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Stay... Page 5

by Scarlet Rose

  "Oh wait, I almost forgot," Ben said chuckling He withdrew two little teeth that he fit over his canine teeth. "Tada! Dracula!"

  Laughing she looped her arm through his and the entered the building. Everyone was outfitted in their formal wear and embellishments to go along with the Halloween theme. The evening started out with a play performed by children that left everyone giggling at their antics. Champagne and hors d'oeuvres were being circled about the large ballroom as people mingled and danced. Ben and Sadie made their rounds, saying hello to all the big wigs before moving on to their coworkers they worked with everyday.

  "Would you care to dance?" Ben asked, bowing to her slightly, arm extended.

  "Oh, my..I would be honored kind sir." She said giggling in an aweful southern belle accent.

  Ben lead her into the crowd and actually was a pretty good dancer. Again, she felt herself slip away mentally to imagine what it would be like to be held by Jake.

  "Excuse me, but may I cut in?" A deep familiar voice said.

  Chapter 11

  Sadie's eyes flew open. She was speechless. In the flesh and blood was her dream come true. Ben stepped back and smiled at Jake,

  "She's is all yours. Treat her right my friend." Ben said seriously. With one last look, he walked away. Jake swept her into his arms.

  "Surprised?" Jake asked, looking down into her eyes. Oh, he looked good enough to eat!

  "Wheres my fork...You look good enough to devour, Jake Kilgore! How did you get a ticket to this?" Sadie asked in one breath.

  Chuckling he pulled her closer. His hand ran down and settled on the small of her back.

  "You, also, look scrumptous. I happen to have my resources. My people know people." Jakes eyes were on fire, blazing with lust. "I knew I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to dance with you into the night." They danced a few more times and then made a circle saying hello to the people he knew. She had spied Ben in the corner getting cozy with a new plastic surgeon doctor that had just transferred here from Florida. He had felt her gaze, returned it and gave her a 'its going to be fine' wink. Sadie was on cloud nine. Behind that euporia was the nagging feeling that usually accompanied such happiness that something would happen to burst her bubble. No use borrowing trouble though and she returned her focus to her man, who she couldn’t wait to take home.

  The ride to her house was full of stolen glances, hand holding and a comfortable silence besides her giving him directions. He gently helped her out of his car and took her keys to unlock the front door. Once inside he began undressing her, clothes floating to the ground making a trail to the bedroom. Taking him by the hand Sadie led him into her room which was illuminated by a small lamp on the bedside table casting a romantic glow. She turned him around so she could press him back onto her bed. She did a small strip tease with the remainder of her clothes which made him growl and demand she hurry.

  "Thank you for surprising me Jake." She whispered.

  "You just wait lady. Tonight I'm full of surprises." He replied wiggling his eyebrows and drawing her on top of him, latching onto her mouth like a starving man.

  She pulled back to help him out of his trousers and boxers. Pausing a minute to take in the view of him lounging on her bed waiting for her. She crawled back on top of him continuing the kiss from before and ran her hands all over him. His hands automatically cupped her rear, give a firm squeeze that made her frantic.

  "Raise your hands and grab onto the posters." She demanded. He did as instructed while she got a condom out of the nightstand and sheathed him making him gasp out, "Your killing me woman!"

  Understanding all too well, she quickly slid her body over his and paused again to take it all in. Nothing again would ever feel this right. No one would ever make her feel this whole.

  His hands settled onto her hips urging her into a slow pace. She arched her hips and squeezed her inner muscles, making him sit up, eyes wide.

  "What the..." he moaned.

  "Shhh..." She said with a naughty grin. Hips bucking they dueled, bodies glistening and breaths coming harder and harder. She felt herself spiralling quickly towards her release. When she felt him start to tense, she let herself go and heard herself cry,

  "I love you..." She may regret telling him later, but at the moment it felt important he understood how she felt and how much he meant to her. He drew her into his arms and they both fell asleep. Jake woke her up one more time in the middle of the night to make the sweetest love to her. Telling her she needed her sleep he left her house.

