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The World of Samar Box Set 3

Page 18

by M. L. Hamilton

  How strange to be in these very rooms, staring at the objects that Tarnow had touched not so long ago, and realize that he would never touch them again. Often she had sat in this very seat and talked to him as he prepared for a state dinner, combing his silver hair back off his brow, the rumble of his deep voice chasing away the loneliness of their position.

  Lifting her bound hands, she pressed them to her lips, holding in the sobs that threatened to escape. Tarnow was gone and the objects around her no longer belonged to him. Rarick’s taint was on everything in the castle now and no matter how hard she tried, she’d never be able to remove it.

  She wouldn’t allow herself to think about Rarick coming for her, but as the hours wore on, she wondered why he hadn’t come yet. She stared out the window at the snow falling once again. It was cold and she was both hungry and thirsty. She realized that she hadn’t had anything to eat or drink since her breakfast with Jarrett that morning. She leaned her head against the windowpane and watched as her warm breath clouded the glass. If only they’d given her a blanket or a drink of water.

  She looked back over her shoulder at the bed and thought she might just be able to hobble to it, but then the thought seemed vile. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Rarick’s bed. If he was going to come for her, he would be faced with a battle.

  Her thoughts involuntarily focused on Rarick. He’d rebuffed her attack against him. She was still shocked by this. No one had ever been able to refuse her when she’d been adamant about gaining access to his or her mind. It had been almost a physical barrier and the force she’d thrust at him had rebounded against her, causing her pain. Somehow he’d learned to put up an unbreakable shield against her, yet even still, Tyla felt there must be some chink in his armor, some small hole that she might get through. If only she had time to search for it, to pry it open and strike him again when he didn’t suspect it. If only she had time.

  Thinking of Rarick made her heart pound frantically, so she shifted her attention to the only thing that had brought her comfort. Jarrett. She could go to him, his mind wouldn’t be closed to her, she could go to him if only she could find him. She tried to relax, twisting to ease the pressure on her bonds, and let her mind slip out, searching for him.

  It took a lot longer than it should have to find him, but her concentration kept being broken by the creaks of the castle and her fear that Rarick might suddenly appear. When she finally found him and felt the urgent pull of his thoughts against hers, she released her hold on her fear and their minds intertwined with a suddenness that left them both elated.


  Tyla forced her awareness to return to Rarick’s chambers. Her body felt heavy and cold. Her throat was dry and a small nagging pain in her stomach reminded her that she was hungry. She shifted and realized that her hands and feet had fallen asleep, a sharp tingling pushing its way up her arms and legs.

  She blinked in the bright light coming through the window and realized dawn had come, a bitterly cold dawn. The sky was blue overhead and the snow had stopped. The expanse of land outside the window glittered like silver in the new morning sunlight.

  Then she realized what had drawn her back. The bolt on the outside of the door had been slipped and the door, itself, was open. A guard entered, carrying a tray of food with him. Tyla’s stomach contracted at the smell of fresh baked bread. She was so hungry and thirsty, her eyes followed the guard as he carried the tray to a table beside her and laid it down.

  For a moment she could think only of the food. Then the sleepy tingling in her arms and legs became a growing sensation of pain, and she realized she’d been afforded an opportunity to escape. She took a deep breath and pushed aside her hunger. Narrowing her eyes, she fixed them on the guard.

  His head jerked upright and their eyes met. “Cut my bonds,” she whispered and he shook his head vehemently.

  Narrowing her eyes further, she exerted a little more control. The guard’s breath seemed to catch in his throat. “I-I was told not to listen to you,” he stammered.

  “Release my bonds,” she demanded.

  He hesitated a moment more, then picked up the knife from the tray and slowly moved to Tyla’s side. She lifted her hands for him and he placed the blade against the bonds, but before he had begun to cut, Lex Prestar appeared in the doorway. He crossed the room in a few strides and grabbed the guard by the collar of his uniform, throwing him to the ground.

