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Sex Magick

Page 7

by Tom Raimbault

  There were all sorts of procedures and exercises prescribed in that book. It mentioned that cleaning the quartz crystal should be done on a regular basis by soaking the stone in a mixture of sea salt and fresh water for some period of time. Cleaning the crystal would remove any negative energy brought on by regular use that could reduce its efficacy.

  In addition, grounding and purifying one's own energies is important. By laying flat on the Earth with the head pointed north, quartz stones could lay at or near each chakra. This exercise of grounding would eliminate any stagnant, harmful energies in the body and cleanse the chakras.

  Meditational exercises could be done as well. By forming a 6-pointed star with 6 quartz crystals, a user could sit in the center with a larger “generator stone”. By aiming the points of the crystals towards the body, the effect would be more of a personal, transcendental experience. Aim the points away if wishing to pray for or influence the outcome of another individual. When familiar with the 6-pointed star exercise, 6 more quartz crystals could be added to make a 12-pointed star. For the best effect, begin to associate each stone with an astrological sign. One should mentally run through the entire zodiac while performing the 12-pointed star exercise.

  When sleeping, three quartz crystals should be used to form a triangle around the body. To avoid the stones from rolling off the mattress at night, one should construct or purchase wooden pedestals or columns that surround the bed. This sleeping in a triangle enables the open energies of the universe to work with the astral body.

  Peculiar things begin to happen when using quartz crystals. Some people remember moments and fragments of past lives. If this happens, it's best to seek the consultation of a qualified past life regressionist. This therapy could take years to endure! One man learned that he was once part of a scientifically and technologically advanced, pre-Atlantean civilization that worked with extraterrestrial biologists in creating the first pair of Homo Sapiens!

  Avoid making contact with metallic items when using quartz crystals. This won't damage the stone, but could short out the effects. It's better to rest quartz crystals on natural surfaces such as soil, wood, stone or even glass. If one feels that a quartz crystal has been “programmed” improperly and causing harm—yes, these stones can be mentally programmed—it's best to give them a sea salt bath or even bury them in the ground for a few days.

  And above all, quartz crystals should only be used for the best and highest good!

  Now you would think that while briefly scanning the text book and learning of these activities pertaining to quartz crystals, Jim would have decided against the use of such an item. But surprisingly, by the end of his afternoon reading, Jim was beginning to doubt any prior beliefs or preconceptions he had of quartz crystals. And outside of simply being bizarre, the prescribed exercises would have made Jim feel stupid—sitting in the middle of a 12 pointed star while thinking of the zodiac. Jim just wasn't into that sort of nonsense. Now skeptical, he tucked the crystal back in his front pocket and slipped the text book under his seat.

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the drive-side window. A quick look over yielded a familiar but unhappy face. It was Amber, Jim's now forgotten mistress.

  Jim rolled down the window. “Oh, hi! What brings you here?”

  But Amber was the one asking the questions. “What are you doing?”

  Amber couldn't be made known of Jim's new use of quartz crystals. “Just sitting here wrapping up paperwork for the day. What's up?”

  “What do you mean what's up? I haven't heard from you since yesterday morning. I was waiting and waiting for you to call or text me—but nothing.”

  “Sorry about that. It's been a busy Friday.”

  There was much on Amber's mind. It could be seen in her face. She asked, “Do you have a minute? Can we talk?”

  “Sure, here? You can sit in the passenger seat if you want.”

  Amber walked around the Mapleview Cable bucket truck. Hopefully no one would see her if passing the Hidden Lake Forest Preserve parking lot. And then she sat down.

  Amber sighed, not wasting a minute with all those things on her mind. “Does she know?”

  “My wife?” asked Jim.

  Amber hated when Jim used that word and wished he would only refer to Kimberly as “she or her”. Amber shook her head, yes.

  “I haven't said anything. Why, are you on to something? Do you suspect that maybe she knows?”

  Amber nodded in negation, “No, I just was wondering if you told her the truth about us.”

