Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series Page 25

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  “Yes, sir.” He picked up the paddle and soon and before long she felt it’s burn again.

  “How many left?”

  “Two sir.” She said again it came down, but she held her frame, round bottom in the air.

  “How many Francine?”

  “One sir.” She squeaked out before the last one blazed across her. Before she knew what was happening he was on his knees before her his mouth on her hot little sex with her still in her position. His tongue twisted and moved as he placed fingers deep inside her working her, it wasn't long until the pulsing pressure in her groin exploded and she was throbbing and convulsing in her cuffs making the chains rattle.

  Standing, he discarded the pants and let her down picking her up he set on the side of the bed, her in his lap, and on his condom laced cock, finally removing the plug. Francine was quiet, and subdued and weak from her release and for a moment he just let her sit on top of him feeling his fullness inside of her, stretching her. Then he began to palm her breasts, and reaching down he pinched and worked her sensitive clit. He deliberately chose this position so that he could decide how much pressure to continue to place on her recovering punished backside, he was all warm inside thinking about how well she had done.

  Slowly taking his time he worked her up again, kissing her neck, telling her how proud he was of her, what a good girl she was, how pretty she looked with her legs spread, on her toes, butt plugged, taking her licks. His reminiscing worked them both up again and by the time he had used her for the second time that night it was a very, very early morning indeed.

  * * *

  A few hours later, K paused on his cool down back to Francine’s farmhouse from his morning jog. The sun was hazy in the sky, the morning dew wet on the ground. His thick gray sweats were damp against his body, but he knew that he would not be the only one up this time of morning. He continued walking as he pulled out his phone.

  This time he answered on the first ring. "What now K?"

  "That Jill Scott thing..."

  "Oh, yeah, that.” There was a pause. “She's always a closer.” A few moments passed, no sound except K’s breathing in the cool morning air, then the curt addition. “Don't tell anyone and you're welcome." The line went dead, K sighed in frustration. That was abrupt, even for Sam. Goddammit!!

  He'd get over it eventually, right?”

  Chapter 37

  Francine was looking forward to this evening at her farmhouse. It would be nice and quiet. Just her. It was a Sunday night and K was flying out to get an early start for some business meetings for the following week and Paris was wrapped up with one of her mega cases.

  She would be able to sit and crunch some data that she had collected on her plants and see how they were coming along, she was really looking forward to it. She sighed, still a geek after all these years. Ah well, what were you going to do?

  She heard a noise out the back door and then something knocking around. She took a peek, recognizing Ralph’s large form. It was late in the afternoon on a Sunday and large shadows had already begun to spread over the property. What was he doing here?

  “Hey Ralph! What are you doing here? It’s Sunday. I thought you were a robber or something...” She said jokingly - sort of.

  “Can you come out here for a moment Francine?” He said. He was giving her the oddest look. For the first time uncertainty crept down her spine.

  “Ralph, why are you here?” she hesitated.

  “I think we need to talk.” She looked back at him with unease. She was in the kitchen. Without him seeing she took a small knife from the counter and stuffed it in her jeans pocket, and subtly turned the latch on the screen door. She hated the feeling of unease that was going through her, but her past experiences had made her wary.

  If your name wasn't Karl, or OK, maybe more recently Frank, you could “kiss it”.

  He reached out and tried the door discovering it was locked. “Why did you lock the door Francine?”

  She just gave him a look, she didn't like the way he was looking at her now, didn't like his tone of voice. She started to back away from the strange tone in his voice. Started to close the door, but she was too late and before she could stop him he busted in the flimsy screen grabbing her up.

  He was not Armin.

  Armin had been slight of build and not used to a fight. This man was different. He had a much heavier build and was dense with muscle. He secured her arms right away not leaving her any time to go for the knife. He dragged her through the broken screen door closing the heavier door behind them and dragged her across the porch down the stairs and across the back of the property through the gardens as she struggled.

