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Page 23

by Jamie Magee

  I heard whispering, low voices and quickly hid behind the long drape around the window. When I peeked out, I saw an old man surrounded by servants that were leading him to the balcony door that was just a few feet away from me. I assumed this man was the King or something of this palace – not because he looked like a strong leader, but because he looked like a miserable old man that would lead these lost people.

  A moment later, a younger man entered the room, followed by his own group of servants. His image was nothing short of breathtaking. He was tall and lean, yet had broad shoulders that almost commanded authority. His dark hair was swooshed away from his eyes, which were magnetic; black as coal, yet even from this distance I could see the pull of power they must have.

  The older man stepped out on the balcony, and a second later the younger one followed. I expected to hear applause, but when I didn’t I turned in the drape to look out at the others. The crowd remained still, silent. I thought that maybe this old man was about to tell them horrible news and they knew that, and that’s why they were quiet. I listened intently as the old man began to speak.

  The language in which he spoke was foreign to me – but it almost sounded like Latin, a subject I’d managed to get an A in when in I was in the eighth grade. As I struggled to remember that dead language, I finally managed to make out a few words: ‘You are the dammed – and debt is due,’ the old man said. He went on with his speech, and I finally realized that he wasn’t delivering bad news; no, this was more like a sermon. My heart broke for these people. It was like watching all the dark shadows that I’d redeemed gather in one place to hear an evil ruler tell them they didn’t deserve a life.

  I felt someone squeeze my arm, and I jumped back to see an older woman holding me. I wasn’t afraid of her; her dark eyes were peaceful, yet troubled. She didn’t look like the people below; she looked like she lived here - like she was royalty.

  “Am I dreaming?” the woman asked.

  A daring smile came to my eyes as I felt the element of power that seeing was giving me. Quietly I uttered “No, I am,” then focused on where Madison was – that little boy. I felt my soul rush back there.

  In front of me was the little boy, and I could hear Madison telling me that I wasn’t going to step into another memory - and that was final. I had gone and returned so quickly, she hadn’t even noticed that I’d left.

  “That was mom,” Preston said as he smiled at me.

  “That lady that thought she was dreaming?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Beth, my mom.”

  “What? What did I miss – did you already go? That fast?” Madison asked.

  I ignored her. “Who were those men? The old one and the young one? Are they bad?”

  “Only one is…my brother is good.”

  I assumed he was talking about the younger man, but I had my doubts at the same time. Nothing seemed normal about this little boy.

  “Why are you here, and they’re there?” I asked.

  In that instant, Preston opened his mind again, and I saw him in a different room of the palace. The young man with magnetic, coal dark eyes was there with him. They were both dressed for a formal evening. The young man was adjusting Preston’s tie. Once he was done, he knelt down so he could look Preston in the eyes. “Listen, buddy, tonight is the blue moon. If something happens to me, mom, or dad, you find a way to Chara. You make Willow take you there – you hear me?” he said in a tender tone.

  Preston nodded. “Marc will carry me.”

  The young man looked down, and grief seemed to overcome his fearless complexion, which could only belong to a King. “This is going to end badly,” he said quietly.

  Preston reached his tiny hands for the young man’s face. “Change is hard, but necessary to reach what our soul craves.”

  The young man grinned. It was a stunning grin, one that would stop anyone in their tracks. He then picked Preston up and spun him around before hugging him tightly.

  The instant that scene was over, I was back in the field, staring at those blue eyes. I nervously looked to my side to see if Madison had seen what he showed me, but she wasn’t paying attention to us; instead, she was staring at Landen’s home in the distance.

  I stood up slowly. “I don’ don’t really understand what’s going on in your life – but Madison’s right: all of you have your own battles to face. Still, will you tell Austin when you see him that I need him?”

  Preston smiled innocently. “He will return when my world and yours must collide to move forward.”

  “How soon will that be?” I asked.

