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A Knight's Path (The Path of Cinder Book 1)

Page 12

by Nathan Grafton

  The young man drew the sword and swung it experimentally. The blade hissed through the air and Alden smiled. It was a real weapon, his weapon. And now he was going to learn how to use it.

  The Sergeant cleared his throat, “If you two could come over here, I’ll start teaching you how to use those stickers.”

  Alden and Warren moved across the room and took up the stances Malcolm told them to. He started them with footwork, and more footwork. And then there was more footwork. It frustrated Alden but the Sergeant told them if they tripped over their own feet in a fight things wouldn’t end well. Their body position determined how they had to defend, how they could attack effectively and how fast they could get out of the way of an incoming attack. The young man simply accepted it and drove forward through it all.

  Lunch flew by and then Warren and Alden rejoined Sergeant Hunter and they sparred with their fists again. An activity Alden enjoyed even though he would have more then one bruise to show for his efforts. Warren would have a few as well though and Alden made sure to remember that.

  After that was dinner and then the pair parted for a few hours. Warren went back to their room to relax while Alden went to the library to dig around in law again. The young man reached the old rooms that were usually empty and found Elise sitting at one of the tables surrounded by volumes of law books.

  The blonde looked up as Alden walked in and shut her book, “Alden! What brings you in here?”

  The young man shrugged, “I’ve been studyin’ law in here when I have time. Seems you beat me to it.”

  Elise frowned, “What, oh, yeah, it’s an interesting subject.”

  Alden raised an eyebrow, “Okaaaay, mind if I join you? You’ve got most of what I’ve been diggin’ through here actually.”

  The blonde bit her lip and hesitated for a minute before letting out a breath, “I don’t mind.”

  Alden pulled back a chair and sat down across from the blonde and reached for the volume he’d been reading the last time he’d been there and flipped the book open. His eyes started to scan the page and he could feel Elise’s eyes on him for a minute before she reopened her book and started reading again.

  The young man read quietly, but he noticed Elise as she kept looking up at him. Alden cleared his throat, “You certainly gave John a thrashing.”

  Elise snapped her head up completely, “What now?”

  The young man looked up at her, “When we were on the Wall with Sergeant Hunter? He had us sparrin’ with one another? You beat the tar out of John? I thought you were impressive.”

  The blonde smiled sheepishly, “Oh, that was nothing. You should see it when I fight with Enzo. I was holding back on John.”

  Alden studied her intently for a moment before asking, “Is there something on your mind, Elise?”

  The young woman shook her head, “No, nothing at all. Just, oh never mind. I’m not very good at this. Can you keep it to yourself though?”

  The young man sat up and his emerald eyes met hers and he nodded, “Of course. What’s wrong?”

  Elise looked down and then back up at him, “My father was arrested. For illegal weapon sales. He sold bows to elves who live near us and well, the Blood Fists found out and arrested him for arming individuals disloyal to the Crown.”

  Alden sucked in a breath. If the Blood Fists had Elise’s father, odds are he was on his way to the hangman’s party. But maybe the situation could still have a happy ending.

  The blonde looked down at the floor again, “They aren’t enemies of the Crown. They live down the road from us and they just wanted bows for when they go hunting. But that’s not admissible in court since that’s illegal as well. My father would be guilty of aiding a thief and poacher. Only a citizen has a right to hunt on the Crown’s lands and an elf can’t be a citizen. So they’d be charged with poaching since they went hunting and then theft for taking the fur and meat from it. I’ve been digging through all of these books trying to find a way out of it but I can’t see one anywhere. It’s hopeless.”

  Alden looked up at the ceiling and then off to his sides and then back at Elise again. She was fighting to stay composed but she was doing better then he would be. If his father was in the hands of the Blood Fists he would be frothing at the mouth.

  The young man leaned forward, “Elise. If there’s a way to get your dad out of this, I will find it. Before, I was searchin’ through all of this garbage out of curiosity. But now, I’m gonna make sure and find a way. I don’t care how long it takes. I promise we will get your father out of this. You hear me?”

  Elise nodded and looked back up again, “Thank you but, why?”

  Alden shrugged with one shoulder, “I’m your friend, and friends help each other. I know if my dad was stuck in prison you’d be helpin’ me. Or at least tie me to a chair to keep me from goin’ off the deep end.”

  The young blonde smiled and Alden continued, “Besides, from what I’ve seen in these books I’m not too fond of our good King’s laws. And I’ll gladly fight and exploit them as much as I can.”

  Elise looked around quickly and muttered, “I’ve seen people hang for less then what you just said, Flint.”

  Alden waved off her concern, “It’ll be fine. I’m loyal to the Crown. But, lets focus on the task at hand shall we?”

  The blonde nodded and reopened her book and began to scan the pages as Alden did the same with his. Nothing promising was found except for a vague article regarding sales of a weapon to a person with regards of self defense but most precedents linked to that involved small hand axes or daggers sold to elves. Not broad head arrows or longbows.

  The evening wore down and as the clock approached 11 Alden yawned, “I think we should rest, Elise. We’ll just miss something if we’re tired.”

