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Children of the Red King Book 02 Charlie Bone and the Time Twister

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by Jenny Nimmo

  “You're being silly Grizelda ," said Maisie . "Charlie's been locked away in that horrible old academy all week. How could he have seen the fellow unless he was a ghost, of course. "

  "Keep your nose out of this!" barked Grandma Bone.

  "And you keep your nose out of Charlie's tea," Maisie shouted, rolling up her sleeves.

  Arguments at number nine nearly always started this way The pattern was familiar to Charlie. He just wished it hadn't happened quite so soon after he'd come home. He followed Benjamin's example and grabbed a sandwich. Benjamin grinned at Charlie across the table, and Charlie grimaced back. They managed to get quite a lot of food inside themselves while the grandmas insulted each other over their heads. Runner Bean added to the noise with long anxious howls. He hated arguments.

  When the shouting match was over, Grandma Bone, shaking with fury said, "Don't think I'm going to let this matter rest." She marched out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind her.

  "Well," said Maisie . "That was fun, wasn't it?"

  "I wouldn't say it was fun exactly" said Charlie. "I've had a rather tiring week."

  "Grandma Bone is going crazy" grumbled Maisie . "As if you'd seen a boy who must be a hundred years old."

  "Not quite a hundred," Charlie said without thinking.

  "Oh?" The truth dawned on Maisie . "I see. You've had peculiar things happening to you, have you?"

  "It happened to Henry not me," said Charlie, reaching for a slice of cake.

  "This is a great meal, Mrs. Jones," Benjamin said quickly

  "It's all right," said Maisie . "My lips are sealed, certainly where your other grandma is concerned."

  The two boys managed to finish their tea in peace, and then went up to Charlie's room. Runner Bean came bounding after them. Grandma Bone had been so angry she'd forgotten to remind Charlie that dogs weren't allowed in bedrooms.

  When Benjamin had helped Charlie unpack his bag, the boys sat on the bed while Runner squeezed in behind them. Charlie told Benjamin of the plan to visit the Thunder House. He wondered if Benjamin's mom would take them up there.

  Benjamin shook his head. "Mom's working on an important case at the moment. A really gruesome murder. She'll be out till late on Saturday So will Dad."

  Benjamin's parents were private detectives. They worked very odd hours and Benjamin often had to cook his own meals.

  "I thought your mom promised to stay home a bit more often," said Charlie.

  "She has," said Benjamin. "She's been at home all week, but then yesterday this case came up and it was so interesting, she just couldn't refuse it."

  " Hm . I'll have to think of someone else then," said Charlie. "There's always Uncle Paton."

  "But he wouldn't take us till it was dark, would he?" said Benjamin. "I don't like going up to the Heights in the dark. Especially to a place where you might get struck by lightning or something."

  Charlie had to agree. Still it was worth a chance. When Benjamin had gone home, Charlie knocked on his uncle's door.

  There was no answer. Charlie wondered if his uncle had gone out. It was now very dark. At that moment, his mother came in and Charlie ran down to greet her. She'd brought a bag of moldy eggplants home with her.

  Maisie was very pleased. "They're only half moldy,” she said, spreading the eggplants across the kitchen table. "We'll make a nice ratathingy ."

  Charlie hoped she didn't mean anything with rats in it. With Maisie anything was possible. He decided he'd rather not know "Have you seen Uncle Paton lately?" he asked.

  "Very little," said his mom. "Poor Uncle Paton. He was getting very fond of Julia Ingledew ; and now she has no time for him at all. She spends the whole week preparing for Emma to come home, and then devotes her entire weekend to the girl. They visit museums and castles and talk a great deal about books, apparently. She's shut poor Paton out altogether."

  "That's tough," said Charlie. "So he's in right now.”

  Charlie went upstairs and tapped on his uncle's door again.

  "What?" said an angry voice.

  Charlie opened the door and looked in. The mess in his uncle's room was even worse than usual. There was also a very bad smell. Perhaps Paton had hidden a few unfinished meals under his bed.

  "Can I talk to you?" asked Charlie meekly

  "If you must," murmured Paton. He was studying a book and didn't look up.

  When he'd managed to reach Paton's desk without knocking anything over, Charlie said, "I've met that boy. The one in the photo. Your dad's brother."

  "What?" Paton's head shot up. "Tell me more."

  Charlie told him about the Time Twister and Henry's strange arrival. When he began to describe his part in the freezer experiment, however, Paton roared, "You did what?"

  "He wanted to go back," said Charlie, "and I had to help him."

  "You stupid, stupid boy" thundered his uncle. "People can't go back. You can't change history Think about it! When my father was five years old, he lost his brother. It changed his life. He became an only child, grew up as an only child. All his memories are of being an only one. You can't change that now can you?"

  "No," Charlie said quickly "I'm sorry"

  His uncle hadn't finished. "Henry's parents mourned him, just as they mourned poor little Daphne. James was their only child and, as a result, he was probably spoiled. His father died and his mother left everything to him, including her lovely cottage by the sea. You can't change that, can you?"

  Charlie sighed. "No," he said. And then he had an idea. "Would your father like to see Henry again?"

