Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7) Page 8

by GM Scherbert

  “Yeah, you driving or?”

  “Guns here and will drive the van home. I’ll ride with you, seeing how you won’t be any good helping Gun if something fucking goes down and I for one need to be sure that nothing happens to Heather or our littles. Pearl should probably come with us because it ain’t gonna be pretty if something would happen to her before her men can have a word. I guess I’ll have one of the prospects bring my bike back on a truck.”

  “Yeah- there is no chance in hell Prez and Tank are not going to be coming here to get Pearl before they head north. NO FUCKING CHANCE.”

  Just as I finish that thought the door to the room we are all in opens, and Gun walks in.

  “Prez is on his way, he’s taking Pearl back with him but, he’d like to have a word with you,” looking towards me, “and her” glancing towards Heather.

  “Yea, I thought as much,” I say looking from Bull to Heather. “You just have to tell him the truth Spitfire. He just needs to hear what happened to you these last few days. He’ll probably want you to come into church when he calls it as soon as we get home, to tell the Brothers as well.”

  “Can’t you tell him what I already told you. I don’t want to talk about what happened to me in front of all those guys.” She says dropping her eyes away from mine, I see the tears start to flow. “I don’t want to remember what they tried to do to me.”

  “We understand that, Little Spitfire, we really do. But, Prez will want to hear it straight from your lips.” Johnathan says as he steps closer to her, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. “It’s nothing that we have not dealt with before Heather, unfortunately.”

  Moving again on the bed, I try to make my way over and off the bed to where Bull and Heather are, without success. Wyatt starts to wake with my movements and I stop them quickly. Instead Heather and Bull move to the bed next to me.

  Putting my casted hand on her leg, I say quietly, “We will get through this Heather. And I will make sure that my dad and those fucking Demon Riders never get near you or the babies again.”

  With that we fall into silence and my thoughts wander to my father. Why did he pick now to come after me? Why has he been sitting in wait all these years? What did he hope to prove by this fucking stunt? What the fuck was my Ma thinking being with him as long as she was?

  Chapter seventeen


  Getting Country into the safe house, was no small feat, thankfully the doctor was already here waiting. He was able to look over Country, and let me know that he had been sedated, which is probably why he had not woken up yet. Giving him something to revive him, he tells me he should be waking up within an hour or two.

  Making my way into the kitchen I take a moment to call Ember and check on her and the kids. She lets me know that everyone is doing well and asking when Momma and their Daddies are coming home. The next call I make is to Peach. She lets me know that things with Niki have been handled and that Shadow and her will talk to Prez when we get back to Chicago.

  After getting off the phone, I do one of the only things I can think of, well other than how much trouble I am in.


  There isn’t a lot that can be made from what is in the kitchen, but I make do with what I can find. Throwing together some ingredients I start a pot of soup and some sandwiches. I am still in the kitchen working when I hear the front door opens.

  When I see Gun, Bull, Heather, and the babies walk through the door I am so glad. I had hoped that I had gotten here before anything worse happened to Heather and the way I found her has me thinking I did.

  Watching them walk into Country’s room, I am glad that they have found each other again. The love between them is something that I see within myself and my men as well.

  Putting the sandwiches out and finishing up the soup, I speak with Bull for a few minutes. He lets me know that I have a few hours before we head out and I decide sleep will be a good thing. I head into the only other bedroom and snuggle under the covers.

  It is not long before I am lost to sleep, and find myself lost in dreams. It feels like it has only been short minutes before the door slams open and I jolt up. What I am greeted with is two of the angriest looking men that I have ever seen. My husbands.

  “Pet, don’t speak a fucking word. Turn over so I can paddle that fucking ass red, so that our long ass trip home is as uncomfortable as possible for you.” Markus’s eyes are dark and burning holes through me as I slowly get up and move to my hands and knees.

  “What the fuck were you thinking, Little One?” Abraham says as he strips down my pants and panties to my knees. “Leaving our children at home for someone else to care for while you fucking what? Coming down here by yourself to do what exactly? You thought that you would be able to save Heather from the fucking Demon Riders by yourself?” Raising his voice, Abraham doesn’t miss a beat stepping towards the head of the bed, grabbing my chin up tightly. “You will never do anything like this shit again. Do we make ourselves fucking clear?”

  Meeting his gaze, I nod my head in agreement. I want to answer them, and give them the reassurances that they need to hear- but I don’t dare speak outta turn when they are in such foul fucking moods.

  “You will take twenty with my hand and then fifteen with my belt, Pet. Don’t forget this is not for you, this will fucking hurt and you deserve every fucking lick. You came down here without protection and took matters that we would have dealt with into your own hands. That fucking shit is unfuckingacceptable Pearl. When we are done, your Sir and I will have our way with you and you will not murmur a word. You will not fucking come. Not a fucking peep. Then we will go home and you are on fucking lock down until Abraham and I can trust you to do what we want at all fucking times.”

  Nodding my head again I drop my eyes before the first strike lands to my ass. I know instantly the difference between this and the spankings both my Sir and my Master usually deal out. The pain that radiates from that first blow alone lets me know this shit is about to get painful.