  She wanted to yell for help, but knew it was pretty pointless. Her property was pretty secluded and the next neighbor was several acres away. Everyone was gone for the weekend, she was in real trouble. “Why are you doing this?” She finally asked.

  He dragged her to an old barn at the very back of the property. Someone had kept horses here once upon a time. Karl hated the old barn, had said it was a safety/security risk, had told her they should tear it down. He’d learned to ride in his youth, but had no plans to ride or buy a horse now.

  He had gone on and said they should tear it down and make it into a pool house, while they were at it they could build an actual pool to go with it, they’d had this discussion, had just never taken the steps. Now she realized they weren't the only ones who had noticed the dilapidated structure, and had made plans for it.

  He took her inside the barn and threw her down on the ground, but her self defense training had taught her how to land. She wasn't hurt and she wanted some answers. She watched him close the heavy sliding wood doors. He turned around, “Now we can finally talk in private Francine. He turned around pinning her with a look, catching his breath. You still don’t remember me do you?” He said looking down at her... She looked up at him, confusion in her pretty hazel eyes.

  “We met a long time ago, you were tied down, on a table." His voice is lowering, bringing it back now, the horrible memories, He had looked down on her before...

  “’ll need to go undamaged to your new master.” She was on a gynecological bench, legs spread, the room is so dark, filled with shadows. His form was hulking above her, huge. She couldn’t see his face, can only hear his voice through a white mask...that awful voice. His fingers were inside her, she hated it. She didn't think that anything could be worse than that room, being on the floor in the nude, freezing, listening to the awful stories, but this was worse. Preparing for - sale. She felt tears burn her eyes, more of the awful tears.

  He goes on in the deep voice, she can tell he’s aroused. ”Your pussy's so tight. The man who's bought you has a cock like a baseball bat and fucks like a battering ram. He knows how to work a whip too.” Panic raised her heart rate and made her twist in her bonds. Helpless, she was so helpless. The tears worked in streams down her face.

  He has prepared her arm to administer a drug to her intravenously, she watches helplessly as he draws the medication from a vial with a syringe and inject it into a bag of saline then begin to administer the drug through an IV drip. Later she learned that the drug is a cocktail of Rohypnol commonly referred to as the date rape drug along with a few other ingredients the FBI was not able to identify. Some of these other ingredients were the cause of quite a few severe reactions in some of the abducted women. Francine was very lucky to have made it through their administration, as K told her after they’d flushed them out of her system.

  But for now she realized there was nothing she could do to stop it. First she felt the cold from the water than the burn from the drugs. The hateful voice went on, “You sold quickly too. Too quickly.” She heard it, the regret in his voice while the toxin is slipped through her veins. “Soon you’ll be ready to fuck anything, but you should hope he will still want to go slow. “

  His mouth hovered above hers and he pulled on one nipple twisting until she let out a little cry, he bent his head, t
ongue dipping out to taste the cry coming from her lips, "your cry of pain is like sugar to me,” His eyes rolled back in his head with the pleasure of taking the first lick of your favorite Ice cream. He ran a hand down her body and she trembled in fear, “Not one little mark on this flesh now that it's his Francine. He went to the wall and showed her a large, a very large dildo, she struggled helplessly in the bonds her fear spiking again, ash in her mouth as his hands dipped between her legs, lightly massaging her clit. The drug was coursed through her now, heated her blood, did it’s dark work. He let her look at it as he rubbed and rubbed and then she felt herself heat with desire and shame.

  Before long her sex wet his fingers and soon she began shake with tiny explosions, he smiled at her, his cheeks rising above the mask, the tone in his voice thick with need. You should have been mine. "I want to continue, but he's experienced Francine, if I used this on you right before he had you he'd be able to tell." she wanted to weep in relief, but If you were mine, I’d love drenching and stretching that tight pussy. it's always fun to do while fucking your ass. Oh god, she could feel the heat again, " Getting hot again are we?" He turned a dial on her IV, the machine oozed out the last part of the cocktail. "Goodbye Francine next time you open your eyes it'll be to greet your new master.” She had sunk into darkness after that.

