Claiming the ice Prince

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Claiming the ice Prince Page 8

by Espen Arcadia

  Aputi walked them to a table where they could watch the crowd of people, while still being within sight of the roaming servers. Siku sat, his back against the wall, his eyes hungrily roaming the crowd. Aputi watched with him as a group of friends laughed over their drinks, and a man wandered through the crowd either searching for someone specific, or someone who caught his eye. Not far from where they sat, Aputi noticed a couple slipping into a more secluded corner, their hands roaming one another’s body.

  Siku too noticed, his eyes widening as he watched the roaming hand of the man slip beneath his lover’s shirt. The woman laughed drunkenly, tossing her hair over her head as she bent to kiss him. Aputi however, was more interested in Siku’s reaction, who was positively enraptured by the display.

  Aputi leaned forward. “Like to watch do you?”

  Siku’s head snapped toward him. “Pardon?”

  Aputi nodded toward the couple. “You’ve been staring them down from the moment they walked over there.”

  “Oh! I’ve just never seen anything so blatant before. In…my home, lovers are very discreet. A source of great gossip and talk, but very much hidden away from prying eyes. It feels like one more thing about this world that’s so very different from my own. You all live your lives so openly and honestly.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  Siku shook his head vehemently. “Not at all. I suppose there must be a downside to it, but I find it refreshing. Take you for instance. Despite all you’ve been through, and your struggles, you still continue to face each day with a straightforward and honest attitude.”

  Aputi raised a brow. “Honest?”

  Siku grinned. “Well, it’s honest in its own way. You’ve never tried to justify what you do.”

  “Only who I do it to.”

  Siku frowned. “To me, I think that’s an important distinction. You do wrong, but you do it to people who are wrong. While it is certainly illegal, I can’t find moral fault with it. Do you think of yourself as a bad person?”

  Aputi blinked, surprised by both the amount of thought Siku had put into it, and having the conversation turned back around on him. It seemed like every time Aputi took the time to talk to Siku, he found a whole new, previously unsuspected facet of Siku’s personality.

  Chuckling, Aputi shrugged. “I wouldn’t call myself a bad person, but I don’t think I’m good either. What would you consider me?”

  Siku smiled. “A good person who’s caught up in a bad situation. And I think you cope with it by choosing what you do very carefully, or rather who you do it to. You could have easily taken everything Pukak stole from me, but you didn’t.”

  “You didn’t strike me as someone on Nulak or Hunnak’s level. Just some naïve tourist who got fleeced.”

  Siku nodded. “That’s my point exactly. This isn’t just rich people or bankers you’re specifically targeting, but those who reach beyond their station and abuse it. A bad person wouldn’t care who they targeted, seeing only opportunity and taking it. You’re a good man Aputi, and I’m lucky to have met you.”

  To that, Aputi had nothing to say, settling back in his seat. Siku smiled knowingly at him before turning his attention back to the bar full of people, leaving Aputi to absorb what he’d said.

  In every way possible, what Siku had said about him was everything Aputi wanted to hear about himself. When he’d started down the path of trickery and thievery to make ends meet, Aputi had agonized over the choice. Despite any moral objection, practicality won over in the end. The best he could do to ease his conscience, which had once hinged so much on following the law, was to choose specific targets who had sunk low into moral depravity.

  Hearing Siku acknowledge his attempts, and to even condone them wasn’t as much of a relief as Aputi had thought it would be. At the end of the day, the man who had striven to one day interpret and enforce the law had turned around and used that knowledge to break it. No matter how much he tried to justify it, Aputi could never escape the nagging feeling that he was little more than a hypocrite with a good excuse.

  Siku’s hand closed over his, and Aputi looked up in surprise. Siku’s handsome face was wreathed in warmth, smiling as he squeezed Aputi’s fingers. Chuckling, Aputi twisted his hand around so he could grasp Siku’s hand in his, smiling gratefully.

  “I don’t think I give you enough credit for how insightful you can be,” Aputi admitted.

  Siku leaned in close, kissing Aputi’s jaw gently. “You do, you just don’t give yourself enough credit.”

