Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7) Page 6

by GM Scherbert

  Moving quickly towards me, Bull takes the gun from my hands and moves swiftly towards the men still on the floor. As my eyes follow one of the men that I love, I know that I am finally safe, and relax into Pearl who has throwing her arms around me. My knees give way as Pearl helps me to the floor. The only things that draws my attention back to the men on the ground are the loud pops that I hear as Bull reaches them. Those pops and the sight playing out before me are something that I will never forget.

  Both Bear and Zack have been shot in the head. Neither are moving and I have no sympathies for either. These men would have raped and killed me without another thought.

  As Bull turns back towards me, he cuts the distance between us fast. Scooping me up from Pearl, I pass out with the thoughts of the last few days and the knowledge that Country is dead.

  Chapter twelve


  I can’t believe what the fuck I walked into. Why the hell is Pearl here? Tank and Blaze are going to be fucking livid when they catch wind of her here. Me? I’m not pissed one fucking bit because I know that proud momma bear just saved my girl.

  Glancing over at the corpses on the ground, I notice the bullet holes and see that Zack is also missing his fucking dick. Looking down towards our girl, I see the blood around her lips and know instantly what has transpired. She shivers in my arms and I know that the adrenaline has started to wear off.

  Opening her eyes, I can’t help but leaning down to take her mouth with my own, after wiping off some of the blood. As our kiss ends, I pull back looking to Pearl for some explanation. The look on my face must not escape her because she starts with a warning.

  “Bull, I am going to get it enough from my husbands when they realize that I am here, I don’t need it from you too. I came here as soon as I found out where they had taken her.”

  “How did you fucking find out before we did? Or were you eavesdropping when we had church?”

  “I don’t fucking do that shit Bull, don’t try to put that on me. I went right to the source and found out where they had taken her.”

  “The source, who the fuck are you talking about?” I say looking from Heather to Pearl.

  “Niki, made sure to let Peach and Shadow know where she was too” She says moving quickly to draw the phone outta her pocket. “Here, call the guys and let them know that we have Heather.”

  “The babies?” Heather gets out before trying to sit up. “Where are our babies?” she cries out louder this time looking directly at Johnathan.

  “I don’t know Little Spitfire, but we will find them and we will make these fucking Demon Riders pay for what they did to you.” Stroking easily over her head, I stop short as I see her wince from the pain.

  Taking the phone from Pearl, I see that she has grabbed a burner and use it to call Prez.

  “Prez, it’s me Bull. We have Heather and need to find the babies before we can roll out.”

  “Get her outta here right fucking now. I’m not sure what the fuck they had planned but I know for sure that letting her and those babies of yours leave here was not part of the plan.”

  “OK Prez, I will grab her and Pearl and meet you at the rendezvous point.”

  “Pearl, why the fuck is Pearl with you? Put her on the fucking phone right fucking now.”

  Handing the phone to Pearl, I can hear the screaming from Prez and am almost scared for her. One look at my girl, and my thoughts of Pearls punishment fall to the wayside.

  Gathering her up into my arms, I move quickly towards the door. Glancing out into the hallway I don’t see anyone and know that now is as good of a time as any to make our way out of here. As we make our way towards the exit, I check each room as we pass. Stopping dead in my tracks looking into one of the rooms nearer the exit, I feel Pearl’s body slam into mine.

  The door is ajar and the figure on the bed seems much too good to be true. Although he is bruised and bloodied, I would know that man anywhere, and so it seems does our woman.

  Seeing this man that we thought was dead since they dragged him away three days ago, you can feel the tension leaving first myself and then Heather in turn. The slow rise and fall of his chest lets us know that our thoughts for the last days could not have been further from the truth.

  Wiggling outta my grip, Heather moves quickly and we find ourselves making our ways towards him, Heather is first to reach his side, and starts looking him over with no pause. He must be drugged because with the way our woman is pulling and prodding at him, he would be feeling some pain by now. Pearl is close by and moving slowly to check on his wounds as well.

  Looking him over, I see his right arm in a full cast and his left leg in one as well. I am not sure how his insides are doing, if they are anything to match the outsides he has a long road in front of him.

  Grabbing up Pearl’s cell again, I dial the Doctor that we brought with and let him know we will be needing him as soon as we get to the rendezvous point. Before pocketing the phone, I dial Prez again.

  “Prez, we got Country. I am taking him with us to the rendezvous point. If you need me to come back- “

  Cutting me off quickly he answers, “No. You take your woman, Pearl, and Country and get them the hell outta her. We will get these fuckers rounded up, and sit on them until we are all ready to face them, together. Go take care of your family man, and we will get your babies to you as soon as possible.”

  Chapter thirteen


  When we see Wayne, I know in that moment that he wasn’t dead, my heart wept for joy. I knew that Blaze, Tank, Gun, and Doc had their eyes on the babies and they would lay their lives down for either one of them. But, once I get Country into the truck I am doing nothing but heading back into that fucking place to get my babies

  As we struggled to get Wayne out to the truck, I see the chaos going on around us and don’t know how I will fair trying to get to the babies. There are men down on the ground throughout the clubhouse and I for one can’t tell the fucking difference between them.

