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The Acolyte: Magicians of the Beyond

Page 17

by Victoria Murata

  Because there’s no structure, there are no connections. No relationships between one being and another.

  Danica had never had a meaningful and lasting relationship with anyone before coming to the Beyond. She had never been close with her parents; she didn’t have any relatives that she knew of; she had never had a long-term boyfriend. She had longed for a connection but at every opportunity she had held back, not believing in herself and feeling her ‘talents’ would scare people away.

  Maybe Dumone and I are more alike than I want to admit.

  She had had a couple of girlfriends, other geeks who had sidled away when they discovered how different she was. And in her sophomore year she had hooked up with a boy for a short time.

  She remembered Brad. He was tall and intense—a star basketball player--and they had groped each other behind the bleachers in the gym a few times. He had wanted to go further but she had held back and soon he had found another girl who was easier to convince. Word evidently got out about her coolness, and after that the boys had left her alone.

  Now everything was different.

  She explored her thoughts, carefully turning them over in her mind. What would I do if Phil weren’t in my life? She discovered that even the thought of it made her eyes prickle and brought a lump to her throat. Is this love? Is this what I’m feeling? If I lost her, I would be devastated. She’s more like a mother to me than anyone has ever been. But then, what do I know about a mother’s love?

  She put her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes. She thought of the Coverts. I’ve gotten close to all of them. They’re like the family I never had.

  She considered how much she had changed since her arrival to the Beyond. Here I can be myself. Everyone knows what my gifts are, and no one pushes me away. I have friends here.

  After her visit with Master Stefan and her discovery that the flowers, shrubs, and plantings responded lovingly to her care, she had become more interested in gardening. Shaw had agreed to be her mentor, and she planned to visit Master Stefan again soon.

  Shaw and his love of the gardens had been a connection for her. He had shown her many ways he nurtured the plants and she had become his occasional assistant. Beau had remained close to her, meeting her often for lunch or in the evenings in the cantina. She enjoyed hanging out with him and Casmir. And she had spent a lot of time with her friends from the stables—Keera, Josh, and especially Marc. She warmed with the thought of Marc. Every time she was near him, she felt energized, and she was aware that he felt it too. She knew it was only a matter of time before their friendship would turn into something more.

  After my mission I can give more attention to Marc. It’s what we both want, I know.

  She thought of her own abilities. I’m so focused now. Since my celebration I’ve become stronger mentally and physically. My body is amazingly agile. I know I can accomplish my mission in Lymonia. I just need to keep the end in sight.

  And then she realized she wanted to go to Lymonia. Partly because she was curious about her birthplace and the people who had known her parents, but more because of a sense of altruism that was tied to what she now understood as the feelings for family. I don’t want to let anyone down. They’re counting on me and I’m going to do everything in my power to accomplish this mission.

  She opened Bartlett’s Quotations to a random page, closed her eyes and ran her finger down the page, stopping near the middle. When she opened her eyes, she read: “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.”

  By Richard Bach. Hmmm. You are one smart man, Richard Bach.

  She let out a breath and closed her eyes. She felt relief mixed with determination and something else, something that was protective and cherishing, and she discovered it had everything to do with her new family. This feeling warmed her, and she finally drifted to sleep with a smile on her lips.


  The following day after lunch, Danica met Beau, Jen, and Mei in her room. It was the same team that had prepared her for her birthday ceremony.

  “Darling, when Phil told me how she wants you transformed I nearly had an orgasm. I’m so excited I can’t wait to get started!” Beau gushed.

  The routine was like her celebration make-over. Mei helped her in the shower and did her hair. Jen worked on her make-up doing more plucking and shaping. Then Danica stood in front of Beau, a blank canvas to his artistic eye. He rummaged around in the wardrobe and pulled out a few items.

  “I need to make you look Eastern and exotic, so we’ll do a kimono. We aren’t going to go the whole traditional route here. That would take forever and be way too cumbersome. First the juban.”

  Beau wrapped a thin white cotton short-sleeved robe around her and tied it on her right side. Then he produced an exquisite silk kimono. Turquoise and emerald-green dragons flew across an expanse of dove-gray material, their fierce heads and long snake-like bodies embroidered with red and silver thread. In the background, fiery volcanoes erupted. Dark red and gold lava flowed down the sides. The long sleeves were crimson red inside.

  Danica gasped at the beauty of it, and when prompted, slipped her right arm into the sleeve. Then Beau wrapped it around her body, taking in the left arm and crossing the fabric, left over right. Beau surveyed her critically. Then he rummaged in the wardrobe and brought out a koshi himo belt. As he held the extra material of the kimono about her waist, he secured the belt, crossing it in the back and tying it in the front. He straightened out the excess material of the kimono and brought some down to cover the koshi himo belt.

  After that, the datejime belt went above the koshi himo belt under her breasts, and it was tied in the front. Each added piece called for an adjustment of the kimono fabric.

  “It’s all about how it hangs, darling, and on you it’s hanging beautifully.”

