Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series Page 24

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  Francine was deeply touched. “Really?”

  “Of course.” he said. She leaped into his arms she was so grateful wrapping her arms and about him and letting her legs dangle on either side of the hard metal chair..

  Holding her close he said smiling, “It’s what I do Francine.”

  “Thank you Karl.” she said sighing in happy relief.

  “It’s no big deal Angel.” He said, smoothing her hair back from her face, their kiss was gentle, then hot and heavy.

  “Francine?” She was pressing her straddled form hungrily against him now.

  “Francine!” The voice was more insistent, they separated, realizing Ralph was at the door.

  “The mulch is here, you have to sign for it.” She looked back over at Karl. Oh boy, he looked like he wanted to kill Ralph. She tried to get up, but Karl, territorial bastard he was wouldn't release her, keeping one big possessive hand on her bottom.

  “OK, Ralph, I’m coming.” She said over her shoulder extremely irritated. Ralph disappeared back into the hallway and down the hall to the garden.

  “He could have signed for the damned mulch.” Karl said, “And the only one you should be coming for is me -” his words were thick.

  There were all kinds of things she could have said, about it being her business, sexual harassment in the office, about the fact that maybe he should have a little more patience, but the room was like a powder keg and she was not setting him off. “Master,” she cajoled, “please allow me to get up. I’ll sign, and then I’ll be right back.” (Certainly not that she’d “come” right back - sheesh) She kissed his stern face, his cheek his neck. “I’m still yours sir, then we can get back to work together. Please let me up.” Feeling his hands loosen from her hips he slowly released her and she got up from his warm aroused lap. She crossed the room to the door.

  “Bring me the invoice - submissive.” He said getting up and moving to her plush executive chair already returning to her computer and its busy rows of numbers.

  Leaving her office she trotted across the yard to sign for the mulch. She gave Ralph a nasty look of her own as she did.

  * * *

  He had pulled out all the stops - Jill Scott in concert. She had been absolutely phenomenal, her voice reaching down into Francine’s soul and triggering her sensuality. Karl had surprised her with tickets and Francine had gone along, innocently enough she realized now. When her honeyed voice lapsed into Spanish it was just so unfair. Karl had held her hand the entire concert, his masculine scent creeping over to his body radiating off gentle waves of heat. When Jill talked about how much he loves me Francine had to turn and wipe a tear and she realized how lucky she was to have someone so sexy and so patient and so determined to be with her. The music renewed her soul and swelled her heart while Karl’s big hand cradled her smaller one.

  She was truly in awe and eager knowing he was watching her when they returned to the house and entered through the kitchen. Jill must of been in cahoots with Karl because the whole evening had her feeling very sexy. Francine’s straightened blond hair was held up with black asian styled sticks and as she walked her hips gently swayed in her blue slip dress that fell long in the back. On her feet were closely matching strappy shoes. She knew he was watching her dressed simply in his tailored smoke colored slacks and lighter gray crisp button down shirt. She always felt so sexy and desired around him and could never resist teasing him. Tonight it was that ridiculous penis on four wheels he had ordered up like a pizza.

  He was already defending himself, all he needed was a bit more of a push and he’d be ready to mete out some of his marvelous “discipline” along with a side order of sex. Mmmm she had missed it. “All of the BMW’s in that series come that way Francine, it’s not extra.”

  “OK, if you say so, I just have no idea who’s gonna be back there watching movies...” Someone had been through the house. It was a rush job and someone had been quick, but someone had definitely been through things looking for something. Drawers in the kitchen had been gone through and over turned and Francine’s office was ransacked - even more than usual.

  But Francine’s computer, was safe, thanks to Karl. He had installed a hidden safe in there not even a week after he moved in where he insisted both of their computers be kept when they weren't using them, but to see her house in such disarray.

  And how had the vandal gotten in? After searching a bit, they found the unsecured window. “Francine! The windows are not all wired into the security system?” Karl asked, fury in his dark voice.

  “I just try to keep them locked and I’ve always felt so safe here.” Francine rebounded defensively.

  “You can’t take chances Francine! I would think you, of all people would understand that!”

  “Me? Of all people?” Francine began to get heated, her eyes narrowed. “I didn't have these problems until you came along Karl! Now here you are and I’m having problems again!” She pointed a slender finger. “Maybe you’re the common denominator!” She was tired and it was a thoughtless thing to say and without waiting for a response she turned on her heel and flew upstairs slamming her door behind her.

  The next morning Karl had the security company on the property early securing every window, door and latch he could find. Rita had arrived for the day and was in the kitchen righting the drawers and tsk tisking over the mess.

  Francine glanced over again at K, regretting her hurtful words from the night before and and wanted to smooth things over, but just then Ralph was there to collect her to begin work on the back of the field; they locked eyes and she left with him.

  As they headed out together Francine explained what happened the night before and Ralph did not miss the opportunity to trash Karl. “See, this is what I told you Francine, are you sure it’s not some associate of his coming back to look for him?

