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Page 10

by Joanne Schwehm

  “Ben, I didn’t realize you were standing there.” Unaware of the sinister look Ben had given me, Drake was his usual cordial self. He stood and greeted his campaign manager. “When did you get here?”

  As the pair shook hands, I tried to make my escape.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to use the ladies’ room.”

  Drake’s head tilted in question, and I gave him a tight smile.

  Ben started to speak, but Drake’s index finger went up as he turned to me. “Are you okay? You’re pale.”

  I nodded and made sure this time when my lips curled, my smile was genuine. “Yes, I’m fine. I think the wine got to me a little. I’ll be right back.”

  Once I made my way to the ladies’ room, I went into a stall, closed the door, and leaned against it to take a cleansing breath. Maybe Ben’s eyes always looked that way, but the man seriously creeped me out.

  After a few moments, I exited the stall and was relieved to find myself alone. I rested my hands on the black granite countertop and looked in the mirror. My reflection scolded me for being paranoid, so I washed my hands, freshened my lipstick, and made my way back to Drake.


  ~ Drake ~

  I watched Lucy until she disappeared in the small crowd that had begun to form. Something was wrong.

  Then it came to me. Ben.

  I turned and sat at the table next to where my campaign manager had made himself comfortable. He was scrolling through the calendar on his phone.

  “Are we going to keep having this problem?” I asked in a stern voice, breaking his concentration.

  Ben glanced up at me and shrugged. “Not if you keep me in the loop. This is business, Drake, it’s nothing personal. I think you’re being a bit paranoid.”

  “Nothing personal? Every time I mention Lucy or you see her, something in you changes. We were having a good time until you appeared, and she felt the need to excuse herself.” My tongue swiped my top teeth in frustration. “Care to explain that?”

  Ben put his phone away and stood up to leave. “You heard her. The wine got to her head.”

  Before I could say more¸ I smelled Lucy’s perfume and looked up to find her smiling at me.

  Maybe I was being paranoid, but Ben had a way of making people feel uncomfortable, and that was precisely why I’d hired him. He was known for being a cunning man, honest, but cunning. Thankfully, he’d agreed with me when I told him I wanted to run a clean campaign, with no mudslinging whatsoever. I didn’t care what my opponent did wrong; I wanted the constituents to know that what I did was right.

  Politics was just that—politics. Sadly, those of us who worked for the government had the reputation of lying or covering shit up to save themselves, but that could lead to hurting others. And I wasn’t about to trade my integrity for a position, no matter how high that position might be.

  I stood and pulled the chair out for Lucy. Before she sat, I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry.” She leaned in and I thought she was going to kiss me, but instead she whispered in my ear. “Ben makes me nervous.”

  I knew it. She sat down, and I shifted toward her. “He makes me nervous too.” When I smiled at her, she let out a quiet laugh.

  Four more people joined our table, all supporters of the GOP. We chatted about what events we had coming up. A woman who was seated next to Lucy, Eleanor, started up a conversation with her. I was happy to see her laughing and having a great time. Turned out they had something in common, as Eleanor’s granddaughter was studying to be a teacher.

  Eleanor’s husband turned to me. “Senator Prescott, what do you have on your platform this year?” He and his wife had been supporters of mine since I first ran for the Senate.

  “Charles, I still stand by my beliefs, and those haven’t changed since I ran six years ago. We can discuss the economy until we’re blue in the face, but nothing will change unless we bring jobs to our country and to Virginia. We need to make it affordable for companies to thrive so they can hire within the US, and not be tempted to outsource part of their business beyond our borders.”

  I glanced at our tablemates and as usual, all eyes were on me, including Lucy’s.

  “Then there’s reducing poverty, which goes hand in hand with strengthening our economy.” I swept my gaze around the table to engage everyone there. “How often do you drive down a street and see a homeless man or woman? I’ve seen families holding cardboard signs asking for money. We shouldn’t see that in a country as rich as ours, because it shouldn’t happen.”

