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Desert Storm

Page 30

by Nan Ryan

  Pecos’s dark head swung to her and the fierce expression in his gray eyes stilled her voice. For an instant, she thought he might strike her, so angry was he. She watched the vein on his smooth forehead stand out when he turned back to glare into the fire. They sat in silence for a time while the wind howled beyond the cave’s mouth and night began to fall in the stormy mountains.

  “You can ride back now, Pecos,” she offered lamely. “I … I can wait until my clothes dry and then I’ll …” His cold stare again shut her up.

  “I’m not leaving you here. You know damned well I wouldn’t do a thing like that.” He shook his head as though thoroughly disgusted. “I’ve food in my saddlebags if you’re hungry.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Fine with me.”


  Angie tried again, “Pecos, I wish I could make you know somehow that I … I’m just sick about Diablo, I swear it.” Her head bowed as tears again washed down her cheeks.

  Several minutes passed with only the sound of the snapping fire and Angie’s soft sobs. Pecos sighed heavily. Without turning to look at her, he said tiredly, “Diablo was growing old. He was no longer as fleet and fast as he once was. Perhaps it’s better this way.” He smiled weakly, his white teeth gleaming in the shadowy firelight. “Maybe it’s the way he wanted it. After all, what stud wouldn’t want the end to come with a beautiful woman atop him out in the wilds he loved.”

  Angie felt his words prick her, and try as she might she could not stop the falling tears. She sat beside the big, angry man, clutching the blanket around her, tears pouring from her puffy eyes and her heart breaking. Even as she cried, she couldn’t blame Pecos for his anger. She’d done a foolhardy thing and the worst had happened. She’d killed the only thing in life that Pecos loved. She was miserable. Not for herself, but for him.

  Right or wrong, foolish or wise, she loved him. She had loved him from that first night he’d kissed her in the darkened hall at Del Sol. She would love him till the day they came to place the pennies on her eyelids. She could fight it forever, spend a lifetime declaring how much she hated him, but here in this small cave with the snowstorm howling at the opening, Angie cried because she’d so deeply hurt the man she loved.

  Pecos sat, knees bent, his arms crossed atop them. He stared into the fire, all too aware of the tiny, helpless girl weeping heartbrokenly beside him. From hooded eyes he gave her a sideways glance and saw the tears sliding down her beautiful, firelit face. Pecos bit his lip. He was the biggest fool in all of Texas. This lovely girl beside him could twist at his heart as no other. This fragile, crying girl could make him forgive her anything. The tiny, blanketed child-woman by his side held his heart and soul; he loved her passionately, foolishly, completely. He might go for the rest of his days never admitting it to another soul, but it was true. From that first fateful night in the dark hall at Del Sol when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her, he’d not been the same man. He’d never be again. Were it not so consuming, so crippling, so final, he’d have to laugh at his never-ending passion for her. After all, it was a great joke on him. He was in love with a whore. His father’s widow. A robber who’d stolen Del Sol.

  Pecos slowly turned his head to look at her. Her slender shoulders were shaking beneath the tightly held blanket. He knew that she was trying very hard not to sob aloud. His heart aching with love, Pecos slowly lifted a hand, placing it lightly on her shoulder. Her sad, emerald eyes looked up into his as she slowly raised her head.

  “Oh, honey, don’t,” Pecos murmured soothingly and bent his head to her. His lips hovering just above hers, he brushed a damp lock of golden hair back from her tear-stained cheek and whispered softly, “Don’t cry, my love.”

  His lips touched her with a tender brush of his mouth against her soft bottom lip. Pecos dipped to her again and kissed away the salt of her tears. He raised his head and looked at her.

  Sobs tore from her tight throat. Pecos kissed the small hands so tightly clinging to the covering blanket; then he gently pulled the blanket from her grasp, lifting her tired hands to his shoulders. The stiff blanket remained in place, framing her bare jerking body. With his gray eyes on her face, Pecos slowly pushed the blanket away, letting it fall around her naked hips. She made no move to stop him. She continued to cry, her hands sliding behind his dark head as she again sought to beg his forgiveness. “Pec—Pecos,” she breathed, “I didn’t … I …”

  His lean hands tenderly sliding up her bare ribs, Pecos said lovingly, “Shh, darling. Everything’s all right, I’m here, sweetheart.” He easily lifted her onto his lap, kissing her, murmuring soft, soothing words to her. She curled up close to him, loving the feel of his strong, protective arms wrapped around her, and the sound of his deep, reassuring voice whispering comforting words into her hair.

