Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7) Page 7

by GM Scherbert

  Running a hand over my beard I tug tightly before answering. “Pearl, why the fuck is Pearl with you? Put her on the fucking phone right fucking now.”

  The momentary pause that comes only makes my words harsher as I hear her breath as she comes on the line.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Pet? There is no fucking way in hell that you should have left our babies and home to come fight this fucking fight. You should have fucking left it to us, but you had to fucking meddle, didn’t you?”

  Waiting for an answer I know is not going to come I go on, “Your ass is going to fucking burn when we get to you, Pet. Don’t think for one fucking minute that this shit is okay or that we will let this shit slide. You are ours and your safety is our main concern.”

  Tugging again on my beard, I know that Tank has picked up on what the fuck is going on and he is fucking right there with me. Seething in fucking fear and anger for our woman.

  “Get yourself to that fucking rendezvous point and don’t fucking move. We will deal with you when we have this shit under wraps.”

  Cutting the call, I glance at Tank and I know in a second that not only is he on the same page about our woman, but about what needs to be done with these fucking assholes. These men that think that the rules of common respect to not fuck with a man’s family are made to be broken.

  Grabbing each man up we take turns pounding our fists into them. They won’t be much longer in this world and I for one am glad that they will be suffering when they go outta it.

  As I move Wrangler closer to where his Brothers are, we bind them all together after making sure that we have taken all their weapons off them. As we are standing above them, I head over to check the babies but before I reach them, my burner rings again.

  “Prez, we got Country. I am taking him with us to the rendezvous point. If you need me to come back- “

  Cutting me off quickly he answers, “No. You take your woman, Pearl, and Country and get them the hell outta here. We will get these fuckers rounded up, and sit on them until we are all ready to face them, together. Go take care of your family man, and we will get your babies to you as soon as possible.”

  Looking at the babies, I see that they both have calmed down for the moment and fallen back to sleep. I move back towards my Brothers and this group of fucking Demon Riders.

  Kicking the Prez, I get his attention to ask, “What the fuck were you thinking, Wrangler?” Kicking him again, this time in the ribs, I go on, “Taking something- someone that was not yours to fucking take? Who the fuck do you think that you are? Those babies and that woman belong to Country and Bull. They have long ago claimed her as their ol’ lady and that means she is fucking Devil’s Iron property.”

  “Country should never have been fucking Devil Iron- he was born and raised to be a fucking Demon Rider. When he tried to take my fucking life, he lost that chance. I knew that one day he would finally settle down and give me what I wanted, the next generation of the Demon Riders. I just had to sit and wait for him to start his little fucking family. Who would have guessed he was a gay son of a bitch as well, taking a fucking dude to bed with him?”

  The kick I land to his face makes his head snap back and I wonder if I might have just snapped his neck. When I see, his chest rise and fall with a slow rhythm I know I’m glad that I haven’t taken this payback away from Bull. He deserves taking this man’s life for what he has put his woman and Country through.

  Hearing the door open, Gun, Doc, Tank, and I all raise our guns. Seeing Bull filling the door frame, I wonder what the fuck he is doing here. Then I see her head moving out from behind him, bobbing from one side to the other to get a better look.

  As we all slowly drop our weapons, I tuck mine back into the waist of my pants. Heather is on the move before a loud cry comes from behind us. As all our heads whip, around, her movements only become quicker at the sound of her children.

  My voice is harsh as I speak to Bull. “What the fuck Bull, you were going to take them to the rendezvous point. Why the fuck did you let her in here?”

  “I didn’t really have a fucking choice Prez. Our ol’ lady didn’t stop as soon as we got Country into the truck, she turned and ran back inside. Your ol’ lady had the truck in gear before I reached Heather at the door to come back in. She’s taking Country to the rendezvous point and told me to go get my woman, keep her safe, and bring our fucking babies home.”

  Heather grabs up one and then the other kid struggling as she does so. Looking towards Bull I wait for him to make a move. Her voice is weak as she addresses me from across the room, “I’m sorry Blaze, I just needed to know they were safe.”