  “The events in our life have a time and purpose; wishing for them to come sooner will cause you to miss the lesson you’re meant to learn at this moment.”

  “How old are you?” I asked, completely mystified by him.

  “This life? Six. Who knows how old my soul is,” he said with an innocent giggle.

  Madison squeezed my arm. “Can we go now?” she asked nervously.

  “Wait,” Preston said as he reached for my wrist. His tiny fingertips traced my Ankh tattoo, and I felt a warm, tingling sensation. Instantly, the raw, burning feeling in my skin had vanished.

  Preston smiled. “Happy Birthday.”

  My eyes grew wide as I smiled. “Thank you,” I said quietly.

  He let go of my hand, then ran toward Landen’s home.

  “Now, Charlie – I want to go back,” Madison said as she squeezed my hand.

  I closed my eyes, then opened them again and found myself in the now dim living room of Wesley’s home. He was staring patiently at us with his dog on his lap and the love of his life, Erica, sitting next to him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I took me a second to gain my bearings, to understand that I was back – what I’d seen. It would be impossible for me to explain to anyone what just happened to us. I looked down at my wrist to see the tattoo I’d gotten this morning completely healed. I looked up to see Wesley smiling at us.

  “Welcome back,” he said as he reached to pull Erica closer to him.

  “ long were we gone?” I asked, looking to my side at Madison. She wasn’t paying attention to me; she was lost in her thoughts.

  “Like, at least six hours. It’s nearly seven.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked.

  “How is that possible? How did that take six hours - but when I went to Esterious, it only took, like, a second?” I asked Madison.

  “You went to Esterious?” Wesley asked, clearly alarmed.

  I nodded. “I was looking for Austin. They said he was there with all the other travelers. Have you been sitting here the whole time?” I asked, completely confused by the gap in time.

  The girl with him, Erica, laughed as she patted his knee. “I gave him a bathroom break, but that was it.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, finding it somewhat amusing.

  Madison leaned forward and looked at Wesley. “Your home...your home is breathtaking. I don’t know how you found the will to leave it.”

  The smile on Erica’s face grew as she looked to her side at Wesley. “I think I’m completely convinced now: we should live in Chara.”

  Wesley grinned. “All I needed to do was have them tell you that?” he asked.

  Erica smiled. “It has to be magical. I just watched both of their wrists heal before my eyes.”

  Wesley looked back at us. “That was intriguing. Who did that?”

  “Preston,” I answered.

  He shook his head no once, telling us he didn’t know him.

  “Look, we have to go. I’m sorry for stealing your day. We told everyone we saw to send Austin back. Will you tell us the moment you see him?” I asked as I stood.

  They stood with us. The boxer came to Madison, begging her to pet her. She eagerly complied.

  “Will do,” Wesley said.

  Erica led us to the door. As she opened it, she smiled at me. “I can’t wait for tomorrow. I bet that’s going to be the concert of the year.
Happy early birthday.”

  “Thanks,” I said as the anxiety of what that concert or my birthday may bring.

  When I got in my car, I reached for my phone. I had seven missed texts; all but one was from Draven. I’d caused him to worry about me again. He had said he thought the tattoo was awesome – that he would have been there if he knew. When I didn’t respond, he became worried and started asking me where I was.

  I texted him back: ‘Sorry for the delay – I was looking for Austin – he should be on his way here soon.’

  The other text was from Aden. It simply read: ‘when and where’. I answered him back: ‘your house we need drums –how about now?’

  Just as I hit send, Draven responded: ‘Is he here?’

  I answered: ‘no I used that seeing trick you taught me and went to Chara myself - long story. I’m going to your house to work on a sound with Aden.’

  Aden had already responded: ‘on my way’ at the same time that Draven texted: ‘almost done – I’ll bring dinner to you guys.’