  His consoling kisses quickly turned to passion as Pecos’s love and desire flared, the fire fed by her honeyed mouth and her lovely naked curves molding eagerly to his warming hands. She clung to him and kissed him with love and abandon, her eager hand searching out the buttons of his shirt. Her inflamed mouth never leaving his, she was impatiently flipping the stubborn buttons through buttonholes, while Pecos, his mouth hungrily exploring hers, deftly spread the crumpled blanket on the hard floor.

  Angie had managed to pull his shirt apart and was busily kissing his warm throat. Pecos agilely picked her up and gently laid her on the blanket. In seconds he was as naked as she. Moved by love and blinding passion, they came together in the flickering firelight of the cave. His hard brown body took hers and within seconds both climbed to the fiery pinnacle of passion. Angie cried out in her ecstasy as once again her lover pumped the hot liquid of love deep within her.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  PECOS SHUDDERED ATOP HER, his handsome face hardened with passion. He gave a groan of satisfaction and his eyes closed in ecstasy. Angie watched him and held her breath. Any second those great gray eyes would open and Pecos would be looking down at her. What would she see on his dark face? Disbelief? Regret? Disgust?

  She clung to his smooth, long back and waited, terrified that this time would be like the others. Sated, he would coldly, cruelly push her aside as though she were unclean, offensive, loathsome. Would he be sorry it had happened? Would he wish he’d never touched her? Would he abuse and insult her?

  His heavy black lashes slowly lifted. Pecos was looking down at her. Angie’s heart surged with joy beneath her naked breast. The unmistakable look of tenderness warmed his beautiful eyes and softened his handsome features. Angie longed to sprinkle kisses over his face and giggle like a happy, uninhibited child. She was much too awed to act. Pecos was not.

  “My God, you’re sweet, so sweet,” he murmured ecstatically, feathering warm kisses over her flushed face while deep laughter rumbled from his broad chest. “Baby, baby, you make me feel good.” He nibbled on her left earlobe and chuckled merrily. “You make me so happy I can’t keep from laughing like a kid.” His open mouth moved back to play with hers.

  Angie’s arms tightened around him. She laughed with him for a few glorious seconds, then sighed contentedly. “Pecos, my darling,” she breathed softly and moved a hand up to push his thick hair back from his forehead. “You are so cute. You look like a little boy right now.” Her hand slid down to his lips.

  Playfully biting at her fingers, he moaned, “Cute? Honey, I’ve been called lots of things, but cute?” Slowly he eased off her, but Angie was reluctant to let him go, though he was becoming heavy. Unfounded fear swept her as Pecos rolled agilely away. The fear was gone in an instant. He reached a long arm out to his heavy mackinaw, turned back to her and carefully placed the coat over their bodies. He pulled Angie into his embrace as he lay down on his back. His muscular arm cushioned her head, and she curled against him, happier than she’d ever been in her life. Warm and comfortable in the circle of his long, protective arm, she snuggled and inhaled deeply, treasuring his male scent. The rapture of their ardent lovemaking paled in com
parison with the blissful peace and well-being she felt in its warm afterglow. She was cherished and cared for and it was glorious indeed.

  Pecos kissed her hair. “Baby, are you all right? You’re not too cold?” He tucked the coat tighter beneath her hips. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” His embrace tightened.

  Angie grinned languorously. Her arm draped across his hair-covered chest and her knee rested on his flat abdomen. She kissed his warm throat and murmured softly, “I’m warm and unhurt and very happy.”

  “Good,” he said, kissing her nose. “I shouldn’t have taken you out here. I should have waited until we …”

  Angie hugged him tighter. “I’m glad you did.”

  Pecos grinned and caressed her satiny thigh. “My God, I was so worried about you. Darlin’, why would you ride off into a storm? You might have been lost.”