  Francine already felt terrible about what she had said to Karl last night and now, hearing it from Ralph only made it sound more ugly and obscene. “Ralph, what happened last night was a break in. I didn't secure the house properly and it could have happened to anybody, it certainly had nothing to do with Karl.

  “Francine, you're making excuses for him! That guy is bad news, I’m telling you! How long is he staying around?” His blue eyes were flashing. “I’d feel like you were a lot safer if he wasn't here.”

  Francine had had just about enough, “Well Ralph, he is here and you might as well know he isn't going anywhere because - I’m in love with him, and he’s in love with me too, it’s starting to look like we might have a future and I’m not going to let anything get in the way of that.” Ralph looked stricken and she knew what she was saying was hard for him to hear, but it had to be said.

  “Look, you’ve been really great to me, and to my business and I’m sorry there was never an opportunity for there to be anything more between us, but it really had nothing to do with Karl. I’m just not sure we were ever compatible anyway, and now that he’s here, I’ve wanted to be with him for a long time and - Oh, Ralph, please don’t make me choose, because I won't choose you. Please understand I will always choose him.”

  With that she went and got in the truck to take them to the the limits if the property so they could get to work.

  Chapter 35

  Evening came after a long day, so long they did not even get to enjoy dinner together. The new security system however was finally installed, the staff gone for the day, the house quiet. The sun settled into the earth and Karl was settled too - out on the back porch sipping a dark imported beer.

  Francine went out to join him, her sneakers quiet on the dull wood, she settled on his lap looking up at him. He silently welcomed her, his great big heart in his eyes, shadowed in the darkening light. “So, you’re still here.” she said.

  His lips turned up at the corner. “It would take a lot more than that for me to leave you.” He said as he smiled wider. The look in his dark eyes was probing, like she was one of her samples under a microscope. “I heard what you said
.” He pulled her closer. “To Ralph, that you’ll always choose me.”

  “Oh, that.” A blush was spreading across her cheeks like a setting sun. She grabbed his beer and took a bashful sip. The night was quiet around them as sunset turned to dark. The ever present scent of her flowers was a fragrant, romantic wave. She leaned her head against his strong chest, his heart was a steady beat.

  “Why'd you blow up the cabin K?” She said abruptly changing the subject. He didn't answer. She couldn’t resist adding, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” She’d been wanting to say that for a long time. He gave her one of his rare laugh out louds and she smiled as she turned her head to look at him, enjoying it the sound.

  He answered, "I didn't want them to find any trace,” she knew now he meant the slavers, who he hates to talk about, “and I didn't want you to be tempted-"

  "-to go, back, for you?" she finished his thought, took his hand, lacing her fingers through his.

  "Yeah." he said. “I never liked that place anyway. I hope you understand the great sacrifices I made to keep you there Francine. I even shopped at a place called “Big K”.” He looked traumatized.

  She wanted to giggle, “I’m the original Big K Francine.” She did giggle than.

  “So I rigged your truck with a switch. When it got far enough away...”, his fingers spread around hers and he made a sound like a bomb going off.

  They sat quietly for another few moments before he reached in his pocket. “Guess what I found when I was cleaning up today Francine.”

  “Oh my gosh!” Her eyes get wide seeing the collar with its gold lock. He held it up.

  “I can’t believe you kept this! You don’t really want me to put it back on you do you?” he ask giving her a look from under his eyelids.

  “No,” she said quickly, “of course not!”

  “Good,” he responded, “because, Francine, I never wanted a slave, I always just wanted to keep you safe.”

  “I know.” she said quietly. “You never called me your slave, I realized that after Armin tried to take me, I think that’s when I first realized that-” she looked at him. “- that I loved you.” Her eyes gazed at him, with a longing he hadn’t seen since he’d left her. “I love you Master, and I want us to be together again, more than anything.”

  Quietly his heart soars again as he looks back at her, leaning back in his chair. “I love you too submissive.” And then, slowly he puts it together... ”You mean...” she nodded, her eyes still fixed on him... He was so excited he spills his beer lifting her as he stood up, to go inside...

  Chapter 36

  Their coming together was like two waves in the ocean, powerful and sweet, and completely natural. Like something that was meant to happen and welcome like a warm summer rain after a long drought. After it was over they both lay naked in each others arms completely spent and damp from their exertions. “You’re as fucking amazing as I remember Francine.” he’s said still holding her close. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too Master.” Francine said turning her face up for a kiss, which he gave her soft swollen lips.

  “And this little body is still mine?” he asked, running a hand over her small frame, it’s round globes, shapely legs, her body glowed dully in the darkening room. He could see her satisfied expression, eyes hazy with pleasure like a cat that’s just found a warm place by the fire to curl up for sleep.

  “Yes, Master of course,” and then for good measure. “Anything you want is yours.”

  “That’s good to know Francine, considering how you spoke to me yesterday.” Slowly worry passed across her face.

