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Embracing Us (An Embracing Series)

Page 13

by Delisa Lynn

  I excuse myself from the guys and head home. He better not have yelled at her, I wanted to be there when she talked to him. I knew this fucking shit was going to happen. Goddamn it. I yell as I hit my steering wheel. I just want to get home and hold my wife and tell her everything would be fine. We are going to get through this. But who the hell am I kidding, this shit is tearing me apart just as much as it is her.

  All I can think about was him coming and taking my child, then my wife going with them. No way in hell he is getting my family. I will do whatever it takes to keep them. My phone starts ringing again and I see that it’s Ashton.

  “Hey, bro, what’s up?” I ask, I just left him at the restaurant. But I didn’t say anything because Kade doesn’t know yet, but I’m sure Ashton knew what was going on.

  “Brother, everything okay? Did Evan call? I didn’t want to say anything in front of Kade.”

  “Thank you for that, yes he called. I’m on my way home now. I don’t know what he said to her. I talked to Meg. So I’ll call you when after I talk to Li. And Ashton, thanks for caring man. I love you, brother.” I say and I can hear him sigh.

  “Anytime, man. I love you too. Please call me and let me know that Li will be okay. Should I tell Kade anything?”

  “Yeah, tell him. I’m sure he will ask questions though.”

  “Lila, babe where are you.” I yell as I walk through the front door, I’m worried about her though. She went into labor early with the girls. This pregnancy has been smooth sailing, but I hate thinking he may have upset her or yelled at her. I will beat the shit out of that home wrecking bastard.

  “Liam, oh baby. He called, I told him everything. He said he will be here next week and he will not sign his rights away, that he and Tatum will be in Greyson’s life. I was so nervous and I was just rambling. But he was upset, he didn’t really yell but I can tell he wanted too. He wanted to know why I was just now calling him.”

  “It’s okay baby, we will get through this. I will not leave your side. I will handle Evan, he won’t ever yell at you.”

  “I don’t want you guys fighting, Liam, he has a right to be upset. I know I would if someone called me nine months after you slept with them and say they might be having your baby.”

  I want to say that wouldn’t happen because I wouldn’t do anything like that. But I didn’t. I don’t want to upset her any more than she already is. I hope he is ready to be confronted when he arrives, I’m not holding anything back. I’m telling him exactly what I think of him, and how he fucked my wife, not only once, but four times.

  “I won’t fight with him Li, I am talking to him though. About everything. So as soon as Greyson is born they can do the test, right?”

  “Yes, it can be done that way. Liam, I think I need to lie down. I’m not feeling so well.” She says as she grabs my arm. I help her to the bedroom and lay her in the bed.

  “Is that better love, you look a little pale. Are you having any pain at all?” I want to make sure she isn’t having contractions, she can go into labor at any time now and that shit scares the hell out of me.

  “No, I’m good. Just a little tired. Can you see if Meg’s okay and if she will take the girls out on the beach. I want you to stay with me.”

  “Yes, Ashton and Kade are on their way here. Kade knows, I hope aren’t mad.”

  “No, he probably just thinks I am some sort of whore.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss her, I know she isn’t a whore. She’s only been with two guys.

  “Stop, no one thinks that. Now rest, I’ll be right back.” I say as I pull the blanket over her body. Her belly is huge. I know Greyson will be here very soon.

  I go down stairs to ask Meg to take the girls out and she already has them out on the beach. I see Ashton and Kade pulling into the driveway. I walk out to talk to them, I can tell Ashton already told Kade by the way he’s staring at me.

  “Hey brother, everything okay?” Ashton asks as he gives me a bro hug.

  “Yea, Li, is tired. I’m going to lie down with her for a while. Meg has the girls on the beach. Why don’t you get AJ and come back, and I’ll grill some steaks and chicken on the grill.”

  “I’m going to find, Meg.” Kade says smiling.

  “No public affection in front of my babies.” I say laughing. He shakes his head and walks on.

  “I’ll get AJ and come back, you need anything?”