  He turned and grabbed Tyla under the chin, lifting her face until their eyes met. “You’re every bit as treacherous as Rarick said you’d be. I ought to strike you for this, but I don’t want to bruise your beautiful face. I warn you, don’t try this again, for I won’t hesitate to put a knife to your lovely throat.” He grabbed the bonds on her wrists, hauling her painfully to her feet and pulling her close against him. “Or perhaps I’ll think of something equally as distasteful to do.” Her eyes bore into his, but he seemed undaunted. “Rarick requests your presence in the gardens. He has a little show planned for all of us, and from what I hear, you’re to be the star.”

  He bent and cut the bonds at her ankles, but held the bonds on her wrists. They left the room and wound down through the castle to the outer gardens. He didn’t even allow Tyla time to eat or drink anything. She pushed aside her discomfort and concentrated rather on where he was taking her. They stepped through the outer doors onto the rear courtyard. The commander hadn’t given her a parka so the bitter chill of the morning struck her and she shuddered.

  Rarick had placed a chair at one end of the courtyard, which he occupied, and was surrounded on either side by the Council members, who were in turn guarded closely by Sarkisian soldiers. Jarrett, Kendrick and Muzik stood at the far corner of the courtyard, away from Rarick, and Kalas stood with them, looking pale. Tyla marked all of this within a few brief seconds.

  Her eyes returned to Jarrett and their thoughts mingled. Neither knew what was about to happen, but they both were apprehensive. Then Tyla was transferred from Lex Prestar’s grip to Rarick’s.

  Strands of hair had worked their way out of her braid and fell now about her face in irritating wisps. Rarick brushed these back with his hand and then lifted her face to meet his gaze.

  “Well, child, the time comes when you’ll show me exactly how powerful you’ve grown. You and I will someday rule Samar, but before we can begin, I must know exactly what I can expect from you.” He smiled. “Fortunately Kalas and I spoke yesterday and I discovered that you’ve been spending a great deal of time with the Terrian since his arrival in Adishian.” Tyla felt her spine prickle. “I also noticed this attraction when you came to the Council Chamber yesterday. It gave me a very effective advantage in planning to test your powers.”

  He turned Tyla around so she faced the open courtyard and tightened his grip on the bonds about her wrists. He then signaled to two guards who stood at the far end of the courtyard. The guards approached the three companions.

  Rarick bent close, his breath on her neck. “This is the challenge. You have the power to stop what’s about to happen at any time during the next few minutes, you’ve only to use it. You can stop it now before it even begins. Simply strike out at the two soldiers and prevent them from coming any closer. You have the power, I’ve seen it, you’ve only to access it.”

  Tyla swallowed against her fear and recognition slowly dawned on her. She knew what Rarick wanted her to do and she bit her lip – she wasn’t going to do it. No matter what happened, she wasn’t going to satisfy his curiosity.

  The two soldiers grabbed Jarrett and hauled him forward. Muzik and Kendrick tried to intervene, but they were pushed back.

  The soldiers dragged Jarrett to the center of the courtyard. An iron ring had been driven into the stone flooring and a length of chain had been attached to it. The soldiers cut the bonds from Jarrett’s wrists, but clamped the chain to him with iron bands. When they backed away, Jarrett yanked on the chains, but he was bound to the iron ring. His eyes lifted and met Tyla’s.

>   Tyla felt sick to her stomach. Something terrible was about to happen and it was her fault, her fault for having such power and being afraid to use it. She knew she could stop what was happening, but she was afraid.

  “Stop this, Rarick,” came Manx voice. “This is senseless. What are you trying to prove?”

  Rarick didn’t even bother to look at him. “Keep your mouth shut, Manx, or I’ll have your throat slit.”

  Manx’s face flushed angrily, but he swallowed down what he was going to say next.

  Tyla pulled against her bonds and found them tightly woven in Rarick’s hands. “Please, Rarick, I beg you don’t do this, don’t hurt him.”

  Rarick laughed. “You sound so detached. Have I been mistaken and you have no feelings for him?”

  He made a signal with his hand. A large shadow fell over them as someone moved around the chair where Rarick sat and approached the ring in the floor. Jarrett’s eyes widened and he pulled back on the chains. Tyla’s terrified gaze swept up and up to the towering figure of a man twice the size of Muzik Andrada. He had blunt features. His fists were the size of mallets and he had them flexed. Muscles rippled along his bare arms and across his broad back.

