as the idea was to make him wait, I wanted to feel his hard cock sliding into my pussy as well. I wriggled my hips around, teasing him.

  The next thing I knew, I was on my back and Wolf was on top of me. Even though my strength and speed had increased as a wolf, Wolf was still much faster and stronger than me. He was on his knees between my legs, his hands around my wrists, pinning me to the ground.

  “No!” I growled through my teeth, struggling to get free. “You are mine!”

  “On the contrary, Ruby. It would seem that tonight, you are mine.”

  I struggled and growled but it was all for show. I did not care who was in control. All I really cared about at the moment was feeling Wolf deep inside me.

  I heard Wolf’s heart begin to beat faster as he moved my arms so he could hold both wrists with one hand. He grasped his hard penis with his free hand and, without even taking the time to tease my clit, he plunged it into my hungry pussy. I gasped. I swear, this new version of me with senses so awake could feel each curve of his erect cock as my vagina hugged its contour.

  Wolf began his rhythmic dance, sliding in and out of me, and, as he did, I could feel every cell in my body quiver with power. I could feel the start of an orgasm but I was not ready yet. I drew in a deep breath, our combined musk thick in the air, and focused. With one swift move, I rolled us so that Wolf was back on bottom.

  “I told you, you are my plaything. I will not have that taken from me tonight,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “Ruby,” was his only reply.

  I was on my knees, straddling him. At first, I just sat still. I needed to just take in the way it felt to have Wolf’s penis buried so deep inside me that my clit rested against his pubic bone. Even the tiniest movement ran shivers down my spine. Finally, I arched my back, running my fingers through my hair and I began to move my hips very slowly. My clit felt hot against his skin. Too much too fast and I would lose it. I concentrated on matching the beating of my heart to his. When I felt that I had regained enough control, I began moving my hips in tiny circles.

  Wolf found my nipples, pinching them and rolling them between his fingers. He seemed to know everything that my body needed. The more my excitement built, the faster I rode his cock. We were both panting as we tried to hold on as long as possible.

  “Come with me,” I gasped.

  He breathed his reply. “Yes, Ruby.”

  Suddenly, all I could hear was the beating of our hearts. I felt his cock start to throb deep inside my vagina and I knew I could not hold off any longer. “Now, Wolf! Now!” I cried.

  Wolf’s orgasm pumped inside of me as the biggest orgasm I had ever had overtook me. Every fiber of my being seemed to sing and all I could see was the twinkling of stars.

  As our mutual orgasm subsided, I collapsed forward on Wolf’s chest, panting. When I could finally form words, I said, “That was…”

  “Amazing,” he finished.

  “Amazing,” I echoed.

  We lay like that for a long time. Just listening to one another breathe was enough for me. I was so happy right there, in that very moment. It was just Wolf and I and everything was perfect.



  Bijou DuLac was born and raised in rural Michigan where she attended college and began writing. She and her husband, Bill, spent ten years in Montana before moving to the Seattle area. She likes to wear hand-knit critter caps and mismatched sweaters and scarves while she writes. When Bijou is not busy knitting or working on her next book, she and her husband enjoy spending time with their two naughty dogs.

  You can reach Bijou DuLac at or follow her on Facebook at:

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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