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Governess in Disguise: Historical Regency Romance

Page 17

by Lisa Campell

  Also, you’re calling what you have for her an attraction? It’s a lot more than that and you know it.

  Thomas pushed that aside. He was not going to start going into how he felt for a woman who should be out of bounds. It was an attraction, nothing more, and he wasn’t going to pursue it. Much. Not really.

  No, he wasn’t. He wouldn’t.

  “It’s not a woman.” Thomas did his best to brush his friend’s assumption aside. “Far from it. I’m just...I suppose I’m in a good place right now. Even with everything going on right now.”

  “That’s something.” Brent sat back and folded his arms. From his knowing expression, he didn’t believe what Thomas had just said. “Although I am surprised that you would find someone attractive right now.”

  “I’m well aware of that, but I know Anna’s going to be fine.” Thomas ran his hands through his hair. His fingers were beginning to feel cold. “She managed to get out of the house and do something in the garden today. A few more days and she’ll be better. I know it.”

  “That’s good. I don’t like seeing children unwell.”

  “You’re going to struggle when your children are in bed coughing up goodness knows what.”

  “As long as it’s not blood.” Brent shuddered. “I hate the sight of blood.”

  That had Thomas bursting into laughter. “You hate the sight of blood? You?”

  “If you were anyone else, I would have hurt you for laughing at me.”

  “Good thing you won’t.” Thomas looked at the clock and was surprised to see that it was long after midnight. He hadn’t even noticed the time had gone by so quickly. No wonder he was yawning so much. “I think I’d better get home. I’m going to end up falling asleep if I stay any longer.”

  “Sounds like a good idea.” Brent put the book on the desk and rose to his feet with a heavy sigh. “I’m looking forward to crawling into bed and cuddling my wife.”

  That image had Thomas’ chest tightening. He had been sleeping in a bed alone for two years. The bed often felt very cold when he got in. Olivia had always been the first to bed, and she would keep the sheets warm. Thomas had enjoyed sliding into bed to cuddle up to his wife, enjoy the few hours of quiet. He slept very well when he knew he was close to someone he loved. It was at those times he could really let his guard down.

  But that had been back then. Two years now, and the bed was still cold and uninviting. Thomas had never been tempted to take anyone to bed, even if it was just for company. He just couldn’t do it. However, if it was Emilia Perry and he asked her to…

  He pushed that aside. He wasn’t about to think about Emilia like that, or it was going to be harder from him to get to sleep. Thomas pushed himself to his feet and started to roll down his sleeves.

  “I’ll head off, then. Thanks for helping me out with this, Brent.”

  “Not a problem.” Brent picked up his coat and shrugged it on. “Although I prefer to be helping out with the regular work at the club instead of this.”

  “Same here, but this is what happens when you take on a business. More paperwork gets involved.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Brent waved over his shoulder as he left the room. “Night, Thomas.”


  Thomas buttoned up his sleeves and then reached for his coat. He could barely keep his eyes open. At least he would be able to sleep in tomorrow. Anna hadn’t been going for rides lately due to being unwell and while Thomas hadn’t been going out with her on his horse, he still found himself waking up at a stupidly early time. Most days, he was unable to get back to sleep. Other days, Thomas happily sank back into his bed as he remembered that he didn’t need to go anywhere.

  He expected to wake up in a day or two and hear that Evelyn was gone. That she was never coming back. Lord Latimer said he would make sure she didn’t return after her actions. From what Thomas could tell, Evelyn’s parents would be glad to get rid of her. He would certainly be glad to get rid of her; he didn’t want Evelyn ruining what he had with Emilia.

  What did he have with Emilia? There was a strong attraction for her on his end, that much Thomas was certain about. He hadn’t been able to focus properly whenever she was around, and he just had to be in the same room as her. That smile of hers, those beautiful eyes, they captured him every time. Thomas couldn’t leave the room until he had been able to look into her eyes and receive a simple smile.

  But even with his attraction, Thomas was aware that something was not quite right with Emilia. She claimed to be a widow, but Thomas was sure that was a lie. There was no hint that she had been wearing a wedding ring, and she didn’t act like she was distraught over her husband’s death. They didn’t get along, maybe, but even then, Thomas expected some tears. There was nothing, just cool responses whenever her husband and his family were brought up. Thomas learned to keep away from that subject, mostly because he could see it was a touchy topic.

  However, he was sure that something else was going on. What was Emilia looking for? If it had been anyone else, Thomas would have fired her already for her snooping. He didn’t like it when his servants didn’t trust him. But he wanted to know what Emilia was up to first. He would have to hold his cards close to his chest and see what Emilia did first.

  Thomas knew he shouldn’t trust her, but when Emilia Perry was around and looking at him with those lovely eyes, that had him wavering. She could tell him to do absolutely anything and Thomas would do it.