  Placing Country into the truck, I turn quickly and move towards the door we have just exited. Bull, however has other ideas and is quick to grab me up.

  “You can’t go back in there Little Spitfire.”

  “I am not fucking leaving here without them Bull. Don’t ask me to do that.”

  “Fuck” is roared out as I wiggle my way outta his arms and make it inside of the clubhouse.

  I hear Pearl call out from behind me, “I’ll get Country to the house- Doctor is on the way, go keep her safe and get those babies.”

  Feeling Bull move in next to me, reaching his arm around my waist steering me through the wreckage that is now this clubhouse. There are a few groups of men still fighting, and Bull steers me clear of them as we move. When we reach the back of this large room, we move to a door that I remember from the first day that I was here. It was the office that Wrangler brought me into after he showed off the new generation. The talk we had in that room will haunt me until my last day.

  “Heather, this is how this is gonna go. You are ours now. I will give you a little time to adjust and seeing that you just popped those babies out, I won’t expect you to be earning your keep for a few weeks. Once that time comes though, you will do what I say if you wanna make sure that these babies and you stay safe. You feel me?”

  Without drawing my eyes up from the bundles that are in each arm, I nod my head in answer.

  “I need to hear the words; I need to hear you say that you understand what will be happening here and what the outcome will be if you decide to pull any shit.”

  Softly I answer, “Yes Wrangler, I understand. You will give me time to heal, but then I will be expected to earn my keep by any means necessary or my babies and I won’t be safe.”

  Stroking a rough hand over my face, he grabs up my chin bringing my eyes up. “You and that little girl are nothing to us, and I will have no problem turning one or both of you out to earn for the fucking Demon Riders. I’m not sure what my boy told you
of us or his life here before he ran off with that bitch mother of his- but we aren’t some pussy asses that don’t know the different ways flesh can make us money! I know a nice group of guys south of the border that would take you and” pointing towards Wynnie “her and pay us top dollar for both.”

  With that thought, I know that any hope I have of escape is crushed down. The shivers that start to rack my body are uncontrollable. I don’t think I could live with myself if this son-of-a-bitch touched me let alone one of my babies that way. But, if the stories Country told of the flesh trade that the Demon Riders were involved with are true, I got a whole shit lot more worries on my plate now.

  What the fuck kind of man is Wrangler? How the fuck did Country come from a man like this. Thank fuck that Country was nothing like his piece of shit dad. Country was always so giving, loving, and compassionate- thank fuck he didn’t get caught up in this club instead of the Devil’s Iron. Thank fuck that he didn’t get taken by the shit his father is spouting.

  Shaking my heads outta thoughts of that night, we reach the door and without pause, Bull draws his gun up and slams himself into the room, placing me behind him as he goes. The scene laid out there is one that puts my mind further at ease.

  Looking over his shoulder, I see Blaze, Gun, Tank, and Doc circled around a couple men that are laid out on the floor. The men must have all raised their guns as we were entering because as my eyes move over them, they all slowly drop their weapons back to the side. My feet start to move towards them, I hear a loud cry before I am able to reach them. Looking towards the sound I see a pack-n-play pushed into the corner with Wyatt and Wynnie inside.

  Blaze’s harsh voice cuts through the room. “What the fuck Bull, you were going to take them to the rendezvous point. Why the fuck did you let her in here?”

  “I didn’t really have a fucking choice Prez. Our ol’ lady didn’t stop as soon as we got Country into the truck, she turned and ran back inside. Your ol’ lady had the truck in gear before I could reach Heather at the door to come back in. She’s taking Country to the Doctor and told me to go get my woman, keep her safe, and bring our fucking babies home.”

  Running for the pack-n-play, I grab up both of them and move back towards the group of men. Looking up into their faces, I know that I shouldn’t have come, but I needed to know that my babies were safe.

  “I’m sorry Blaze, I just needed to know they were safe.” Glancing towards the group of men on the floor, I move slowly towards them, and my eyes instantly fall on Wrangler. “And make sure that this fucker was getting what he fucking deserved.”

  “Heather- you know this will be dealt with- have no fucking fear about that. But, you shouldn’t have disobeyed us.” Looking towards the other men, he scoffs before going on. “It seems like s none of our woman are very good at following fucking directions though.”

  As the men nod their heads in agreement, I look towards Bull who has not taken his eyes off me or our babies. Stepping slowly into his side, I move my arms slightly so that he can see the babies.

  “They are fine, Johnathan. Can we get them outta here so I can introduce them to their daddies?”

  Smiling at the term, he looks towards Blaze saying, “Prez, it looked like most everything was under control out there. But, just to be safe could I have a little help getting our woman and our babies outta here?”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way, Brother.” This coming from Tank who has moved towards the door, with Gun and Doc right behind him.

  “I’ll keep an eye on these fuckers until you get back,” pausing briefly I think he is finished. “Bull, get her and those babies outta here this time. There will be hell to pay if I have to answer for not only the blood we had to spill, but innocents as well.”