  I looked to my side at Madison. She was reading the text on her phone and blushing slightly. I thought about everything I saw in that dark dimension and wanted to talk to her about it, but something told me Preston had distracted her on purpose, like he knew she wasn’t ready to see that world. I didn’t understand why. I assumed it was because she wasn’t used to seeing the darkness I saw. I mean, she saw shadows, but I was able to see the darkest, cruelest moments; she only shifted through emotions when she helped them.

  “Who are you blushing at?” I asked as I turned around in the street and made my way toward Draven’s.

  “Britain,” she answered quietly. “He wants to see me. Can you take me to my car?”

  A ghostly grin echoed in my bemused expression, knowing that if she’d said that a few days ago, I would have been outraged – even terrified – by her request; now, it seemed like a relief. She was happy and he was safe - that was a win for me.

  “Bianca isn’t there – right?” I asked.

  “No. He kicked her out months ago; she’s not allowed there. In fact, before a few days ago, she hadn’t shown her face around here.”

  I gritted my teeth, remembering when I’d seen her in town with him: the morning I figured out Evan was back. To me, they looked like old friends having breakfast. I guess I was starting to figure out that things weren’t always what they seemed.

  As we drove toward my house, I couldn’t help thinking of that young King that Preston had shown me. I wondered if he was OK, if what I saw on the balcony had happened before or after the night of the blue moon.

  “Madison,” I said quietly. “A few months back, you had a really bad night – the worst I’ve know you to have. The blue moon – you remember that?”

  The happiness that Britain’s text had caused faded instantly as she nodded.

  “Why was it bad for you?” I asked.

  “I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “Do you just wanna show me? I can pull over.”

  “No,” she said shortly. “No offense, but I’m not ready to share my dreams; they’re too personal.”

  “I get that. I’m just trying to understand.”

  “Just imagine…just imagine seeing something horrible happening to Draven…,” she said quietly.

  “Did something happen to the one you dream about?” I asked, knowing that Britain was fine.

  “Yeah, but he’s OK now…I still feel him.”

  “Feel him, like, around you?” I asked, knowing that that wasn’t farfetched; I could feel Silas around me, even though I couldn’t see him.

  “No…I just know his heart still beats.”

  “How?” I asked gently trying not to pry.

  “Because my heart is still beating,” she answered as she gazed out the window.

  I let the subject drop; I didn’t want to upset her. There were so many things going on at once, I didn’t want to make anything worse. Britain was making her happy; even if that was only temporary, it was worth it…yet, deep down I knew there was a connection between her and what I’d seen; there was something I was missing. I hated that feeling, but I knew it would pass soon. I just had to make sure Draven was safe, then I could figure out how to help Madison. Hopefully, by then she’d be ready to let me do just that.

  When we reached my house, all the lights were off and Kara’s car was gone. I knew Monroe wouldn’t be in there alone. When Madison got out, I thought about texting Kara to make sure Monroe was OK, but I held back. I needed to get this sound down, to make sure Aden understood it enough to help Draven.

  “Call me if you need me,” Madison said before she closed the passenger door. I waited for her to get in her car and turn it on before I pulled forward.

  As I drove to Aden’s and Draven’s house, I focused on the sound that my father had shown me. I beat my hands against the steering wheel as I remembered the riff I’d written. Even though this song was still in pieces, I could feel the power behind it - which made me feel stronger.

  Aden pulled in his driveway right behind me. His house was dark, too. I got out of my car and followed him into the garage

  “Where is everyone?” I asked.

  He smiled, revealing his dimples, the only trait that was different from Draven. “At the school,” he answered as he unlocked the door. “I wouldn’t call it a school anymore, though; it would blow your mind what they managed to do.”

  “It was impressive last night,” I said as I followed him up the stairs to their studio.

  “Dad spared no expense with the lighting and sound equipment. They’ll be there all night setting up. I’m excited for all the indie bands; they’ve never been on a stage like this.”

  “Have you?” I asked when we reached his studio.