  Not absolutely anything. But close enough.

  God, I do have it bad.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, Thomas shrugged his coat on. He was looking forward to going home and crawling into bed, even if it was going to be cold. The fire would warm the room up enough, hopefully, and Thomas was tired enough that he could fall asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

  If only he could get Emilia to join him. He would certainly sleep well.

  Stop it.

  He had to get his mind away from where it was straying. Emilia Perry was the governess and he was her employer. It couldn’t happen. It shouldn’t. But it didn’t stop Thomas thinking of what he would like to do to the beautiful woman.

  He really did need to stop. His trousers were getting far too tight around the crotch, and Thomas had to grit his teeth at the discomfort. Now was not the time to be having erotic thoughts about the governess. And he certainly couldn’t ask her to come to his bedchamber and ask for some relief; she wasn’t here for that.

  But Thomas wished she was.

  Chapter Nineteen

  He headed downstairs, signalling for one of his servants to join him as they crossed paths.

  “See that my carriage is ready around the side passage as soon as possible, Sebastian.”

  “Yes, Mr. Andrews.”

  Thomas reached the ground floor and out the side door into the alleyway. He didn’t have long to wait until his carriage pulled up to take him home, and the night air was welcoming on his face. Thomas knew this wasn’t exactly the best place to be outside at such a time - muggings and assault were very commonplace in the surroundings streets - but he wasn’t afraid. He kept to the shadows if necessary and often stayed inside Drake’s. Tonight, he wanted to be in the chilly night breeze to cool his warm cheeks. That fire was welcoming, but it could get to be too much.

  Not long now, and then he would be home.

  There was a movement in the shadows across the street, down another small alley. Thomas noticed it a few times but didn’t immediately pay much attention. It was probably a small urchin or something. It didn’t look big enough for a thug swinging a club. They weren’t exactly subtle, either. But then he noticed that there was a swish of a larger shadow, and he caught a glimpse of an outline that wasn’t male.

  A female was watching him.

  Thomas groaned. God, if it was Evelyn Wilson...he had thought she was with her relatives by now, not still in town. She had committed several atrocious acts that couldn’t be forgiven, and yet she still thought she was entitled
to be his wife? Maybe committing her to a family member wasn’t what she needed. Committing her to an asylum worked better, in his opinion.

  He wasn’t having it. Pushing away from the wall, Thomas hurried across the road and made his way along it, pretending that he was taking a stroll. That alley went along the back of some tenement houses, and they became actual mazes the further you went in. Evelyn may not know her way around a lot in this part of town, but Thomas wasn’t about to have her runaway. He wanted answers. Right now.

  The shadow movement had disappeared as Thomas approached, and he was careful not to look as he started to walk past. He was aware of the slight hitch of breath, the tiny gasp. That was when Thomas spun around and grabbed at the darkness. There was a slight scream as he clasped an arm and yanked her forward. Immediately, he pulled her towards him, and Evelyn fell against his chest.

  No, not Evelyn. She was too short to be Evelyn, and Evelyn certainly didn’t make his body respond in such a way that had Thomas’ heart stumbling. He stared at the woman in his arms, clasping against his chest.


  “Mr. Andrews.”

  That he had not been expecting. Emilia Perry in his arms, wearing a black cloak over a black dress, the hood of the cloak falling off her head and her hair tumbling about her shoulders. She tried to get away from him, but Thomas tightened his arms. Whatever she was up to, he wasn’t going to let her get away with it that easily. And Thomas didn’t really want to let go anytime soon.

  She’s not here for your entertainment. She’s here for a reason. You need to focus on that and not on the woman in your arms making you harder than you’ve been in a while.

  “What are you doing out here? We’re a long way away from home.”

  “I…” Emilia’s cheeks flushed, and she looked away for a moment. Then she licked her lips and glanced up at him. “I was out for a walk.”

  “You what?” Thomas snorted. “At this time of night in this part of town? Are you out of your mind?”

  For a split second, Emilia didn’t answer. Then she drew up to her full height. Even with him holding tightly onto her, she managed to do that. The top of her head barely brushed his chin, but there was a coolness about her that Thomas felt all the way down to his toes.

  It didn’t stop his erection from hardening even more.

  “That is none of your concern, Mr. Andrews,” Emilia said coolly. “I can take care of myself.”

  Thomas partially believed that. Mostly because she was mad enough to go walking on her own, in the middle of the night, nowhere near the house. But she was wrong that she thought it wasn’t his concern what she did. She shouldn’t be here right now.

  There was the clattering of horses’ hooves and Thomas looked around to see his carriage coming around the corner, his driver on the front seat. He signalled for the man to slow outside the alley, waiting until the carriage had completely stopped. Then he took Emilia’s arm and dragged her towards the door.