  “The truth about us?” Jim had to be very careful with his choice of words in that moment. “Amber, do you really think that I'm just going to suddenly tell my wife that I have something going on with the woman down the street? That would really screw up the marriage, you know?”

  Amber frowned, “So everything is going fine between you and her, huh?”

  “Yes, it is. Amber, what's this all about? Did you want to cool it for a while?”

  Amber shook her head in negation and held back her tears while looking towards the floor. “I just need to know where you and I stand, that's all. I mean you come and go; I don't see you for a couple days. I'd think you could at least call or text me.” Then Amber looked directly over at Jim. “I need to feel like I'm not being used. I just wish you could give me a little more commitment, that's all.”

  Jim sighed. “Alright, I know what you're saying. I can do that, but I need you to understand that I'm married and just can't come over all the time.”

  Amber hated any mention of him being married.

  Jim continued. “I'll call you and text you and make more of an effort to see you throughout the week. Is it a deal?”

  Amber nodded, seeming to be okay with the agreement. But she was quick with her farewell, “Give me a call, later.” as she stepped out of the truck and over to her car. Without a kiss and only a quick drive away, she left Jim the impression that not all had been settled. There was still unfinished business.

  But it was where Jim needed Amber for the moment; somewhat around but not too close. He wasn't ready to burn any bridges with the mistress as he needed to learn more about the mysterious, crazy, old woman. Could she be found and ultimately had?

  * * *

  Despite how skeptical Jim may have been that afternoon of quartz crystals; there was an all too powerful phenomenon that happened later that night. Maybe there was a speck of remaining hope that caused him to set the quartz crystal on his nightstand. It was small enough and able to hide behind Jim's alarm clock so Kimberly wouldn't see. And after turning out the lights and wishing goodnight to his sleepy wife, Jim lay there on his back with eyes closed.

  15 minutes passed… a half hour. Perhaps he was trying too hard. Perhaps all Jim needed to do was roll over on his side and nod off to sleep. This worked for about twenty minutes. But then, suddenly, Jim was wide awake.

  It was no problem. All he needed to do was roll over on his other side and doze off. Again, this worked, but was accompanied by a bizarre dream in which Jim sat in a meditational position before a black television screen, naked. Soon the face of an extra terrestrial appeared on the screen and telepathically communicated with Jim, mentioning that for years “they” had been attempting contact, but all efforts were ignored by him.

  Jim awoke upon this nightmarish revelation. It was going to be a long night!

  Another dream involved sitting in a confessional and having a bizarre discussion with a priest as he told the story, “I've been to Mars and was not impressed. I found green, foozy hairs in the hotel bed sheets. The water in the shower was never hotter than Lukewarm, and the room service was terribly slow… Before leaving Mars I picked up a crystal from the red, powdery surface. It holds some kind of energy. I can't figure it out, but when held in my left hand while facing east, I am able to hold my breath for over seven minutes.”

  After waking up from his second bizarre dream, Jim began to suspect that the quartz crystal was responsible for his restless night.
But there remained some doubt in him as he simply turned over with intention of falling asleep. Suddenly, the terrifying thought of voices calling from the quartz crystal, “Let us out!” swayed Jim to remove the stone from his nightstand.

  Something needed to be done to block the effects of the crystal. Jim was beginning to believe in the notion of “mentally programming” quartz rocks and felt he had probably done something inadvertently-negative while reading the blasted text book. Now in the kitchen at nearly one o'clock in the morning, he carefully set the quartz crystal in a small juice glass and covered it with a mound of sea salt. Fortunately, Kimberly was mindful of her family's health, and used sea salt for cooking in substitution of table salt. Next, Jim partially filled the glass with spring water from the cooler. Finally, the deprogramming quartz crystal was brought into the basement and hidden behind some boxes. He would decide what to do with the thing in the morning.

