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Capital Crime (An Aria Raymond Thriller Book 2)

Page 12

by Thomas Ransom

  David’s eye widened with fear. Tears were flowing down his cheeks. Sanjay had a realization, “What did they make you do Cl… David? What did you do?”

  “I… I am … I had no choice. I had to…,” David looked pleadingly at Sanjay. “They said they would kill Aria… I had to.”

  Tanya and Diaz looked at David, confused. Diaz started, “What? What did you…?” her eyes widened too as she realized what David was forced to do.

  “What!!” Tanya cried out, “Did you… did you? Oh, my God!” she exclaimed. “Coons?” she whispered.

  David gave a small nod, and everyone groaned. “What the hell, Clark!!” Tanya yelled. “How could you!”

  “David,” David corrected her unconsciously.

  “Shut up!!” Tanya shouted. “You murderer!”

  “They were going to kill Aria!! What was I supposed to do??”

  “Oh! So, you got her framed and thrown into jail for the murder you did instead?!”

  “I didn’t know they were going to frame her! I was more focused on saving her life!”

  “Wow! Great, and now she is rotting in jail. It should be you. What else have you done?! Did you kill Ellen too? Did you kidnap Diaz? You did, didn’t you?” Tanya screamed at him.

  “What! No!” David looked at Diaz. “That wasn’t me. I swear. I didn’t even know they were coming after you or Ellen.”

  Sanjay patted Tanya on her back to calm her down, “Why don’t you sit down and take a few breaths?” Tanya glared at David but did as she was told. Sanjay then turned to David, “How did they frame her? Do you know anything about that? Why her?”

  David sighed, “That was me again.”

  “WHAT!!” Tanya exclaimed.

  “Hear me out!!” David snapped, “I had no choice. They told me nothing is going to happen to Aria, and they would make sure the murder weapon was never found. I was told that since the murder weapon wouldn’t be found and there weren’t any security cameras outside the alley, no one would ever suspect me. They were right. I wasn’t even questioned.”

  “I figured,” David continued, “That the investigation would go on for a while, and then they would label it as a cold case, and that would be it. My job would be done. They would frame Coons for the money they had been stealing, then I could be with Aria.”

  He sighed, “I tried to distract Aria, but she kept trying to figure out why Coons was murdered. I discouraged her a lot because I knew that she would just attract trouble if she kept on digging. She didn’t listen. She kept on digging, and I think she got really close.”

  “The emails Coons sent her…” Tanya’s voice trailed off. “She told you! Oh, shoot! She told you, and you informed them, didn’t you?”

  David shook his head, “Tanya, don’t you see? They already knew. I informed them just so that they would know I was still working with them. If I didn’t, they would have started suspecting me.” He continued, “She got close, and they decided she had to go. I once again begged them not to hurt her, and they came up with the plan to frame her. I had to place the murder weapon in her house if I wanted her alive.”

  David sighed, “I know I messed up. I had no idea all of this would go this far. Aria didn’t deserve this, I know. That’s why I hired you, Nicole,” He looked at Diaz. “I wanted her out of prison as soon as possible. I couldn’t bear the thought of her in there. I had faith in you. I thought you would stop her from going to prison. I think they knew that too. You got close.. Ellen decided to help you, and they made sure you both disappeared.”

  David started crying, “I knew I had lost then. I didn’t know… I couldn’t go to the police, because they have people there too. Just one hint that I am trying to get help, and they would have had Aria killed in prison. They have people there too. They even knew that Sanjay was working the case.”

  “Is that why you were running away? Trying to disappear? We were trying to get in touch with you,” Diaz questioned.

  “You told them about whatever we found?” asked Tanya.

  “They KNEW! They asked me to keep an eye on you guys. I fed them information… not everything… just enough so that they wouldn’t get suspicious and come after you two.”

  “What about Diaz?”