  “No, I think we have everything. I’m going to lie back down with Li. She looks really worn out and miserable.”

  Walking back in the bedroom, I found a non-sleeping Li sitting in the middle of the bed with a box of pictures and a baby book. I can tell she had been crying. I walk in and smile at her, then I walk over to our ginormous bed and sit down next to her. Still not saying anything I pick up one of the pictures and notice it’s a picture of her and Addison, they were probably around ten-years old. They were wearing feather things around there neck and had microphones in their hands.

  “What’s all of this? I thought you were tired beautiful?” I ask as I put my arm around her and place a kiss on her wet cheek.

  “I was, well I am. I just wanted to find some pictures for Greyson’s baby book. I found these of Ads and I, we were like ten and thought we were country singers. We were singing, “Jolene” by Dolly Parton. It was your Aunt Nancy’s album. Do you ever wonder what she would be like now? How the girls would be around her.”

  “Ahh, you know my aunt loves her country music. You little ladies were adorable, it reminds me of our girls. How they are inseparable. I do wonder what she would be like, she would be a mother herself. I know she would have loved the girls and her child. She and Eric would already be married. I know she would probably be in jail though, she would have beat the shit out of Christa for doing what she has done.”

  “Yeah, she would have killed her for sure. I know Eric has to miss her as much as we do. I hope he never forgets about her and how much she loved him. I keep thinking about the day she found out she was pregnant. Liam she was so happy, and she was already glowing. What pictures should we use in the baby book?”

  “Well, I think this picture is perfect. Let’s see what else you have in there. Oh, I remember this one that was the day of graduation. We had a great summer that year.” I say as I look through the pictures with her and I come across a picture of Lila with Evan and Addison. She saw that I picked it up.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t get rid of it. I know you hate him Liam, but he was one of my best friends. Addison liked him. She threatened cutting his balls off if he hurt me.” She says laughing.

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to get rid of his pictures. I mean I don’t want to look at them every day. But you can keep whatever you want.” I say knowing I wasn’t happy with seeing him all loved up to my woman. This picture was taken why I was laying in that hospital bed thinking about Li, and praying that I would find my way back to her. I did and that’s what matters.

  “Thank you Liam, I’m so lucky. I can’t ask for a better husband or father for our children. I know this sounds cheesy, but you are a one of a kind. If Ashton and Kade want to be like you, they have a lot of work to do.” She says laughing.

  “I’m pretty lucky myself, I think I snagged up a pretty fine lady.”

  “Pfft, okay look at me. I look like a cow.” She says as she motions her hands in front of her.

  “No you don’t, you’re beautiful. I’m going to miss how big these are.” I say as I put my hands on her boobs. She looks at me and smiles.

  “Yeah, you and me both. They’re going back to normal soon. I’m not tired anymore, is Meg still down stairs?”

  “Yes, and we are having a cook out. So go put your bikini on.” I say as I slap her ass.

  “Ha… Ha. Funny Liam, I’ll stick with this sun dress. These things are so comfortable.”

  “Hey, I tried. If it was up to me, I would like to see you walk around naked all day. But my cousins and your friend is here, so keep that dress on. I’ll see you downstairs.”
  Going downstairs, I start thinking I am very lucky. She is a wonderful wife and mother. She is a kind hearted woman and would do anything for anyone. She gets upset when our mothers try kidnapping our girls, but she lets them go because she knows it makes our moms happy, and that makes Lila happy. She and her mother aren’t as close as they used to be, I think it has a lot to do with her mother’s new husband. Lila likes him, but I know she misses her dad.

  I walk into the kitchen and start pulling out all the food. Rosa has been doing most of the shopping, and she likes to stock up for us. I pulled out ten steaks and ten chicken breasts and start thawing them and getting the marinade ready. Lila walks in smiling and opens the pantry and comes out with a box of tri-colored noodles. I know what she’s up to.

  “Hey handsome, it isn’t a cook out unless we have Aunt Nancy’s famous pasta salad. She gave me the recipe, I hope we have everything for it, did Rosa get produce too?” She asks searching the refrigerator and pantry again.