  Chapter 12

  Jim had gotten sidetracked; that was for certain. Originally wishing to use the quartz crystal for purposes of tracking the mysterious, crazy, old woman; the blasted text book had apparently flooded his brain with all sorts of occult nonsense. Jim stood in the kitchen on Halloween morning, drinking his first cup of coffee while speculating that the crystal had been “misprogrammed”. Although doing more harm than good, the book was helpful to some degree. Simply the very understanding of programming, misprogramming and deprogramming a crystal had been made possible by the book. And there were exercises that Jim was growing most curious of, such as sitting in the circle of stones with a larger, generator quartz. But the rest of it needed to be forgotten and cleared from his memory.

  Oh, there was one other important piece of information that stood out for Jim from the book. It was mentioned that people have an innate understanding of how to use crystals. No one really needs an instruction book. It was this very notion that inspired Jim to formulate a new plan.

  Breakfast eaten and ready for the day, Jim went downstairs to pull the quartz crystal from its cold, slimy sea salt bath. It was immediately rinsed and dried off and soon perceived as special friend; a genie perpetually at Jim's service. But the crystal needed some more friends to assist in the upcoming task.

  After pulling out of the subdivision in the company bucket truck that Halloween morning; Jim followed Mapleview Road north, past the Trivelli house, past Hidden Lake Forest Preserve and beyond the bend where the road transitions east. Soon he crossed Creek Highway, en route to Sillmac.

  On Halloween morning, the utility truck for Mapleview Cable pulled into the parking lot of Sillmac Quartz and Candles.

  “Good morning! Can I help you find something?” The same clerk from yesterday greeted Jim as he entered the shop.

  But Jim needed no further help from her! “Yeah, I just need to get some more crystals.”

  She studied him carefully as he hand selected a collection of a six stones and brought them over to the counter. “Would that be all?”

  “Yeah, that's good for now.”

  In comparison to the crystal purchased yesterday, the medium-sized stones that he browsed this morning were of high quality with minimal impurities; carefully hand cut and pointed. This made them pricey at a cost of $7.00 per stone. The clerk rang Jim up. “That'll be $44.10.”

  Jim paid cash, of course and threw away the receipt! Again, Kimberly could not be aware of her husband's sudden interest in the occult.

  There was a noticeable difference between the crystal purchased on Friday and those purchased on Halloween morning. Friday's stone was considered less quality as it was simply a smoky quartz that was dull-gray in color and roughly filed to form the point. The six crystals purchased together had minimal impurities, making them clear in appearance. In addition, the points had been carefully cut to form crowns. Jim wasn't sure of any proven difference in effects, but the original crystal possessed a certain vibe or energy, nearly a character of its own. In addition; the invisible, optic pressure that radiated from the original stone continued to be felt and was more detectable than the others. Because of these observations, the original stone was chosen as Jim's generator.

  * * *

  Throughout Halloween afternoon, the additional six crystals soaked in a sea salt bath. While Kimberly took 9-year-old Collin around the neighborhood for trick-or-treating, Jim and April alternated answering the door to ghosts, vampires and pirates. And although Jim wished to snack throughout the afternoon on candy, he had a peculiar understanding to avoid sugar. There was work of an occult nature to do that night.

  The same could be said for dinner. Each year, Kimberly made a spooky, Halloween bake for dinner; a casserole that blended macaroni noodles, peas, corn, ground meat and tomato sauce. Along with this, she would bake a double batch of biscuits. Jim often ate hearty on Halloween, as he did every other night of the year. But not tonight! It was best to eat the minimal amount and avoid any additional food after dinner.

  “Is that all your going to eat?” asked Kimberly.

  “Oh yeah, that's plenty! I don't want to stuff myself.”

  A wife never voices this, but she truly feels loved when her husband and children enjoy a home cooked meal. But Jim wasn't eating as he usually did. Was there something wrong with the spooky, Halloween casserole? Poor Kimberly didn't understand that her husband had important work of an occult nature to do that night.

  As April was out terrorizing Mapleview on Halloween night with friends, and Collin sat on the sofa beside Mother watching spooky movies; Jim made a quick trip to the basement to pull the six quartz crystals from their cold, slimy bath. They were rinsed off, dried and tucked away for the ritual later that night along with the generator stone.

