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The Acolyte: Magicians of the Beyond

Page 9

by Victoria Murata

  They had walked onto the grassy bank of the lake. He turned to her and the sunlight glistened on his skin. “Fear, Danica. Fear will keep you from accepting your full power. That was what this lesson was about. Tomorrow I’ll begin to teach you to swim.” He turned from her, grabbed his robe, and walked toward the hotel.

  She stood, stunned. Fear! He planned this whole thing—making me feel like I was drowning and then ‘saving’ me. He wanted me to be afraid. That man is so exasperating! He could have just explained to me how it works. But even as the thought crossed her mind, she knew it wouldn’t have been the same. She understood that what the mind can reason out isn’t always a predictor of how the body will react. Damn him!

  She made her way back to the hotel feeling like a drowned rat. I’m going to take a long hot bath and forget about Jimmu.

  Back in her room she stripped out of her soggy clothes. Standing in front of the full-length mirror she ran her hands through her mostly dry hair. It’s so thick and straight! And it seems longer and darker than it was. Her hands traveled across her face, feeling the structure of it, down her neck and over her body. It feels like me, only different. She looked closely at her eyes. They seemed larger than before, and the irises were icy blue and bright.

  She went to the bathroom and turned on the water in the deep tub and added some bubble bath. She planned to soak for at least an hour. While it filled, she perused the wardrobe to select a dress for dinner. The wardrobe was curious. Its offerings changed daily, and if she needed something, it always seemed to be there. She chose a spectacular dress, a low-cut halter in a clingy fabric. When Jimmu sees me in this, he’ll take me seriously!


  That night at dinner the main topic of conversation was Danica’s celebration. Everyone was still excited about it, and each person’s memory of the ascension was slightly different. Jimmu was quietly eating his dinner, listening to the others. He, too, had been amazed at the sight of Danica rising into the sky with lights seeming to flow out of her and sending sparks into the entire auditorium. He glanced at her now. She was enjoying being the center of attention. The dress was becoming, her color was high and her eyes bright. She smiled often. Beautiful. He remembered how she had looked walking out of the lake earlier that day, her wet clothes clinging to her body revealing alluring curves underneath.

  Tonight, she had left her hair long and had pinned one side away from her face with a sparkling barrette. Her eyes were the most mesmerizing color. He found himself staring at her and so he didn’t hear Phil’s question.


  “Yes?” To his consternation, the others giggled.

  “Are you starting Danica’s swim lessons tomorrow?”

  “We started today.” He looked at Danica and she blushed. “We’ll swim every day at 3:00. I think she’ll learn quickly.”

  Phil turned to Danica. “Are you feeling more comfortable here? Have you met any of the others in the community?” Her green eyes, the soft color of moss on a tree trunk, looked fondly at her protégé.

  “Yes. In fact, I’m going on a horse-back ride with some new friends later after dinner.”

  “Did Marc invite you?” Wilder asked, a mysterious smile on her lips.

  “I met him and Josh and Keera. She invited me.”

  “Marc is an experienced rider. You’ll be in good hands,” Neith said. “And he’s handsome, don’t you think?”

  Danica blushed. Yes, I do think! “Um, I didn’t really notice, but I am excited about the ride.”

  Jimmu stared at her. He wasn’t happy about her going on this ride. Especially with Marc who had a reputation with some of the females of the community—and his reputation extended to other communities as well.

  “I think you should forget the ride and turn in early. Get ready for a busy day tomorrow,” he said. “It will be a full day of training and you’ll be tired.”

  Wilder leaned forward smiling at Danica, her brown eyes gleaming with gold and red fire. “And I think you should go on the ride. Every day will be busy, and you should have some fun.”

  Jimmu scowled. How can I explain to Danica that she needs to be careful without looking like an idiot?

  “Jimmu is worried about your virtue,” Neith said playfully. “Marc has a reputation as a ladies’ man, but I think you can take care of yourself.”

