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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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by GM Scherbert

  “I’ll be fine Prez. I know that we need to hit them together if we have any chance of making this shit work and getting them back. I’m just worried, it’s been a long few days.”

  “Believe me Brother. I know the feeling and don’t wish it on anyone. We will get them back.”

  Moving out of the room, I find myself staring at the footage before I know it. Tank must want me outta his hair because after about fifteen minutes, he hands me a zip drive with the videos on it and tells me to head to my room.

  Reaching my bed, I don’t think I will sleep, but know that if I don’t I could be the reason that something goes wrong. That our woman or children might die because of it and I know I need to sleep. With that thought alone, I find a fitful sleep with the footage of my babies playing on the computer on repeat in the background.

  Chapter ten


  Hearing what is going on, I rushed to take the kids over to Ember and Doc’s place. Ember was home, Doc was already at the clubhouse and I knew that Ember would understand me needing to help Heather out in any way I could. As I kiss the kids, I get back into the SUV and make sure that the gun that Abraham gave me a few months back is loaded, then put it back in the glove box. Pulling outta their driveway, I make my way to the clubhouse to see if there is anything that needs to be done.

  Listening to some of the men talk, I hear that they only know that the vans went south. When I see the pain in Bull’s eyes I know what needs to be done. I know the guys will have their answers to where she is soon enough, that is one thing that I learned quickly about my husbands. If one of their Brothers or their families are in trouble they will stop at nothing to solve the problems.

  When I think of what I overheard, that Niki was part of the shit, I know one sure fire way to find out where the fuck they took Heather. I’m glad that after I heard about the shit that she got Peach into, I started digging into her and searching for her.

  I know that my ass is going to be tanned, but I need to get to Heather before what happened to me happens to her. It takes me about three and a half hours to find her and when I do there is no doubt that she knows why I am knocking at her door. I remembered her saying that she had been at the club in New Orleans, so I put in a few calls as soon as I heard about Peach and finally got a location on her. Tucking the gun into the waistband of my pants, I head to the door.

  “Niki, I know that you are there and that you know what I want.” Knocking louder, I pause with my fist mid-air, “Open the fucking door and let me the fuck in.”

  As I resume my pounding the door opens and Niki stands before me. No longer looking like, the girl, I had seen so many times at The Dungeon before, not like the lost little girl that I thought of her as. She looks more like the diabolical fucking whore that I now know her to be.

  “What are you doing here Pearl? How the fuck did you figure out where I was?” Looking behind me, she was quick to add, “Are they here with you?”

  Pushing my way past her, I walk further into the house and see the traces of cocaine on the table. So, she has been here living it up, while she set up Heather and fucking let Zack attack Peach.


  Drawing the gun outta my waistband, I think back to the gun range visits that I have made with my husbands I think if they ever thought I would use it for this, they may not have taught me at all. After a few weeks of shouting at the range, Tank was so happy with himself when he gave me this pearl handled piece when were there together one day.

  “Little One, I know that you have been having fun coming out to the range with us. I picked something up for you the last time I went to the gun shop.” Pulling a box out from under the table, I wonder what on Earth he might have gotten me. It’s not wrapped and the plain brown box it is in leaves my mind wondering what’s inside.

  When I open the box, the pearl handled pistol I pull out is something that calls out to me. But, something that I don’t think I would have ever been comfortable owning. How wrong I could have truly been though.

  “Abraham, it’s gorgeous but, I don’t need a gun. I love when we can spend time together at the range and I love that you guys are teaching me about guns.” Turning it over in my mind, I ask, “What on Earth would I do with this?”

  “Pearl, it’s more for times when we come out here together. But, Markus and I talked and we thought that it might be nice for you to have something that could keep you safe, if anything ever happened to you again.”

  Reaching up to his face, I run my hand down his gruffy beard and tug him closer to me. “I know that you fucked up and I more than have forgiven you for everything that has happened. If there is something going on with the Devil’s, please let me know. I would rather know what was going on, so I can make sure that I keep the kids safe, and make sure all the ol’ ladies are protected as well.”

  “Pearl, you know that neither Markus nor myself will discuss club business with you. But, there has been some shit going down between Heather and Sophie’s piece of shit dad. We are just trying to make sure that you can be prepared if need be. We don’t want anything to happen to you or the kids so it would just put our mind at ease.”

  “What’s going on with that fucker, Abraham? I know that he treated Heather bad, but if he has done anything to either her or that sweet little girl of hers- “

  Moving swiftly to me, he puts his hands over my mouth stopping the thoughts of what I could do to that little piece of shit. “None of that Little One, I know where your thoughts are going and that shit is not acceptable for either Markus or myself.” Moving his hand off my mouth he strokes down my cheek, gripping my throat up roughly, he goes on, “Don’t think that we would hesitate to tie you up and take those thoughts out of your head. You know that we don’t like when you get into other people’s business. Markus isn’t here now, but I bet he would drop whatever he was doing and meet us at The Dungeon without hesitation. Is that what you would like for him to do? Hmm, Little One?”