  Some moments later, Jim returned to the family room upstairs. Kimberly was now in the kitchen and took notice of her husband sitting in the recliner seat. Being the thoughtful wife that she is, Kimberly asked, “Do you want me to get you a beer while I'm in here?”

  It's amazing how people have an innate understanding when it comes to performing occult activities. “Nah, not tonight. I'm too tired.” Alcohol could not affect the work that Jim had to do that night.

  One thing was for certain. When it came to romance, Kimberly took the holidays off. Many people might find it silly to expect sex on Halloween night. But the same could be said of Kimberly about Christmas, New Years, birthdays, Valentine's Day, Easter and any little Hallmark holiday in between. In younger years, this holiday observation disturbed Jim. But he eventually understood that wives did that sort of thing. As Jim soon came to believe, a wife should be able to enjoy a holiday without the bother of sex. And tonight this was a good thing as Jim had important work of an occult nature to do.

  Five minutes to midnight, with Kimberly sound asleep; Jim quietly rose from bed and made his way to the basement stairs. In nothing but his boxers, he descended the staircase and retrieved his collection of quartz crystals. Jim set the generator stone on the Berber carpet and then laid out the remaining crystals so that they surrounded the original and formed a six-pointed star. Finally, four votive candles in their glass holders that were taken from the upstairs family room were set at four of the sides of the six-pointed star and then lit. With the basement lights off, Jim sat in the center of the star and took hold of the generator.

  Considering the fact that the mysterious, crazy, old woman appeared to have stranglehold on Jim's thoughts; considering the nights of strange dreams along with unusual cravings throughout the day for whatever power she had over him; and considering the fact that she quite possibly hexed him with a terrible love spell, it was most wise to engage in the activity that Jim was about to perform, especially when surrounded by items of magick on Halloween night.

  He closed his eyes and let his imagination journey to a place that (for purposes of purely fantasizing) would have been the mysterious, crazy, old woman's house on a midmorning in spring. The temperature was mild, but with a light drizzle outside. Inside a bedroom, two lovers stood naked and embraced while
passionately kissing before the open window. Light mist occasionally spiked against their naked flesh. Soon they found their way over to the bed and wrestled naked, their passionate play increasing in intensity as the drizzle outside turned to a heavy rain.

  Back in the basement on Halloween night, Jim succeeded in elevating his sexual energy with the use of that dreamy fantasy along with manipulating that which originally was underneath boxers. It was fully out with no intention of going away. But Jim wasn't there to find relief in finishing a fantasy. Instead he eased his grip so that only his fingertips lightly tickled. It was an interesting sensation he had experimented with throughout the years. Usually this couldn't be done for too long because of the madness brought on by teasing.

  This was not the way it should be done! At least this was how Jim's orgasmic wiring understood things. The peculiar touch caused craziness, an increase in heart rate and frantic breathing. Through all this madness, Jim brought to mind the face of the mysterious, crazy, old woman. With eyes closed, he released the madness that echoed through his body by way of mouth, physically kissing her imagined lips in the darkness, saliva nearly dripping from his own mouth. Then he called out in a sexy whisper as-if repeating some mantra, “I want you… I need you… I need to know who you are… Come to me… I need to know your name… Where can I find you…?” While doing this, the generator stone nearly broke in half as it sat tightly in Jim's palm. Through the overwhelming orgasmic sensations and softly-whispered mantra, Jim wasn't the least bit aware of the quartz receiving every bit of programming at midnight, Halloween.

  Chapter 13

  Back at the Trivelli house, things were about to really heat up in the family mausoleum…

  Outside of Mary elaborately decorating the Trivelli house with jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and other fun displays for the holiday, Halloween wasn't much of a big doing for her and Daren. It was Saturday night, and a chance for Mary and Daren to go out for dinner and catch a movie. Afterwards, they went to bed and worked on that baby that Mary so wished for.


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