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Beary Tales

Page 15

by Jennifer Malone Wright

  A pleasant faced young man moved purposefully to their table and said, “Welcome to Los Tres Cerditos. I am Armand. Tonight I will be your server. Who will be ordering the wine?”

  Butchy’s hand shot out. “Here. I’ll take it.”

  Armand handed Butchy a glossy one page menu, clicked his heals together, and gave a short bow.

  Butchy nodded and quickly perused the wine list. “How about a nice Bordeaux for the men, and for the ladies, a Moscoto will do.”

  Armand smiled, and clicking his heals again, he headed to the double doors in the back of the room.

  “What is wine?” Katya asked.

  “It’s made from grapes,” Chris explained.

  “What are grapes?” Leilanni asked.

  Chris cocked his head to the side. “You guys really don’t know much about the human realm do you? Grapes are a kind of fruit grown in clusters. They are very sweet and filled with juice.”

  “Why don’t people just drink water? Fresh, cold water is always thirst quenching,” Leilanni said.

  About that time, Armand returned with a bottle tucked under his right arm and a white towel over his left. He showed the bottle to Butchy, who nodded, and then clamped a contraption on the top, turning it until it made a loud pop.

  Armand poured a small portion into a stemmed glass, saying, “Would the lady like to sample?”

  Leilanni’s hand shot out, grabbed the glass, and downed its contents in one swallow. Her nose wrinkled in disgust. “Ewww. That’s disgusting. People drink that on purpose?”

  Completely taken aback, the waiter stepped away from the table. “I assure you, Madame, this was a very good year.”

  Leilanni promptly belched. Her entire face pinched as her head moved from side to side. “This might be a good year, but that wine is horrible. It tastes like rotten fruit.”

  “Now now.” Butchy patted her hand and winked at the waiter. “Just leave it. My friend here doesn’t get out much. This is her first taste of the old vino.”

  “I see,” Armand answered. “Are you ready to order then?”

  Butchy looked at the group and sighed. “Chris, feel free to order for yourself, but I think it would be best if I order for the others.”

  Chris winked at Katya. “I think you’d probably better let me order, Butchy. I probably have a better sense of what will suit their palette.”

  Butchy nodded. “Yes, that’s quite true. You order.”

  By the time it was all said and done, Chris had ordered very rare filet mignons with sides of parmesan rice and hearty bowls of clam chowder.

  When the meal came, each of the girls carefully tested the food and surprisingly found the spread more than agreeable. Nita watched the other patrons daintily using their forks and knives and tried to follow suit, but Katya, Leilanni, and Paul literally attacked their meal with fervor.

  “Oh, my God! Use your service ware for heaven’s sake. You look like a bunch of animals!” Butchy hissed.

  Paul glanced up from his plate. Half his steak in his hand, and the other half dangling from his mouth. He chomped twice, opened his mouth wider to flop more of the hanging meat into his mouth and chomped again.

  Leilanni wasn’t in much better condition. She also held part of her steak in her hand. Although it wasn’t hanging out the side of her mouth, a trail of blood and juices dripped from her chin to her pretty white and gold tank, leaving a brownish red patch near her breast.

  At least Katya had tried to use her fork, but she’d used only her fork and held the steak in front of her face like a giant meat popsicle, nibbling around the edges.

  Butchy was mortified and the other patrons seemed put off as well. A couple sitting to the left stood and tossed their napkins over the plates. “Bring the bill,” the man ordered Armand. No one in their right mind could eat with these savages.”

  Another man in a black suit quietly spoke to the irate customer while Armand hurried to Butchy’s table. “You have to make them stop. If you can’t make them stop, I’ll have to ask you to leave. They are upsetting the clientele with their ... behavior.”

  Leilanni ran her fist along her jaw clearing the juices and stood, tossing the uneaten meat on her plate. “I’m here to eat. I haven’t had a good meal in a long time. Anyone who would like to remove me is welcome to try.”

  Armand nervously cleared his throat. His eyes pleaded with Butchy for help.