  After ten strikes with his hand my ass is on fucking fire. Abraham has freed his cock from his pants and begins to slowly tap it against the side of my face. As another slap lands to my ass and my mouth opens to catch a breath, my Sir slips his cock into my mouth.

  Deep thrusts have me gagging on his cock instantly. He’s relentless as he drives himself into my mouth. I have to catch myself from clenching down when another slap lands on my ass. The stinging from that slap causes the tears to start flowing. I know that what I did was wrong and that I will take my punishment, but FUCK, this shit stings.

  Continuing to swallow Abrahams cock, I feel a brief pause from behind me, before the first lick with the belt lands. When it does, the screech that struggles past my lips is a sound that I hope to not hear again soon.

  By the fifth lick with the belt, I am shaking with the adrenalin that is coursing through my body. My Sir, smartly removes his cock from my mouth before I bit down on it and moves behind me towards Markus.

  “She is crying and a complete mess, Markus.” Abraham says skimming a slow hand over the marks that I am sure are now marring my flesh. “She almost bit me more than once, and I value my cock a little too much to let that happen.” Slapping my ass roughly, he adds, “You sure she will be able to handle all this? We haven’t punished her in nearly a year and it is a long drive back to Chicago.”

  “Yes, she deserves this, Abraham. She fucking left our children with Ember, without saying a fucking word to us. Not one fucking word.” the belt connects with the flesh on my thighs and I fight back the scream that is dying to come out. “Confronted Niki by her fucking self, then instead of calling us to talk, she fucking calls Peach” the belt connects with the flesh on my ass and I bite my tongue to hold that one in. “Then came here like some fucking vigilante to rescue Heather. That shit ain’t going on without some fucking harsh ass consequences.” The strike that now lands identically to the last across my ass is forcing the tears outta my eyes at a fast rate. “Sh
e should have learned these lessons after meddling in Doc and Embers relationship and then again in Sara and Gun’s. But, no she fucking didn’t” another lick lands with the belt across my thighs as he goes on. “She hasn’t fucking learned that we will protect all our Brothers and their fucking families, with our lives if need be. She has no faith in us and our abilities to take care of her, our family, or our brotherhood.”

  The last blow lands the sharpest of all. I am sure that my ass is not only bruised but bleeding and I am not looking forward to the pain I will be feeling on the long trip home. These men sure do know how to hand out some punishment when its warranted, and it is fucking warranted now.

  I get no aftercare or sweet nothings before Markus drops down on the bed pulling me on top of him. He pushes himself inside my pussy with little pause, or resistance. As I adjust to him being seated deep inside of me, I feel Abraham move behind me. He runs a hand over my ass only momentarily before slipping deep inside.

  The fullness that I feel is taken aback when I feel the welts rubbing against Abraham. Neither man is taking it easy on me as they pound into me and take the pleasure that they want. Neither man pauses to see about my pleasure or comfort, which only drives this punishment on.

  To add to the punishment, Markus brings his hands up to my throat. As his hands wrap around my neck, I feel the air slip from my lungs as he grips tighter. Struggling to breathe, my lungs burn as he holds tighter. Never taking his eyes from me, he watches me until I am near to passing out. When the lights start to dance behind my eyes, I feel his grip loosening and both men come in an instant.

  As my Master and my Sir pull outta me, I can feel their cum slipping from inside of me. As it slowly trickles down my leg, the sorrow that I feel at having this punishment only grows.

  Abraham is the first to pull away, and he only mumbles, “get yourself cleaned up so we can hit the road, Little One. We don’t have time for you to stall, so make it quick.”

  This is a sharper hit than any blows that Markus landed tonight. But, it is topped by Markus who moves from underneath me slowly. Saying, “You don’t need to clean up at all. No cleaning our cum from you, or stopping it from dripping down your legs. No sauve for those welts that are starting to form. Nothing. You will ride to Chicago in pain and you will think about the things that you have done wrong these past days. And if you think you will be getting into the truck and driving yourself home, you have another thing coming. You will be on the back of my fucking bike the whole time.”

  Standing off the bed, he bends to pick up his clothing going on. “You will not speak during the trip. We want you to think about what you have done, what you should have done, and why we are so disappointed in you.” Pulling his shirt over his head, “We will be talking with you about all of your decisions when we get home, and not a fucking minute before we are ready. Do you understand how this is going to go Pet?”

  Nodding my head is all I dare to do in answer. With that my Master and my Sir leave outta the room, and I am left with the thoughts running through my mind. If what I did was right. Should I have done something else? Could there have been another way to have Heather avoid the outcome that I was so fearful of?

  Pulling myself outta those thoughts, I move across the room and dress myself in something that will be comfortable to travel in. Packing up my bag, I make sure that my possessions are tucked away safely and ready to make the journey home. As I wait for Markus to let me know that we are heading out, I decide to take a seat. As soon as my ass lands on the chair I realize that was a huge fucking mistake, that this is going to be a long fucking ride home.