  “I didn’t know anything about her whereabouts. I tried to ask one day, and they didn’t like it. I shut up after that. They were furious when you got away,” David looked at Diaz. “They were coming after you. , I told them that you guys don’t have anything.”

  “But…” he continued. “At that appeal, I made up my mind. I decided to tell you guys everything so that we can get Aria out. That’s why I was trying to reach you guys. I knew I had very little time. I wasn’t trying to disappear because of you two,” David looked scared, “They had found out. I don’t know how but they found out that I was going to help you. I got a call. They asked me to meet. I panicked. I knew they would probably kill me, and Aria would stay in prison no matter how much you guys tried.”

  “What did you do? Did you meet them?”

  “What? No!” David exclaimed, “I have been laying low. Trying to hide. I needed to get in touch with you guys. I got rid of my phone, so they couldn’t track me. I … I didn’t know what else to do.”

  Sanjay pressed his fingers against his temple, “Who called you? Who is the person you get in touch with when they want to talk, or you want to talk?”

  David looked at Sanjay, “Whitney Fox.”

  “What?!” They all exclaimed at the same time

  “You guys did have the right person, but they are smart. Whitney especially. They have her covered. You can’t get to her.”

  “There has to be some way,” Tanya pitched in.

  “There is,” Diaz stepped in, looking straight at David, “If you confess.”

  “I just did.”

  “In court.”

  “That means he would go to jail,” Tanya stated.

  “Do you want to protect Aria?” Diaz asked David. He nodded. “This is the only way to get her out. We might even get the court to start an investigation into Whitney, and I can get your punishment reduced.”

  David blinked, “You would be able to get her out? Will she be safe? Promise me that?”

  Sanjay answered, “I will get her into protective custody. I will make sure she is safe.”

  “Well?” asked Diaz.

  “Okay. I will do it.”

  Chapter 11: A Puzzle Piece Missing

  “What do you mean?! What the hell do you mean!!” Aria’s heart sank. It can’t be true. No. Clark? No, not him. He wouldn’t do that to her. That can’t be right.

  Diaz sat across her, unsure how to proceed. Sanjay and Diaz had decided it was best for Aria to know beforehand. They couldn’t just spring such a significant thing on her like this at the trial. It was hard for Diaz to admit to her that it was, in fact, Aria’s own boyfriend, who was the reason she was in jail.

  “But this is a good thing… in a way. We can now prove you are innocent…” Diaz tried to steer her attention toward the positive aspect of the situation. However, Aria wasn’t buying any of it.

  “I don’t believe you!! It is not true. It can’t be. Clark can’t be behind this all. I know him!” Aria looked at Diaz with pleading eyes. Hoping Diaz would tell her that she was just messing with her.

  “Aria…,” Diaz started. “David confessed to everything…”

  “Don’t call him that!! His name is Clark!”

  Diaz sighed, “I know it is hard. I can’t even imagine what you must be going through right now. Believe me, I honestly didn’t know how to break the news to you. But Aria…” Diaz was again interrupted.

  “No! Don’t. Just tell me this isn’t true,” Aria started sobbing.

  “I wish I could do that, sweetie. I really wish I could.”

  “I can’t believe everything was a lie. I thought he loved me…” Aria’s voice trailed off.

  Diaz hesitated, “Well, that’s the reason he stayed and tried to help. That’s the reason
he confessed.” Diaz stopped when Aria glared at her. “Yeah, I know that’s not what you would want.” She leaned in closer to her, “Aria. You need to understand that this is a major breakthrough. He has agreed to take the stand. You will be back home soon. You must focus right now. I know it hurts. I know this situation isn’t ideal, but it is what it is. Everyone will know you were wrongfully accused. You will be free, and you would be able to get back to work and go back to your life…” Diaz saw Aria was about to interrupt, “… No, listen. I promise you. We will sue these people. We will get back at them.”

  “I… I honestly don’t care. I don’t care,” Aria’s voice trembled.