  “Come on. We’re going home now. And you’re going to give me an explanation as to why you’re really here.”

  Emilia’s heart was in her mouth. This was not good at all. She was not meant to get caught by Andrews. She was supposed to watch Drake’s and talk to the surrounding neighbours to see what her employer was like. The neighbours weren’t his workers, so they might give her a different answer.

  But it wasn’t until she was knocking on the first door that Emilia realized she had been an absolute fool to do this. Nobody knew where she was, and she had asked her private carriage to pick her up in two hours. She still had another hour before she was due to be collected. Those who did answer the door leered at her and made some very suggestive comments. Emilia didn’t consider herself a prude, but some of the things they were suggesting made her stomach churn.

  God, to think she had been taken in with suggestions like that before.

  An hour into her search, and Emilia had come up with nothing. Nobody was willing to talk to her, several of them telling her to go home as she shouldn’t be out on such a night. The longer she was out, the more Emilia agreed with them. What had she been thinking? Why didn’t she do this on her afternoon off instead of waiting until her charge was asleep before sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night? This would surely get her hurt, or worse. If Andrews hadn’t come along…

  You think he’s any safer than those who propositioned you?

  He would never hurt me. I know he won’t.

  Not for the first time that evening, Emilia wished she hadn’t been such a fool and left the house. The only saving grace was that Andrews was there and he would be taking her home. But he was watching her with such a scowl as he helped her into the carriage that Emilia was almost tempted to get out and wait for her carriage to collect her.

  From the look of it, he wasn’t going to let her leave.

  “Mr. Andrews…” Emilia started as she shifted onto her seat, but Andrews held up a hand.


  That was enough to silence her. Emilia resisted the urge to squirm on her seat as Andrews climbed in and sat across from her, slamming the door shut and hitting the roof with his fist. The carriage started off again, and Emilia fell back to bump against the wall behind her. Pain vibrated through her shoulder, but Emilia was more concerned about the look Andrews had aimed in her direction. He sat across from her, his hands clenched into fists on his thighs, his eyes never leaving her as the carriage swayed. He was angry, and rightfully so. If Emilia was in his position, she would think that she was missing a bit more than common sense.

  “What did you think you were doing, Emilia?” Andrews snapped. “It’s the middle of the night and we’re nowhere near the house.”

  “I…” Emilia licked her lips. She had to be convincing. “I was going for a walk.”

  “A walk.”


  Andrews arched an eyebrow, his expression incredulous.

  “You know I don’t believe that for a moment. You were following me, weren’t you?”

  Did he really know what she was up to? Oh, God, did he know who she was? From the way he spoke to her, it was entirely possible. But Emilia wasn’t going to back down, not until she knew he was certain that he knew who she really was.

  Squaring her shoulders, Emilia fixed him with a glare.

  “Anna was asleep, and when she’s sleeping, I’m relieved of my duties until she wakes up,” she said. “What I do when I’m not working is none of your business.”

  Andrews snorted.

  “I think it is. You work for me, which means I need to know that you’re not doing anything stupid.” He sat forward, his eyes never leaving her face. “What you do reflects on me and my reputation. Otherwise it looks like I can’t keep control of my staff.”

  “I’m in complete control over everything.”

  “I doubt that.”

  Andrews’ jaw tightened, his eyes drifting over her face. Why did he have to look attractive when he was angry? Emilia didn’t know whether to pull away or lean into him. Her body was betraying her a lot, and she didn’t like it. She was supposed to hate him, see him as the bad person in this. But the more time she spent in his company; the more Emilia found herself softening towards him. There was more to Thomas Andrews than she realized, and she was beginning to realize that her opinion on him was misplaced. She was beginning to believe that Andrews was innocent of her father’s death.

  Beginning to. There was still a part of her that was certain he killed Jonathan Hill. And that made the side that believed he was innocent feel like she was coming into a pact with the devil. She shouldn’t feel so bad about changing her opinion.

  Emilia wanted to look away. She was sure Andrews could see the truth in her eyes, but she couldn’t look away from that intense look. He really did captivate her when he was this intense.

  Not good at all.

  “How did you get down here, anyway?”

  “I took a carriage from the village.”

  Andrews’ eyes widened.

  “You walked three miles to the village in the dark and then took a carriage? You really are mad.”

  Emilia knew that. But she couldn’t exactly ask the servants to prepare the second carriage; they really would get suspicious. As far as they knew, she had decided to go out for a walk. Chances were they would be panicking right now wondering where she was. Hopefully, they were asleep and didn’t notice that she hadn’t returned.

  This had not been well thought through. Emilia knew this was her own fault. At least she had been rescued by her employer. If it had been anyone else…

  Don’t think about it. You did something stupid, and now you’re safe. For the most part.


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