  “Oh, Pecos.” His concern brought back unpleasant reality. “I shall never forgive myself for Diablo. I wish it had been me instead of him. If I could change—”

  Pecos cut her off. His hand came up to turn her face to his. A muscle was working furiously in his jaw and his eyes were flashing, “Don’t say that!” His voice was thick with emotion. “Jesus, I couldn’t live if anything happened to you.” His mouth came down on hers in an almost punishing kiss of possession. When his lips left hers, he pressed his cheek to her face. “Baby, baby, I love you. I never want you out of my sight again.” His mouth went to the curve of her neck and shoulder.

  Her eyes wide and her heart pounding in her chest, Angie whispered, unbelieving, “You … Pecos … you love me?”

  He bit her neck. “Yes! God, yes, I love you, I want you. It scares me how much—”

  “Pecos,” she interrupted, “what about … I mean …”

  “Don’t.” He lifted his dark head, his eyes looking into hers. “I don’t care what your past has been, I love you.”

  “But, darling,” she bubbled, “please let me explain. You see, I—”

  His lips silenced her. He kissed her deeply, and whispered into her mouth, “Please, don’t. I don’t want to hear it, my love.”

  “But, Pecos …”

  “No, never. I told you, I don’t give a damn anymore. I love you and I am going to make you love me. Nothing else matters. I want you. I have to have you. Not just for tonight, but forever. And not just your body; I want your heart, your soul, all of you. I’ll make you mine, I’ll make you …” Again he kissed her and she melted with the kiss, letting explanations slip away. She’d tell him later. She’d make him listen later. For now, she just wanted to lie here in the firelight and be held and kissed and loved by this magnificent man.

  Pecos’s lips finally released hers and slid down over her chin to her throat. “I’m hungry, are you?” His tongue teased at her collarbone.

  “Hmm,” she said with a sigh, “a little.”

  “I’ve roast beef and bread in my saddlebags. And whiskey.”

  “Will you share?” she teased softly, running her fingers through the thick dark hair on his bent head.

  “I don’t know,” he mumbled, burying his face between her full breasts. “If I do, what will you share with me?”

  She kissed his hair and breathed, “The rest of my life. Will that do?”

  Pecos kissed the warm curve of a breast, pushing the covering coat aside with his nose. He lifted his head to look at her. His eyes were warm, yet questioning. “You love me?”

  “Yes, Pecos, I love you,” she whispered softly, filled with the wonder of it. “I love you, I love you, I …” His mouth took hers.

  When the long, heated kiss ended, Pecos said thickly, “I should take you home.”

  “Do we have to go?”

  “They’ll worry.”

  “I suppose, but …”

  “But what, my precious love?”

  Angie smiled and traced a dark eyebrow with two fingers. “I would like to have you all to myself for the night.”

  “You’ll be sleeping on a mighty hard bed if we stay here.” Pecos captured her wrist and pulled her hand to his lips.

  “I don’t want to sleep, Pecos.”

  “What do you want, sweet?”

  “To lie in your arms till morning and pretend there’s no one else in the whole universe but the two of us.”

  “Is there?”

  “Is there what?” she breathed lazily.

  “Anyone but you and me?”

  “There never has been, Pecos. There never will be anyone but you.”

  “Show me.”

  “Gladly.” Angie put her hands into the thick dark hair at the sides of his head. She pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him with fiery abandon. Holding his face between her palms, she controlled the caress. When she was breathless, she pushed his face up. Pecos then took command. He plucked her small hands from his face and placed them up over her head. He gingerly peeled his coat from her and murmured, “Will you be too chilly?”

  “I’ll never be cold in your arms.” She stretched, sliding her arms higher over her head. “Will I?”

  “No,” he promised huskily and lowered his lips to her breasts. His open mouth came down on a rosy nipple and he sucked and licked it into a hard little peak of passion. When he moved across her chest, Angie’s passion-glazed eyes opened, and through lowered lids she watched appreciatively as his handsome dark head moved atop her swelling breast. Pecos cupped it to his lips with a lean brown hand, put out his tongue and made maddeningly slow, teasing circles around the erect crest. With sharp, experienced teeth, he bit playfully, dragged his teeth back and forth across it, and finally, hearing the soft little moans of pleasure erupting from Angie’s open lips, his scalding mouth took her sweetness inside and Angie felt he would surely devour her. Heated flames shot through her body from his hungry caresses and she panted and whispered her pleasure.

