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Once Upon a Time in New York

Page 28

by Herbert Mitgang

MacArthur, Douglas A.

  MacDonald, Ramsay

  Macy, W. Kingsland

  Madden, Owney

  Madison, James

  Madison Square Garden

  Madison Square Presbyterian Church

  “Maggie Murphy’s Home”

  Main Street (Lewis)

  Majestic Records

  Malone, Dudley Field

  Manchester Guardian

  Manhattan Transfer (Dos Passos)

  Marie, queen of Rumania

  Mast, Jane

  Mastbaum, Jules


  Mayfair Hotel

  McAdoo, Eleanor Wilson

  McAdoo, William Gibbs


  McCooey, John H. (“Uncle John”)

  explains patronage job for his son

  McCooey, John H., Jr.

  McGoldrick, Joseph P.

  McGuinness, Peter J.

  McKay, Claude

  McKee, Joseph V.

  McKeon, John J.

  McKettrick, Dan

  McKinley, William

  McLaughlin, Andrew G.

  McManus, George

  McManus, Thomas (“Hump”)

  McNaboe, John J.

  McQuade, Francis X.

  McQuade, James A. (“Jesse James”)

  McQuade Brothers

  Meade, Edmund

  Medalie, George

  Mellon, Andrew

  Melniker, Harold

  Mencken, H. L.

  Merchant of Venice, The

  Merritt, Ed

  Methodist Board of Temperance

  Meusel, Bob

  Mezzacapo, Joseph

  Middle Atlantic Fisheries Association

  Miller, Gilbert

  Miller, Marie

  Miller, Marilyn

  Mr. New York (Whalen)

  Moley, Raymond

  Molloy, Louis

  Montauk Island Club

  Mooney, William

  Moore, Wiley

  Moore, Victor

  Morning Telegraph

  Morris, Robert E.

  Moses, Robert

  Walker compared to La Guardia by

  Mozart Hall faction

  Mullen, Arthur

  Mulligan, William

  Mulrooney, Edward P.

  Murphy, Charles Francis


  Murray, James

  Mussolini, Benito

  Nast, Thomas

  Nation, The

  on Walker

  New Orleans Times-Picayune

  New York American

  New York City Police Department

  Crater disappearance and

  Police College

  Prohibition and

  prostitution and

  “Red scare” and

  Rothstein murder and

  Seabury investigation and

  Tammany Hall and

  Whalen appointed commissioner

  New York Daily News

  New York Giants

  New York Herald Tribune

  on Roosevelt

  on Seabury investigation

  on Walker

  New York Jewelers Exchange

  New York Law School

  New York Sun

  on Rothstein

  on Tweed

  New York Times

  on Hylan

  on La Guardia

  on Roosevelt

  on Rothstein

  on Seabury investigation

  on Tweed

  on Walker

  New York World

  on Tweed

  on Walker

  New York World-Telegram

  on Seabury investigation

  on Walker

  New York Yankees

  Night Hawk

  Nizer, Louis

  Norris, Jean H.

  O’Brien, John P.

  Ochs, Adolph S.

  O’Connell, Edward J.

  O’Connor, Basil

  O’Connor, Thomas

  O’Dwyer, William

  Of Thee I Sing

  Oh, Kay!

  Oliver, Roland

  Olvany, George W.

  Omley, Claire

  Once in a Lifetime (Kaufman)

  O’Neil, William

  O’Neill, “Honest John”

  One of Ours (Cather)

  On the Town

  Ottinger, Albert

  Padlocks of 1927

  Palmer, A. Mitchell

  Pani, Joe

  Park Central Hotel

  Parkhurst, Rev. Charles H.

  Pegler, Westbrook

  Pennock, Herb

  Pfeiffer, Peter J.

  Philadelphia Inquirer

  Phillips, Jesse

  Piker, The

  Pilatsky, Charles C.