  “Now, when has Rosa never not bought produce?” I say laughing.

  “Yeah, I love when she shops. Found them. I’m going to start chopping the veggies for the pasta salad, then I’m going to find my babies.”

  “They are in the water with Meg and Kade. Ashton should be back soon, he went to pick up AJ.”

  “Look how cute the two of them are together. She likes him, I know she does. What do you think about hooking them up?”

  “I don’t think they need our help, you know they like each other. Anyone can see that. But he doesn’t do relationships. I know my cousin. He is like how Ashton was in high school.”

  “Well, from what I know about Meg, she doesn’t either. I know she has her friends with benefits as she calls them.” She says in a serious tone. “But that can always change.” She says laughing.

  “Get to making that pasta salad, I’m going to light the grill.” I say as I wrap my arms around her waist and place small kisses along her neck.

  “Um, you better go. Because I can’t have sex, for seven long weeks and I can’t handle you kissing me like that without being inside of me.” She says as she moves out of my arms.

  “Fine, we can do other things though,” I say, winking.

  “Mommy, mommy, mommy. When is the baby going to fall out of your belly?” asks Madison

  “Hey Pumpkin, where’s your sister? Well baby Greyson will be here next week. We have to go to the doctors and they will take him out of my tummy. Are you ready to be a big sister?”

  “I is right here mommy, I like Aunt Megz. Her like to swim wif us, is Aunt Nick and Uncle Brody coming to see our baby Greyson?”

  “Aunt Meg is pretty cool, isn’t she sugar? Yes, Aunt Nik and Uncle Brody will be here. They are going to have a baby soon too. Not till next year though. Then you will have another cousin to play with you girls and AJ.” I say as I pull them both upon to my very small lap.

  “The doctor will take Greyson out of your belly and he will cry.” Says Addison.

  “Yes, that will happen. He will probably cry a lot, for a few months. You two sure did.” I say as I pull them in for a hug. I love my girls, they are so much like Liam and I. I can see more of his sweet and caring side in them. They have my looks, but his eyes.

  “You feeling okay babe? You look a little better.” Meg asks as she grabs a beer from the small patio fridge.

  “Sigh… Yes, thank you for everything. You know I love you, and appreciate all of your help.”

  “I know you do, I love you too. What do you think about Kade and me hooking up? Nothing serious I just want a piece of him.” She says laughing.

  “Umm, that’s between you all. But don’t make things awkward, he seems to really like you and you deserve better than one night stands my friend.”

  “I don’t do relationship, I’ll never be loved. It’s just all fun to me.” She says, but I saw something in her face that I’ve never seen before. It was a hint of sadness.

  “Meg, tell me about your past? Your family and where you grew up.”

  “I grew up, in a small town in Kansas. I moved here when I was seventeen to start college and to begin my career. My parents are dead, and I have one sister but she has her own life and we don’t speak often.”

  “Oh Meg, I’m so sorry, doll. I didn’t know, how old were you?”

  “It’s okay, I never bring them up so how would you know babe. Well I was ten and my sister was twelve. We were both at school, and came home to the house burned down. It was December the third, my tenth birthday actually. They said it was a faulty furnace. My mom was a stay at home mom, and my dad was an accountant. He had just came home for lunch. We went to live with our grandparents and then they died, too. So we were in foster care, for about three years and it was awful, the worst years of my life. We will talk about that another day my friend, I see some girls that want me to swim with them.” She says as she runs off the deck and onto the beach. I feel a single tear fall down my cheek.

  Watching her and Kade with the girls, I know they could be happy together and they both would make great parents. Who wouldn’t love her she is an awesome person. I feel bad for bringing up her past, but I will find out why she thinks she isn’t good enough to be loved. I will make sure that Kade is the one to show her she is worth it.

