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Pure Jade

Page 38

by Patrick Laplante

  His eyes narrowed.

  Help me break through to the peak of the mountain no matter the cost, he yelled. If that man finishes the formation, we’re done for!

  The battlefield erupted around him. Core-formation cultivators increased their efforts and pushed the defenders aside. One by one, the many forces in Guo Jia’s way fell apart.

  I can make it!

  Suddenly a young woman appeared in front of him. She kept her eyes closed, but she seemed familiar to him. He smirked. “So, the little girl Master picked up has become such a beautiful young woman,” he said. “Move aside. I’m not interested in you. Just that man behind you.”

  “I don’t care to move aside for the man who betrayed Master,” she said. “His heart was broken when you went to the Obsidian Syndicate. Just like his brother before him did.”

  “He just didn’t understand that life isn’t worth living if you don’t pursue the peak of power and wealth,” Guo Jia said. “Now stand aside, or I’ll be forced to kill you.” A seventy-two-sigil combat formation manifested in front of him. It was an earth sigil, perfectly countering Xuehua’s strengths.

  “Then it’s time that I use a few trump cards Master gave me,” she said coldly.

  Guo Jia shivered as dozens of talismans flew out toward him, each with increasing levels of power. He was forced to retract his combat formation. He then threw down seven successive lower-level defensive formations. Then, seeing that the rain of talismans would breach his defenses, he threw out three talismans of his own. These had been provided by his master. His new master. At a cost, of course. Everything had a price.

  Ice was shattered apart by mountainous spikes, causing Xuehua, who was caught in the aftershocks, to cough up blood as she was thrown aside. Guo Jia didn’t focus on her. Instead he rushed to stop the young man who was painting at the peak of the mountain.

  As the man painted, the mountain began glowing with a pure jade luster. It hurt Guo Jia’s eyes, but he couldn’t help but press forward. Soon, he arrived before the man, who was holding his brush and staring at him.

  “So we meet again,” the young man said.

  Guo Jia’s eyes were still adjusting, so he couldn’t make out his features.

  “What do you mean, meet again?” Guo Jia asked. He rushed forward to stop the man as he painted the last formation line. The entire mountain took on a jade luster as a large dome suddenly appeared over the Silverwing Mountain Range. At this moment, he finally saw the features of the man who had activated the grand formation. He was a young man with unusual brown hair and jade and purple eyes. His facial structure was also unusual, that of a foreigner. He gasped when he remembered the face, his eyes flickering to the man’s forehead. He remembered that forehead.

  He had placed a slave rune there a few years ago.

  Cha Ming gazed at Guo Jia intently. His hands clenched in rage as he recalled the degrading treatment he had endured at Wei Chen’s hands. Guo Jia, Wei Chen, and Xiao Heilong. One had died, and the others would soon follow. He would start with Guo Jia.

  “So what if you’ve set up this formation?” Guo Jia said, bringing out dozens of formation flags. “Do you think you can win against me? I can tell at a glance that you merely completed an existing formation and aren’t the original builder.”

  Cha Ming shrugged and quickly cast a Stormchaser Steps combat formation beneath his feet. He then charged at Guo Jia, who was in the process of materializing a fire-based high-grade formation. While his tone was aggressive, Cha Ming could see that he was just putting on a strong front. The ochre aura oozing out of Guo Jia was rapidly being eaten away by the defensive formation. After all, Cha Ming was the one who had activated it. He had taken special care to imbue it with his Devil-Sealing Intent.

  “Too slow,” Cha Ming said, throwing out thirty-six ice sigils. He quickly laid a combat formation down, its energy lines clashing with Guo Jia’s. It ended in mutual annihilation. A look of shock appeared on Guo Jia’s face as he saw his formation disappear, but it didn’t last for long. He shot out seventy-two earth-type sigils. Cha Ming’s Dao sigils rapidly changed to a wood formation, but he saw it would be a tad too slow. Therefore, while attacking Guo Jia with his Clear Sky Staff, he quickly shot out dozens of mortal-grade talismans, which landed at key points. Both formations were destroyed.