  Simultaneously, Paul took to his feet. His massive form towered over the waiter and every other patron there.

  Everyone in the surrounding area quickly grabbed purses and coats and headed to the front of the building. The man who had calmed the irate customer joined them at the table. His voice was so quiet they could barely hear him speak. “We have contacted the authorities. I believe it would be in everyone’s best interest if you found another establishment in which to dine this evening.”

  “Are they kicking us out?” Katya asked Chris. Laughing, Chris stood and offered her his hand. “They are most certainly kicking us out. Time to go, kids.”

  Angry, but unwilling to risk confrontation with human authorities, Paul and Leilanni snatched their leftover steak from the table and stomped out behind Chris and Katya. As Leilanni neared the now visibly shaking waiter, she leaned towards him, growled, and ripped another bite from her steak.

  Armand winced as if she’d taken a bite of his own flesh.

  Butchy and Nita quietly followed behind.

  Luckily, the group made it to Chris’s SUV and were already inside when the cars with flashing lights skidded to a stop outside the restaurant doors.

  “What were you thinking?” Butchy’s high-pitched voice reverberated through the vehicle’s interior. To make room for the others he’d taken on his true fairy form and angrily buzzed from the front seat to the back. “I’ve never been so mortified in all my life! How completely and totally embarrassing. I know you were animals, but you could have at least had the decency to attempt to act like human beings. At least Nita had the good sense to watch everyone else and learn.”

  Completely enraged, Leilanni slapped her hands together, narrowly missing Butchy in the process. He zipped to the side, and she tried it again. As quick as she was, she was no match for the fairy’s unnatural speed. After three or four tries, she finally gave up and glared at him. “Just as soon as you are human sized, I’m kicking your ass.”

  Butchy pulled out his wand and flicked it towards her.

  Immediately, she was covered head to toe in thick rope. “I’d like to see you try.”

  Without warning, Butchy slammed into the front window with a loud thwack.

  “Your ropes won’t stop me, bitch boy,” Leilanni hissed.

  “Enough!” Chris yelled. “I’m trying to drive here. You idiots are going to get us killed. Now, no one uses magic in the car. No one. Got it?”

  Leilanni and Butchy glared at each other momentarily before finally nodding in agreement.

  “Now, if you will all just be quiet and calm down, we’ll be at my place in a few minutes. Just give it a rest, okay?”

  Butchy’s body was released from her magical grip and he flitted forward, crossing his arms over his chest. “Fine,” he muttered.

  Glancing into his rearview mirror, Chris saw Leilanni still encased in rope. “Butchy!”

  The fairy exhaled harshly. “Okay, fine!” And Leilanni’s ropes disappeared.

  Chapter Fifteen

  They reached and entered Chris’s apartment without further confrontation. It was a nice flat. Two bedrooms, one bath, and a small living room with a balcony that overlooked the street below. The tiny kitchen had just enough room to walk through but not an inch more.

  Chris pointed from Paul and Leilanni to the sink. “Can you guys wash up before you get that shit all over my furniture?”

  Leilanni grinned and nodded, heading into the kitchen.

  Butchy, strangely quiet, plopped on the couch without a word.

  “You want to put on something more comfortable?”
Chris asked Katya.

  “Oh, please. He’s always putting me in these awful contraptions. They look cute, but they are so uncomfortable.

  “I’m sure I have a shirt that’s long enough to cover the important parts. Enough for all of you.”

  “Thanks, Chris. That would be appreciated,” Nita replied.

  From the corner of the couch, Butchy sighed heavily and without even looking their direction, waved his wand. Everyone in the room, even Chris, had suddenly been clothed in varying colors and styles of soft, fuzzy pajamas.

  “No. No thanks necessary,” Butchy called out in a feigned pained voice. “As usual, I will attend to every detail and then sit quietly in the corner, waiting until one of you to decide you need me for something again.” His heavy sigh resonated through the small apartment.