  In the car, Jake sat in the silence. She loved him? How did he feel about that? He knew that he cared for her more than he cared about anyone but love? It was so permanent. So not him. He had some mulling to do, that was for sure. While he was certain he didn't get into this with her thinking forever, he also never intended on hurting her. He decided at the moment that he would pretend he didn't hear her and hope she didn't bring it up and force him into a decision before he had a chance to figure this out.

  Chapter 12

  For the next three weeks, they took turns staying at each others houses. Making love into the wee hours of the night and settled into a nice routine. Sadie had regretted telling him she loved him. She didn't want to pressure him and since he didn't see the need to bring her confession up, she followed suit. She went into this situation with him fully expecting to have it end badly for her so she was determined to take things a day by day. She never nagged him about where he went or who he was with. Although he never promised a future, she knew that he was faithful and he showed her with his body how he felt for her. Overall, she was elated.

  The hospital was taking some budget cuts and her hours were cut in half. She was OK with that since she made pretty good money and had always been good about saving for a rainy day. That gave her more time for Jake. Just when she felt she might be overwhelming him and tried to give him some space he would make a comment or end up surprising her for lunch or just sending quick "I missed you, what panties are you wearing?" texts. Her coworkers soon got used to the secret smiles she always seem to have plastered to her face.

  That night after a particularly challenging bout of lovemaking, Jake making her prove just how flexible she really was, he broke the news that he had to fly to California for a few days on business.

  "Do you think you could go?" He asked. Sadie knew that it was a monumental thing for him to actually ask her to accompany him.

  "I wish I could but with the budget cuts, we are more short staffed and two of our nurses are out on maternity leave. I'm sorry Jake." She said sadly.

  "Hmm. OK, well I will be back Thursday afternoon and will try to call you everyday but don’t get too worried if I don’t. This trip really should be taking about six days but Ive arranged to have it crammed into three days so I can continue devouring your delectable body." Jake said burrowing his face into her neck making her giggle and push him away.

  "I'll miss you but understand if I don't hear from you periodically. Now show me which part of me you find most delectable Mr. Kilgore."

  "Glady." He said starting to weave the magic only his hands could.

  Jake went to California and sure enough he was only able to call her one time on the first day and even then he sounded rushed and kept apologizing and promising to make it up to her. Sadie assured him she would survive and to focus on work and they would catch up when he got back. She missed him like crazy but took the time to spend with her friends that she realized she had neglected in the time she had met Jake. They were all understanding and happy for her though. She also took the time to schedule an appointment to get put on some birth control. She was anxious to be able to just forget the protection and go to town with him.

  So there she was at her gyno, laid back in the most undignified way possible and trying to concentrate on the idle chit chat her doctor was trying to involve her in to get her to relax. It really sucked being a woman sometimes. Men never had to subject themselves to this, no monthly visitors, no childbearing a
nd weight gain etc. It was the time old conversation about how lucky men were to be...well... men.

  "Ok, all done here. Go ahead and get dressed and I'll join you in my office in about 5 minutes." Her doctor said with a smile.

  Thankful that part was over, Sadie got dressed and joined Dr. Carpenter in her office.

  "Well Sadie. I know you came to me to get put on birth control but I don't think that's going to be an option just yet." She informed.

  Dread entered into Sadie's body, her mind racing. What could it be? A cyst? Cancer? God forbid and STD. She'd kill Jake. Kill him! That rat bastard!

  "It appears, Sadie, you are about 6 weeks pregnant." Dr. Carpenter told her with a pause to let it set in.

  Sadie was speechless and in shock. Everything felt surreal and when the words started coming out of her mouth she couldn’t stop them.

  "That's impossible. We always used protection. We are very careful! Are you sure? Check again!" Sadie said rising as if to go back to the exam room.