  Bull looks back at Blaze, and nods his head in response, “I got you Prez.” Turning back to the door, he places an arm behind me again and lets Tank and Gun lead the way out.

  As we move back through the large open room, the fighting and movement has almost come to a complete stop. Seeing some of the other Devil’s Iron around the room, I know that they have taken this fucking clubhouse and its fucking members down.

  Loading the babies into a van with Illinois plates on it, I load up both the babies in their car seats. Sitting down I fell an arm reach across my stomach and flinch before I realize it is Bull putting the seatbelt on.

  “Little Spitfire, you have nothing to fear, no one will ever hurt you again.” Leaning into me, I wince from the pressure he is putting on my belly. “Oh fuck, I’m sorry Heather. Let’s get the fuck outta here so we can get you checked over and check on Country.” Moving only his head in this time, he kisses me gently on the forehead before moving slowly away.

  As we slam past the gates, I know that the last few day will be nothing but a memory soon. But today, they are still fresh in my fucking mind.

  Chapter fourteen


  The minute that we got into the clubhouse I knew these fucking guys were no match for us. There numbers were outweighed by the force that turned up to help us out. We had chapters from Chicago south meet up on the ride with us to help get Bull and Country’s girl and babies back.

  When we rolled up to the gates we have close to two hundred Brothers with us. Thank fuck that the Demon Riders clubhouse was in the middle of nowhere or there would have been no chance to keep our fucking entrance quiet. We are hoping that the heat we are all packing won’t be needed, but you never know what’s waiting on the other side.

  Getting through the gates was something that Tank had no issue navigating. His array of fucking weapons in one of the vans we brought was nothing short of a military arsenal. He blows the gates and we are inside them in under a minute.

  As we got off our bikes drawing our weapons, we stormed the fucking place quick. The dumb fucks must not have been expecting us because we took down the five men they had outside quick.

  Breaching the door into the clubhouse fell on the shoulders of a chapter from Missouri. One of their members had visited with the Demon Riders and gave us a detailed description of what we would be walking into.

  Jump and Crack took the door with little resistance and then the slaughter began. Tank, Bull, Gun, Doc, and I were next in and we found about forty members inside. Seeing the club girls running for the back rooms, I know that the gate getting blown alerted them to our arrival. Didn’t give them enough time to do much in the way of arming themselves though.

  Most of us were packing but we didn’t need to draw our weapons, yet. The pounding that we would give them would relieve some of the tension and stress we have been feeling since the night that they took Heather and Country.

  The first fucker that gets close enough to me is a big motherfucker. He is no match for the rage I feel knowing that he could be the one that fucking took out my Brother. That he could be the one that ended his life before he got to be a daddy.

  The blows that I land are matched by each one of my Brothers in turn. We are quickly able to move through the room knowing that the Brothers behind us will take care of whatever remains.

  Reaching the door to the main office, I notice Bull heading down a side hallway and I send a few of the Missouri boys down after him. Pausing for only a moment outside of the door, I grab my gun out as Tank takes the fucking door out.

  Moving swiftly into the room, my eyes land on the men that I have only seen on camera. My gun is not the only one trained on them as they eye me and the Brothers that have cleared the door behind me. The men that forced Country off the road and fucking ended his life. The men that thought they could come into The Dungeon and take something, someone that didn’t fucking belong to them. The men that will not live to see one more night, if I have anything to say about it.

  “Put your fucking weapons down. You have no chance of making it outta here alive. We brought two hundred Brothers with us and if you take us out, I’m pretty sure you won’t make it very far.”

  Holding his gun steady, Wrangler
speaks slowly while taking a few steps towards the back corner of the room. “Not that I don’t love your honesty I just don’t know what will happen with these beautiful little babies if I get trigger happy.”

  Moving my eyes off him, I see that he has now positioned himself behind a pack-n-play. A pack-n-play that has two gorgeous babies in it. Two gorgeous babies that are tiny and in need of both their mommy and at least one of their daddies to be safe.

  “Come on Wrangler, this is not the way this should go. Those are your grandbabies you have that gun trained on. You going to shoot your own fucking blood?”

  “We both know that slut was probably fucking every guy in that fucking sex shop of yours. She sure as fuck liked having two dicks in her most the time anyways huh?” Jerking the gun towards the babies he adds, “These are probably not even my blood, guess the world really won’t miss them-”

  Without thought, I shoot the arm that is holding the gun on the babies. The loud bang scares the babies and the screaming from them is only matched from the man I have just shot. Who is now rolling around on the floor clutching his arm.

  As I swing my arm around to the other men in the room, I see that Gun, Tank, and Doc have taken the other men down as well. They are wrestling around with them, but the rage that my Brothers feel is not to be outdone.

  Before I can speak to them I hear my burner ring out, “Prez, it’s me Bull. We have Heather and need to find the babies before we can roll out.”

  “Get her outta here right fucking now. I’m not sure what the fuck they had planned but I know for sure that letting her and those babies of yours leave here was not part of the plan.” Is all I’m able to get out before Bull goes on.

  “OK Prez, I will grab her and Pearl and meet you at the rendezvous point.”


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