  Nita rolled her eyes and trotted over to sit beside him. “Now, Butchy, don’t be like that. I know you were trying to do something nice for us tonight, and I’m sure everyone appreciates it,” she glanced at the others nodding her head. “Don’t we, guys?”

  “Yes, of course!” Katya responded.

  “Sure thing, bro,” Paul interjected.

  Exhaling, Leilanni’s eyes sought out Nita’s. “The food was really good.”

  “See?” Nita patted his leg. “I know you meant well, and it’s not your fault it went horribly wrong. But it’s not their fault either. You can’t just throw wild animals into human conditions and expect they’ll react accordingly. That’s unreasonable.”

  Butchy’s chin drew up from his chest and he glanced around the room. “I guess you’re right. I really wasn’t thinking about that aspect of it. I just wanted us to have fun and unwind. I want to show you girls all the wonderful things I love most about the human world.”

  “We know.” Nita nodded. “And we want to see those things, but maybe we need a few lessons first?”

  The man-sized fairy leapt from the couch with a grin. “That’s exactly what we’ll do. First thing tomorrow we’ll have lessons.”


  The girls and Paul spent the evening watching their first movie with Chris and Butchy. Ironically, or maybe on purpose, Chris had chosen a movie about bears that lived in a National Forest and were always getting in trouble for stealing food. The men found the movie hysterically funny, but the girls couldn’t believe animals that spent the majority of their time hunting for food would behave in such a manner.

  By the time the movie ended, all three girls were yawning uncontrollably and rubbing their eyes.

  “Looks like we better hit the sack,” Chris mentioned.

  “I’m too tired to hit anything, Chris,” Leilanni responded. “We can tackle that tomorrow after I’ve slept if you want the help.”

  Chuckling, Chris shook his head. “No. Hit the sack is a saying that means it’s time to go to sleep. Or that we are ready for bed.”

  Nita and Katya nodded.

  “I’m so ready for bed,” Katya said.

  “Well,” Chris motioned to the living room, “I have the couch and loveseat and there are two beds. How do we want to do this?”

  “I need a bed,” Leilanni answered.

  “Me too,” Paul agreed.

  Nita shrugged, “I’m okay on the couch.”

  Chris met Katya’s gaze. “You want to sleep with me? I promise I’ll be a gentleman.”

  Katya smiled and nodded.

  “You two okay with sharing?” Chris asked the other couple.

  “We’ll manage, mate.” Paul winked at Chris.

  Leilanni rolled her eyes. “As long as he doesn’t steal the blankets, he’ll survive the night. This time, anyhow.”

  “Oh sure. I’d be happy to take the loveseat, since everyone’s so worried about where I’ll sleep,” Butchy interjected.

  “Butchy, you’re the only one here who could sleep comfortably on a cotton ball,” Nita replied.

  “That’s an absolute lie. Cotton makes me itchy. Now, if you’d all please shut the hell up, I’d like to rest.” With that, Butchy made himself fairy sized and settled into a pillow with a tiny black satin comforter.

  “I guess that’s our cue.” Chris chuckled.


  Paul and Leilanni entered the small spare room shutting the door behind them.

  “Which side would you like?” Paul asked.

  Shrugging, she answered, “Doesn’t really matter to me. A bed is a bed.”

  Paul nodded. His eyes darted nervously from the bed to the girl and back again.

  “What?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Nothing.”

  Leilanni sighed and plopped on the side of the bed. “It’s something. What is it?”

  His face grew pinched and he began to fidget with his ear. “Would you mind if I take this shirt off? I don’t mind the pants so much, but I feel like I’m tied down when I’m wearing a shirt. Especially when I’m sleeping.”

  “Do what you want. It’s hard getting comfortable in people skin.”

  Her eyes lingered longer than she’d intended as he pulled the flannel shirt over his head and threw it in the corner. Smiling, he pulled back the comforter and crawled between the sheets with a sigh. “This I can get used to. Beats the cold, hard ground any day.”

  “I don’t know,” she replied as she moved to the door to shut off the light. “I kinda miss sleeping out under the stars. I miss the smell of the forest at night.”