  Paton's angry expression gradually changed. Charlie could almost see thoughts chasing each other across his uncle's face.

  "Now there's a thought," said Paton as if he'd suddenly found the right one.

  "So what d'you think ?" asked Charlie.

  "I don't think anything yet," said Paton. "You'll have to leave me to ponder."

  Charlie judged that now would be the right time to ask his uncle a favor. But when he mentioned going up to the Heights to visit the Thunder House, he didn't get the answer he'd hoped for.

  "Ha!" said Paton. "I'm not going anywhere near those storm people. It's useless to meddle with them when they're in a mood. I strongly advise you not to try."

  Charlie began to explain how urgent it was to get Tancred back to the academy but his uncle wouldn't listen. It was obviously going to take Paton a long time to become the brave and helpful uncle that he had once been.

  "We've got to get there somehow" Charlie said desperately.

  "I don't go out in daylight," snapped Paton. "You'll have to find someone else."


  Henry Yewbeam was bored. Cook's underground rooms were cozy and interesting, but Henry had explored every inch of them. He wished Charlie would come and talk to him. But Cook said Charlie had gone home for the weekend.

  Cook seemed to be very busy even on a Saturday. She had found a pair of old pajamas for Henry and some modern-looking clothes: long trousers, black shoes, and gray socks. And she had persuaded him to exchange his warm jacket for a blue sweater. Henry found this wasn't as warm as his jacket, but at least he still had the blue cape he was wearing when he came twisting through time.

  Cook had hidden the Time Twister. "I don't want you trying anything silly again," she said, wagging her finger at Henry "You're here for good now Thing is, what to do with you?"

  Henry hadn't given up hope. There had to be a way back to 1916, otherwise what would become of him? He didn't want to return to Bloor's, of course. But if he coul
d just get to the right year, he would eventually reach his happy home beside the sea.

  "But I'll have to go through that other world first,” he said to himself "The world in the Time Twister."

  When Henry had traveled through time he’d briefly glimpsed the world of the Red King. His mother, who was a Bloor, had told him once that he was descended from this mysterious Red King.

  "Some of the king's descendants have inherited a part of his magic," Grace Bloor had said. "But as far as I can tell, none of us have." And she had looked around at her family and laughed in her playful comforting way and added, "Thank goodness!" Henry wished he could hear her laughter again.

  "Charlie's got some of that magic," he said to himself.

  Perhaps he could live with Charlie? That wouldn't be so bad. Charlie could teach him to use all the new-fangled things, Cook had told him about: televisions , videos , computers, and other amazing things.

  He'd been told that Cook would be back to give him his lunch at half-past twelve. But, according to the little clock beside Henry's bed, it was still only ten o’clock.

  "More than two hours of nothing," sighed Henry

  He had an idea. Now that he was dressed like all the other boys at Bloor's, surely he could do some exploring. He had always wanted to go into the ruin, but Sir Gideon had forbidden it. Now was Henry's chance.

  He tiptoed out of Cook's room, carefully closing the closet door behind him. After several more closets he found himself outside the cafeteria and running toward a loud noise that was coming from the hall. He looked in and saw a big man with a shaven head, hammering something into the main door.

  Without stopping his work, the big man said, Who might you be?"

  "I'm — er — Henry." said Henry nervously

  "Henry what?"

  " Er — er — Bone." Henry didn't know why he'd said Bone. He just thought it might be a bad idea to say Yewbeam .

  "Don't seem very sure, do ya ?" The man continued hammering.

  "I'm quite sure, thank you," said Henry

  "We've got another Bone here. A real terror of a Bone."

  "He's my cousin."

  "I s'pose you're one of them endowed kids. Troublemakers, all of them." The man delivered a really savage blow to the door. "Broke the door, that's what the stormy one's done, blast him!"

  "Oh!" Henry continued on his way to the garden.

  "Taking the dog for a walk, are ya ?" said the man.

  "What?" Henry increased his stride.

  "The dog. Miserable beast."

  Henry looked down to find Blessed panting at his feet. "Oh, yes. Come along," he said and walked briskly to the garden door.

  Once outside, Henry stopped to catch his breath.

  Blessed looked as nervous as he did.

  "What's the matter?" said Henry He bent down and patted the old dog's head. Blessed was very ugly, there was something so sad about his solemn, wrinkled face, Henry couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

  There were four boys playing soccer in the snowy slush just ahead of them. They paid no attention to Henry and Blessed as they walked past. A huge tree had been sawn into logs in the center of the field and Henry was tempted to climb up on them, but time was precious and he had to see the ruin.

  When they reached the great red walls, Henry felt very excited. The place smelled of age and danger. He imagined knights in armor scrambling over the walls, battle horses charging through the entrance, and arrows whizzing overhead. He was about to walk through the huge arched entrance, when a voice said, "You boy come here!"

  Henry turned to see two older boys marching toward him. They both wore purple capes and had grim, unfriendly faces.

  "Who are you?" shouted the taller boy

  Henry plunged into the ruin. He found himself a square courtyard with five passages leading out of it. Henry took the middle one.