  Pius XI, Pope

  Plaza Hotel

  Plunkitt, George Washington

  Polo Grounds Athletic Club

  Polyclinic Hospital

  Portland Oregonian

  “Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody, A”

  Progressive Party


  clubs (speakeasies)

  effects of

  Eighteenth Amendment (enactment) described

  Roosevelt and

  Rothstein’s bootlegging

  Tammany Hall and

  Twenty-first amendment (repeal) described

  Walker and

  Quinlivan, James

  Quintano, Joe

  Raymond, Nathan (“Nigger Nate”)

  Reagan, Ronald

  Recovery Party


  Reiman, Eugene


  Richmond Times-Dispatch

  Ritz, Sally Lou

  Ritz-Carlton Hotel

  Roberts (Jimmy’s valet)

  Roberts, Kiki (Marion Strasmick)

  Rogers, Lindsay

  Rogers, Will

  Roman Gardens

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  Albany trial of Jimmy Walker

  Bonus Army of World War I veterans and

  Depression of the 1930s and


  elected president

  Hearst, supported by

  La Guardia compared to


  New York Herald Tribune on

  New York Times on

  1928 gubernatorial campaign

  1932 Democratic National Convention in Chicago

  1932 presidential campaign

  post-trial official statement on Walker and Tammany Hall

  post-trial personal attack by Walker on

  presidential ambitions

  Prohibition and

  Seabury investigation and

  state programs and policies

  Tammany Hall and

  Walker and

  White House, Walker’s visit to

  Roosevelt, James

  Roosevelt, John

  Roosevelt, Theodore


  Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox (Burns)

  Rosenman, Samuel I.

  Rothstein, Arnold

  bootlegging and


  drugs and

  gambling and

  murder of

  real estate and

  Tammany Hall and

  Walker and

  Rothstein, Caroline

  Runyon, Damon

  Ruth, Babe

  Ryan, Joseph P.

  Ryskind, Morrie

  St. Francis Xavier School

  St. Joseph’s Church

  St. Louis Cardinals

  St. Louis Globe-Democrat

  St. Louis Kid

  St. Patrick’s Cathedral

  Walker’s funeral

  Sartoris (Faulkner)

  Schmeling, Max

  Schroeder, Dr. William, Jr.

  Schultz, Dutch (Arthur Flegenheimer)

  Schurman, Jacob Gould, Jr.

  Scotch Ann

ury, Maud

  Seabury, Samuel

  Albany trial of Jimmy Walker and


  final report of


  La Guardia supported by

  post-trial comment on Walker

  presidential ambitions

  reforms proposed

  Walker testimony

  Service Bus


  Shakespeare, William

  Shame of the Cities, The (Steffens)

  Shardinsky, Max

  Sheldon, Edward

  Shelton, Yvonne (“Little Fellow”)

  Sherman, Henry L.

  Sherwood, Russell T.

  charges against

  as fugitive

  testimony of

  Shocker, Urban

  Shor, Toots

  Toots Shor’s saloon

  Show Boat

  Shubert, Jacob J.

  Shubert, Lee

  Shubert, Sam S.

  “Sidewalks of New York”

  Siegfried, André

  Silverman, Sime

  Sisto, J. A.

  Smith, Alfred E.



  Liberty League and

  1924 presidential campaign

  1928 presidential campaign

  1932 Democratic National Convention in Chicago

  1932 presidential campaign

  Prohibition and

  as state legislator

  Tammany Hall and

  Walker and

  Smith, J. Allen

  Smith, Moe W.

  So Big (Ferber)

  Socialist Party

  Society for the Prevention of Crime

  “Someone to Watch Over Me”

  Sound and the Fury, The (Faulkner)

  Spirit of St. Louis

  Stalin, Joseph

  Steffens, Lincoln

  Stein, Harry

  Steingut, Irwin

  Stevenson, Adlai E.

  Strike Up the Band

  Sullivan, Big Tim

  Sulzer, William

  Sumner, John S.

  Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway)


  Swope, Herbert Bayard

  Tammany Hall

  Albany trial of Jimmy Walker

  Crater and

  decline and fall of

  Good Government advocates (“Goo-Goos”) reform efforts

  Greenpoint People’s Regular Organization of the Fifteenth Assembly District

  inner workings described

  La Guardia’s reform efforts

  Mozart Hall faction

  New York City Police Department and

  origins of

  Parkhurst’s reform efforts

  Prohibition and

  Roosevelt and

  Roosevelt’s post-trial official statement on

  Rothstein and

  Seabury investigation

  Smith and

  Tepecano Democratic Club

  Tweed Courthouse

  Tweed Ring

  Walker and

  Tarkington, Booth

  Tepecano Democratic Club

  Terminal Taxicab Company

  Terranova, Ciro

  Theofel, John

  Thomas, Norman

  Thurman, Wallace

  Tibbetts, Harland B.