  “Only in my dreams. The irony is that Dad had never wanted us to play on a stage that big because he thought it would attract too much attention – too many, that’s our one goal: to bring them back.”

  I walked over to one of Draven’s guitars; his favorite ones, the ones I knew how to play well, were all gone. I assumed they were at the school. “We wanted them to leave – the right way,” I said quietly as an undeniable fear for all of the dammed - both dead and alive - hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “Right,” he said as he looked over me carefully. “Where were you today?” he asked as he came to my side and inspected my new tattoo. “How did you heal so fast?”

  “Shhh,” I said as I pulled my hand back to me. “I have to show you this before I forget. Did Draven show you what he’d come up with? Or is he keeping it to himself?”

  “He showed us all. He’s playing it tomorrow.”

  “What do Winston and Grayson play?” I asked, knowing that Draven and Aden were both very versatile on stage.

  “Grayson’s lead, Winston is base, Draven rhythm, and myself – DRUMS.”

  “Draven is playing rhythm – and singing – something this complicated?” I asked.

  Aden nodded. “He wants us to have control over the sound. He would trust Grayson with his life; Winston, he has his doubts.”

  “Not a fan myself,” I mumbled as I began to play the riff I’d worked out.

  “He’s alright; he just hasn’t fully committed to walking a straight line. He’s enticed by that realm.”

  “Is Draven?” I asked as I stopped playing.

  Aden’s eyes slowly moved across my concerned expression. “You’re the only thing that entices him…even music is shallow in comparison.”

  I nodded as I began to play again. Aden rocked his head to the sound I was creating. When I finished, he smiled. “We worked on that today. He blows my mind sometimes, how well he remembered you playing that.”

  I grinned as I anxiously put the guitar down and went to his drum set. I picked up the sticks and stared down and the monster of an instrument in front of me. “Oh wow, this is gonna sound bad. Where’s your acoustic?” I asked.

  Aden walked around the drum set and t
ook his sticks from my hand. “Charlie, just show me,” he said as he trapped my gaze.

  “How can I show you that sound and nothing else?” I asked timidly.

  “What are you trying to hide?” he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

  “Nothing. Look, there’s a lot going on in my head right now, more than I can explain if you ever saw it. I need you right here,” I said, pointing to the drums. “I need you to have your brother’s back – my back.”

  He let out a deep breath. “K. I trust you. Just remember the moment you thought of it – nothing else.”

  I stared into his haunting green eyes and thought of the moment I’d returned from seeing my mom. I remembered the message in the rocks, the sound of the guitar and drums as they rose in mid-air, divided, then joined again. Then I closed my thoughts off to him. I didn’t want him to see Silas, Esterious, or anything else that was plaguing me.

  “Wow…your dad was intense today.”

  “Right,” I said as I let my shoulders fall.

  “What were those rocks?” he asked.

  “It’s a lamp Monroe gave me. It, like, puts off energy or something. He broke it, then fixed it.”

  “The answers are all around you,” he repeated what he’d seen in the rocks.

  “Aden,” I said as I pushed his shoulder. “Focus. Did you hear the drums?”

  He reached for my shoulders and moved me out of his way as he took a seat. “Just so you know, what we were practicing wasn’t even close to this; you just changed the entire backbone to this song.”

  “Is there enough time? Can you make it work before tomorrow?”

  He didn’t answer; instead, he started to hash out the rhythm he’d just heard in my thoughts. I stepped out of his way and watched him completely master the beat within a matter of minutes. I picked up Draven’s guitar and began to play my riff. We were in the middle of our third attempt to play it when Grayson walked in the room. He moved his head with the sound as he walked over to the stand and took control of another guitar. He began to play the lead - a sound I hadn’t heard but was completely in love with - as I heard it swim around the room. Just before we began to play it again, Winston came in and retrieved a guitar. He then sat down next to me and began to play the base. The four of us played through the song two more times, but it was still missing something – the core of the rhythm.


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