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Murder in Roseville

Page 11

by Denise McGee

  "It's here," Kyle told her. "It's in your room. Three doors down from Laurel's room, on the opposite side of the hall. Why don't you grab your camera then help me in the kitchen? I'm sure we're all hungry." My stomach made an embarrassing growl at the mention of food. Kyle laughed. "I guess that answers that."

  "What can I help with?" I asked.

  "I know for a fact you were told you're walking too much on that ankle, Lo. And since Mr. Gimp Arm is supposed to be resting his arm as well, he can entertain you while we work." Nicki said.

  Nicki got directions to the kitchen from Kyle and then they both left. Just like that Aaron and I were alone for the first time since the spat in the car.

  I looked up at Aaron, feeling a little shy. He seemed willing to pretend it never happened - and I was willing to play along - but I wasn't sure if he was going to bring it up since we were alone.

  "So," we both said and then laughed, breaking the tension a little.

  He grabbed another pillow and propped his arm up a little higher. "Damn thing aches more than I ever thought it would."

  "Need your meds?" I asked looking around for the bottle. I spotted it on the bar and made as if to get up. He held me still against his side.

  "I took them just before you ladies joined us."

  As I settled back into the comfort of his arm, he took a swig from his long-neglected beer. I looked at the bottle, one eyebrow quirked.

  He smiled. "I'm stopping at one. It's just to take the edge off until the meds kick in."

  I nodded. It was only beer. One shouldn't do much.

  "So, you and Nathan." He said. "You didn't have a very good relationship?"

  "We had a great relationship. As friends." I sighed. "It's hard to explain. We got married while in college after only dating for a couple months. Stupid kids, really." I shrugged. "Within 2 years we realized we were better off as friends. We didn't get divorced because we got along and neither had a pressing need to be free. Besides," I added wryly, "Nathan liked having a wife as an excuse when one of his girlfriends got too clingy."

  "What did you get out of it?"

  "I wasn't alone anymore. I'm not much of a mingler and it was nice to have someone around the house."

  "Well, that explains why you didn't want us rushing into anything." He said after a moment. "I'm sorry, by the way. I didn't listen to what you were actually saying and I reacted badly to what I thought I heard." His voice grew husky and he pressed a kiss to my upturned nose. "I have great hopes for our relationship. If you need us to take things slower, that's what we'll do."

  My heart melted into my toes and I grinned so hard I could feel my dimples. "Not too slow, I hope. Because I'd very much like to kiss you right now."

  His answering smile was delighted as he lowered his head to mine. His lips were cool and dry against mine. His mouth tasted faintly of beer and toothpaste. I moaned as his tongue explored my slightly parted lips and I opened them wider to allow him deeper access. My body felt hot and cold at the same time. All I could think about was getting closer to him. Much closer.

  He muttered, "Aw hell" against my lips and pulled me sideways onto his lap. My boot clunked against the coffee table but neither of us really noticed. His hot hand roamed up and down my back while I steadied myself against his firm chest. I could feel his arousal against my thigh and the heady knowledge that a couple kisses could affect him so amped up my own desire.

  I pressed myself into his chest and I felt his answering groan rumble deep against my abdomen. I laughed, leaning forward so my breath tickled his neck as I lightly bit his left earlobe. He moaned, his fingers clenching my side. The noise he made was igniting a fire in the pit of my stomach. His mouth sought mine again.

  "Well well well. What 'ave we 'ere? Ain't you two all friendly."

  Aaron and I both froze at the unfamiliar voice. My head lifted and I stared at the figure emerging from the shadows of the yard. I felt as if a cold bucket of water had just been dumped on my head. It was the guy from the airport. The one that had stolen Nathan's coat.

  He'd come at us at the worst angle possible, which I'm sure was intentional. I was sitting across Aaron's lap and could just see him over Aaron's shoulder. He was standing at the corner of the patio, the edge of the house giving him protection. I didn't see a gun, but as shadowed as it was, that didn't mean much.

  Aaron twisted to the left trying to see, hand to the back of my neck pulling me against his chest, attempting to shelter me with his body.

  "Don't worry, mate. We don't mean you and the lady any 'arm." The glint of light playing across his weapon as he moved forward made his words less than reassuring.