  Tyla felt every muscle in her body tense.

  “I do so love blood sport, don’t you?” said Rarick in her ear.

  Without warning, the monstrous man swung at Jarrett. He ducked under the blow, reeling out the full length of the chain to its end.

  Tyla caught her breath.

  “Aw, so close,” murmured Rarick. “Gorn’s only flaw is that he’s a bit slow, but he never tires, I can tell you.”

  “Stop this!” Tyla screamed, rounding on him. “He’s done nothing to you.”

  Rarick held out his hands and shook his head. “No one can stop Gorn once he starts. No one, but...” He let his voice trail away meaningfully.

  Tyla whipped back around as the crowd let out another gasp. Gorn had swung at Jarrett again, the blow missing once more, but he’d already adjusted and released his other hand, clipping Jarrett on the side of the head. The Terrian stumbled and scrambled to get away, the chain snapping taut as he darted in the opposite direction.

  “Please, Rarick, no more.” Her voice caught in her throat, but she forced the words out. “Please, Rarick, I beg you.”

  “Do you care for this man?”

  Tyla nodded. “Please don’t do this.”

  Rarick made a tsking noise. “I wish there was something I could do.”

  Gorn grabbed the chain and started reeling Jarrett in. Jarrett dug in his heels, trying to stay away from him, but he didn’t have Gorn’s brute strength. When he was close enough, Gorn swung. Jarrett tried to duck, but Gorn anticipated it and threw his body forward into the blow. He slammed Jarrett onto the cobblestones with his fist, then hauled him up by the chains bound to his wrists.

  “No!” screamed Tyla, turning now and kneeling before Rarick, tears streaming down her face. “No more, Rarick, please. You’ll kill him. Please, no more. Cut him free and I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Tempting as that offer is, I decline.” He leaned forward and his hand was hard and painful under her chin. “I want the power, Tyla. I only want to see what you can do with it. You can end all of this torture with one single thought.”

  Tearing her chin from his hold, she looked over her shoulder. Jarrett was trying to gain his feet as Gorn stalked him around the circle. Blood poured down the side of his face and he was trying to protect his side. He’d reached a half standing position, when Gorn used both fists to slam him in the back. Jarrett dropped, writhing on the ground.

  Tyla struck out at Rarick with all the force she could muster. The blows glanced off him, wave after wave, but she didn’t stop, striking out again and again, searching for a chink in his armor.

  “He’s dying!”

  Tyla hammered all of her power at him, but it made no difference. She could hear the blows as they landed on Jarrett’s body. And somewhere in the remote part of her consciousness, she was aware of Kalas.

  He was standing by Kendrick and she could feel his mounting agitation. She saw him turn, reach for a sword hanging from the side of a nearby soldier, and she knew what he intended. Reason flowed through Tyla in a cold, stunning moment and she wrenched away from Rarick, rising to her feet, tearing her bonds from his hands.

  Even as Kalas’ fingers closed over the hilt, Tyla knew he’d be too late. Her eyes lowered to Gorn’s heaving figure and narrowed. Her power struck like lightning, catching Gorn in mid-swing and throwing him into the air.

  Everyone on the edge of the courtyard dove out of the way as the enormous body slammed to the ground and skidded to a halt, the eyes staring blankly at nothing.

  Silence dropped like a curtain over the courtyard.

  Tyla sank to her knees, her eyes fixed on the body. She wasn’t aware that all other eyes were turned on her.

  Finally Rarick rose to his feet and walked across the courtyard, his robes trailing behind him. He stood over Gorn’s body, staring down, a terrible look of awe and fear parading across his features.

  * * *

  Kalas drew the sword out of the soldier’s sheath. The other man hardly noticed, his gaze locked on Tyla. Keeping a wary eye on Rarick, Kalas crossed around him and edged to the Terrian’s prone form. He knelt beside him and felt at his throat for a pulse. Watching Rarick from the corner of his eyes, he breathed a sigh when he found one, then motioned at the stunned soldier who held the key to the iron bands.