  “Aria, listen. I know it is not easy. God knows you have every right to be angry and sad. Whatever happened wasn’t fair to you at all. Don’t let some guy bring you down, the guy who is the reason you are in this mess. You deserve better. Focus on what you would do once you are out of prison. You deserve a vacation. Plan that. Just try to stay positive. He is not worth your tears or time. Understood?”

  Aria nodded. “I know. I know. You are right. It just hurts.”

  Diaz replied softly, “I know, honey. You didn’t deserve any of this.”

  An hour later, Diaz reached her apartment. She was optimistic that they will now win this trial. They had the murderer with them, who was willing to confess everything on the stand. She had informed the judge about their witness but withheld his name due to security reasons. The trial was in two days, and Diaz was confident she would be able to get Aria out the same day. She had to prep David to make sure his statements aren’t somehow discredited. They had more evidence now than ever before, along with the confession.

  “How was she?” David asked as soon as Diaz entered her apartment. Tanya and Sanjay looked up from their seats. They were still working on the case, helping Diaz with the trial.

  “How do you think she was, huh?” Diaz snapped, “Knowing that her own boyfriend was the one who betrayed her?”

  David opened his mouth and closed it. Tanya shook her head and glared at David. Sanjay stood up, “I am sure she will get better soon. We will get her free in two days. all the charges against her will be dropped soon.”

  Tanya replied, sadly, “It will take a long time for her to recover from everything she has gone through.”

  Diaz hugged her, “She has us. Plus, with you by her side, I am sure that she will get better quickly. We will get her the help she’ll need.”

  Sanjay nodded.

  “Okay, then. Let’s get back to work. We have two days. I know we have got this case in the bag now, but there are still chances that they will try to discredit David’s statements. We need to prep. David, I am going to question you so that you know what to expect from their lawyer. Make sure you keep your answers short and simple. Avoid being vague or giving them too much, as it will only allow them to tear each of your claims apart.”

  The three of them had decided to keep David at Tanya’s apartment. One of them stayed with him at all times, and they handcuffed him every time only one of them was in the apartment with them, in case he tried to escape. David had protested, “But I want to help you. I am willing to confess, and I want Aria out of prison. Why on earth would I try to escape!?”

  “We don’t trust you. How hard is it for you to believe?” Tanya snapped at him, “After what you did to Aria, and you were also in hiding.”

  “Throw me in jail then,” David said to Sanjay, who shook his head, “So, that they find out you are the witness and try to kidnap you or worse, kill you? No. we are not taking that risk. You are going to stay here, and you are going to agree with whatever we tell you to do.”

  David didn’t protest about anything again after that. In the next two days, the three of them worked on the trial, gathering and lining up evidence to help Diaz. She also prepped David with possible questions the lawyer might ask him. She wanted to make sure he has his story straight, and there wasn’t any confusion. “You are sure about Whitney Fox?”

  “Of course, I am sure. I have talked to Whitney many times on the phone and have even met her on a few occasions.”

  “Is there any proof? Can you prove that you have been in contact with her?”

  “I… no. She always called me from an unknown number. I had no means of contacting her. They had eyes on everyone. They knew all the moves I was making, so whenever they had a problem with anything or wanted to tell me what to do, she would call me.”

  “That might be a problem.”

  Tanya asked, “Why? We have his confession, right. Aria will get out.”

  “Yeah, but if he is working for someone. They would want to know who is behind it. We have already pinned it on Whitney, and she got away. They will ask more questions. We need some evidence.”

  “How are we going to find evidence when she only called from an unknown number?” Tanya asked.

  Diaz turned to David, “Think. There has to be something. Where did you guys meet? Do you remember? Maybe we can find a security cam footage.”

  “I don’t… I don’t remember. Honestly…” David stopped, abruptly.

  “What, what? You remember something, don’t you?”

  “Yeaaah. I met her once at the basement of Aria’s office.”

  “What!?” Tanya replied.