  Bull glances toward her voice and the pain on his face is almost unbearable. This man is seeing his children for the first time, and I am not sure what he is feeling but he moves quickly to meet his woman, who is on the way over to us now.

  Seeing the relief on her face, I know that she is much more like Pearl than I had thought. Her need to make sure her children were safe; Pearl would have done nothing different. Thinking of Pearl, I am reminded that she has gone against both Tank and my own wishes that she stays out of this.

  As she roams her eyes over the group of fuckers that we have rounded up she adds. “And make sure that this fucker was getting what he fucking deserved.”

  “Heather- you know this will be dealt with- have no fucking fear about that. But, you shouldn’t have disobeyed us.” Moving my eyes from her, I look towards Tank before going on. “It seems like none of our woman are very good at following fucking directions though.”

  Bull has not taken his eyes off his woman or babies, and he moves slowly towards them. Stepping slowly into his side, she moves her arms slightly so that he can see the babies.

  “They are fine, Johnathan. Can we get them outta here so I can introduce them to their daddies?”

  Smiling wide at the term, he looks towards me saying, “Prez, it looked like most everything was under control out there. But, just to be safe could I have a little help getting our woman and our babies outta here?”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way, Brother.” Comes from Tank who has moved towards the door, with Gun and Doc right behind him.

  “I’ll keep an eye on these fuckers until you get back,” I pause briefly before finishing. “Bull, get her and those babies outta here this time. There will be hell to pay if I have to answer for not only the blood we had to spill, but innocents as well.”

  Bull looks back at me, nodding his head in response, “I got you Prez.” Turning back to the door, he places an arm behind her again and lets Tank and Gun lead their way out.

  Waiting behind, it takes about twenty minutes for Tank to come back. Looking towards him I ask, “Tank did you get them off alright?”

  “Yeah, got the babies, Heather, and Bull loaded up in the van. Sent Gun with them to make sure that someone would be with them just in case.”

  “Good. Let’s get these fuckers moved so we can get to the rendezvous point. We need to check on Country and make sure he’s stable to travel. Then I think our little wife needs to be reminded that meddling is not acceptable.”

  “Agreed Brother.”

  Getting the Demon Riders situated we move them to one of the vans. Thanking the other chapters that have ridden with us on this journey, I know that when and if they are in need they will not hesitate to call.

  Chapter fifteen


  The moment that I set eyes on Country my heart fucking soared. That was nothing compared to the first time I saw our babies though. Looking on as our woman holds our babies is something that I will never forget.

  As we are driving to the rendezvous point, I can’t keep my eyes off all three of them. When we finally reach our destination, I hop out of the van and am quick to climb into the back to help Heather and the kids out.

  She is up and outta her seat before I even have the side door open. Heather is kneeling unlatching the car seats as I lean into the van. Picking up one, she
hands the baby to me saying, “Take Wynnie for me Johnathan while I get Wyatt out. It’s about time that you met your daughter” smiling at me she adds, “I think you’ll recognize her eyes, they look much like her daddies, Wayne.”

  Awkwardly I take Wynnie from her mother and try to find a comfortable way to hold her. Struggling with the baby that is wriggling about in my arms, I am not sure what I am supposed to do or how I am supposed to hold her.

  I have held babies before don’t get me wrong, but this is by far the smallest one, and she’s ours. As I glance down towards her, I see the brightest green eyes staring up at me. Instantly I can feel my heart soar as I look down at my daughter. Then the wiggling begins again and I almost lose my hold on her.

  The loud chuckle I hear from Gun draws my eyes to him. His hand comes down heavy on my shoulder as he says, “You’ll get the hang of it Brother. They only seem breakable, believe me- if I can do it, so can you.”

  Moving aside, I hold Wynnie closer as Heather makes her way outta the van with Wyatt held tight. Seeing her with our boy wrapped tight in her arms, the weight I have been feeling since she was taken starts to lift.