  “I’m not worried about her virtue,” Jimmu said angrily. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea for her to have to subject herself to Mr. Irresistible so soon. Her Magic is just coming in.”

  “You’ve heard the jury members, Danica. The decision is up to you,” Phil said lightly, her eyes sparkling, enhanced by the deep green velvet of her gown. “Marc is charming. He’s also the best equestrian we have. You can learn a lot from him.”

  “I’m going. I’ve always wanted to ride horses. Marc was friendly and welcoming today. I can take care of myself, and I know what I’m doing,” Danica said confidently, glancing at Jimmu.

  She’s a babe in the woods, Jimmu thought. She’ll be putty in Marc’s hands. And the thought of those hands on Danica made him angry. He shook his head. They’re right. She’s a big girl. Let it go!

  “Good for you,” Liam said.

  Later, after dinner and after she had changed into riding attire, Danica made her way to the stables. The path was well lit with small lights spaced intermittently on each side, and the light from the full moon flowed into the shadows, brightening the dark spaces.

  The stables were a flurry of activity. Fifteen people were grooming and saddling horses. She watched for a while until she heard Keera call her name. She made her way over to a stall where Keera was saddling a blue-gray mare with a distinctive white marking on her forehead.

  “You’ll ride Star tonight. Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Danica walked up to the mare who nuzzled her hands softly. “She is! And I see where she gets her name.” She stroked the white star on the mare’s forehead.

  “Marc chose her for you. He has an uncanny ability to match people with horses. He said Star is both beautiful and spirited, like you.”

  Danica blushed. Just then Marc walked into the box.

  “Danica, I’m glad you came. What do you think of Star? Isn’t she a beauty?” His hands reached for the horse and he scratched her withers affectionately.

  “Yes, I love her already.”

  “Let’s lead her out and you can hop up in the saddle and I’ll adjust your stirrups,” Keera said.

  Once outside, Marc helped Danica into the saddle. His hand rested on her thigh and he looked at her with impossibly blue eyes. “Stick close to me tonight, Danica. Let your natural wisdom take over. You’ll be great!”

  Danica’s leg felt hot beneath his hand. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Then Keera handed her a helmet.

  Soon everyone was mounted and gathered outside the barn. Danica saw a few familiar faces, but most were new to her. Keera explained the route they would take, and they started out two by two. Marc slipped in next to her, and as they rode across a wide meadow, he explained a few fundamentals of riding.

  “Good horsemanship isn’t just knowing techniques and having skills. It takes place in your mind, also, Danica. Just relax into the rhythm of the horse.” He seemed so earnest. “Here, give me your reins and close your eyes.” She did as she was told, gripping the saddle horn. “Now feel the movement of the horse beneath you. Can you feel which foot she’s putting down?”

  After a few moments she said, “Yes.”

  “Can you feel her shoulder moving?”

  “Yes. She’s like a giant muscle moving under me.”

  Marc chuckled. “That’s it! We’re going to move into a trot. You’ll feel how she changes gait, how her body shifts.”

  “Okay,” Danica replied.

  “Keep your eyes closed and stretch your arms out to the side.” When he noticed her reluctance to let go of the saddle horn he said, “Trust your instincts, Danica, and allow your Magic to guide you.” />
  “Okay,” she said reluctantly, releasing her grip and stretching out her arms.

  She felt Star shift into the accelerated gait. After a few beats bouncing uncomfortably in the saddle, Danica began to rise to the trot.

  “That’s excellent, Danica. You’re a natural.”

  She thrilled to the feeling of unity with Star. It seemed like they were one body. One entity. She kept her eyes closed and felt the unmistakable connection with her horse. After a few minutes of the trot, Marc told her they were going to canter. She felt the horse gather its legs under her and reach into the canter. Danica’s arms were still stretched out to the sides and she relaxed into the saddle. God! This is so great! I love this!

  After a few minutes she felt the horse slowing into a walk.