  "I've been practicing for about 16 years Sadie, I'm certain. I take it this is a shock? Any type of protection is not a guaranteed 100% effective. Now what I would like you to do is schedule your next appointment so we can do blood work and first check up." Dr Carpenter went into more detail of what to expect, wrote her a prenatal prescription and sent her off with a hug and congratulations.

  Sadie needed somewhere quiet, pronto, so she found the bathroom, thankfully a one stall room, and with her back to the wall, slid down to the floor. A million thoughts racing through her head.

  Jake was going to leave her.

  He was going to flip out and probably think she did this on purpose. Wait a minute, no, he knew she was a person of integrity. He wouldn't blame her but he definitely would call things off. Probably set her up with financial support and a farewell. Her hand slid her her still flat stomach. Their baby. A boy? She imagine a black haired toddler racing around being spoiled by her because he was so adorable. A girl? Same black hair but with her fathers irresistible dimples, also so cute she was spoiled rotten. Either way, she already loved her baby and would protect it like the proverbial mama bear. Jake was coming home tonight and it was her job to let him know that both of their lives were about to change. For better or worse. Jumping, she heard her phone ring. Greeeeat....speak of the devil. It was Jake.

  "Hello." She said weakly, trying to remain calm.

  "Hey babe. What’s the matter? I can’t wait to see you tonight. Your place or mine?" Jake rushed out. He sounded so happy. For now anyways.

  "Oh uh, nothing. I'm in the bathroom so I have to be quiet." She managed to say with a shaky breath. "I'll meet you at your house."

  "Oh ok, my plane is scheduled to come in around 5pm, meet me at 5:30? I need to talk to you about some things." His told her, going serious. Oh great, she thought. He probably has gotten tired of her in his life and was calling things off thinking he'd never see her again. Then she would drop the bomb that she was carrying his child and...and what? He'd tell her to hit the road? Or he would profess his undying love and sweep her into his arms? Yeah right!

  "OK, I'll be there." Sadie promised and ended the call.

  Chapter 13

  She decided she would get there at 5 and meet him, drop the bomb, attempt to live through his furious explosion and go home to lick her wounds.

  Maybe this was fate, giving her something to occupy herself so she wouldn't totally fall apart when he moved on.

  Sadie ended up arriving at Jake's house around 4:30pm. She just couldn't sit around her house and just wait anymore. Her nerves were shot as her mind went over all the possible outcomes of tonight. Helping herself into his home she looked around for possible fresh flowers or potpourri perhaps since she could have sworn she smelled something. Deciding to take one last tour for memories sake she wandered around the house, remembering the different times and things they had done in the different parts of the house. She climbed the stairs to go to the bedroom and stopped in front of the door which was closed. Bracing herself she opened the door and about jumped out of her skin. A scantily clad woman laid draped over his bed! Fire engine red lingerie complete with stockings and garter belt. On top of that the woman was easily 6 months pregnant.

  "Who the hell are you? I’m calling the cops!" The woman screeched. The source of the mysterious perfume she smelled apparently.

  "The better question is who are you and what are you doing in my boyfriends bed?" Sadie returned, placing a hand on her hip.

  "Boyfriend? I hardly think so! Jake is mine and he will be back any minute! You better go now and save yourself!" She threw back at Sadie.

  "Back? He's only now returning from a business trip thank you very much! Now get out!" Sadie said, feeling her anger rising.

  "Oh, is that what he told you? Let me guess, told you he was going out of town? Well, he never left! He's been here with me the entire time, rekindling our love! Bet he never mentioned me, did he?" The woman taunted.

  Sadie felt the air whoosh from her lungs. Is that why he couldn't call her? Is that what he needed to talk to her about? The woman obviously guessed the train of thought as she added,

  "When I found out about his accident and his memory loss I just knew that's why he never called me or came by so I tracked him down and told him about our baby, he's proposed you know." She said placing a hand over her own burgeoning belly.

  "Oh my God. How could he do this!" Sadie whispered, more to herself.

  "Oh, he used to be very good at being a playboy but he's changed his ways now that we have our family growing inside of me. Now get out before he gets here and really embarrasses you!" She said with an evil smile and her hand pointing towards the door.

