Claiming the ice Prince

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Claiming the ice Prince Page 9

by Espen Arcadia

  The bathroom he was led into was small and cramped like the rest of the house. Overhead, a skylight revealed the inky black sky dotted with stars, the moon’s light filtered into the room, lighting it perfectly. Aputi seemed unable to keep his eyes off of Siku as he ran the bath, testing the water with one hand as he adjusted the temperature.

  “This is the part where you’re supposed to take your clothes off,” Aputi told him.

  Siku smirked. “Am I bathing alone then?”

  Leaving the water to fill the tub, Aputi stood up to grab his long sleeve shirt and pull it over his head. Siku’s surprise at how quickly Aputi was willing to call him on his bluff disappeared as he caught sight of more of Aputi’s body. Beneath the shirt was another shorter one, which Aputi, still not breaking eye contact, also drew up over his head.

  Siku’s heart pounded in what felt like his throat as he took in Aputi’s lean but strong looking body. A patch of light, fine hair covered his chest, running down in a neat line until it disappeared beneath the waistline of Aputi’s pants. The moon bathed Aputi’s chest and shoulders, and Siku’s eyes roamed the expanse of exposed skin and the muscles beneath it with undisguised hunger.

  Aputi hooked his finger into the waist of his pants, undoing the button and zipper with the other. A soft noise escaped Siku’s lips as Aputi peeled the pants away, revealing that he was, in fact, wearing nothing beneath the thick clothing. His mouth went dry as Aputi bent to shove the pants to one side, his cock jutting out to bob heavily as he kicked the rest of his clothing away.

  Aputi stood, arms stretched out beside him. “Not much of a striptease, I know.”

  The invitation was obvious, but Siku could barely lift his arms to mess with his own clothing. It was so rare in their frozen kingdom to see too much of any one person’s body. Just the sight of Aputi’s arms bared had been enough to send his pulse racing. Seeing everything there was to see of Aputi’s gorgeous, well-toned body was enough to send Siku’s mind into overdrive.

  Aputi stepped closer and Siku’s hands raised in reflex, running through the soft hair on Aputi’s chest. He barely noticed his own clothing being peeled off him, save for when his shirt was removed, pulling his hands from Aputi’s body. Greedily, Siku ran his hands down the stretch of Aputi’s long torso, tracing the line of his hips and up over his sides.

  He shivered, as much from Aputi’s body and touch, as from the cold as he realized suddenly he was without most of his clothes. His pants and underwear were puddled around his feet, and reflexively, he kicked them off so he could move freely. Looking up, his chest tightened as he caught the expression of pure lust in Aputi’s eyes.

  Without a word, Aputi took hold of Siku and drew him close into a deep, hungry kiss. Their bodies pressed together, cocks trapped between them as Aputi’s tongue wrestled with Siku’s. Unable to restrain his moan, Siku pushed himself as tight against Aputi as he could manage. His hands roamed his body, touching, teasing, wanting to know every inch of his body as quickly as he could.

  Aputi was forced to break the kiss and step away so he could safely maneuver into the tub of steaming water. A sigh escaped him as the warm water covered his body while he sank into its embrace. The taller man took up far more room in the tub than Siku would have, his knees poking up from the water’s surface.

  Aputi reached out for him. “Coming?”

  Siku took Aputi’s hand, loving the sight of Aputi’s auburn skin in such sharp contrast to his own pale skin. Everything about Aputi, from the tone of his skin to the various little scars on his body, spoke of the distance between their worlds. Aputi had lived a hard life, working just as hard, while Siku had lived a life of luxury, worrying about nothing save his lack of freedom or voice. There was a strength in Aputi, one that went unspoken, but one Siku craved.

  Barely noticing the heat of the water, Siku stepped over the edge and let himself sink down. Aputi’s hands were on him then, leading him down until Siku too sat beneath the surface. There was little room for him with Aputi’s long limbs filling the space, but just enough if he lay back against him.

  Aputi’s breath brushed against Siku’s neck as he spoke. “Not many people like the baths I take, too hot they say.”

  Siku leaned back, closing his eyes as Aputi’s body surrounded him. “I grew up with baths far hotter than this, some might even call this tepid.”

  Aputi chuckled, running his hands down the length of Siku’s body beneath the water. Siku’s body trembled with unrealized desire as Aputi stroked him, kissing the side of his neck and the bottom of his ears. The touch was careful, slow and meticulous as Aputi took in every inch of Siku’s body he could reach.