  Tilden, Samuel J.

  Tin Pan Alley

  “Today and Tomorrow” (Lippmann)

  Toomer, Jean

  Trosk, George

  Truman, Harry S.

  Tugwell, Rexford G.

  Tuttle, Charles H.

  Twain, Mark

  Tweed, William Marcy

  Tweed Courthouse

  Tweed Ring

  Twin Coach Company

  United Sea Food Workers

  Untermyer, Irwin

  Untermyer, Samuel

  U.S. Conference of Mayors

  Van Wyck, Robert A.


  Viggiano, Prosper

  Virgin Man, The

  Vitale, Albert H.

  Voorhis, John R.

  Vortex, The

  Vossische Zeitung

  Wagner, Robert F.

  Wagner, Robert F., Jr.

  Wales Padlock Law

  Walker, Frank (no relation)

  Walker, George (brother of Jimmy)

  Walker, James J. (Jimmy)

  Albany trial

  baseball and

  boyhood years

  Broadway and

  bus system under

  City Hall, invited to La Guardia’s

  Clean Books Bill and

  Compton, Betty, as mistress of

  death of

  divorce from Allie

  divorce from Betty

  education of

  election campaign

  estrangement from Allie

  funeral of

  garment industry appointment from La Guardia

  hospital system under

  La Guardia compared to, by Robert Moses

  lateness, famous for

  law career


  Majestic Records, as president of

  married life with Allie

  married life with Betty

  marries Allie

  marries Betty

  The Nation on

  New York American on

  New York Herald Tribune on

  New York Times on

  New York World on

  New York World-Telegram on

  as Night Mayor of New York

  1932 Democratic National Convention in Chicago

  one-liners, memorable

  parks and playgrounds under

  post-trial comment from Seabury on

  post-trial official statement by Roosevelt on

  post-trial personal attack on Roosevelt by

  Prohibition and

  “Red scare” and

  reelection campaign

  religion and

  resignation of

  Roosevelt and

  Rothstein and

  salary and perks as mayor

  sanitation services under

  Seabury investigation

  Shelton, Yvonne (mistress), relationship with

  Smith and

  songwriting career

  special mayoral election, post-trial attempt to run in

  speeches, parades, ceremonies

  as state legislator

  subway system under

  Tammany Hall and

  testimony in Albany trial

  testimony in Seabury investigation

  tributes to, on his death

  wardrobe of

  water supply under

  Whalen appointed police commissioner by

  White House, invited to Roosevelt’s


  Workmen’s Compensation Act and

  Walker, Janet Allen (“Allie,” wife of Jimmy)

  at Albany trial

  courtship and wedding


  in The Duke of Duluth


  married life

  Walker, Mrs. William (mother of Jimmy)

  Walker, William (father of Jimmy)


  Tammany Hall and

  Walker, Dr. William H. (brother of Jimmy)

  Walsh, George

  Warner Theater

  Warren, Joseph A

  Washington and Jefferson College

  Waterman, Frank D.

  Weary Blues, The (Hughes)

  Wende, Assemblyman

  West, Mae

  Whalen, Grover Aloysius

  appointed police commissioner

  autobiography (Mr. New York)


  Prohibition and

  “Red scare” and

  Rothstein murder and

  Wharton, Edith

  White, E. B.

  White, George

  Wilder, Thornton

Mabel W.

  Williams, Alexander S.

  “Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May” (Walker)

  Wilson, Dudley

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wilson Bros., Inc.

  Winchell, Walter

  “Wintergreen for President”

  Wise, Rabbi Stephen S.

  Wodehouse, P. G.

  Women in Love (Lawrence)

  Wood, Fernando

  Woodmansten Inn

  Workmen’s Compensation Act

  World’s Work

  Yankee Stadium

  Yellen, Jack

  Ziegfeld, Florenz

  Ziegfeld Follies




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