  “Open your eyes, Danica. We’re coming into the forest.”

  Danica opened her eyes and Marc handed her the reins.

  “Tell me what your legs were doing in the trot.”

  “Um, my calves were against the horse. Is that what you mean?”

  “That’s right. What happened when she went from a trot to a canter?”

  Danica thought for a moment. “I increased the pressure.”

  “Good! When you want her to slow down or stop, use your thigh muscles, right?”

  They were entering a dark wood. There was a path that narrowed so that they needed to go single file. Danica was thrilled. The smells of the forest and the cool of the air piqued her senses. She felt alive with nervous energy.

  They followed the narrow path for a mile, and as they were coming to another open meadow, Star shied at something and leaped sideways. Danica managed to keep her seat but lost a rein, and Star, feeling undirected, took off in a panic through the thin underbrush.

  “Hang on Danica!” she heard Marc yell.

  Star crashed through the sparse trees in terror. Danica heard Marc and his mount riding behind her. She saw the trees moving past her in a blur, blending into the stars and the dark sky.

  Oh My God, what should I do? Should I jump off? Her heart was racing, and she couldn’t think clearly.

  Suddenly she got a clear message from Star. She had never read an animal’s mind before, and yet she was certain it was Star’s panic she was hearing, and Star was panicking because of her! Star didn’t know her and didn’t trust her, and she was feeling Danica’s terror. Danica was so astonished at hearing Star so clearly that she forgot her own panic. She leaned forward and got her mouth as close to the horse’s ears as she could. She put her hands on either side of Star’s neck.

  “It’s okay, Star. You’re safe. You’re safe.”

  She sent calming thoughts into the horse’s mind and felt the mare respond to her and slow down. Marc caught up to her and guided his horse in front of Star to stop her. The mare was breathing heavily, her head lowered. Danica hardly noticed Marc leaping off his horse.

  “Danica, are you alright?”

  “Yes,” she gasped, easing out of the saddle. She found herself standing next to Marc. “I was terrified until I felt Star’s fear. I knew what she was thinking. I felt her panic. She doesn’t trust me, Marc.”

  His eyes scanned her face anxiously as he reached in front of her and loosened Star’s cinch. Both she and Star needed air, and she removed her helmet and unbuttoned the top button of her shirt.

  “She doesn’t know you. It will take time, and if you’re willing to work with her, she’ll get used to you. And now that you know you can use your Magic with her, it won’t take long,” he said.

  “I’ve always been able to read people, but I never tried it with animals. It was amazing! I was able to see how she felt and calm her down.”

  “That’s great, Danica. Horses are fearful of lots of things. If you can influence Star with your mind, you can help her understand that she isn’t in danger.”

  As if in answer, Star wickered. Danica reached her arm around Star’s sweaty neck and kissed the horse’s cheek.

  “Her panic was just emotional. I was able to put calm thoughts in her mind and she slowed down.” Danica was excited about her ability to affect Star’s mind. She had never considered that her power might extend to animals.

  Marc stepped closer to her. “You’re amazing, Danica. Do you know what I’m thinking? Can you read my mind right now?” he asked, looking into her eyes. He moved a strand of her hair behind an ear and caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers.

  She looked up at him. She could see the moon shadows crossing over his face. She allowed herself to probe his mind and she gasped with the intensity of his desire.

  He put his hands on her shoulders. “You’re different from other girls, Danica. Special.” He was drawing her into his embrace when they heard riders approaching and they quickly separated.

  “Here they are,” Josh called. The others drew up their horses behind his.

  “Great job keeping your seat, Danica,” Keera said. “It looks like horse and rider are both all right?”

  “Yes,” Danica answered shakily.

  She put her helmet on and Marc tightened Star’s cinch. He helped her into the saddle and mounted his horse, and they followed the others back to the meadow.

  That was close! He was going to kiss me. Would I like that?