  Aputi warmed at the kiss. “I think the alcohol is kicking in.”

  “Perhaps, perhaps not, but it doesn’t take away from the honesty of what I’m telling you. You’re a good man Aputi, it’s time you saw that for yourself.”

  Each of Siku’s words sent a warm puff of air against Aputi’s neck. He closed his eyes, his body beginning to hum with the energy he always seemed to get whenever Siku got close. That he was hard was no surprise, and he smirked, blatantly refusing to give into Siku’s teasing right away.

  “Are you trying to make me feel better or seduce me?” Aputi asked.

  Siku grinned. “I am a man of many talents, and multitasking is one of those.”

  “Any other talents I should know about?” Aputi asked.

  Siku looked him up and down, dark eyes practically black in the low light of the bar. When Siku leaned forward, Aputi thought the man might kiss him, as he’d promised to do to Siku. Instead, Siku took hold of Aputi’s arm and dragged him to his feet, away from their now empty drinks.

  “I can dance,” Siku said.

  Aputi could only imagine what Siku’s sleek form would look like out on the dance floor. He knew an invitation when he saw one and followed after Siku. He’d never been much of a dancer himself, but he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to see Siku in action.

  Wasting no time, Siku twirled around to face Aputi once they reached the dance floor. His body moved with the music, winding his arm around Aputi’s waist and drawing him deeper into the crowd of people dancing. Aputi’s eyes were riveted on Siku’s face, sliding down his body as the lean noble turned and twisted with the music.

  It wasn’t too dissimilar from the sort of dancing Aputi was used to seeing in the bar. The motions were sexual, with Siku rolling his hips as his fingers slid over Aputi’s body. Yet the movements were fluid and sensual, nothing like the frantic grinding and bumping the rest of the crowd was doing. All of Siku’s hesitance and doubt was cast aside as he flowed like water around Aputi, caressing the man with slow, teasing motions.

  Aputi leaned in to be heard over the music. “Where did you learn to dance like this?”

  Siku chuckled, sliding up close to Aputi, so their bodies were flush. His hips never stopped moving, however, sending electric chills up Aputi’s body as Siku ground against his groin.

  “There are a few things I picked up from some professional entertainers. You’d be amazed at the things you learn if you’re careful and clever.”

  Aputi raised a brow. “Is this a sort of harem dance?”

  Siku wound his lithe arms around Aputi’s neck, smiling playfully. “Is this where you ask if I’m a runaway from some secret harem of a noble?”

  Aputi shook his head, distracted by the press of Siku’s body against his own. Unable to stop himself, he slid his hand from the bottom of Siku’s stomach, up to the base of his throat. The collar of Siku’s shirt slid away with a flick of Aputi’s fingers, allowing him to gently caress his collar bone and throat.

  Leaning in, he whispered in a rough voice. “No one would keep you as part of a collection, you’re too special for that.”

  The confidence and pleasure on Siku’s face slipped, giving way to surprise. Aputi cupped Siku’s face, drawing the now still man in closer and kissing him gently. As their lips met, he felt Siku melt against him, using his hold to bring himself even closer to Aputi. Their shared movements were slow and careful, fingers caressing one another’s bodies as they explored. Siku’
s lips parted for Aputi, allowing their tongues to dance across one another.

  When the kiss broke, Siku bowed his head, pressing their foreheads together. His eyes closed as a small smile formed on his face. His fingers never stopped shifting restlessly over Aputi’s chest.

  “You’re a man of your word, though you could have warned me you were such an adept kisser,” Siku said.

  “I’m a man of many talents,” Aputi recited.

  Siku laughed softly, baring his throat as his head lolled back with the motion. Aputi bent forward, pressing his lips to Siku’s neck, kissing gently. Siku’s fingers tensed, then tightened when Aputi bit gently into his warm skin, his face buried in Siku’s neck, inhaling deep. An instinctive growl rumbled out of his throat as he nipped Siku’s neck again. Siku pressed closer to his groin, the hand clenched against Aputi’s chest sliding down as best it could between them.