  Then he gripped Siku’s waist firmly, pulling him back as Aputi thrust his hips forward. Aputi’s cock ground against Siku’s ass, jutting up along his lower back. Siku sagged back, groaning at the implication. The sound grew strangled as Aputi bit gently into the muscle running along his shoulder, sending another cascading wave of pleasure through him.

  Siku gripped hard to Aputi’s thigh as he gasped the man’s name. Wasting no time, Aputi reached around them, taking hold of Siku’s cock in his grip. Siku’s breath sharpened, his body tingling as Aputi slowly stroked him. Just as with the kiss, Aputi took his time, working his fingers up and down the shaft, only to pause and play with the head.

  Siku gasped, shivering when the noise drew a deep growl from Aputi. The man’s cock throbbed against Siku’s back, reminding him of its presence. Never had he felt desire for someone to be inside him as desperately as he wanted Aputi. He wanted to feel the stretch of Aputi filling him up completely, to feel the same grip on his hips as Aputi drove into him. Consequences be damned, Siku wanted to have everything Aputi was willing to give.

  “You are going to drive me mad,” Siku protested, squirming in Aputi’s lap.

  Aputi nipped at his neck again. “I’m already there.”

  The sound of Aputi’s voice was thick and raw, his desire taking over him. The hint of danger that had been there before was even more prevalent. Without meaning to, Siku’s wanton, needful behavior had flipped a lever inside Aputi’s head. The patient, laid back man was gone, replaced by an alpha bear who wanted to rut.

  Siku turned around after managing to extract himself from Aputi’s hold. Sure enough, Aputi’s pupils were so wide they had almost swallowed the entrancing beauty of his blue eyes. It had been a while since Siku had seen someone lose control over their bear when it came to him, and the thought spiked his own lust even higher.

  “Take me,” Siku said.

  Aputi’s eyes widened, taking his bottom lip between his teeth as he let out a sharp hiss of air. Between them, Siku felt Aputi’s thick cock jump, eager at the sound of Siku’s demand. Aputi sat in silence, eyes dancing over Siku’s face as he pondered his words.

  “I don’t have anything to prevent…accidents,” Aputi murmured finally.

  Siku shook his head. “That doesn’t matter to me.”

  “It will if I accidentally get you pregnant with some poor guy’s kid,” Aputi said.

  Siku kissed Aputi’s jaw gently. “I’m not in heat Aputi.”

  Aputi squinted up at him. “Still, it could happen. Omegas go into heat spontaneously all the time, especially around an alpha they desire.”

  Siku eased back, letting Aputi’s cock slide up along his ass and lower back. As intended, Aputi’s eyelids fluttered, a low moan escaping his lips.

  “Listen to me Aputi, you’re not going to get me pregnant. And even if you could, I’d take the chance. I want you inside me, please,” Siku begged.

  Aputi’s pupils swelled even further with a low, throaty growl coming from his lips. Siku couldn’t help his thrilled laugh as Aputi grabbed him around the waist and brought them both to their feet. He was considerably more impressed when the man managed to pick him up and wrangle them both out of the tub without even the slightest stumble.

  Aputi nipped at his throat again. “So be it, but we’re doing it in my bed.”

  “All the better to hold me afterward,” Siku agreed.

  Aputi set him down grudgingly, handing Siku a thick towel to dry off with. Neither of them wasted any time getting the worst of the excess water off their bodies. Once apparently satisfied that Siku was dry enough, Aputi hefted him back up and carried him across the nearby hall, and into the next room.

  Siku glanced around the room lit by the moon coming through another skylight in the roof. He had time to see a desk in one corner, littered with numerous books and writing utensils. The floor was covered with a thick fur rug, Siku couldn’t immediately identify its source. The bed, which was precisely where Aputi was carrying him, looked plush and comfortable.

  Suddenly, he was tossed through the air with a yelp of surprise. He hit the bed, sinking into its comfortable folds. Aputi stayed at the edge, grinning down at him.

  “You…threw me,” Siku said.

  “That I did.”

  “No one’s ever thrown me before.”

  Aputi crawled over him, forcing Siku to lay back and stare up into his face. Aputi’s eyes were heavy with his lust, his cock hanging down to brush against Siku’s thigh.