  She found herself steeling glances at Marc as they rode. He looked regal in the saddle. It was easy to see why he was a respected equestrian. His horse was tuned into Marc’s every movement.

  There’s only one way to find out how his kiss will feel. She determined to allow it the next time they were together.

  When they got back to the barn Marc disappeared, and Danica didn’t see him again. Keera took some extra time to show Danica how to untack Star and brush her down. As she was hanging up the bridle, Danica asked innocently, “Where did Marc go?”

  “Who knows. He’s a busy guy. Arthur usually takes care of his horse for him.”


  “One of the grooms. He idolizes Marc.”

  “Will there be another ride soon? That was so much fun!”

  “We ride often. You can come anytime.” Keera looked at Danica appraisingly. “Anyone else would have been petrified if their horse bolted on their first ride. You’re brave.”

  Danica blushed. “I was scared. But I think Star and I need to spend more time together. Maybe I’ll take some lessons and get to know her better. She’s really a sweet horse.”

  “Good idea. There are a few people who give lessons.”

  I know who I want to take lessons from. He’s tall and handsome and has the most amazing blue eyes.

  After they put the horses into their stalls and gave them some hay, they said goodnight and went their separate ways.

  That night Danica dreamed she was a horse. She was running wild and free in a herd with other mares. A beautiful palomino stallion led the herd into a green meadow and then stopped. The horses all began to graze on the lush grass. The stallion trotted up to Danica and she saw that he had blue eyes. He made advances toward her and she galloped off. He kept up his pursuit and every time she would think she was getting away, he would overtake her. Finally, she tired and had to stop. He seemed unfazed and took advantage of her exhaustion and mounted her.

  When she awoke, the dream was fresh in her mind. Hmmmm. I’d better be careful with Marc and keep my wits about me.


  Danica’s schooling began in earnest. Her first class was a language class. She was surprised to see Jimmu and Emma, her maid, in the Lymonian language class, an immersion class that had obviously been going on for a while. She felt a little lost until she was able to pick up the rhythm and cadence of the language and begin to figure out its structure. Then she was able to make connections to better understand the system of this new language. When she left the class, she was confident that she would have it down in no time. As she walked to her next class, Jimmu fell in step next to her.

  “How are you feeling about the Lymonian language?”

It’s starting to make sense. I’m getting the syntax so I should be conversational soon.”

  “Good. We can study together if you like.”

  Before she had a chance to respond, he said, “Here’s my next class. See you at three at the lake,” and he ducked into a doorway. Danica continued to the martial arts studio.

  Aikido was in a large room with mats on the floor. She changed in the locker room and tied her hair into a bun. The instructor, Lori, a short wiry young woman, handed her a helmet and directed her to the mats where she joined seven others. Then she proceeded to explain to them the difference between Aikido and other martial arts.

  “In this practice you will learn how to harness your chi and use it to control an opponent. Let me demonstrate. Frank, you’re new to this class. Come on up. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  A well-built young man walked to the front. He towered over Lori. She asked him to come at her with the intention of overpowering her and putting her on the floor. She told him that even though he outweighed her, and he was taller, he would not be able to do it. This challenge seemed to amuse him, and he approached her with an air of confidence. After a few moments of gathering himself, he lunged at her and she deftly sidestepped and before Danica was able to process what had happened, Lori had him on his stomach on the floor with his arm pinned behind him.

  “You don’t have to be big to overpower an opponent. You only have to know how to use your body and momentum against him.”

  Danica spent the rest of the class learning a couple of moves that would be effective against an attacker. When will I use these skills? she wondered as she left for her next class on codes and code breaking.

  In Lymonia, time and away ….

  “She’s with Phil now. It won’t be long before she’ll be here.” The elderly man spoke softly from his position behind the gazing globe. He was staring into it intently.

  “Dumone, we knew she was coming. We’re well prepared,” a powerfully built man said calmly from the table where he sat drinking wine from a silver goblet. A gold circlet surrounded his thick black hair.


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