  “If you keep doing that, I might forget where I am,” Siku said in a strained voice.

  “Please do,” Aputi said.

  Siku let out a soft moan, pressing his hips against Aputi. The next nip he gave to the man’s throat was sharper than the others when he felt just how hard Siku was. Siku trembled in his grip, his scent filling with heady arousal. Aputi’s bear wanted to take Siku right there, drag him to their own dark corner and have his way with him in whatever way he wanted. His human half wasn’t much better, and he had the distinct feeling Siku might not object.

  With an effort, Aputi pulled himself away from Siku. He couldn’t help his chuckle when he spotted Siku’s frown.

  “Don’t be like that. I’m just not wanting to screw you into the dancefloor,” Aputi told him.

  “But you would somewhere else?” Siku asked, his disappointment disappearing in a rush.

  “I was supposed to be getting you drunk and showing you a good time,” Aputi said.

  Siku laid his hands on Aputi’s chest, gazing up at him. The soft expression which somehow mingled desire and hope took Aputi’s breath away. There was such tenderness and need in Siku’s face, Aputi would have given him whatever he wanted.

  “I don’t want to be here, drinking around strangers. What little time we’ve had here has been marvelous and I’ll cherish the memory forever. However, I want to spend the rest of this night with you, alone. If that involves more alcohol, then so be it, but I want it to be just you and me,” Siku said, leaning close to ensure every word was heard.

  If Siku’s expression had been enough to dissuade Aputi from ever denying him anything, his words guaranteed it. Aputi bent forward, kissing Siku softly again, taking his hand in his. Siku smiled into the kiss, probably knowing he was going to get what he wanted.

  “How sweet,” sneered a nearby voice.

  Aputi whirled around, lip curling when he spotted Pukak leaning against a nearby wall.

  “What do you want Pukak?” Aputi asked.

  Pukak pushed away from the wall, stalking closer. His gaze flitted between Aputi and Siku, his fingers twirling in the air as he neared.

  “Just enjoying the show, is that a crime?” Pukak asked.

  Siku sniffed. “No, I suppose not, but it doesn’t make you any less creepy.”

  Aputi didn’t like Pukak being near, especially when they were still in the thick of the crowd which surged around them. Pukak wasn’t known for violence, but from the hard glint in Pukak’s eyes, Aputi knew something was up.

  “Again, what do you want?” Aputi demanded.

  Pukak looked down at Siku’s waist. “What, no bag?”

  Siku’s face tightened. “What, no underhanded tricks?”

  Before Aputi could react, Pukak’s hand lashed out and gripped the base of Siku’s throat. Aputi didn’t care that Pukak didn’t appear to want to hurt Siku, only that he was daring to touch him at all. His bear snarled, the sound bubbling out of his chest as Aputi balled his hand up and slammed his fist into the side of Pukak’s jaw. With a yelp, Pukak stumbled backward, fingers clutching at his chest and face as he hit the wall.

  Aputi stalked forward. “Touch him again Puke, and I’ll do a lot more than just punch you, understand?”

  Pukak sneered. “I know you helped him.”

  “And I’ll help my foot up your scrawny ass if you come near us again.”

  Siku tugged at his arm. “Aputi, please. Forget him, take me home with you.”

  Aputi whirled back around, taking hold of Siku and kissing him fiercely. Inside, his bear roared with approval, thrilled to lay claim over Siku once again. Siku pressed even more tightly against him, his body trembling as he bowed to the demands of Aputi’s lips.

  “Let’s grab our coats and get out of here,” Aputi breathed once they broke apart.

  Without hesitation, Siku followed after Aputi, a wide grin on his face. Aputi laughed at him as they pressed through the crowd, charmed by his enthusiasm. There had been lovers in his past, some who only used him for sex, while others clung to an idealized version of him. The latter had been his fault, as he’d fed them lies just as he told to his mother. Yet Siku knew more about Aputi than so many others, and still wanted to be with him, even if it was just for one blissful night.