  “Remove him to the dungeon at once and summon Rarick’s healer,” he said. He waited for a nod of confirmation, then rose to his feet and edged toward Tyla. Using the borrowed sword, he cut her bonds away, then gathered her in his arms and lifted her to her feet.

  She allowed him to draw her away and he slipped between the stupefied soldiers, quickening his pace as he saw the door to the castle loom ahead of them. He led her to his own chamber. As soon as he eased her down on the bed, she was sick and he held back her hair until the sickness abated.

  “You had no choice,” he whispered.

  She didn’t answer him, her arms wrapped around her stomach, her cheek resting on his knee. He stroked the hair back from her face. “Tyla, please, you know there was no other way.”

  She started to tremble and he pulled a blanket over her, not knowing what more he could do. He couldn’t accept what Rarick had done. Never before had he forced her to kill. Never

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry, Tyla.”

  A tear leaked out of her eye and fell across the bridge of her nose. One tear and that was all. Kalas knew he should leave her, try to head Rarick off, but he was afraid of what she might do to herself if he left. So he sat beside her as he had when she was a tiny baby and watched the snow fall outside his window.

  Night had fallen when there came a knock at the door. He felt his heart catch, but he rose, crossing the room. He opened the door only a crack and Rarick, himself, stood outside.

  He felt anger flush over him. He wasn’t going to allow Rarick to torture her anymore. He couldn’t stand by and watch him drive her insane. He didn’t know how he was going to protect her, but somehow he must. He stepped out into the hall and held the door closed behind him.

  Rarick’s face lifted in surprise as Kalas braced himself for a confrontation. “I understand you removed her from the courtyard.”

  Kalas lowered his eyes to a spot midway on Rarick’s chest. The cut on his cheek throbbed with the blood that was flooding his face. He wanted to answer him verbally, but he could only force himself to nod.

  “I want to see her, Kalas.”

  “She’s ill. I don’t think she can take any more tonight. It’s taken me a long time to calm her down and if she were to see you again, just yet, I’m not sure what she’d do.” He braced himself for a blow, his eyes lowering to Rarick’s hands. They curled into fists and Kalas blinked, fighting an urge to flinch, but Rarick didn’t strike him.

  “What do you mean?”

  Kalas forced himself to meet Rarick’s yellow gaze. “You got what you wanted,” he said. “You saw what she’s capable of doing, but if you drive her mad, if you make her lose her sanity, what will that accomplish? You’ll never control her then.” He felt bile rise in his throat, but he choked it down. “Let it go for now. Let her adjust to what she’s done. Take your time and you’ll have the weapon you’ve wanted all along.”

  Rarick lifted his hand and Kalas couldn’t help but flinch; however, he simply stroked his beard with it. “Point taken, but we’ve got plans to make that won’t wait for daylight.” He grasped Kalas by the shoulders and Kalas tried not to shudder. “Do you realize how close we are to complete domination?”

  Kalas forced a nod.

  Rarick’s fingernails dug into his shoulders. “A step away, only a step.” He clapped him hard and released him. “Come, then. We’ll make plans instead. You’re right. My weapon can wait for another day.”

  Kalas reached behind him and flattened his palm on the door. If he kept Rarick with him, he could keep him from Tyla, at least for the night. Right now, his tortured thoughts wouldn’t let him get beyond that one small fact and he grabbed onto it like a lifeline.

  Nodding woodenly, he followed behind the Sarkisian King.

  * * *

  A soldier threw Kendrick into the dungeon and he slammed into Muzik’s broad back. He grunted an apology and turned to watch as the door was shut behind them. When he glanced back around, he was surprised to find Jarrett lying on a pallet, a small, wizen man bending over him. Rage sparked in the Nazarien and he crossed the floor, grabbing the man by the arm and throwing him up against the wall.

  “Stop, Kendrick!” shouted Muzik. “He’s Rarick’s healer.”

  The little man blinked up at Kendrick with owlish eyes, magnified behind thick glasses. “Prince Kalas sent me.”


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