  “You? It was you all along?” Francine is astounded, can barely breathe. Ralph? Helpful Ralph who’d been with her all this time was him. The man who strapped her to a table and - she can barely get the words out past her tight throat “You're the... ” monster “ - that wanted me?” The man K had saved her from, the man that ran a sex ring operation? But how could he? Ralph was kind and helpful and he liked women, didn't he?

  “Still having a hard time believing I’m the powerful man that I’ve always been Francine? You’ve seen me weak for so long, but all that’s about to change. We are going to get to know each other on a completely different level now. You will believe I am who I say I am.

  “I sent K on a mission months ago to scout a new territory for us. See, he’s the “king” of hiding shit right out in the open. My money is “disappearing” but it’s right there “hiding” in the bank account of the whore’s we’re supposed to be selling; and there he is, trying to make a supposed “run” for it on one of my very own boats. Drove me fucking crazy for weeks!” Briefly he thought back...

  How come none of you can find FUCKING K? He had taken out brass knuckles and did a surprise combination on a few guys, blood flying everywhere. “Must I do fucking everything?” He had shouted in frustration. “Track him down!”

  “How sir?”

  Ralph had really thought about it. “The only time K had showed any interest in anything besides my fucking money was when he wanted to stick his dick in that fucking whore, what was her name?”

  “I don't know sir.” He had slapped the flunky like a child.

  “Fucking find out! Goddammit! Must I do everything!

  “It was like he had nine lives! Then we finally tracked him down onto one of my own boats trying to make a run of it to Europe. At first, I thought your pussy wasn’t as hot as we all thought it was.” She looks up at him undeterred. He’s was coming closer. Dumb cunt isn't even trying to get away, he thought. she just kept looking at him, square in the eye.

  “In any case my men attacked him, they’re a hell of a lot less versed at interrogation than me, they don’t get any intel on where my fucking money is and there’s K, inching toward the guard rail. Well what was he gonna do? Going over would be suicide, the water was choppy, a storm was coming, they were miles off shore and it’s like below zero; not to mention K was pretty messed up, hobbling around on one foot.

  But then the crazy son of a bitch just throws himself overboard, just like that! We considered going after him, but what was the point? The money was gone, he wasn't giving it back and no one's getting in that water. K was as good as dead.”

  I told my men by satellite radio to just forget it! Turn the boat around and come on in! Just think how surprised I was later to find out K was a Summer Olympian. Oh yeah! Shows up here one day sniffin’ around after you like we thought he might. How do you do? I’m Karl Fucking Augustus. Makes you think he might of planned the whole thing, huh?” He did. Now she realizes, he did. He let himself take that beating, swam those icy waters in the dark - so he could be with her.

  Ralph squatted down in front of her, Francine’s hand subtly inched around to her back pocket. “Maybe he did all that, so he can come here clean and live out the rest of his days with you.” She didn't say anything, but he could see the pieces falling in place behind her eyes as she hears each word.

  “Well, if you think I’m gonna be left standing around with my dick in my hand at the end of this you are sadly mistaken Francine. And you know what the worst part is? He didn't even need my money, he took it, just because he could! And you, is there no shame to you? You found out his name when I did, didn't you? She gave him a look over her shoulder, but kept on her “crawl” mission across the barn.

  ”Well, I’m going to finally find out what’s so fucking special about your pussy and have my money at the end of all this, plus a lot more. Keep in mind I had no way of knowing if he’d actually show up and certainly not that he’d be Karl Fucking Augustus and I came out here anyway. Karl Fucking Augustus, right under my thumb all that time! I could have held him for ransom, sent him back in pieces and got all my fucking money back and more.“

  He gave her a really ugly look, “How much will he pay for you to stop your pain Francine? To keep your pretty skin from being marred? It would be so much fun to find out-” He reached for her, but Francine was finally within reach of the knife. She turned and stabbed him, twisting the blade as best she could in his belly. He caught her wrist and twisted the knife from her, but she had stuck him like a pig on a spit and he was bleeding, the dark blood welling up. He slapped her with an open palm and her head spun, she let out a cry but did her best to ignore the pain, crawling again toward one of the stalls.