  The ear-piercing cries that come shortly after have me thinking that our babies are hungry and that we need to be heading inside. I don’t need anybody seeing our ol’ lady feeding our babies, not that Country and I won’t be doing that in the near future.

  “Come on, let’s get you and these babies inside” Gun says moving towards our woman as the cries increase. As he steps next to Heather, I don’t miss the flinch or the way that she moves away from him, and neither does he.

  “Whoa, whoa there Heather,” he says putting his arms up in defense. When he continues, his voice is raised and the harsh words that come out are directed towards our woman. “I’m not here to fucking hurt you. We came here to get you away from those pieces of shit.” Lowering his voice, he goes on, “I would never let anything happen to you or those sweet little babies.”

  Dropping her eyes as soon as Guns voice raises up, I can’t help but think of all the things that could have happened to her in the days that she has been gone. The joy and love that I was feeling is lost in a second and replaced with a hate I have never felt. The men that we have left tied up will be seeing me soon, and they will not make it long with the thoughts running through my mind.

  “Sorry, Gun. I know that you would never do anything to me. I guess that I am just a little skittish from all the shit that has happened the last few days. I am sure that in a few days I will be my old self again.”

  Gun nods his head as he moves towards the door of the house. I move next to Heather waiting for the flinch that I hope to fucking hell will not come. Watching her as I move in next to her, I see no movement and my mind sets at ease knowing that she still feels safe with me.

  Moving the baby to one side I use my free arm to wrap it around Heather. She leans into me as we make our way towards the house. Having her and our babies together is only missing one thing- Country.

  Gun is there opening the door for us as we make our way inside. He leads us past Pearl who is cooking dinner in the kitchen, into a large bedroom where I see Country laid out on the bed as we enter. The babies continue their crying and Heather makes her way to the chair that is to the side of Country.

  Pulling down her top, she moves Wyatt to her breast and has him feeding in moments. As I hold onto Wynnie her cries only get louder and I look towards Heather for help.

  Seeing the look on my face a small smile crosses her face. “I can only feed one of them at a time, Johnathan. Well, I could probably try feeding both of them, but the stitches from the surgery are still fresh and I am not nearly at 100%, yet.”

  As my eyes roam down over her exposed flesh I see marks all over her. I see not only bruises but cuts, scratches, and things that I am almost positive are bite marks. “Tell me what happened to you, Heather. What did those fucking Demon Riders do to you?” Is all I can think to say as she glances up at me and I notice all the marks that are now marring her ivory flesh.

  “I don’t want to talk about it Joh- “

  Cutting her off I speak harsher than I should with what she has been through. “Now, Little Spitfire. You will tell me what those fucking bastards did to you and you will do it now.”

  Shifting slightly in her chair she looks at me with tears now spilling from her eyes. She raises her hand and brushes away the tears before beginning. “When they took me- we were in the van for maybe six hours before we stopped because the contractions were coming too close, but I had passed out from the pain at some time during that. When I woke up some fucking guy had cut me open and took the babies out when he said they weren’t coming on their own. Wrangler gave me a few hours to heal before we headed out in the van again. We stopped a few times, when the babies needed to eat and that sick fuck Bear never missed his opportunity to fucking leer at me.”

  A shiver rocks through her body before she goes on. “The first day at the clubhouse, I was left pretty much alone with the babies. No one came in except for a couple times when Bear brought me food. The next day however, Zack and Bear came in to visit me, and I thought by the way they were talking that they would’ve raped me then, but Wrangler came in and cleared the room.”

  Using her hand to wipe away some more tears, she gets to today. She starts telling me about how she woke up to find the babies gone, and those two fuckers in her room.

  She drops her eyes from me before continuing. “I could feel Bears hands on my pussy, and he was none to gentle with his touches. I was so fucking scared, not only at the thought of being rapped, but of not knowing what was happening with the babies.” Looking up she meets my eyes before finishing, “That’s when Zack started to try and fuck my mouth. I didn’t know what else to do, so I bite his cock off. That’s about when Pearl came in with the gun. The rest, I think you know.”