  Aaron must have seen the weapon as well because his bandaged arm left my shoulders and inched toward his pillow.

  "No funny business, Superman. Keep that hand where we can see it." Another voice, another shadow. This time from behind me. This one was vaguely familiar as if I recognized it from a dream.

  Aaron rested his arm atop his cushions and looked at the new guy with a serene expression. "How can I help you, gentlemen?"

  "Knew you'd not be daft enough to cause problems, I did. Di'n't I say so? Superman, 'e a smart bloke. 'E won't jump off the 'andle wi'out listening first."

  I found my voice, "Superman?"

  "Well 'e flew when your car exploded, di'n't 'e? AND got 'ardly any damage done to 'im. Superman, sez I."

  I grinned, amused despite our predicament.

  Aaron shot me a repressive glance but I thought I detected a hint of amusement as well. "So you saw the blast?"

  "'Ad to stick around, di'n't we, when Chad messed up the delivery o' the bleeding thing. Make sure no one got 'urt." I looked at 'Chad'. It was the 'reporter' that had accosted me in the alley. Now I also recognized him as the FedEx delivery guy.

  "How was the delivery messed up?"

  "It was supposed to blow up the bloke's office, wasn't it? Only the missus come home too soon and caught 'im before 'e even got to the bleeding door. We were in a right panic, trying to figger a way to get 'er away from it afore it blew, we were. Right pleased we were when she chucked it into her car and then went into the house with yourself. Gave us a chance to trigger it early, we jus' wasn't expecting you both to come out again so soon and you got caught. But 'ere you both sit, cozy as anything, so that's alright then."

  "Enough jabbering," it was Chad. "Where's the envelope you had, lady? The one you had in your hand when I gave you the package. You give it to us and we'll be on our way, no harm no foul."

  "Why on earth would you want that?" It was an incredulous question that slipped out before I could censor myself.

  "Your husband had some documents that we'd like back. Since we've searched your place and his office thoroughly, we're guessing they were in that envelope."

  "But the envelope had nothing to do with Nathan. Besides, it's gone. I tossed it into the car with the bomb. I'm assuming that it's in a million little pieces now. Nothing of it was found, was it?" I directed the question at Aaron like he'd know the answer and hadn't just been released from the hospital that morning.

  "I know nothing about any papers being found," he replied.

  "The boss thinks that envelope does have to do with your husband, lady. The papers aren't to be found anywhere else and you showed up with that packet right after we searched your house. It has to be it."

  "Well, it's gone. It was in the car when it blew." I repeated.

  "That's it then, Chad. 'Imself would 'ave liked to 'ave them papers back but blown up is the next best thing, sez I."

  Chad was considering me with a calculating look in his eye. "It's plausible," he admitted. "But I want a bit more reassurance before we report back."

  I spread my hands, "What more do you want? Surely if you were watching you saw me put it on top of the box?"

  "I remember an envelope. Can't say one way or another if you put it in the car or tucked it into your purse."

  I looked at him helplessly and felt Aaron tensing bene
ath me.

  "Don't be no hero, mate." The Brit nodded at me and pointed his gun at Aaron's head. "Ye got a lot to live for, eh? Don't wanna mess that up."




  I stared into Laurel's beautiful eyes and thought, yes I do have a lot to live for now. I nodded. The next few minutes wouldn't be pleasant but I'd probably live through it.

  Chad pressed the barrel of his gun into the back of Laurel's head and she turned a delicate shade of green. The British bastard came up behind me, grabbed Laurel's wrists and zip-tied her to the back of the patio sofa. Since she was seated across my lap this meant her arms were on either side of my head, forming a rough cage. He then took my good arm and pulled it behind Laurel. There was a sensation of tugging as he zip-tied me to what felt like one of her belt loops. Oh yeah, this just got better and better.

  "You know, in other circumstances, this could be fun," I deadpanned. She gave me a weak smile but still looked nauseous.

  "You two is breaking me 'eart you are," the Brit's voice was oozing sarcasm. "Alrigh', let's get goin' then. Where you wanna start, Chad?"

  "You forgot their legs."