  “No, Sir. I understand what it is that you want from me.” Is all I’m able to get out before my eyes draw away from Abrahams, and I must stop myself from lying. That is one of the things that will definitely get my ass torn up and one thing that I could do well with avoiding, at least for now.

  Drawing myself outta the past I find myself moving closer to Niki and ask her one last time to tell me where Heather and those fucking Demon Riders are.

  Quickly she answers, “I won’t fucking tell you, you won’t fucking kill me.” Smiling up at me, it’s too bad that she doesn’t really know me just as much as she should. “I’m not scared of your old wrinkled ass. Maybe you should go and help Peach out, it seems that you and her have more in common than me and you!”

  That is where she is dead wrong, I know that Peach and I will be sitting down for long talks when this shit gets taken care of, but shit needs to be sorted before I can get to that. Niki hasn’t been around long enough to know all the stories of what has happened between me and fucking Layla. She must have heard stories of the rape, but maybe not so much about how Layla met her fate. The truth that Markus and Heathers’ men have tried to keep from me. The truth that they thought I couldn’t handle. The truth that I was the one that ended her miserable life.

  If only she had realized that, maybe the smirk on her face may not be so fucking wide right now.

  Flipping the gun around in my hand, I clock her upside of her head with the pearl handle. Not wanting to stop there, but needing more information, I hold back, for now.

  Watching as she falls to the ground, I don’t pause before saying, “Tell me where they have taken her Niki, I think that you know. Not because they would have trusted you with the information, but more likely because you overheard something that you should not have.” Raising the gun up I ask again. “Tell me, bitch.”

  Pulling her hand back from her head, I notice blood on her fingers. Looking up to me, the thoughts are turning in her head before she answers. “I don’t give a fuck about
that stupid fucking cunt and her bastard kid. I ain’t telling you fucking jack shit.”

  My patience is wearing thin with this shit, and my need to get to Heather is winning this battle. Dropping the gun, I decide the persuasion that I need might have to be the kickboxing and self-defense classes that I have been taking.

  Grabbing Niki up off the ground, I push her into the wall before backhanding her. “Tell me now.”

  Shaking her head, I don’t miss a second before closing my fist and bringing it square across her jaw. The blood that flies out of the corner of her mouth, grazes my other arm that I am using to try and hold her up.

  “Tell me” I yell out as my fist connects with her jaw again.

  As the blood spills from her lips, I know that this is probably useless, but I wonder if she was dumb enough to leave any evidence around this apartment. Landing another blow to her face, I use this moment to find something to tie her up with.

  As I am tightening the last of the restraints, I know that this search will be quick. Going through anything that I can find, I’ve been looking for going on forty minutes, when a cell phone rings out.

  Moving slowly towards it. I check the caller and see the name that I am searching for. Moving over to Niki, I stuff a towel I find nearby into her mouth before hitting the call button to answer the phone.

  Before I get a chance to answer the voice on the other line begins, “Niki, I’m gonna text you the address where we took Heather and those two bastards. I want you to go get Sophie and bring her here as soon as you can.”

  “Ok,” is all I manage to get out before the call is disconnected and I feel the phone in my hand vibrating. Looking down, I see an address in Texas come across the screen.

  Moving over to Niki, I take a look over and see the anger in her eyes. Pulling the towel outta her mouth, I don’t get a chance to speak before she is spouting off.

  “You better fucking run back to your men, Pearl. When those Demon Riders get their hands on you they won’t just stop at your old wrinkled ass, they are going to have fun with those little fucking prissy girls of yours as well.”

  I fucking lose it at her comment and don’t hesitate to pick up the gun and land another crack with the handle against her skull. The sound of the pearl handle hitting her skull is not something that I will easily forget. Slumping down at the hit, I see the blood coming out as I turn and move towards the door. After that last threat to my kids, I don’t care one way or another if she is ok. Tucking my gun back into my pants, I don’t look back before making my way out to my SUV.

  Plugging in the address, I see that I can make it to Heather, in about twelve hours. Pulling onto the freeway, I send a quick message to Ember that I will be gone for a few days and not to mention anything to Doc or my husbands. I also send one to Peach to let her know where she and Shadow could find Niki. Knowing that the bitch won’t be alive for much longer- I am not saddened one bit.

  Getting to Heather, and making sure that she and those babies are safe, is the one thing that matters at this point. I know my ass is going to pay for this fucking meddling, but I have to get that girl and babies safe as soon as I can.

  Damn the fucking consequences.

  The trip goes by quick. There are seven unanswered calls that have come through from my husbands and I know that they are probably not only worried, but down right pissed. I don’t dare listen to any of the messages, not knowing is better than knowing to me at this point.

  Stopping a few blocks away from the clubhouse, I make sure to hide my gun and get my hair in place. If I am passing myself off as a woman looking for a good time, at least, I would draw less suspicion if I don’t look like I was in a car for twelve hours straight. Finding the clubhouse and getting through the front door is almost too easy.

  Walking into the clubhouse, I get the strange sense that the Demon Riders are all partying hard in celebration of their newest prisoners. I find the SOA and sit next to him at the bar, knowing that it is only a matter of time until the drinks he is downing will catch up with him, I bid my time.