  “And no one’s ever fucked you like I’m going to.”

  Siku let out a whimper, pushing his hips up toward Aputi in a desperate plea. He had no doubt Aputi had every intention of following through on that threat.

  Aputi splayed a hand across Siku’s stomach, running up along the stretch of his body and over his chest. His fingers played along Siku’s collarbone, before finally curling around his throat. The grip wasn’t tight, only just enough for Siku to feel the potential strength in the man’s hands. His body vibrated with his need yet was held by Aputi’s force of will.

  “Please,” Siku begged.

  Aputi grinned, leaning forward to kiss Siku once more. Siku’s legs were spread apart as Aputi nestled himself between them. The heat of Aputi’s sides warmed Siku’s chilled thighs as he wrapped his legs around his waist. Siku opened his lips, letting Aputi’s tongue wrap around his own with a breathy moan.

  Aputi broke the kiss, breathing shaky as he pulled away. Siku watched him, body brimming with need and hope. His legs tightened around Aputi’s waist, refusing to let him leave.

  Looking down, Aputi gave a soft laugh. “You’re going to have to let me go for a second.”

  “I would prefer you back down here.”

  “Well, unless you’re wanting me to go in dry, I need to get up.”

  With a grimace at the thought, Siku released his hold on Aputi. He found he didn’t mind too much, as it allowed him a full show of Aputi’s body as he walked across the room. Muscles rippled under skin as Aputi reached up to a high shelf, arching his back as he dug around. Siku’s head cocked sideways, eyes eagerly roaming up and down Aputi’s back.

  Aputi turned around, pausing when he saw Siku staring. “What?”

  “A shame I’m not a painter, otherwise I would demand the best canvas to capture this sight forever,” Siku said.

  Aputi’s eyes widened, the hand clutching a bottle coming up to cover his torso. Siku’s smirk softened at the oddly self-conscious gesture from the alpha. Stretching himself out, Siku spread his legs apart, reaching to motion Aputi to come closer to him. As he’d hoped, the uncertainty in Aputi’s face disappeared, replaced by an eager hunger as he sucked in a breath.

  Watching Aputi cross the short distance was an exercise in self-control for Siku. Aputi’s broad shoulders hunched as he neared Siku, taking hold of his knees and spreading them further. The moment of hesitation was forgotten as Aputi gripped Siku’s thighs, easing his body between them and bowing forward to kiss Siku soundly.

  Aputi’s cock slid beside his own, and Siku reached down to grab hold of them. Aputi’s breath caught, a low growl rumbling between their lips. Stroking his fingers over the thick shaft, Siku bit Aputi’s bottom lip playfully, egging him on. Sure enough, Aputi rutted forward, grinding his cock against Siku, drawing a needy whine from him.

  With a smirk, Aputi opened the bottle. “Let’s hear what other fun noises you can make.”

  Forcing himself to breathe a little steadier, Siku watched Aputi tip the bottle, spreading a layer of clear fluid over his fingers. Raising his hips, Siku’s eyes fluttered shut as cool fingers pressed against him. A warm kiss was planted against his neck, and a finger smoothly slid into him. His breath flowed from him as the finger sank in deep, ending in a low moan as Aputi’s finger curled, teasing sensitive nerves.

  Before Siku could grow too accustomed, another finger pushed in, spreading him wider. Siku grabbed hold of Aputi’s shoulder, yanking him down and kissing him hungrily. Their tongues danced over one another, Siku whimpering as Aputi’s fingers opened him carefully. The sharp smell of winter and sturdy life filled his senses, and he breathed deeply of the masculine scent that lingered beneath it.

  Aputi eased back onto his heels, kneeling between Siku’s legs. With his other hand, he took hold of Siku’s cock, stroking it just as he added a third finger. Siku jerked, his fingers curling in the fur blanket beneath him as he let out a soft cry. His body hummed with Aputi’s touch, brimming with just barely realized pleasure.

  His back arched as the fingers spread inside him, causing him to cry out. “Don’t tease.”

  “Don’t tease? That’s not very polite.”

  Siku tried to glare. “Don’t you dare.”

  Aputi chuckled, his spreading fingers curling once more to bring forth a strangled gasp from Siku. Both man and bear within him needed Aputi inside him, more than his fingers. His resistance against Aputi’s teasing was breaking, and Siku sucked in a breath of air to speak clearly.