  "Blimey, so I did. Forget me own 'ead if it weren't attached I would."

  "Just fix it. No telling when those other two'll be back."

  A laugh as he removed a seat back and tied Laurel's ankle to the bars. "I'd say we got time, they sounded as if they'd be busy for a bit, di'n't they. I ain't gonna be trying to tie down your bum ankle, miss. That leaves us a bit more leeway for the persuadin' as it were. Same wit' yer bum arm, Superman. I reckon we'll be starting there anyway, righ' Chad?"

  I'd been expecting something of the sort as soon as they'd started tying us up, but I could tell Laurel hadn't figured it out. She lost what little color she had and moaned low in her throat.

  "Now you're in the proper spirit of the thing, miss. 'Alf a tick while I bind up Superman's legs 'ere and we'll be ready to start, eh?"

  "It blew up. I swear on my life it blew up. I threw it into the car on top of the box. It's gone. You have to have seen it. Please don't do this. Please." She wasn't weeping yet but it was a matter of time. My heart ached but I didn't try to stem her flood of words. Her being able to convince them of the truth would be the only way we got out of this relatively whole.

  The British bastard zip-tied my ankles together and then to the leg of the sofa we were sitting on. He then traded places with Chad, holding the gun to Laurel's head. At that moment I knew what a Thanksgiving turkey felt like...all trussed up and nowhere to go.

  Laurel's eye grew wide and she started to tremble as Chad began unwrapping my arm, the velcro tabs echoing loudly in the sudden silence. "Now the sign of a good torture is there ain't no marks. Unfortunately for you, I'm an amateur at the best of times." His smile was the vicious grin of someone who likes to see others in pain.

  "Don't watch, Lo," I said, using her nickname for the first time and trying to urge her a little with the hand tied to her waist. "Put your face against my chest and keep your eyes closed."

  But she surprised me. She drew herself up and while her voice still trembled and her eyes were filled with unshed tears, she was emphatic, "No. I'll not hide and pretend this isn't happening."

  I gave her a sad smile of quiet acceptance. I couldn't shelter her from this. "Alright assholes. Since you won't believe the lady, let's get this over with." I tensed up, bracing for what was to come.

  "That's right, Superman. You be strong for the lady, cuz this is really gonna hurt." Still smiling, Chad reached down and gave my wrist an exploratory wrench to the left. Pain shot through me like a lightning bolt. I'd thought I'd been ready for it but truthfully there was no preparing for this.

  I stiffened and my arms jerked, yanking Laurel around a little before I got myself under control again. "That all you got?" I gasped, sweat already beading my forehead.

  Laurel was crying now, whispering over and over. "It's gone, please stop, please stop. It's gone. Stop. Stop."

  "Not jus' yet, miss. Chad likes to be thorough, he does."

  Chad was watching Laurel. His mouth formed a sour expression and he reached once more for my arm. Laurel gave a gasping scream as he yanked it to the right this time. I uttered a low roar of my own as the pain hit my already throbbing nerve centers for the second time. I convulsively pulled Laurel close to and held her tight while I attempted to pant away the blinding pain.

  Again and again, my arm was wrenched. I bit back my screams as long as I could but at the fourth or fifth jerk, I lost the battle. My strained vocal cords quickly gave out and soon I was making the same rasping sounds that had come from my throat when I awoke in the hospital the day before. Time became meaningless as I concentrated on not blacking out.

  Distantly I heard Kyle's voice over an intercom. "Hey, Aaron? Just letting you know that the dogs have arrived. You and Laurel had better stay on the patio until you get introduced."

  "Time t' go," Russ said.

  Chad hesitated, looking at us. He lifted his gun, pointed it at Laurel. She was sobbing into my shirt, soaking it with her tears.

  "You don't want to shoot, mate." I croaked. "No silencer. You'd never make it out of the yard."

  "You might be surprised at what I can do, Superman." But, he lowered his weapon and with a contented smile at my arm, Chad slunk back into the shadows of the yard. Russ followed in his wake, a bit more on his guard.

  My vision faded in and out but I tried my best to soothe Laurel - giving her comforting kisses on the top of her head and hugging her close with the arm tied to her belt loop. "They're gone, hon. It's ok now. Please stop crying. I'm ok. In a little pain, but ok."