  His hands start to get a little too friendly and that is when, I know that getting him drunk and talking needs to happen right now. I wave over the bartender and order us up some shots and another drink.

  As he gulps one then the next shot, I lean into him asking, “Looks like you guys are celebrating, or do you always party this hard?”

  “Yea, we just freed our next generation and we are celebrating having them here with us.”

  Knowing that he is talking about the babies and Heather, I am quick to try and get more information. “Oh. I love babies, you think there might be any chance that I could see them?”

  “Well, I don’t see why not. Prez has her under lock and key so it shouldn’t be any big deal. But first let’s go back to my room and you can show me how good you are at blow jobs.”

  The grin that spreads his lips, starts my stomach rolling. I know that there are some things that my husbands will forgive but giving anything to this man would be a no fucking go. Grabbing the bottle of Jack next to the bar, I scoop up the shot glasses we had been using and say, “Show me the way, Axe.”

  He points the way to the place that Heather and the kids are in on our way to his room. I thank the lucky stars that he felt the need to impart that information before this had to go any further.

  As we make it inside the room, I am quick to smash the bottle over his head and tie him to his bed before checking my gun and heading to the door that he pointed out.

  Chapter eleven


  The first strike with Bear’s belt lands across my breasts, and has me screaming out within a second. As the blows continue to rain down on me, I am not sure how much of this I can take. The ones that land across my C-section stitches are the worst, but Bear only laughs as my screams mix with tears. Glancing down to my torso, I see the lash marks marring my skin. Most of them are bleeding and I know that the scars that he is leaving will be there for years to come.

  “This is the kind of shit that you like, isn’t it you little pain slut?” Zack yells from beside me. As my head rolls to the side, I see him pulled free his cock and stroking it roughly. Moving towards my face he starts stroking it faster before slapping it against my face. “I can’t believe that Wrangler was so fucking against us coming to use you up like the slut you are. That fucking old man is really trying to make you some kind of fucking princess and for what? Bringing these brats to be the next fucking generation of the Demon Riders, I don’t know what the fuck he is thinking. I can’t believe that he didn’t even notice that those fucking brats have different color eyes. I’m guessing that little boy isn’t even his fucking grandbaby, with those fucking blue eyes. Wrangler is too fucking wrapped up in what he has been planning that he doesn’t even fucking see it.”

  Moving closer he slaps his cock against my mouth again, “Open up slut, it’s time for you to put that fucking mouth to a good use. You are no fucking princess and those fucking brats will not live long enough to be the next generation of any fucking thing if I get a choice in the matter. All I wanted was our fucking kid, but they had other plans once they found out you were pregnant with Country’s kids.”

  Trying to scream only earns me a dick getting shoved deep inside my mouth. It takes a few moments of getting face fucked before I register the bed dip in-between my legs. Feeling hands on my pussy I cringe and gag on the cock being forced into my mouth. Zack pulls himself free as I throw up onto the bed next to me. That does little to deter him though and his cock is quick to come back towards me.

  Bears hands are rough as he touches my pussy. He inserts two fingers into my bone-dry pussy before trailing them down towards my asshole. Sticking a finger into it I scream out at the pain. Thrashing around on the bed, I know that I need to do something, and right quick if I will ever make it out of this shit alive.

  Before Bear has a chance to rape me, I do the only thing that I can think of as Zack slams his cock back into my mouth.
My jaws clamp down on the dick now deep in my throat. As my teeth meet a scream like none I have ever heard comes from the man that is now laying on the floor next to me.

  “What the fuck did you do, bitch?” is all I can make out between the screams that are filling up the room from the floor. As I spit the dick outta my mouth, I glance down flowing the screams and see blood pouring from Zack’s groin.

  Bear is off the bed and me in a second. Moving over to Zack, the screams are still spilling free from his mouth.

  “I need to go to the hospital, Bear. That bitch just bit my fucking dick off.”

  Hearing the door open, I don’t want to know how this is going to end up but can’t stop my eyes from slowly moving to the door. What I see there, however, is the last thing I thought I would ever see.


  Holding a gun trained on these two men the look in her eyes is something that chills me. She doesn’t move an inch as she takes in the scene before her voice comes.

  “Heather? You okay over there?” she says without moving her eyes or the gun off Bear or Zack.

  “I’m here. Fuckers didn’t rape me so there’s that. Don’t know where my babies are though.”

  “The guys are coming, and they are going to find the babies quickly.” Pearl says cutting the distance between us quickly never moving her stare from the men. “Let’s get you off this bed and take care of these stupid fucks and we will go find the babies.”

  Loosening my binds, she frees me quickly as Zack’s screams continue. Glancing over, I catch movement and grab the gun from Pearl quickly taking a few steps closer to the men.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” is all I can manage to get out before I fire the gun towards the men sprawled on the floor. The blood starts to spill outta Bear’s crotch and is matched by blood coming from a new hole in Zack’s leg as well. As I register what I have just done, I take a few steps back as the door opens and Bull comes into view.


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