  Paul threw back the blankets on her side of the bed and patted the mattress. “Come on. You need to rest. I don’t bite.”

  Leilanni laughed and stretched out on top of the sheets. “Not anymore. You were pretty much de-fanged.”

  “Hey! I resent that. I could bite if I wanted to.” He smirked.

  “Paul?” she said softly.

  “Yes?” he answered.

  She remained quiet for a moment.

  “Are you okay?”

  Nodding, she rolled to her side. “I’m just not any good at this.”

  Her body stiffened as his arm slid over her hip. His hot breath pummeled her ear as he softly asked, “At what?”

  “Being human,” she sighed. “I’m much better as a bear. More capable.”

  “But if you were still a bear, we wouldn’t be doing this.” Paul slid closer to her.

  “No. We wouldn’t,” she said harshly.

  Lifting his arm, he rolled, facing the other side of the bed. “Leilanni?”


  “You don’t have to be good at everything. I think you’re amazing just like you are.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yes, really.”

  Leilanni flopped like a dying fish. First on one side and then flipping to the other. After at least fifteen minutes of the bed jiggling back and forth, Paul finally shoved his arm under her, rolled her towards him, and pulled her body snuggly against his, resting his chin on her head.

  Head shoved into his chest, her voice sounded muffled when she spoke. “What do you think you are doing?”

  He grinned. “Getting comfortable.”

  She struggled against him for a moment, but when he threw his leg over her, she knew she couldn’t wrench herself from his grasp and giggled. “Are you happy now?”

  “Very much so,” he said as he dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

  The heat coming off his body soothed her tired body. For the first time she could ever remember, she didn’t feel like she had to be on guard. His size alone made him a formidable predator, and regardless of how their relationship had begun, she knew he would always protect her.

  His chest rippled with goosebumps as she exhaled softly.

  Hesitant at first, she reached up and ran her hand across the tiny bumps. “What is this?”

  “I don’t know. It feels nice,” he answered.

  “What does it feel like?”

  Paul loosened his grip and slid her up in the bed until her head came to rest on the pillow. Rolling her onto her back, he hovered over her and looked into her
eyes. “You want me to show you?”

  Leilanni grinned as she nodded.

  Gently pulling her pajama tank to the side, he brought his lips to her skin and softly blew against her flesh.

  Leilanni gasped in response, arching her back.

  Paul brought his face back to hers. “You like?”

  Without thinking, Leilanni’s hand wrapped around Paul’s muscled neck, her fingers sinking into his soft hair.

  Paul’s eyes closed in ecstasy. As if having a will of their own, his lips pressed against her mouth. Gently at first, and then growing with fervor. His tongue lightly brushed her lips as the kiss deepened.

  Their passion ebbed and swelled over and over until both were completely undone in the sheer joy of uniting.

  Although no one was there to see it, the room filled with brilliant golden light as the soul bond magically intertwined their spirits. Had they known the outcome of their passion, they might have refrained from the deed. But as they had no knowledge of the magic working around them, they continued long into the night until passions were satiated and the bond was set with a certainty that no man, or magic, could break.


  Meanwhile, in the other bedroom, Katya stared at the bed, with its pretty, soft blankets and fluffy pillows piled at the headboard. Except for the bed at the cabin, she had never slept on anything but the forest floor and even the bed at the cabin hadn’t appeared nearly this luxurious.

  For a moment, she wondered how the soft fabric would feel against her skin. That was definitely one thing she liked about being a human, that she could feel the softness of fabric, the roughness of stone, the smooth grains of wooden furniture. When she was a bear, her coat did not permit her to feel anything at all, as it was meant to protect from the elements.

  “Come over and lay down, Katya.” Chris beckoned her over as he stood on the far side of the bed and turned down the covers. “I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

  Katya nodded and glided toward him. She pulled the blankets away on her side of the bed and then sat down on the edge. “This bed is so pretty.”

  Chris reached up and ran his hand through his hair, further mussing the reddish-blond locks. “Yes, it is a beauty, isn’t it?”


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