  Charles nodded. “You’re a good man, Senator Prescott. I hope you run for president one day. You’d certainly have our support.”

  “He’s so wonderful, dear.” Eleanor patted Lucy’s arm. “A good family man. You should hold on to that one.”

  Lucy smiled as did I, even though I was sure her comment wasn’t intended for my ears. Or maybe it was.

  A woman seated next to Charles asked, “What about abortion?”

  Lucy began to cough, and I placed my hand on her back. “Are you okay?”

  She set her wineglass down. “Yes, thank you. I just swallowed wrong.”

  Our salads arrived and the conversation lightened. Although this was a political fundraiser, I wanted people to enjoy themselves. I was all for debates and often encouraged them, but I also wanted to enjoy the evening.

  After the first course, the band began to play, and I didn’t hesitate to take Lucy’s hand in mine and lead her to the dance floor. I spun her around once before pulling her into my arms.

  “Are you having a good time?”

  She gazed up at me and her eyes caught the light reflecting off the chandelier. “Yes, thank you. Are you?”

  “I am, although you had me worried before. I’m glad you’re okay.” When her eyes shuttered, I asked, “Lucy, what is it?”

  Focusing her gaze over my shoulder, she asked, “How long have you known Ben?”

  “A few years now. He ran campaigns for other senators, and when my original manager, Edward, decided to leave politics, I hired him. He works hard for me, and he’s a good friend. Why?”

  “I don’t know. He rubs me the wrong way. He seems to snarl every time he sees me. I don’t think he likes me very much.” She frowned, and I felt it in my heart.

  “He’s a bit protective of me, but that’s to be expected. It’s his job to keep my campaign on course.” Forcing a smile, I said, “But let’s not talk about him. All I want to do is hold you in my arms, get through the rest of the dinner, and then take you home so you can show me what you have on underneath that gown.”

  When I winked at her, her mouth dropped open before she said, “What makes you think I have anything on?”

  My eyebrows shot up to my hairline, but when her face turned red, I tried to backpedal. “That’s not what I meant it to sound like. I meant . . .” I shook my head and chuckled. “You know what? Forget it, I don’t even know what I meant anymore.”

  • • •

  The rest of the evening was uneventful. It only took us about five minutes to say our good-byes. There was nothing or no one that was going to take any more time away from me and Lucy. Not even Ben, who scurried behind us while firing off agenda items, could get me to slow down. I waved him off and told him I would be unavailable for the rest of the weekend, and to take tomorrow off.

  Driving to Lucy’s apartment would take too long, so I drove us to my place. She happily agreed when she noticed we were headed in the opposite direction of where she lived. I found a parking space not far from my brownstone and helped Lucy from the car. Her red high heels not hindering her speed, she kept up with me and appeared to be as eager as I was to be alone. We made our way to my door hand in hand.

  “Your place is pretty swanky.” Lucy stepped into my small foyer as she looked around and took in my decor. “Doesn’t look like the bachelor pad I pictured.”

  “It shouldn’t. Your pal Gretchen did i
t all. Let me see, how did she put it?” I glanced up at the ceiling. “Ah yes. ‘No woman is going to want to be in a house that looks like an expensive frat house.’”

  “You decorated it like a frat house?”

  “No. It had a couple pieces of black leather furniture, a kitchen table, and my bedroom furniture, of course. But as you can see, it’s a little different now, full of blues and grays. Gretch said it was calming.” I shrugged.

  “It’s sublime. She did a wonderful job.” Lucy looked down. “But she has the shabby-to-chic knack. Look what she did for me.”

  I linked my fingers behind her back and rested them just above the curve of her ass. My thumbs gently caressed her bare skin above the low back of her dress.

  “You were never shabby. The first day I saw you in your classroom, I thanked God you weren’t my teacher when I was a kid. I would have had my notebook or my baseball cap on my lap at all times.”

  She giggled. “Really?”