  Elise murmured a response and the green eyed teen stood up and bumped her, “Come on. We should get some sleep.”

  The blonde let out a breath, “I know. Just wish we could find something soon. The sooner we can pay the fees and take it to court the sooner my father will be out of the hands of the Blood Fists.”

  Alden shut his book and lifted the stack, returning them to their shelf as he replied, “I know, those thugs are just, well a bunch of thugs. But we’ll get your dad back don’t worry.”

  Elise lifted the remainder of their books and started to re-shelf them as she sighed, “Enzo isn’t even helping. He believes in courts, thinks their just and fair and that the Judge will rule fairly without us trying to find a loophole in the laws. But I know the Blood Fists won’t let their victim go so easily.”

  The young man grunted, “I’ve heard the stories about them. But we’ll get him back, I promise.”

  The blonde let out a breath and turned toward the door, “Thank you, Alden. Just keep it to yourself. I don’t want everyone to know about it.”

  The green eyed boy smiled, “I won’t say a word.”

  Elise hugged him, “Thank you, again. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

  Alden hugged her back and then released her a moment later and the pair continued down the dim hall to their rooms in silence for a few minutes until Else broke it, “What do you think of this ball the King is having?”

  Alden nodded, “Not quite sure. Are you going?”

  The blonde rolled her eyes, “Yes, I was informed I have an obligation to go as the only female cadet in our little band of students. I’d prefer not to go, especially since I’ll probably go alone and leave early and I would rather spend my time trying to solve this mess my dad is in.”

  The young man glanced over at her and popped one of his knuckles before asking, “Why do you think you’ll go alone?”

  Elise shrugged, “I just don’t feel like trying to find anyone to go with. Why?”

  Alden swallowed and Elise stopped walking. The young man stopped a moment
later an the blonde raised her eyebrows, “What’s going on behind those emeralds of yours, Flint?”

  The young man popped another knuckle and stammered, “Well, I was just thinkin’ that you could go with me if you wanted to.”

  The blonde’s eyes met Alden’s and she held his gaze for a few agonizing seconds before smiling and saying, “I’d love to.”

  Chapter 30 Inquisitor's Challenge

  Sergeant Hunter arrived in the Captain’s room as ordered and was less then surprised to find Inquisitor Solace there as well. Why the Captain always brought him to these was beyond the Sergeant but he had been summoned so he showed up.

  Captain Fox leaned back in his chair as he said, “Inquisitor, report.”

  Solace cleared his throat and started to speak, “Sir, as you know there have been attempts on two more of our order, a pair of cadets, as well as the stabbing of another. This time a Knight Corporal by the name of Grant. However, this death has given me the first solid lead in this case since it began. Half of the blade broke off inside Grant’s chest and I’ve already identified its origin. Elven, forged by the Netherfire clan. The reason I know this is because of the alloy used in the blade, it comes out darker then what any other clan uses in their blades.

  “I also believe we’re dealing with an organization and not a single individual. I think they may have inside help though and have been posing as servants. That’s why there is such little resistance. No Knight would expect a member of the kitchen staff of running them through with a dagger. The reason I conclude that is because a third attempt took place the same night as Grant’s death, at roughly the same time.

  “That attempt involved Grant’s partner, a Corporal named Mason. This is the first time an attempt failed, at least in part. Mason managed to take the blow in such a way that he wasn’t dead when we found him. He had lost a lot of blood however and the Medics are attending to him now. They also reported signs of a blow to the head that may cause permanent damage. Hopefully, when he wakes we can get a few more solid answers. He may have suffered brain damage due to the blood loss and head trauma though and may not remember the events.”

  Malcolm listened to the report and turned his attention over to the Captain as the Inquisitor finished. The Captain frowned thoughtfully and finally asked, “Sergeant, what do you think of all this?”

  The Sergeant blinked twice and muttered, “I’ve lost two good men,” before looking up and replying, “Sir, I think it sounds like the elves have gotten tired of being second class in this Kingdom. They’re weakening and attempting to divide us at the same time. Once the Guard is properly distracted they’ll make their move, killing the King and his son, maybe the Queen and Princess as well. They want change and the only way they think they can get it is through death. I’ve heard of these Netherfire elves before but they were always smugglers and thieves, never murderers. Unless, they’ve decided its time to up the stakes.”

  Captain Fox chewed on his lip, “What do you think we should do Sergeant?”

  Malcolm thought for a moment before replying, “Let the Inquisitor continue his investigation and grant him four Knights to aid him.”

  The Captain sat up and leaned on his desk, “Why four?”

  The Sergeant replied evenly, “One pair to investigate the Netherfires. One pair to investigate the staff.”

  Fox leaned back in his chair again, “Inquisitor, how many men would you like?”

  Solace smirked, “Four, sir.”

  The Captain smiled, “Granted. Pick who you want out of the Paladins, Corporals, and off-duty Sergeants. No Bastions. No Cadets.”

  The Inquisitor dipped his head, “Of course, sir.”

  Fox waved his hand, “Dismissed, Inquisitor. Sergeant, I wish to speak with you.”