  Sadie turned around and fled. What could she do? Tears trailing down her face she got in her car and started driving. They had never even spoken of past lovers so how was she supposed to know? Oh, that Jake Kilgore was good! What a fool she was! She couldn't go back home. Not where more memories of him and her were all over the place! She turned around and headed to her friend Shelby's house.

  Arriving at Shelby's and discovering she was thankfull home, Shelby ushered her in and listened patiently between the sobs and sniffles what had happened.

  "Call work and tell them you need to use some vacation days. Stay here with me and we will work this out. Its going to be ok Sadie. You've got me now and together we will make it"

  "OK, thank you Shelby. What would I do without you!" Sadie indeed called in and surprisingly they didn't give her any grief about the time off. Probably because she never took time off and always worked for others. She turned her cellphone off and threw it into her purse. The next two days she spent sleeping and crying on Shelby's shoulder. The third day she decided enough was enough and was determined to head back to her house. Maybe she would sell and move somewhere where her and her baby could start fresh. No bad memories and no reminders of Jake Kilgore.

  Feeling so so tired, Shelby unlocked her front door and entered the too quiet, dark house. As her eyes adjusted she scanned the room and looked at it with fresh eyes.

  A figure popped up from her couch and scared the crap out of her. She looked around for anything to protect herself and she came up with an umbrella. Alot of good she would do with that, but better than nothing!

  "Sadie, its me Jake!" The figure said. Sadie flipped on a light and indeed it was Jake. He looked like road kill. The start of a beard was on his always close shaved jaw and he looked like he had worn his clothes for a month. Why did she give him that key!

  "Jake, what the hell are you doing here? Don't you have a pregnant fiance to attend to? You piece of trash!" Sadie said advancing on him with her lethal umbrella.

  "Sadie, I can explain, please baby, give me a chance." Jake pleaded.

  "Oh, I've heard that before mister and I'm done listening. Leave before I stab you to death with my umbrella you jerk!" Sadie said, anger steaming from her.

  "I swear to God, on everything that is important to me
that she is not apart of my life! Please! Just hear me out and if you still don't believe me I will leave and never darken your doorstep again."

  "You have 3 minutes, get to the point, this umbrella is heavier than it looks." She relented. Stupid stupid. What was it about this man that she just couldn't stand her ground?

  "On the night I got mugged, I had just left Sonia's house. I originally went there to break things off with her and found her with another man. She found out about my accident and tried to pass her lovers baby off as mine! She was at my house that night to try to fool me. Sadie, Sonia and I had only been together 2 months, there is absolutely no way her baby is mine. I've sent her packing with the threat of a restraining order if she ever comes near us again. Then you wouldn't answer your phone and haven't been home so I’ve literally been camped out here until you returned. You've got to believe me! She told me what she said to you and I can prove I was in California. I'll do anything to make this right"

  Lowering the umbrella, Sadie slumped to the ground. Can she believe him? Did she dare?

  "Jake, I don't know what to say. This is all too much. How many other women are going to come out of the woodwork? I can’t keep doing this!" She said, dejectedly.

  "That's the last one I swear! I will recount every girlfriend starting from grade school to you if that would help." Jake offered.

  "Don’t you dare make a joke at a time like this! Not funny! So your saying that your not involved with this crazy girl, you did indeed go to California and what? What do you want from me Jake? Why did you want to talk to me? You sounded so serious!" She cried, she felt tears starting again. She was surprised she had any tears left after the last couple days.

  "Sadie, please, I can’t stand seeing you cry! I did go to California. I missed you so damned much and I realized that I couldn't live without you. I was...I was going to give you this..." Jake took out a small black box from his pocket. Opening it for her, Jake held the most beautiful ring Sadie had ever seen. "I was going to beg you to marry me Sadie. That's about as serious as a guy can get, don't you think?" he said, inching closer, he knelt down and held out the ring to her.


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