  Refusing to release her, I pulled her closer. “Yes. Really. Thank you for coming tonight.”

  “Thank you for asking me. It was so fascinating.”

  “Well, I’ve never heard a fundraiser described that way.” I chuckled, but she was serious.

  “There was so much power in that room. Those men and women write laws and policies, and help our country.” Her eyes wide, she said, “Someone like me doesn’t see that very often.”

  “You think men who deal in policies have power?” I asked, and she nodded. “You do realize I’ve helped turn policies into laws, right?” Another nod. “And I’m a man.” This time she bit her lower lip when she nodded. “So, since you’ve conceded that I’m a powerful man who can write policies, then I have one right now that I’d like to enforce.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, her words a mere fraction above a whisper.

  “That you’ll stay here tonight—with me. In my bed.”

  “Is that a law?”

  Her pupils dilated, making her eyes look even darker, and it was a miracle my pants zipper was able to contain my shaft, which was now as hard as stone.

  “It is now,” I said, but didn’t wait for a response.

  Instead I took her hand and led her into my bedroom, where moonlight streamed through my window, creating soft mood lighting. There I stopped and kissed her as my fingers found the hook that latched the dress around her neck. Our kiss broke long enough for me to slowly slide the fabric down her arms, exposing her naked breasts. I stepped back and took a moment to appreciate the beauty softly illuminated in front of me.

  “Drake . . .” Her voice evaporated when my mouth covered hers once more.

  Heat engulfed me as I caressed her bare skin. With a slow tempo, I skimmed the top of her beautifully formed breasts with my fingertips, starting at the top and circling them down the sides and back around. Her rose-colored nipples pebbled and my tongue was screaming for a taste, but that would come in time. When she tipped her head back and let out a sigh, I was sure I was about to lose it.

  “Turn around.”

  Ever so slowly, she turned until her back was to me. I pulled the tab of the zipper that started in the small of her back, crouched on one knee, and placed my hands on her hips. Her body quivered at my touch. With my eyes in line with her ass, I tugged her dress down until it pooled at her feet.

  It was a good thing I was already on the floor, because I might have ended up there when I saw the tiny black lace thong, and the garter belt that was fastened to a sexy pair of sheer stockings. Top that erotic sight off with the killer red stilettos she was still wearing, and I was a goner.

  Trying not to groan, I gently kissed the lower curve of one butt cheek and gave it a little nibble. When Lucy gasped, I told her, “You’re absolutely stunning.”

  She didn’t speak, but her legs shifted as she clenched her thighs together.

  My palms were having the time of their lives as they continued to explore and touch her. When they landed on her ankles, I lifted her feet one at a time so I could cast the gown aside, supporting her so she didn’t fall.

  I rose from the floor and was finally back in front of her. Desire filled her eyes as I tipped her chin up and said, “I want to be with you, Lucy, and truly make you mine.”

  Her lashes fanned her cheeks as she glanced down. “I want that too.”

  Thank God she did, because I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer. Lucy stood at the foot of my bed and bent over to take her shoes off.

  “Let me do that,” I said, and she swallowed so hard it was slightly audible.

  Crouching in front of her, I removed each stiletto one at a time. Her toned legs shifted, drawing my eyes to the point where her stockings were attached to the garter belt. After I slid the fasteners open on each side, I gingerly rolled each stocking down, first her left leg and then her right, and slipped them off her feet.

  That done, I placed my lips on her thigh and gently sucked her soft skin at the same time I gripped the lace garter belt and unfastened it. Small goose bumps covered her body when I ran my knuckles down her legs.

  “Drake.” She said my name in a breathless whisper that made my dick harden even more than it was.

  Having Lucy stripped down to only her lace thong, all I could do was stare at her apex, the spot I needed to have—the spot I needed to taste.

  “I can’t wait to taste you.” I left a lingering kiss on the damp fabric before I slid it to the side and licked her. After a gentle suck, I stood back up to find her practically panting with need. Just as I wanted her.