  “I apologized for that Master, and I am sorry, I mean, I didn't mean too-”

  “Silence submissive.” He cut her off, at once the room isn’t the only thing that’s gone dark. His face is an impassive mask. Oh boy...

  “I built something for you Francine, I noticed the last days you’ve been getting a more and more mouthy, more and more restless.” She felt her lower legs begin to shift just a bit as he spoke, he’d noticed that? “So I went and dug up a few things. Before I show you what I built I think we should plug up that asshole. She moaned before she could stop herself, the last time he did that-

  She noticed him looking at her. “Yes sir.” He went for, was that a bag? Oh good lord!

  “Now that we have a new understanding I was thinking we could start a playroom down in the basement Francine.” He said, shuffling through the bag. Was it just her imagination or had it grown?” In fact, I've already started ordering a few things. Here, let me show you.” He stopped for a minute and looked at her. He looked at her for a moment for longer than was comfortable. I think that every time like yesterday when you send me a “signal” that you need discipline it’s only fair I have something new down there waiting to give it to you don’t you Francine?”

  “Yes Sir?” She said, none too sure about that answer. But still her stupid mouth was adding, “If that is what my Master wishes.”

  “Oh it is submissive.” he said smiling inside at the clever answer, coming back over to the bed, a dark silhouette in the room with its increasing shadows.

  “Master, can we please turn on the lamp?” She said wanting some light so she could see the size of the plug and get a grip on what was going to happen next, maybe a peek at what his “surprise” was.

  “No Francine, turn over and part your cheeks.” Not wanting to get in anymore trouble with “interpreted” delays she did and felt him inserting the plug wet with lube.

  “See, it’s not big, I just want you to know it’s there.” Was there ever such a thing as not big when it was back there?

  “Yes sir.” Came the appropriate subdued response. Turning her over he held out his hand in such a way as she remembered was his Dom way of asking for her wrists. She obliged him and her eyes widened. He had saved some things too she realized recognizing her cuffs.

  “Yes, Francine, I made sure some of your little things survived the cabin.” He said putting them on, checking to make sure they weren't too tight. “Come along.”

  With trepidation she shivered as he led her over to a hook he had placed in the ceiling. Is this why he had led her back to his room and not the master bedroom? Before she could let her nervousness get a good solid grip she found herself chained up by her cuffs just high enough so she was a bit on her toes, it was disconcerting to say the least. He had never done anything like this to her before and she looked at him in supplication.

  “Eyes down submissive.” He said and before she knew what he was about next she felt a wallop on her backside, she let out a yelp in response.

  He stood before her, she noticed he had pulled on black leather pants, his lean feet were still bare and in his hand he held the instrument of her punishment a large black paddle. “Look up submissive, and tell me how that felt.”

  “It hurt sir.” She said honestly looking up into his lean handsome face, his dark mahogany eyes.

  “Yes, well Francine what you said yesterday hurt me too.”

  “I’m sor-”

  “No- this is not about you apologizing again Angel.” he said cutting her off and walking around her, again walloping her with the paddle, she let out another pained groan. “This is about contrition.” Dropping the paddle for the moment he pressed himself against her heated bottom, still filled with the plug, and the leather, the way it felt against her punished bottom! he reached around to cup her breast and roll her pink nipples between his fingers. “How many was that Francine? I know counting is not your forte’.” He was such a bastard! How many would he add if she told him?

  “Two sir,” she panted. “Please Master...”

  “How many do you think you deserve for the way you spoke to your Master yesterday Francine?” She was already slipping away, drowning in sensation, her groin becoming heavy and swollen, she knew a loaded question when she heard it. Thankfully he didn't give her time to answer sliding around to her front and cupping her sore bottom gave
her the gentlest of kisses. His hard lips were so soft, so gentle, her lips parted allowing in his stroking, enticing tongue and then he stopped and said, “How many do you think you deserve, three more or five more?” He put his mouth on hers not giving her time to answer, kissing her some more in that cool, seductive way.

  At the same time one hand found it’s way to her aching bare center where it gently stroked her folds, dipping inside her, pushing at her heat, compelling her into tiny belly dancing circles on her tippy-toes as she kissed him, inhaling sharply when she felt his thumb brush lightly against her clit.

  “Here’s what I propose Francine,” he said breaking off the kiss with all the formality of a board room. “Your discipline during those first two was just terrible, but if you can do a little better for, oh another three, I’ll believe that you really are a contrite submissive and we can stop, OK?”


  “For these last three I want you to keep your legs parted a little, like this,” he showed her, placing her body in the position, “and that ass up, like this,” he placed her. “and not so much noise, lips together.” Coming behind her again he pressed against her, before again rubbing and pulling her sensitive nipples. She moaned, focused on trying to stay in the position he wanted now, her sex hot and open. He said in her ear, “Remember, you are an instrument for your Master’s pleasure, aren't you Francine?


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