  “Interesting,” Guo Jia said, quickly dodging Cha Ming’s staff while making another formation. It was a close matchup. Cha Ming had his speed and talismans, and Guo Jia had higher-leveled abilities. Cha Ming had a limited number of talismans, but Guo Jia’s aura was slowly being eroded by the grand formation. The first to falter would perish.

  Great power suffused Huxian’s fur and bones, granting him an aura one sub-realm higher than before.

  What a powerful formation, Huxian thought in amazement. Not only he, but Silverwing, Lei Jiang, and many others were propelled one level higher. Huxian and Silverwing joined the other remaining sovereigns to fight the core-formation cultivators in the high-level battles. Meanwhile, the kings and many lords began attacking stronger opponents, rapidly changing the flow of battle.

  The human cultivators had not received any augmentations, but the increase in the demon beasts’ battle prowess rapidly reduced the pressure they felt. At the same time, Huxian could see the ochre auras being suppressed by the jade shield. The devils should have retreated, but their commander was currently battling Cha Ming. They were like puppets with no one to pull the strings.

  Huxian turned his attention to one of the core-formation cultivators who had killed the Reptilian Lion Sovereign.

  Silverwing, cover me! he yelled.

  Silverwing, who was nearby, flapped his silver wings and forced Huxian’s opponent to deflect the blades of wind. Huxian took advantage of the opening and swiped out with a white claw in a sea of darkness. It cut through armor and qi shields like wet paper, instantly destroying the initial core-formation cultivator.

  He surveyed the battlefield, looking for his next target. That was when he saw Xiao Heilong, a mountain of a man, sneakily escaping the battlefield. He didn’t have a chance to intercept him, though. Yet another core-formation cultivator, more powerful than the last, engaged him in close combat.

  Wang Jun, Huxian sent, Xiao Heilong is trying to escape.

  Already on it, he heard back. He dodged one blade after another and continued looking for an opening. Time was on their side, and they had the initiative.

  Xiao Heilong snuck out like a thief. Regardless of how this started or how he got involved, he could tell one thing for certain: They were losing. Badly. And he wanted nothing to do with it. Sure, he would get punished lightly for escaping, but that was the least of his concerns. It was nothing killing a few people couldn’t solve. It never was.

  Almost out, he thought, looking at the edge of the shield just outside the mountain. He activated his best movement technique and carefully slid through, breathing in the fresh air that didn’t corrode his devilish powers.

  Clap. Clap. Clap.

  A figure walked out of the shadows behind a large rock. It was a young boy with blond hair. Wang Jun, the second young master of the Wang clan. The bounty on his head was extremely high, which made tussling with him an enticing but fearful proposition. Targets that were easy to kill never had high bounties, no matter what anyone told him.

  “I suppose you’ve come here to fight me?” Xiao Heilong said, drawing his daggers. Now that he was outside the jade shield, he no longer had to fear exposing his devilish form. The air turned cold around him as he lost his temper. The rage he normally held within him disappeared, eaten away to be converted into pure strength. He fed off rage. It made him grow stronger. But one always had to pay a price for power. Especially if the power was instantaneous and so useful.

  “Heavens no, I think you’ve got the wrong impression,” Wang Jun said, chuckling. “I’m here to kill you. Which is quite different, you see? One implies the ability to resist.” Suddenly, Xiao Heilong realized that he couldn’t m
ove a muscle. He was surrounded by shadowy strings that had clearly been laid out beforehand. The young man walked toward him. His gaze caused him to shiver.

  “Do you know why cultivating fate is so difficult?” Wang Jun asked. He now stood two feet away from Xiao Heilong. “It’s because it’s so hard to find proper cultivation subjects. You see, to cultivate the fate aspect, I need to establish karma and sever karma. The stronger the karma, the more benefit I gain. For example, establishing a trade contract would generate a small amount of karma, but karma of a blood debt… well, that’s much stronger. Do you understand?” The young man pulled at the air, and soon he revealed a red thread. Xiao Heilong recognized it. It was the thread of vengeance.