  She started big hiccupping gulps and gasped as if she couldn't catch her breath. She was hyperventilating. My arm was on fire and blood welled from the popped stitches, but I tried lifting it anyway, hoping to free us or at least loosen our bonds. The resulting pain roared in my ears and I passed out for a moment. The hand could just stay where it was on the pillow.

  I'd devolved into whispered reassurances and was begging her to stop when I heard a "What the hell?" and I turned panicked eyes to Kyle and Nicki standing in the doorway, holding trays of food.

  "Help. Laurel's hyperventilating and I.CAN'T.DO.ANYTHING.TO.HELP.HER." I rasped. Sudden anger drove back the dark and gave me a much-needed spurt of energy.

  Nicki shoved her tray onto the bar and ran to Laurel while Kyle contented himself with stupid questions. "What the hell happened, man?"

  "Two asswipes showed up and knocked us around for a bit. Where the hell were you?" The last bit came out between tightly clenched teeth. Kyle went on immediate alert, hitting a button I hadn't noticed on the wall. A metal gate rose from the edge of the patio and connected with the overhanging roof, effectively sealing us in. A klaxon sounded and floodlights flipped on all over the yard. Shouts and the barking of dogs filled the air. Despite my anger, I was impressed.

  Nicki had been peering intently at Laurel and now she grabbed my attention by administering two hard slaps to Laurel's face. "What the hell, Nicki? Haven't we been through enough without you piling on?"

  She gave me an impatient look. "She was hysterical, Aaron. That's what you do for hysteria."

  Apparently, she was right because, once Laurel got over the shock of the slaps, she could breathe normally even though tears still flowed. I remembered she'd had to be sedated the night before and wondered how many more shocks her system could take. She clung to my neck repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again.

  "Shhhh. It's ok, Laurel. Laurel? Look at me, honey." She lifted her head, her face limned with misery. "I'm ok. Really. Andy'll make sure of that." I gave Nicki and Kyle a glare. "Can one of you cut us loose?"

  Kyle had released Laurel before I spoke, but I was trying to hold onto my anger. I could feel it slipping away, however. The dark closed in once more around me.

  "And perhaps someone could give Andy a call? I seem to have redamaged my
arm." Blackness once more took me away on a sea of concerned female eyes. It was getting to be a seriously bad habit.


  I woke once again in unfamiliar surroundings. It was a bedroom this time, not a hospital. Well, that's progress, I thought hazily.

  I blinked several times, trying to wake up. My brain wasn't having it.

  My mouth tasted like stale beer, fear I tasted a couple times...that almost metallic taste you get when you've been sedated. They must have kept me under while Andy checked out the arm, which is why I was having problems waking up. The meds hadn't worn off completely yet.

  I turned my head to the left, only realizing at that moment I was lying on my back. My arm was sporting new bandages and was propped up on a dainty pillow. Not my usual style but I wasn't gonna complain just yet. I'd take a frilly pillow over being strapped to a hospital bed any day of the week.

  My fingers were swollen and my hand was purpling nicely. Several hours had passed, then.

  I surveyed my new environment. It was a nice room, a bit old-fashioned but not cluttered or overly feminine. Had to still be at Kyle's then.

  I reached up to rub my eyes, hoping that'd speed up the waking process but discovered someone else's fingers twined with mine. I turned my head to the right and found Laurel curled up asleep on the bed beside me. She had one hand tucked under her cheek and the other was holding mine like she couldn't stand to be separated from me even while we slept.

  Or she thought I'd itch at my new stitches again. It could go either way.

  I was glad she was sleeping. I had a feeling sleep was something she'd been skimping on quite a bit lately. I laid there watching her for a bit while my brain continued its protests against waking up.

  A soft cough from the corner drew my attention. Andy was sitting in a cozy conversational area reading some sort of journal, his medical bag resting in the opposite chair. I wondered how long he'd been waiting there.

  My eyes wandered back to Laurel. She had awoken while I had been diverted by Andy and was watching me with a small smile.

  "Hey you," she said, her voice soft and low.


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