  “Yeah. It was something urgent, and Whitney told me to come immediately. In fact, Aria saw us too. I told her I had come to see her and was asking Whitney about how to get to her office because I was lost.”

  “Did you go to her office?”

  “No, I don’t think I did.”

  Diaz turned to Tanya, “Are there any security cams at the parking lot of your office building?”

  “Yeah, there are,” Tanya stood up excitedly.

  “Do you think you can get your hands on that day’s tape?”

  “I am not sure, but I will give it a shot.”


  “But…” Tanya hesitated, “What if I can’t? Half the day is already gone, and the trial is tomorrow?”

  Diaz sighed, “Well, we will then have to ask the judge to order for the tapes in the trial tomorrow. It would give them a chance to try and get that tape vanished or deleted. Give it your best try. We still have a pretty good chance. The tape will just make the case stronger and point them towards Whitney.”

  “Okay. I am on it!” Tanya grabbed her purse and coat and raced out of the apartment.

  Tanya parked her car in the building’s basement and started making her way towards the elevator. She was a few steps away when the elevator doors opened, and she caught a glance of Whitney. Tanya ducked behind the nearest parking spot, her heart pounding. Whitney would get suspicious if she caught Tanya lurking in the building, especially when she had left work early that day. Whitney, or anyone at work, had no idea that Tanya was helping with Aria’s trial. Of course, everyone knew that the case had reopened. People had been talking about it for days now. Since Tanya was Aria’s friend, some of them even tried to force her into the discussion to know what she thought. Tanya always excused herself and made it clear that she didn’t want to be a part of that discussion. Pretty soon, everyone was whispering around her.

  Normally, that would have annoyed her, but she had better things to do. Whitney was keeping a close watch on her. “She probably suspects I am helping Aria,” Tanya had told Diaz. Sanjay and Diaz both had advised her to keep her head down and avoid any conflict. However, Tanya had been leaving work early the whole week, and she was sure Whitney was going to ask her about it soon. Tanya peeped from behind the car to check if the coast was clear. Whitney was talking to Wayne intensely. They had stopped near the elevator to discuss something, which meant Tanya would have to wait. Tanya sighed and leaned against the car. Fortunately, the discussion ended, and the two of them went towards their cars. Tanya waited until both the cars left the building. She couldn’t risk getting caught by either of them.

  She quickly made her way to the building and stopped outside the security room.
She had no idea how she was going to persuade the security guy to get her the tape. Tanya knocked on the door, and it immediately opened by a large guy with a mustache with an irritated look on his face. His face instantly transformed into a smile when he saw who was standing before him. Tanya took this as a positive sign and gave him a dazzling smile.

  “How can I be of service, ma'am?” he asked as he patted his hair.

  “Oh! I don’t know. It might be nothing but I… I heard a noise on the 15th floor,” she figured it would take him some time to head all the way up and check the entire floor. “Almost everyone had left, and I was just finishing up work. So, I don’t know who could that be. I thought it could be an intruder… you know… I know you must think I am silly…” she gave a small laugh and batted her eyes.

  “Aww, no ma'am, not at all. You can never be too careful these days,” he gave her a reassuring smile.

  Tanya smiled at him, “Thank you! I feel so much safer. I am glad I came straight down here. I am sure it is nothing, but do you think you can give that floor a quick sweep, make sure there is no intruder? You know there is sensitive data there, and anyone might try to steal it.”

  “Of course! That is my job,” He puffed his chest. “Let me just grab my weapon… now don’t be scared of it.” He chuckled as he went back in.

  Tanya rolled her eyes, but quickly plastered another smile on her face when the guy turned. He came out and was about to close the door when Tanya quickly spoke up, “Do you think… oh no, nevermind. It would be too much to ask.”

  “What? Don’t worry, you can say anything.”

  “Do you think I can stay here in the room? The sound really terrified me, and I honestly don’t want to go back up.”


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