  Thinking about what Heather has just told me, I begin to bounce Wynnie around in my arms moving a few steps she only starts crying louder. I thought that the swaying from side to side was going to calm her down somewhat, but I seem to have been mistaken. When I glance back towards Heather, I catch movement from the bed. Wayne’s eyes have opened and he is taking in the sight before him.

  I am not sure what part of the story, if any, that he has caught as Heather was telling it. But, when I see the look in his eyes on second glance, I know that he heard the whole story and the pain I see there is matched by mine.

  Chapter sixteen


  When I heard Heather and Bull talking, it took me a fucking little bit to try and remember what was going on. Then I remembered being in the accident and vaguely remember being put in a van.

  With the story that Heather has just told however, I know exactly where I am and exactly who did this.

  Wrangler, my fucking father.

  I thought I had ended his sorry fucking life those years back. I must have had no such luck though. And it seems that my woman and the Devil’s Iron have also had no such luck with that fucking piece of shit.

  Moving slightly, I feel a sharp pain before I’m able to sit up somewhat in the bed. The groan that comes from me draws Heathers attention, and that’s when I notice the little bundle in her arms.

  “Wayne, your awake.” Moving quickly, she is hovering above me, kissing me on the cheek. Before I know what’s happening she has placed the bundle into my uncasted arm. “Meet your son, Wyatt.”

  With that she moves over to Johnathan, kissing him on the cheek before grabbing the squirming bundle outta his arms. Sitting on the side of the bed, she pulls down the other side of her shirt and quickly has the little girl latched onto her.

  “Wayne, we didn’t think that you were alive.” Johnathan moves closer to the bed as he goes on. “The crash site had us all thinking that you were a fucking goner- there was so much fucking blood.”

  “Yeah, well I have been more out of it than anything these last few days. I remember waking up one or two times with Wrang
ler sitting over me, but I thought it was a fucking dream. Much like I thought when I heard you both talking tonight.”

  Looking down at the sleeping baby in my arms, I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. Leaning down I place my lips against his forehead before turning to Heather. Seeing her feeding our daughter, I am filled with joy but also sadness seeing all the marks that she has on her body. Bruises on her face, cuts and scrapes all along the skin that I can see.

  “I have so many fucking questions about the last few days. What the fuck did Wrangler want with her and our children Johnathan. Why the fuck did he team up with Zack?”

  Johnathan begins to answer but is cut off by Heather. “He wanted the babies, Wayne. He thought of them as some kind of new beginning for the Demon Riders. That is all he kept talking about- how Wyatt would be the next generation of the Demon Riders.” Looking from me to Johnathan she drops her eyes before going on, “And what would happen if I didn’t go along with his little plan.”

  “What did he threaten you with Spitfire.”

  “He let me know that he and the Demon Riders had plenty of ways to make money off a woman like me and even off Wynnie.”

  The thought of my father talking to my ol’ lady about that shit, fuck. I remember the fucking human flesh that the Demon Riders were into and some of those fucking guys in Mexico were fucking disgusting. The moment she said that he mentioned selling her I lost it. It got only worse, when she mentioned his talk of our child like that, has me seeing fucking red. I hope that Prez has made sure that Wrangler is still around because there will be not better joy then ending his life, and making it plenty fucking painful.

  Catching my train of thought, Bull answers the question I didn’t ask.

  “Yes, Country- Prez has Wrangler, Axe, and a few others on lock down. He’s waiting for word from us before anything happens. I’m guessing that he’ll want them moved back to our turf before anything happens that way, we will have everything on hand, and know the lay of the land and shit.” Looking between myself and Heather he continues, “I am sure he will call an emergency meeting as soon as we get back to Chicago.” Pausing only briefly he goes on, “Speaking of- if you’re up to it, and Heather and the babies as well, we should probably get a move on.”


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