  Last was the obi, a twelve-inch-wide length of silk that was dark gray on one side and bright red on the other. Beau put a long length of it over her shoulder and then wrapped the other end around her waist twice with the gray side showing. He brought in the length that was over her shoulder and wrapped it around the layers. He tied a bow with the two end pieces, allowing the red silk to show. The bright red fabric and the dark gray made a beautiful contrast. Then he moved the obi around so the bow was in the back.

  Danica looked dubious. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to do all this by myself.”

  “Don’t worry, darling. Jimmu and Emma will help you. Jimmu knows the order and placement of all the wardrobe pieces.” Beau held up colorful sandals. “Now we’ll add these and you’ll be finished.”

  Danica stepped into the red geta sandals, and he led her to a mirror. She stared at her image, awestruck. Her hair was the deepest black tied up in a large bun and adorned with sparkling red and green ornaments. Her sweeping black eyebrows gave the appearance of more almond-shaped eyes. No amount of make-up could disguise the color, though. She gave Beau an icy blue look.

  “I love the blue eyes in the Eastern face. So mysterious! I don’t think Phil will like it though. Here, let’s put in these dark contact lenses.”

  The transformation was astonishing.

  Everyone was already in the meeting room when Danica stepped through the door. As one, then another, and then all heads turned to her, she saw the confusion that turned to surprise and then appreciation.

  “That’s incredible,” Liam breathed.

  Danica found Jimmu’s eyes. He was unguarded and his face registered shock and then awe. “I thought I had seen the best of Beau. He really outdid himself.”

  Danica smiled at him and he felt his breath leave. She’s so beautiful.

  Phil stepped up and looked her over with the green-eyed attention of a cat examining a new curiosity. “This is what you’ll wear when you are invited to the castle. It’s stunning, and you’ll make an impression. The women will be excited about the silk fabric you’ll show them, and they won’t be on guard. You should be able to re
ad them easily, and hopefully you’ll get information about the comings and goings of Count Gurdyn and his son, Rone.”

  “What about me? Will I be transformed?” Emma asked eagerly.

  “You’ll need the right clothing and hair. Beau and his team will come up with that,” Phil said.

  Emma smiled and blushed, and Danica had the sudden realization she was attracted to Beau. She more than likes him. I wonder if she knows about Beau’s friend Casmir.

  The team spent the next two hours going over the plan and trying to sort out every detail. When they left the meeting room, everyone felt confident that the course of action, as much as could be planned, was a good one. The questions that could not be answered would have to be figured out once Jimmu, Danica, and Emma were in Lymonia.

  That was what Danica couldn’t get comfortable with.


  In the morning, Danica went to the stables to get Star ready for her early morning ride. She enjoyed these rides because it was the only time to get away from what loomed ahead. To her surprise, Marc was there tacking up his horse.

  “I thought I would ride with you this morning, if that’s alright.”

  She enjoyed the quiet of her solitary rides, but she was flattered that Marc wanted to ride with her.

  “Of course. Anywhere in particular?”

  “There’s a place I want to show you. It’s not far from here.”


  The horses were frisky in the crisp morning air, and the two friends seemed to mirror that energy. They laughed and talked and teased each other as Marc led the way through a sparsely wooded area alive with wildflowers. When they got to a wide meadow, they galloped the horses across, slowing them as the land rose into soft hills. They climbed the last mile and soon reached the top of the rise. Below them, the crystal blue water of the lake sparkled, bordered by deep, green forest.

  “Oh, this is beautiful!” Danica gasped.

  They dismounted and Marc led his horse to a tree. He looped the reins over a low branch and did the same to Star’s reins. The two walked to a shelf of rock overlooking the vista and sat down next to each other.

  “This has always been one of my favorite places. I come up here to think and sometimes just to be alone.”

  “You’ve never struck me as a loner.”

  He looked sideways at her, smiling crookedly. “I’m not. But sometimes I don’t feel like talking to anyone.”

  “Thanks for sharing this place with me.” She grinned at him. “Now that I know about it, aren’t you afraid you’ll come here someday hoping to be alone and find me here?”

  “Actually, I’d like that.” He turned to her and took her hands in his. She felt the warmth of his touch travel up her arms. His eyes regarded her intently. “I’ve wanted to get closer to you, but you’ve been so busy lately getting ready for your mission. Now there’s hardly any time left.”

  “You sound like I’ll be gone a long time.” She laughed to cover her discomfort.

  “How long will you be gone?”

  Danica lowered her eyes. “I don’t know,” she admitted, and then the other thought crept in. Maybe I won’t return. To her dismay she felt her eyes prickle.

  Noticing her change of mood, Marc asked, “How dangerous is it?”

  She lifted her eyes. He looked so sincere, and she wanted to be honest with him. “Very. But I’ve been in training for months now and I feel I’m ready. Plus, Jimmu will be with me. And Emma.”

  He reached up and wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “It’s okay to be afraid.”

  Without warning, Danica burst into tears. All the bottled-up nervous anticipation of what lie ahead came to the surface. Embarrassed, she covered her face with her hands. Marc reached for her and took her in his arms, and she cried softly, resting her face on his chest.