  She grasped my bow tie and tugged on one side until it was undone. When I began to unbutton my shirt, she stopped me. “Can I?”


  As slowly as she could, she slid each button through the holes until my shirt was open. I was doing fine and holding it together until her tongue touched my chest. My composure all but gone, I backed her up until her legs hit the bed, forcing her to sit down. Before I knew it, I was only wearing my black boxer briefs, and there was no hiding the evidence of how I felt.

  She shocked the shit out of me when she lowered herself in front of me, grasped the elastic waistband, and lowered it over the top of my cock to free the tip, which she gently kissed. I could feel myself stiffen and bob in anticipation of what she might do next, but I didn’t give her the chance. I pulled her up and tugged back the deep blue comforter, exposing soft sheets the color of moonlight, and sat her back down on it.

  Giving me space, she scooted over so I could lie next to her. With Lucy on her back and me on my side, I took my time and appreciated her until I could no longer resist. My hands went to work and my lips took their place each time they moved, starting with her breasts and moving down her firm stomach until I reached the Promised Land between her legs.

  Her lacy thong came off with a tug. Sliding my fingers over her wet heat was nearly my undoing. Relishing the way she felt on my skin, I entered her, first with one finger and then two. She was ready for me, although tight, and I needed her. Shifting myself, I rolled her to her side so we were face to face, chest to chest, and most importantly, eye to eye.

  After she licked her lips, she didn’t hesitate. When she looked down at me, her eyes widened, and I finished removing my shorts.

  Once the condom I got from my nightstand was rolled on, I spun us around until I was in position and hovering above her. She dropped her knees, opening up for me, and I slowly pushed inside her, treasuring the tightness as I moved forward.

  She whispered my name as I slowly moved in and out of her.

  Propped up on my elbows with my hands cupping each side of her face, I leaned down and kissed her with abandon. Our tongues mirrored the motions of our bodies as they gently thrust against each other.

  “You feel so good, Lucy. It’s never felt this way.” She was so tight, definitely not a virgin, but also not a woman who had been with a lot of men. Thank God.

  She wrapped her legs around my lower back and tightened them, pulling me closer
. I continued to rock into her, earning a deep moan for my efforts.

  “I need to come, Drake. Please, let’s do it together. I want you so badly.”

  My pace quickened, and her hips moved in sync with mine. I slid my hand between us and pressed on her most sensitive spot. Her heat clenched and pulsed around me as her orgasm gripped her, and that was all it took for me.

  “Lucy, I’m there with you.”

  Our lips met as our bodies slapped against each other in perfect tempo. My orgasm started from my toes and worked its way up my entire body until I released.

  Both our bodies were covered with a thin sheen of sweat, and when our eyes met, she smiled up at me. “That was incredible.”

  “You’re incredible.”

  She brought her lips to mine, and this time when we kissed, it meant something different. It meant something more, much more.


  ~ Lucy ~

  This time when I woke next to Drake, we weren’t on my sofa; we were in his king-sized bed wrapped up in each other. My back was against his chest, our bodies blending seamlessly together. I could stay like this all day.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” His warm breath caressed the back of my neck.

  “Mmm . . . it is a good morning.” I turned in his arms to face him. God, he was a gorgeous man.

  “I think I could get used to this.” He pushed strands of hair from my face and tucked them behind my ear.

  “I think I could too.”

  It wasn’t just something to say in reaction to his statement; it was exactly what I was feeling. I felt safe and oddly secure, something I hadn’t felt in a long time—maybe even something I’d never truly felt before.

  “You know what today is?” he asked with a lilt in his voice.

  I smiled. “Sunday.”

  “Yes, the day my family gets together. I want you to come with me again. But this time you’re coming as my girlfriend.”

  “That sounds great, but I need to catch up on some work. I have papers to grade and a review packet to write. Unless you don’t mind if I duck out early. I would like to thank Gretchen for everything.”


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