  The Sergeant remained where he was standing as the Inquisitor left the room and Fox asked, “You’re probably wondering why I bring you to all of the Inquisitor’s reports.”

  Malcolm smiled, “I was starting to get curious, sir.”

  The Captain stood, “I’m beginning to consider my retirement, Malcolm. You’ve been loyal and you have a well-balanced mind between heart and logic. As such, I have begun to look at candidates to recommend as my replacement to the King. You are the first I have considered, Malcolm. And so far. So far, I have been impressed with what I have seen. If you agree, and things continue as they have been after this set of Trials I’m going to pull you from your duties as Sergeant and have you shadow me. Is this agreeable, Malcolm?”

  Malcolm Hunter stared at his Captain for a moment before blinking twice and swallowing, “Of course, sir. I’m honored.”

  Derek Fox smiled, “You can leave off the ‘sirs’ and call me Derek when it’s just us, Malcolm. But onto other business. The King just told me about the ball. Same thing as every year. I’ve set up the duty roster and informed the Bastions who needs to be where. All the other off duty Knights, including Cadets, can attend. So let them know and try to get as many there as possible. His majesty wants to meet Warren in particular. I told him about the Light reading you got off the young man.”

  Sergeant Hunter nodded, “Of course, s- Derek. I’ll make sure he attends.”

  Fox hesitated, “How are they progressing?”

  Malcolm smiled, “This group is one of the best I’ve seen in a while, sir.”

  The Captain nodded, “Good. Are they training now?”

  The Sergeant inclined his head, “At the moment they’re sparring with daggers in one of the training rooms.”

  Fox stood up, “Do you mind if I look in?”

  Sergeant Hunter shook his head, “Not at all.”

  A few minutes later the pair of Kmights stood on a lookout above the sand pit. Alden Flint and Alexander Hawkes sparred with training daggers in the middle of the ring. Flint was the better fighter, there was no doubt about that. He would let Hawkes take the offensive and then counter when opportunity presented itself. Alden would allow Hawkes back up and then the young man would launch himself into the same exact sequence that had just countered only to have Flint counter it in a different manner.

  This pattern continued for a few minutes until Alden decided enough was enough. He went onto the offensive, wooden blade dancing and feinting. A few moments later Hawkes lay on his back in the sand with Flint’s knee resting on his chest and the wooden dagger pressed against his throat. After a few seconds Flint released the man and tugged him back to his feet and turned his attention to the side of the arena.

  Warren Faulkner sat off to the side with Reginald Blackfeather slumped over next to him. Sergeant Hunter furrowed his brow at the unconscious youth but let it go. He didn’t seem seriously injured and no one else did either. The Captain grunted, “Can Faulkner keep up with him?”

  Sergeant Hunter took a moment to answer, “He can so far. Although Flint, when he loses that temper of his, it’s almost like he gets faster, stronger. But it’s not just the reckless abandon you get from people with tempers normally. It doesn’t wear him out. And it’s almost an inhuman level.”

  Fox was quiet for a moment, “I see. Thank you, Malcolm. I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

  The Sergeant inclined his head as The Captain left the viewing room and a moment later followed him out of the room.

  Chapter 31 Bad Timing

  By the time Saturday rolled around Warren was frustrated. All Sergeant Hunter had them doing was footwork. He wasn’t training them to wield their weapons and finally the big man questiond the Sergeant on it. Hunter had informed Warren that if he didn’t know where to put his feet he would end up dead. There was no sugar coating the matter or a gentle explanation. Just the cold fact that Warren would stumble and die on the battlefield without footwork.

  Warren accepted the response reluctantly and moved on his thoughts turning to the Ball. He would be going, he had to. His father would
expect it of him as a means of gathering support from families and the King. But he didn’t want to show up alone or with only Alden beside him. His partner was loyal and fierce but he was, well, uncultured. Not to mention there was a chance the young man would lose his temper at some Merchant or Noble if they insulted his upbringing and family. That sort of incident would only reflect badly upon Warren.

  The big man shook off the negative thoughts about his partner and focused on the drills Malcolm was running them through. They were becoming second nature at this point and the heavy shield and mace didn’t seem as hefty. He didn’t feel fatigued or sore and now that he thought about it that seemed odd. Warren had never felt his muscles ache and he always seemed to recover quickly despite the hard training and various injuries.

  The Knight Sergeant called for them to halt and were about to head to lunch Warren cleared his throat, “Sergeant, we train non-stop but I have never once felt a muscle ache or cramp. Why?”

  Sergeant Hunter smiled, “I was wondering when someone would ask about that. When the Wall was built the Light Wizards imbued some of the stones with their magic. It promotes health and accelerates the natural healing process. Its more then enough to take care of a few sore muscles. It also helps with hangovers although you probably never noticed that.”

  Warren accepted the answer and the pair left the training room and ate another quick meal before disappearing into the arena again. Fighting was almost all they did. But Warren had other things on his mind as he reflexively blocked the hail of blows Alden came after him with. He just had to connect once though to gain an opening. Alden had to wear the giant boy down and then make use of whatever openings were presented to him. Just a few months ago just one of those motions would have put Warren down.


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