  “You tried to kill my brother Cha Ming,” Wang Jun said. “Twice. And your men caused him untold anguish, both to him and the people close to him. The organization you belong to has caused a war against my brother’s brother. That’s why the string is so thick, you see.”

  A black sword pierced through Xiao Heilong’s chest. His knees sagged as the last of his life left him. The last thing he saw was a shadow with a gaping maw. It slurped up the thread of karma like a tasty snack before Wang Jun sent him on his way.

  “You’re losing this war,” Cha Ming remarked, “and you have no one to blame but yourself.” He was panting, exhausted, and he was running low on talismans. Another formation sprang up, causing Cha Ming to set up his own quick formation and throw out some lightning talismans to complement.

  “Fire with lightning?” Guo Jia yelled. “Seriously? I would have thought that Master would have trained you better. Or are you out of your precious talismans finally?”

  “Master?” Cha Ming asked, concentrating more on undoing the next formation. It was getting increasingly difficult to maintain his lead. It was slipping, and soon Guo Jia’s formations would get through.

  “Of course,” Guo Jia said, panting. “There are only three other mortal formation artists in the city. Someone in the Alabaster Group, some guy in the royal family, and me. Who do you think taught all of us in the first place?”

  Rage boiled in Cha Ming’s stomach, and his expression turned cold. “No wonder he’s so strict on recruiting students. Scum like you somehow managed to sneak through.”

  “I was his pride and joy,” Guo Jia said. “But I definitely see his mark in your fighting style. He taught you well, but unfortunately, you’re just too young.”

  “I highly doubt he’s very proud of you,” Cha Ming said with his teeth clenched as he countered yet another formation. “When I mentioned blood formations in the Song Kingdom, he immediately thought of you. The disappointment he has for you probably tops anything else in his life.”

  He used his staff to bat aside another formation line, causing it to deviate slightly. Another line quickly took its place.

  “You know nothing of the disappointments he’s faced,” Guo Jia said. “I think his brother founding the Obsidian Syndicate was definitely his crowning shame. But regardless, it doesn’t matter much. Because I now have the advantage, and you’re dead.”

  A bright array of blue lights materialized around Cha Ming, trapping him. Cha Ming summoned an earthen formation, but unfortunately it couldn’t cause enough damage to shatter it. Thousands of icicles pierced from the ground, slicing apart his strong flesh. Fortunately, his bones were as hard as magic treasures, and they didn’t break like the rest of his body did.

  He rapidly activated his last remaining Hardening Talisman and Resistance Talisman, both toughening his skin and preventing himself from getting trapped. Then he threw his last remaining Crumbling Talisman at Guo Jia’s body. Finally, he threw out his single Sharp Talisman.

  Unlike the others, which were buffing and supportive talismans, the Sharp Talisman attacked directly. He also followed up with his last remaining Nine Heavens Lightning Talisman, the last one he had in stock. Unfortunately, Guo Jia suddenly transformed. The most highly concentrated ochre aura Cha Ming had ever seen appeared. It was rapidly being eroded by the Devil-Sealing Intent in the protective formation. Guo Jia grimaced as he appeared in front of Cha Ming, slamming down his boot on Cha Ming’s head.

  “It’s such a shame,” Guo Jia said with a distorted voice. “You would have made an excellent greater devil with your mastery over the five elements. But you’ve used everything you have. And I don’t like competitors.”

  I’ve used everything I have, Cha Ming thought. No, that wasn’t accurate. He still had one trump card, but it was very risky, very damaging. Also, he had never tried it out of fear of destroying his sigils. It’s now or never.

  He couldn’t look up due to Guo Jia’s heavy boot, but he sent his resplendent force out to guide five sigils, substantially less than normal. Instead of transforming them into formations, however, he quickly expanded them to a larger version of their original shape. Five elemental sigils shone brightly around Guo Jia.

  Cha Ming felt the pain in his skull intensify as the boot shoved him further down. He poured his foundation qi into the sigils despite his debilitating condition. He didn’t use five-element qi. Only black qi poured in. The five elements created, but they also destroyed. He was gambling that five sigils could make a complete formation and support the destructive black star that linked them. At the center of the black, starry matrix was where Guo Jia was currently standing.