  “You're gonna pay for that whore, I know you like it rough.” He said, but now he was distracted, yeah, a bleeding abdomen can be a distracting thing. Nevertheless she could tell he still thought he’d bested her, while looking for something to wrap up his wound. She wanted to smile at his misplaced confidence, despite her aching jaw. Listening to him she realized she wasn't the only one with a stupid mouth that couldn't stop talking sometimes.

  “Fucking bitch.” He was muttering. “I found your collar - you fucking lap dog.” That gave her pause. “Oh, I see that got a response.” He said. He had found something from somewhere to staunch the blood from the oozing wound in his side. She turned back around continuing her crawl trying to to get on her feet, the world slowly coming back into focus around her. Ralph had a mean slap. She didn't even want to think now about how much practice he must have gotten in. She did not want his hands on her again.

  Broke in here while you two were out on one of your “dates” to God know’s where. Don’t know why he wasted time trying to seduce trash like you...” She was on her feet now stumbling around. “...when you’re so obviously ready to kneel at his feet.” She kept quiet now doing her best to remember her training, to ignore his taunts, she was better than that.

  “And then you befriend Paris Spaulding! That bitch is trouble too! If I had made a move on you sooner she would have had the DCPD,VAPD and fucking FBI all doing an inquiry into where you would have gone, all that over one missing whore!” He started after her, menace on his face.

  “Well let them look Francine! At this point I’m fed up with nothing else to lose! I’m going to take you and maybe I’ll send a couple of guys around for that Paris too. He grew thoughtful a crazed glint in his eyes. At this point she was on her feet. Ralph lunged and grabbed her. She was about 10 feet from the stall she was headed for. He spoke near her ear. “I've never had 2 best friends before, it'll be interesting to see how far you two will go to protect each other. I
'll put one of you in the cage and let the other watch. Maybe her since she seems to be the more dominant. What do you think she will do Francine to stop your pain? I can't wait to break her when I do it'll be like a sugar cube melting on my tongue, then you'll be easy."

  Francine wasn't sure what fury Paris was capable of, but she considering how ballistic she was ready to go on that cop that stopped them and the FBI if they didn't arrange the room to her specific specifications when Francine came to identify her attacker gave her a pretty good idea.

  Back at the house Francine’s phone was on her desk. It was ringing - persistently. They had been through this. Karl sighed. He trusted her, of course he did. That wasn't the issue. She was crunching data tonight, in that boring way of hers. Crunching data is not a reason to ignore your Dom’s texts (especially the Dom that loves you).

  He hadn't spoken to her since morning and he was not boarding that plane until he did. Where was she? Giving in he texted Paris:

  Is Francine with you? After a moment the text came back.

  Oh, hey Karl. No. Swamped in litigation up here with these mfukrs. Haven’t been able to call out all day. Then-

  Frannie’s at home with those damned plants. She’s not picking up the phone?

  I’ll try her again. He wrote back.

  She bugs me, it’s like THE PLANTS take over and she loses track of time. There was another pause.

  I’ll swing by her place as soon as I can escape from this “pit of despair”.

  He thought about it for another minute. Trying to exert some self control, never his strong suit when it came to Francine. Oh hell. He pulled up the APP he had the security company install, the one that showed him what was going on in each room of the house. Yes it was intrusive, yes it invaded her privacy, he’d deal with that later. They were still getting used to each other right? He turned on the lights one by one looking in each room, no Francine and then, he saw it. The damn back door. Someone had broken the lock and tried to hide it.


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