  It brings back memories of my father’s death. I will never forget that day. I always thought my dad would end up dead from being in a shoot-out or some crazy criminal he had a past with. But he had health issues that we wasn’t aware of. I watch my step-dad with the girls and think about how much my father would love them. I bring him up to the girls all the time, I want them to know his memory. What a wonderful father and officer he was.


  Lila’s due date is tomorrow and she isn’t feeling too well today. Evan and Tatum are in California waiting for her to go into labor so we can have this test performed. They arrived last week. We haven’t seen them, but we have both spoke to Evan. The sad thing is although he fucked my wife, knowing she was married, I like the dude. He is well mannered and seems to be a family man. Ashton ran into him the other night at a restaurant. He noticed Ashton.

  Ashton said he was nice to him, and didn’t make like he knew anything. I’m glad he did, it isn’t his place to. Nikki and Brody are here as well. They are staying with us. Kade has been staying at Megs on and off. They haven’t said if they are an item or not, I think it’s more of a friendship thing they have.

  “Liam, Liam, where are you?” I heard Li screaming.

  “I’m right here baby, what’s wrong? Oh hell, your water broke?”

  “Yes, it did. I need to make sure that my legs are shaved and get my makeup on. I’m not going to the hospital looking like a gorilla.”

  “Love, your legs aren’t hairy and either is anything else. You look beautiful no makeup needed.”

  “Just get my bag, and call our moms. Where is Nikki and Megs?”

  “I’m not sure, no one is here but the girls and us. My mom will come get them and I’ll send a text to everyone letting them know to meet us at the hospital.”

  “Okay, I’m going to shave and I’ll be ready.” What the hell, her water broke and she is worried about having hairy legs. “I don’t want the doctor thinking I don’t shave. Now go.” She yells

  I call my mom and send out a group text, I load her bag and the baby’s bag in the truck and get the car seat. My mom was on her way, so I call Rosa, she is closer and can sit with the girls till mom gets here. I go back into find Lila with a hello kitty Band-Aid on her left knee. She is wearing a yellow sundress, trimmed in white and a pair of white flip-flops and her blonde curls cascaded over her shoulders.

  “I cut my fucking knee, I knew I should have went and got waxed last week. Dr. Brewster will think I’m a damn hairy monster. Did you get everything, I need the baby book and I want that picture of Addison, Nikki, and I. It’s in a yellow frame in the nursery, grab it please.”

  “Okay, go get in the truck and I’ll get it. Everyth
ing else is in there.”

  “The truck? How am I supposed to climb up there? Just hurry so you can help me in. By the time I waddle out there you will be ready.” She says as she grabs a bottle of water and her purse. I run up to grab the picture for her and she was right, she wasn’t even to the truck yet when I make it back outside.

  “Okay love, I’ll help you up ready? I swoop her up, bride style, in my arms and sit her in the truck and put her seat belt on. She looks at me with that beautiful smile of hers and kisses me before I turn to walk to the other side of the truck.

  “Nikki, hey we are on the way to the hospital, find Megs, I need you both there. I don’t know, I never thought about that.” I heard her say in the phone.

  “Liam, should she call Evan and Tatum?”

  What the fuck, I don’t want them there but I guess it would be good, the sooner we get this done the quicker I can get him out of my life. I grab her hand and squeeze it and say, “Yes go ahead.” I be damned if he will ruin this birth for us, I don’t give a fuck who’s blood is running through my son’s veins, he is mine and he will always be mine.

  “Omigod, fuck, damn it! The contractions have started, Liam. Get me to the hospital, please.”

  “I’m going baby, Ashton and Kade were at the office and they are on the way, and so is Megs. Your mom isn’t answering though. I’ll try and call her later. Damn, I forgot about Eric, he is probably there though, isn’t he doing is residency?”

  “Yes, he and Kaylin are both there. I’m sure we can find them when we get there.”

  I drive as fast as I can to the hospital, once inside I told them her water broke and she’s having contractions. They wheel her off into a room and I unload the truck. I send a text to Eric, to see if he is here in the hospital. I go back in and find they already have Li in a gown and hooked up to the machines.


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