  Chapter eighteen


  When I first heard that Pearl was here, I almost fucking lost it. Thoughts of her that night I found her in the Knights clubhouse running rampant through my mind. The weeks and months of recovery that she struggled through. The fear that something might have happened to her- something that Abraham and I couldn’t have stopped from happening. But, I kept that shit locked down in front of the Demon Riders and my Brothers.

  When we got all the Demon Riders rounded up in the vans and the guys started north, I knew where we were needed. The rendezvous point with our wife, reminding her of who she belongs to. As soon as we see her laid out on the bed safe and sound, the fear that I had was replaced quickly with a burning need to impact my will on her. Looking towards Abraham I see the same drive on his face, the need to remind our woman of who she is owned by.

  Making our way over to our girl, I remember back to the last time that we had to punish her. The last time she felt the need to meddle in something that she had no business in. Those memories flood my mind as I think about what we are going to do to her now.

  ***Our last punishment***

  When we walk into The Dungeon, we are expecting to find a normal Saturday night happening. That however is the furthest thing from what we find.

  We find our woman, our wife, my Pet, his Little One in the middle of a heated argument between two club members. As we make our way closer I am more enraged to see that the Dom is no other than Master Theo, the man that tried to take my Pearl from me the night she came here alone.

  Looking towards Abraham, I know that he has heard the story a time or two and he doesn’t hesitate from moving towards Pearl and pulling her away from the argument. I however, can’t find it in myself to draw myself away from her- that is until I am drawn back into the argument that is happening.

  Master Theo and Niki, one of our newest Subs, are arguing over what I can only guess is a relationship that they have tried to start engaging in outside of the club.

  Niki, “This shit ain’t working for me Theo. I am not going to keep trying to make everyone happy when I seem to be the only one who ever puts themselves out there. If you can’t seem to get to her then I don’t know what you want me to fucking do.” Is all she is able to say before Master Theo is snatching her up by her hair, bringing her face within an inch of his own. When they are that close, I don’t hear the words that are exchanged, but when they pull away the looks on their faces haven’t changed.

  Stepping between them, I quickly ask each if they need a private room to finish their discussion. They both look at me with wide eyes, and must realize for the first time that their little display has led to more than just me watching them and hearing their little fight. They each turn to look as the members slowly turn back to their own distractions.

  Looking over to Abraham, I notice that he has pulled Pearl into a room near the end of the hall. As he nods his head at me, I move my eyes towards the bouncer that we have running security tonight. Making a mental note to give him a rundown on what’s going on, and find out what the fuck I am doing being the first one on this scene- where the fuck has he been.

  “Master Theo you and your little subbie need to take your talks into another room. You shouldn’t be out on the floor discussing details of your lives. You both know that and I shouldn’t have to come over here and say something like this to you.”

  “Master Markus, this is between me and this sub. I know better than to air my fucking laundry around a place like this. I’m sorry that this shit spilled out onto the floor we won’t let it happen again. Right Niki?”

  “Yes, of course Master Theo, I’m so sorry Master Markus, I didn’t mean any disrespect,” pausing briefly she looks from Master Theo to me briefly, “I just had a brain fart I guess. It won’t happen again, Master Markus, I promise.”

  Abraham moves next to me as Niki stops talking. I am sure that he put Pearl into an uncomfortable situation and we will deal with her meddling after this is done. Pearl has been doing better lately with her meddling, but from this shit we walked in on tonight gives us pause to remind her of our wishes, that she keeps her nose the fuck outta other people’s business.

  Neither Abraham or myself have had many interactions with Niki, but we do make sure to know all the members when they first register. She came here shortly after Heather started coming, and has never
settled with anyone as far as I know. It seems however her and Master Theo have at least a little something going on.

  Abraham is the first to speak, “Master Theo, Niki, there is a room free- please go in there to finish your discussion. That is if you feel safe Niki?”

  “Yes, of course I am safe with Master Theo, he has never done anything to make me feel unsafe.”

  Abraham goes on, “Take this sub into the blue room and discuss your business there. You will both be put under watch and on probation here at The Dungeon for a few months. You will not be able to scene publicly or use any of the rooms after tonight. Do either of you have any questions?”

  His question is met with silence, as their heads start to shake they turn slowly and move down the hall towards the blue room.

  Turning towards Abraham, my thoughts are quick to leave the couple moving down the hall and wander back to our woman. I wonder only about what Abraham has done with her and how hot her fire will burn when we get to the room.

  “Abraham, let’s give her some more time, yes?”

  “Making her sweat huh Markus?” He reaches for my shoulder clasping it tight before turning towards the bar. “Let’s sit for a while, and have a drink or two before we go and give our woman what she so rightfully deserves.”

  “That is exactly what I was thinking.” Ordering a beer for each of us, we pull out our stools before taking a seat. I see Peach outta the corner of my eye, flitting around behind the bar and stop her to ask about Master Theo and Niki.

  “I don’t know much of them, Sir. Only that they have been seeing each other for a month or so. I have seen them together only once or twice inside The Dungeon and it just didn’t seem right.” She says pulling on the hair that is now over her shoulder.


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