  “I don’t know anything about Lymonia,” she said through her tears. “I have no idea what’s in store for us there. If it were just to find the High Priestess and restore her to power, it would be simple, but there’s Count Gurdyn and Dumone. How can I defeat a powerful wizard?”

  He felt her shudder and hugged her tightly. “Danica, I …, I admit I’m nervous about your mission. I wish there were some way I could go with you. I want to protect you.”

  Suddenly overwhelmed with affection for Marc, she leaned back and put her arms around his neck and drew his face to hers. Their foreheads were touching, and she said, “No one has ever worried about me before. Thank you for that.” He moved his head so that their lips came together in a soft, tentative kiss. They drew apart and looked at each other before he pulled her to him and they kissed again, this time deeply. Danica felt the urgency of his lips, and his passion sent a current through her. His mouth moved over hers and her lips parted. She felt her body ignite from a place deep within.

  This is what I need!

  After weeks of planning for a mission that seemed more tenuous every day, the physical touch of Marc, his hands cradling her face, his breath mingling with hers felt real, and she needed something real right now, something honest and substantial. She clutched him to her, and he gently lowered her, so they lay on the rock face. All her restraint and control melted away. Constantly reminded of the nebulous nature of her mission, she was desperate to keep him close and she allowed his advances, welcoming his touch, needing the weight of him on her body. Her physical need was overpowering. She felt a current passing through her, pulsing like an electrical charge.

  Abruptly Marc pulled away from her. He was breathing heavily.

  “Marc? What’s wrong?”

  He sat up and ran his hands through his hair.

  “Marc, come here,” she pleaded, holding out her arms. A dark halo of hair had spread around her head, sparking electricity. Her body was lit from within.

  He stood up and reached down and grasped her hands, pulling her to her feet.

  “I’m sorry, Danica,” he said unsteadily, drawing her into his embrace.

  She put her arms around him, trying to kiss him.

  He moved her to arm’s length. “Danica, we need to go.” His voice was shaking.

  “No. Please. I want to stay. Did I do something wrong?” Her eyes pleaded with him.

  He covered his face with his hands and bent forward. Then he straightened and shook his head. He looked at her incredulously. “You really don’t know, do you?” he asked.

  She stared at him, eyes round. “What is it?”

  “I can’t explain it, Danica. It was the most powerful feeling coming from you—out of you. And it scared me. Believe me, I’ve been with many women, and I’ve never had an experience like this before.”

  Now she was worried. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No!” He looked out at the crystalline surface of the lake, choosing his words. He dragged his eyes back to her face and she saw his vulnerability.

  In a quavering voice he said, “You’ve astounded me. I felt like I was out of my body and you were in it. I felt completely helpless and powerful at the same time.”

  Her eyes were imploring him. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He smiled weakly. “I’m sorry. I’m shook up and I need time to think about what just happened.” Then he drew her to him again and wrapped his arms around her. “There is something that I know now. Something that I didn’t know when we came up here.” He rested his cheek on her head. She held her breath waiting to hear what that was.

  “You can do this, Danica. There’s no doubt in my mind that your mission will be successful.” He pushed her at arm’s length and looked into her eyes. “You’re a force. I pity Dumone. He has no idea what’s coming.”

  Danica felt relief in Marc’s confidence in her, and at the same time she wondered at his reaction to their intimacy.

  Marc is strong. Masculine. If he feels overwhelmed with me, how will others feel? Will I ever be able to experience love?

  The ride back to the barn was subdued. Both Marc and Danica were lost in their own t
houghts. After they brushed the horses and turned them out, Marc turned to Danica.

  “Will I see you before you leave?”

  “Oh, I’m sure,” she said awkwardly. But she wasn’t sure. In fact, she was pretty positive she wouldn’t see him before she left on her mission. She turned to go.


  She turned back, her eyebrows raised in a question and he stepped toward her.

  “I’m sorry.” His eyes were sincere. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to be with you. I planned this morning, knowing it would be the perfect opportunity for us to be alone. When we were …” He paused, struggling to express his feelings. “When we got passionate, you were on fire. I can’t explain it in any other way. And this fire, the heat of it went into me and I …I felt out of control.” His eyes were pleading with her to understand. “I wasn’t myself,” he finished lamely.

  She took his hand in hers. “It’s okay, Marc. I’ve been so focused on this mission, it’s taken over my life, my thoughts, my dreams, even. I think that’s what you felt—my tension. My intensity. When I return, things will have settled down. I’ll be different. Calm. I’d like us to try again, then, if you want.”

  The relief on his face was unmistakable. “I do want, Danica.”

  She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He took her in his arms and embraced her tightly. “Be safe.”


  Phil, Emma, Danica, and the four Coverts stood before the portal, the wall sconce dimly lighting the weathered wood.

  “You know how the portal works,” Phil said.

  “I know it’ll be easier going through than finding it to come back since it isn’t stationary,” Jimmu said.

  “Danica, your talisman will help you find it when you need to return, and you should be able to sense it.”

  Jimmu looked at Danica but didn’t speak out loud what they were all thinking. If she’s alive when we return.

  “If we don’t see you back here in a week, one of us will come looking for you,” Wilder said. “Meanwhile, keep your wits about you.”


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