  “Please, don’t tease, I need the real thing. I need you Aputi.”

  The words were magic, wiping the smirk from Aputi’s lips as his fingers stilled within Siku. Even in the dim light, Siku watched Aputi’s eyes darken, pupils swelling until they almost took over his eyes completely. The deep, woodsy scent in the air thickened and Siku felt a tremor run through his limbs.

  “Better,” Aputi growled.

  Siku nearly let out another cry as Aputi pulled his fingers from inside him, a mix of relief and desperation. When the alpha shifted to kneel between his legs, Siku wasted no time in wrapping his legs around his waist once more. Aputi gripped the base of his cock, nudging the head against the ring of muscles he’d teased before leaning forward. Siku’s breath caught as he felt pressure, Aputi’s thick head pushing against him.

  When Aputi slipped in, Siku gave a gasp, clinging with sudden ferocity to Aputi’s strong arms. He was glad Aputi had taken the time to prepare him, pressing his face against Aputi’s forearm as he groaned quietly. It didn’t quite hurt, but the sensation of being spread apart was intense, consuming Siku’s thoughts as Aputi sank in a little deeper.

  Aputi gently held his chin, nudging Siku’s face, so he looked up. Siku’s attempt at speaking was cut off as Aputi’s mouth closed over his, hips pushing forward another inch. Siku moaned into the kiss, hands slapping onto Aputi’s shoulders as he fought to find a place to grab hold of. The pleasant burn of entry radiated up through him in a wave of pleasure as Aputi nudged in deeper, rocking his hips gently.

  When Aputi’s hips were flush against his body, Siku whined plaintively, wriggling. Aputi was finally inside him, filling him more than anyone ever before. His body felt as if it were burning, already shining with a thin layer of sweat.

  “Oh please, move, I need you to move,” Siku gasped, barely able to do more than writhe as Aputi’s weight pressed down on him.

  He nearly cried with relief when Aputi obliged him, easing his hips back only to bury himself to the hilt once again. Siku panted as the alpha began to move in earnest, his rhythm and force building steadily. Each cry from Siku’s lips emboldened Aputi, driving his hips down a little harder each time.

  Strong arms curled beneath Siku’s shoulders, lifting him partly off the bed. His upper body nestled in Aputi’s strong hold, Siku wrapped his arms around
Aputi’s neck and held on. Rough fingers dug into Siku’s shoulders as Aputi pulled him down into his thrusts, bringing a sharp crack of skin meeting skin and another desperate plea from Siku.

  Coherent thought was wiped from Siku’s mind as Aputi drove into him again and again. Pleasure wound its way through his body as he writhed and quivered in Aputi’s arms. A heavy growl rumbled its way out of Aputi as he thrust his thick cock deep. Siku clung to him as best he could, enamored by his power and lost in the pleasure.

  “Siku,” Aputi growled, warning thick in his voice.

  Unable to find the strength to speak, Siku nodded his head as vigorously as he could, pressing himself closer to Aputi. The alpha’s movements became erratic, fiercer. Driving into Siku with enough force to jostle and bounce him, both men clinging to one another. Aputi let out a raw growl, closing his mouth and teeth over Siku’s shoulder.

  Pain became immediate pleasure as Siku felt Aputi’s cock swell inside him. Siku held tight, his body going taut as his orgasm burst forth. Pressed between their bodies, his cock jerked, spilling between them as Siku cried out. Warmth spread through him as Aputi came deep inside him, burying himself with one last almighty thrust as he snarled Siku’s name.

  What little strength Siku had left in his body disappeared in a flash as the orgasm left him. Weak and panting for breath, he slumped into Aputi’s arms, eyes closed as his head spun. It had been everything Aputi promised it would be, and even more. Siku’s muscles were rubbery and useless, his whole body buzzing with contentment and bliss.

  Gently, he was laid on his back, Aputi still cradling him. Siku managed a soft whimper as Aputi’s cock eased out of him. Siku cracked open his eyes, watching Aputi as the man pulled the blanket out from beneath them, stretching it over their bodies. He hummed happily as Aputi drew him into a close embrace, wrapping his arms tight around him. Siku took a deep breath, inhaling his scent and letting out a happy rumble that was equal parts human and bear.

  “Are you okay?” Aputi asked quietly.

  “Should I not be?”

  “I was a little…rough.”


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