  Guo Jia grunted and threw out thirty-six sigils to ward away Cha Ming’s seemingly pathetic attempt, but the runic lines fizzled when they met the five sigils. This caused Guo Jia to force down with all his might, trying as hard as possible to crush Cha Ming’s unreasonably hard skull.

  Seventy-two flags flew out, and Guo Jia rapidly attempted to consolidate a high-grade formation. It was a gold formation, best for slicing. Five giant swords appeared beside him, striking down where the black connecting lines were forming. The gold swords shattered when they hit those black lines, unable to resist their suppression.

  Guo Jia lifted his foot to flee, but it was too late. Cha Ming rapidly poured in the rest of his qi, instantly completing the formation.

  “No!” Guo Jia shouted in agony as his body was bisected by the black star. His body collapsed, and so did Cha Ming. The mental energy he had consumed was staggering. He could tell that if he hadn’t broken through to the resplendent soul realm, he could have easily ended up as a vegetable after activating the formation.

  Huxian, Wang Jun, Cha Ming sent. I’m out. Make sure you win.


  The battle’s outcome was as expected. The Silverwing beasts and the Alabaster Group won, but at a terrible cost. Over half of the members sent by the Alabaster Group had perished, including their higher-level forces. Only a third of the allied beast forces remained.

  There was a silver lining, however. The Pure Jade Defensive Formation had been activated, and it would remain activated for the foreseeable future. The price to maintain the formation was steep but worthwhile for the Silverwing beasts.

  After the battle was completed, the Alabaster Group conducted an investigation and found the traitor. It was an inconspicuous member who wasn’t around too often. They weren’t sure how he got past their screening process. Unsurprisingly, the punishment for treachery was death.

  Unfortunately, the owl monarch perished from his wounds shortly after the battle. Before dying, he passed on his inheritance to the last True Seer Owl on the mountain, the one Wang Jun had effectively used as a monitor to manage the battle. Then, seeing that the owl was clearly not leadership material, the owl monarch appointed Huxian as leader.

  Huxian, not wanting to disappoint the monarch, accepted, but he abdicated shortly after the monarch’s death and nominated Silverwing, who bluntly rejected. Eventually, the Geomantic Sovereign took on the role as monarch. As a formation expert, she was best suited to controlling the defensive formation. In addition, her contributions to the war and to their survival far eclipsed that of any other beast. Everyone unanimously approved her appointment.

  Two week
s passed before Cha Ming, Huxian, and Wang Jun took their leave. They were sent off with a celebration and a large gift of medicinal herbs—useless for the beasts but useful for Cha Ming. Coincidentally, all the ingredients required for his next two pills had been gathered. After one day, they finally departed and left the Silverwing Mountain Range behind them.

  “We really made off like bandits,” Huxian said, merrily skipping along. Lei Jiang sat on his head, keeping his paws to himself, lest Cha Ming and Wang Jun scold him once more.

  And I thought Huxian was a handful, Cha Ming thought. And he says he’s going to recruit seven more friends? What am I, a zookeeper?

  Worse, Huxian had no way to earn income. Therefore, Cha Ming gained an extra mouth to feed with every new companion Huxian gained. He only hoped that their appetites wouldn’t be as overwhelming as the little fox’s.

  Suddenly, Huxian’s ears pulled back. “Someone’s coming!” he yelled. Cha Ming, who had known this long before, held his hand out and motioned for Huxian to stop.

  “He’s a messenger from the Song Kingdom,” Cha Ming said. “Likely here for Wang Jun.”

  Sure enough, the man who came was a soldier. He immediately bowed to Wang Jun before delivering a letter. The latter grimaced after reading the contents.

  “It seems my absence had some consequences,” Wang Jun said. “We secured funding on this expedition and weakened the crown prince. However, a major event happened while we were gone. The king, who has been in poor health of late, collapsed.”

  “What coincidental timing,” Cha Ming said.

  “Indeed,” Wang Jun replied. “And naturally, the doctors all think nothing is wrong with him.”


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