  Still grinning, Aputi waited by the front doors as Siku retrieved their coats from the quiet woman at the front desk. Glancing over his shoulder, he froze when he spotted royal guards patrolling the street. As he watched, they stopped a group of people, waving what looked like a painting in front of them. From the looks of the conversation, they didn’t get the answer they wanted, shooing the civilians on with a curt gesture.

  Watching them carefully, he saw them marching down the street, stopping other groups as they went along. A touch at his elbow brought him around with a start. Siku stood beside him, looking at him quizzically, their coats in hand.

  “Something wrong?” Siku asked.

  Aputi shook his head, taking his coat and putting it on. “No, just thinking about the best route to get you home with me as fast as possible.”

  Siku blinked. “You want to go back to your house? Your mother…”

  “Has a lot of medicine she takes, one of which puts her to sleep for the night. She won’t wake up until it wears off sometime in the morning.”

  “Doesn’t she often end up sleeping in that house on her own?” Siku asked with a pinched brow.

  Aputi bent forward, kissing the crease. “Don’t you worry about her. Part of the money I get from my jobs goes toward a few people who are more than happy to keep an eye on her while I’m not home. She’s well taken care of.”

  Siku’s relief showed on his face. “Oh, well that’s good, I’d hate to have something happen to her while she’s so vulnerable. I’ll go wherever you lead me.”

  Aputi took his hand as they went out the door. “That is a dangerous statement to say.”

  Siku’s laughter echoed along the narrow alleyway as Aputi led him in the opposite direction to where the guards had been heading. The bright smile on Siku’s face continued as they turned the corner, out of sight of the rest of the crowd. A warm bubble blossomed in Aputi’s chest, threatening to burst as he felt Siku sidle up beside him, nuzzling his arm.

  Twining their arms around one another, Aputi wondered if the night could get any better.


  Siku followed close behind as Aputi led him up a few sets of stairs. It seemed that as the city was built with several intermingling tiers above the ground, so too was Aputi’s house. Aputi’s room turned out to be on the very top floor, requiring them to climb three sets of old stairs that wound their way back and forth.

  “She’s all the way on the bottom floor, where its closest to anything she might need. Even if she does wake up for some reason, she won’t hear anything from down there,” Aputi assured him.

  It occurred to Siku then that it would be the first time they’d been around each other in complete privacy. Dancing so provocatively with Aputi in public had been thrilling, but his excitement ran even stronger knowing he would soon have the man to himself. In t
he tight quarters on the walk up, Siku couldn’t help but breathe in the rich scent of Aputi’s body so close to him.

  Aputi glanced over his shoulder. “Do I stink?”

  Siku’s eyes widened. “What? No, quite the opposite in fact.”

  Waiting until they reached the top of the stairs, Aputi drew Siku into another kiss. Just as with the other times, Siku felt an electric surge throughout his limbs. The embers of desire which had been smoldering away in his chest came to life once more and he drew Aputi even closer. The man’s kiss was warm, comforting, with just a touch of demand hidden beneath it. Just as Aputi’s lips on his neck could turn into a pleasure-pain bite, so did the kiss belie a power which left Siku breathless.

  “We should probably still bathe all the same. We haven’t had a good wash,” Aputi told him.

  Siku laughed softly. “Is this your way of telling me I stink?”

  Aputi let out a low growl, pushing Siku against the wall suddenly. Siku gasped, holding onto Aputi’s shoulders as the man’s teeth sank into his neck with just the right amount of force again. Aputi was hard, pressing against Siku’s stomach as he licked the spot where he’d nipped. Reveling in Aputi’s desire, Siku held tight, almost gasping for air.

  Aputi chuckled into his neck. “I’m telling you I want to see you naked and wet in the bath with me.”

  “You can have whatever you wish,” Siku said.


  The word was said with a growl which dipped straight to Siku’s groin. He was hard enough that his pants felt as if they were holding him in an iron grip. Aputi backed away from him, his fingers lingering on Siku’s hips before finally releasing his hold completely. With his skin burning where Aputi had touched him, Siku followed after him.


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