  “Pecos, yes, yes.” She tossed her head in rapture. “Darling, I … oh, yes.” Her hands moved down to press his face closer as the fire within her raged out of control. Her mouth was open and her lips dry; she wet them with the tip of her tongue.

  Pecos shifted, his lips leaving her breasts. He was again looking down at her, and against her stomach Angie could feel him moving. Her silky thighs parted to him.

  “Oh, baby, baby,” he groaned. His lips hovering just above hers, he took her warm little hand and lowered it to that throbbing, engorged part of him. His lips aflame, he bent and kissed her and murmured into her mouth, “Please, darling. Please.”

  A little gulp of passion escaped Angie’s parted lips as her hand closed around him. Pecos moaned and trembled. His mouth again took hers, his tongue thrusting deeply, the touch of her hand upon him turning his blood to liquid fire in his veins. He raised his head. He looked into her eyes encouragingly while she timidly, but with insistence and confidence, guided him into her waiting warmth, the silky wetness of her consuming desire causing their eager bodies to meld superbly.

  “Pecos,” she sighed as her hand released him to the possession of her clasping, pliant body.

  Pecos pressed deep within her. Angie’s arms came around his neck and her welcoming hips lifted to him as the strange pleasure of lovemaking once again filled her with wonder. Determined to slow the pace this time, Pecos murmured love words and moved his slim, hard hips languorously, longing to stretch and savor the pleasure of passion for as long as possible.

  It was not easy. The small, female body beneath his clutched him tightly, until the fiery blood in his veins surged rapidly and the overwhelming urge to pour himself into her was almost impossible to curb. With superhuman will he held back, slowly rotating his hips and gently moving in and out, leashing the power that threatened to tear him apart.

  If it was a great effort for Pecos; the pleasure it gave to the girl he loved made it worthwhile. Angie, her glorious tangled hair shimmering in the firelight, her lovely face damp with a sheen of perspiration, moved tirelessly with him, her hands sliding up and down his arms, her soft voice brazenly whisperin
g her delight, her emerald eyes glazed with rapture.

  Angie could feel the demand for release growing alarmingly. She fought it. In her heightened state, she longed to have this man she loved remain deep inside her forever. What she was feeling was far too wonderful to draw to a close. She moaned and looked up into Pecos’s smoldering eyes. “It feels good, darling … so good …” she murmured from dry lips. “Love me this way always … always.…”

  Pecos groaned and fought at the blinding flood tide swelling his male body. “Yes, love,” he murmured and moved expertly, deeply within her.

  Angie smiled, a strange, lost smile of ecstasy, while consciousness and logic slipped from her and nothing remained but the physical state of erotic love. Angie became a primitive animal, existing solely for the sensations of the powerful thrusting of the male atop her.

  Her explosions were beginning, the crest very near. Perceptive and passionate, Pecos let himself go at last, driving into her with forceful heat, taking masterful command to guide her to the summit. Angie moved with him. Her big emerald eyes pleading, she clung tenaciously to Pecos and felt the healing fulfillment washing over her, sailing her high into the heavens.

  Only then did Pecos moan and follow her into paradise. Both called out in their mindless exultation, blissfully aware that they were alone, miles from anyone, free to shout the glory of their lovemaking. The firelit cave where they lay entwined and the dark mountains beyond belonged only to them on this snowy night.

  As they both tumbled about fighting for breath, Angie began to bubble with laughter. Pecos turned his head to look at her. She made no effort to smother her giggles. They grew increasingly louder and soon his deep, rumbling laughter almost drowned hers out. His big hands clasped hers between them, and they lay laughing uproariously together, tears rolling down their heated cheeks. Angie put a hand to her hurting stomach, drawing her knees up, while tinkling laughter still spilled from her lips.

  Finally fighting to calm himself, Pecos coughed and rubbed his wet eyelids. Composing himself a little, he turned onto his side, facing Angie. He watched the lovely, naked girl roll on the blanket, clutching her stomach, her tangled hair a golden halo around her beautiful face. His laughter stopped. He leaned over her and kissed her laughing mouth.


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