  He could hear the other boys murmuring behind him. Henry ran as fast as he could. The passage opened into another open courtyard. Henry ran across it and stumbled down a flight of steep stone steps. He was now in a grassy glade, ringed with headless statues. In the center of the glade, two girls in purple capes sat on a large stone tomb. One was very small and very dark, with a long black pigtail and gold-rimmed glasses. The other had a bright, healthy-looking face and amazing blue hair.

  "Hello," said Henry breathlessly. "I'm er . . ."

  "You're Henry aren't you?" said the girl with blue hair. "Charlie told me about you. They're looking for you, you know The place was in a turmoil this morning. Manfred threw loads of music books out of the tower; he was in such a fury I'm Olivia and this is Bindi ."

  "I'm very glad to meet you." Henry went to shake their hands. "How do you do?"

  "You are polite," said Olivia. "I expect that comes of being old."

  "Old? I suppose people would consider me to be old. But actually I only feel about eleven years."

  "Me, too," said Olivia. "But then I am. We wouldn't normally be here on Saturday but we've got detention."

  There was a shout from the courtyard above them and Blessed came stumbling down the steps.

  "They must have followed the dog, " muttered Henry "Two boys chased me in here. One was very tall and wore his hair like a girl."

  “A ponytail," said Olivia. "That's Manfred Bloor, the head boy."

  "We can't let him find you," said Bindi . "Quick, get in here."

  With surprising speed, the two girls leaped off the tomb and slid back the top. Henry stared into the dark gap. The inside of the tomb smelled of mildew and decomposing things.

  "Go on," said Olivia. "You can breathe in there. We've tried it."

  Another shout from above made Henry climb into the tomb. The girls pushed back the lid, leaving a tiny gap for air. They swung themselves back onto the top just as Manfred and Asa came rushing down the steps.

  "Have you see a strange boy?" said Manfred.

  "We've seen Daniel Robottom ," said Olivia, choosing a boy about the same size as Henry who also wore a blue cloak. "He went that way!" She pointed to an arched entrance in one of the walls.

  "Daniel Robottom ? Are you sure?" Asa's yellow eyes narrowed suspiciously

  "Of course we're sure," said Bindi . "He was humming. Daniel always hums."

  Manfred and Asa rushed through the arch.

  There was a tap from inside the tomb.

  " Shh !" hissed Olivia. "You can't come out. It's not safe yet."

  She was right. A few minutes later, Manfred and Asa came running back.

  "Are you positive he went that way?" said Manfred.

  "Cross my heart and hope to die," Olivia said blithely "But he went back up those steps about five minutes ago. You must have missed him."

  "What's he done?" asked Bindi .

  "None of your business," said Manfred.

  "We're looking for someone else," added Asa .

  Manfred shot him a look that said, "Keep quiet!"

  "What's my great-grandfather's dog doing in here?" asked Manfred.

  "We thought we'd take him for a walk," Bindi told him.

  The two boys turned away but as they mounted the steps, Asa looked back and said, "Why are you two here, anyway?"

  "We came for a bit of peace." Olivia sighed. "The boys are so rough."

  "I wouldn't stay in the ruin too long," Asa gave her a peculiar smile and followed Manfred up the steps.

  "He gives me the creeps," muttered Bindi .
r />   They waited another five minutes before deciding it was safe enough to let Henry out. He scrambled over the side of the tomb and dropped onto the grass. His cloak and trousers were covered in green dust and bits of cobweb clung to his hair.

  "There's a huge toad in there," he said. "I'm not very fond of toads."

  The girls brushed him down and then all three sat on the tomb and shared a roll that Bindi had managed to sneak out of the cafeteria.

  Henry told the girls about his home beside the sea, and how he had come upon the Time Twister. Olivia recounted some of her famous mother's adventures while filming in the jungle. And then Bindi described how she had traveled to India to visit her amazing grandparents.

  When the horn called them in for lunch, Olivia said, "Come with us, Henry Stay calm. Don't look nervous, and when we reach the cafeteria you can slip through into the kitchen."

  Henry had only told the girls he was hiding in the kitchen. Although he trusted the girls, he felt it would be safer if no one knew exactly where he was.

  Unfortunately when he reached the cafeteria he walked straight into a lunch lady

  "What are you doing in here?" she asked.

  "M . . . m . . . message for Cook," stuttered Henry

  "She's in the cold room." The dinner lady smiled. She was young and cheerful-looking.

  Henry made his way through the kitchen. Cook wasn't in the cold room. He tried to find the closet he'd come out of but he kept blundering into broom closets and cupboards full of pots and pans. Cook's secret entrance seemed to have disappeared.

  Henry was fumbling behind a row of plastic aprons when a firm hand came down on his shoulder. Henry froze.

  A voice in his ear hissed, "Henry Yewbeam , where have you been?"

  Henry turned to see Cook's angry red face.

  "I just went for a little walk," he explained.

  "Didn't I tell you not to leave here," she whispered harshly "Didn't I? Never do that again. It's dangerous out there."

  "I'm sorry" said Henry contritely


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